[Libva] Running libva applications without X

Gwenole Beauchesne gb.devel at gmail.com
Fri Apr 19 09:34:19 PDT 2013

Hi David,

2013/4/15 Verbeiren, David <david.verbeiren at intel.com>:

> When you wrote "This will work as long as [...] you don't expect several users to do the same thing at the same time", do you mean that multiple processes using the video decode/encode feature through VA DRM is not supported? Or were you just referring to a permission type of issue?

Yes, multiple processes are supported. There is no issue if they are
started from the same user.

Allowing concurrent access to the device would require some kind of
library/helper application that serves as an arbitrer. This is
out-of-scope for libva.


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