[Libva] vaPutSurface blend with UI controls

Gwenole Beauchesne gbeauchesne at splitted-desktop.com
Mon Feb 8 07:05:21 PST 2010

Hi Jonathan,

On Mon, 25 Jan 2010, Bian, Jonathan wrote:

> I agree that direct transfer of VA surface to GL texture is preferred 
> over the TFP approach. Let's try to finalize the API first. Do you have 
> an updated proposal on this?

Well, I have not changed the API for some time and I am now exclusively 
using vaCopySurfaceGLX(). i.e. we can drop the previous associate, 
deassociate, begin and end functions. If you can implement that in GMA500 
or MRST drivers without TFP this will be really fine as is.

Here is a stripped down version of va_glx.h.


- vaGetDisplayGLX()
- vaCreateSurfaceGLX()
- vaCopySurfaceGLX()
- vaDestroySurfaceGLX()

pretty simple.

Some quick notes:

- The GLX context is expected to be live (glXMakeCurrent()) at the time 
the VA/GLX functions are called. We could add the GLX context to 
vaGetDisplayGLX() but in that case an implementation will have to 
glXMakeCurrent() itself and restore the previous context itself.

- The GL texture format is to be detected by the implementation. In my 
current implementations, that's only GL_RGBA or GL_BGRA.

- The vaCopySurfaceGLX() function transfers the surface to the texture, 
carrying on colorspace conversion at the same time. Are people interested 
in NV12 pixels instead? In that case, we would need more elaborated API to 
map/unmap those to GL textures. In practise, this is not possible on AMD 
HW as the driver can only do transfers from NV12 to RGBA|BGRA anyway.

- The VA/GLX surface type is simply void * for now but it could be a 
VASurfaceID if you fully implement the API in GMA500 and MRST drivers. The 
reason for a void * was for me to keep track of the data at the libVA 
level for the generic implementation through TFP. I would have required 
further tweaks with object_heap.c & stuff like that. But void * is fine 

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