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<div class="moz-forward-container">Hi,
<p>after doing XChartDataArray setData(), what must I do to let
the GUI update the chart with the newly set data?</p>
For example, if my document contains a chart called "Objekt80",
then running the following macro changes the chart series data,
but the chart doesn't update to display the change.<br>
Sub Main<br>
objs = ThisComponent.getEmbeddedObjects()<br>
for i = 0 to objs.count - 1<br>
obj = objs(i)<br>
if (obj.Name = "Objekt80") then<br>
oChart = obj.Component<br>
oDataProvider = oChart.DataProvider<br>
oData = oDataProvider.Data<br>
Dim oDataArray( 0 To 1 ) As Object<br>
Dim oSeries1( 0 To 2 ) As Double<br>
Dim oSeries2( 0 To 2 ) As Double<br>
oSeries1( 0 ) = 3.141<br>
oSeries1( 1 ) = 2.718<br>
oSeries1( 2 ) = 1.0<br>
oSeries2( 0 ) = 17.0<br>
oSeries2( 1 ) = 23.0<br>
oSeries2( 2 ) = 42.0<br>
oDataArray( 0 ) = oSeries1()<br>
oDataArray( 1 ) = oSeries2()<br>
oDataProvider.Data = oDataArray()<br>
EndIf <br>
Next i<br>
End Sub</div>
<div class="moz-forward-container"><br>
<div class="moz-forward-container">Thanks for any hints,</div>
<div class="moz-forward-container">Jan Rheinländer<br>