[Libva] Bitrate limit for hardware decoding by intel hd graphics?

Arie Peterson ariep at xs4all.nl
Mon Jun 25 12:32:33 PDT 2012

Hello all,

(Not sure if this is the appropriate list; please correct me if not.)

(I tried sending this email before, about two weeks ago, but it never seemed 
to get through. I'm now subscribed to the list, so I hope it'll work this 

What performance can I expect when decoding h264 with an Intel HD Graphics 
chipset (as found on an Intel Core i5 U470)?

Apparently, the material shot by my camcorder (1080p, 50fps; bitrate around 
28Mb/s) is too much for the decoder; mplayer-vaapi cannot play this back at a 
reasonable speed. Even some high-bitrate 1080p/25 videos are too heavy.

It seems the CPU is not maxed out though, so I wondered if the chipset or 
video driver could be the bottleneck.

This is with libva-1.0.15 (latest stable provided by gentoo) and 
mplayer-1.0_rc4_p20110322 with vaapi patches (I hope this is not too old).

Is there something I can do to improve decoding performance?

Thanks and regards,

Arie Peterson

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