[Libva] Interlaced encoding

Artem Makhutov artem at makhutov.org
Tue Jul 22 23:26:42 PDT 2014


Zhao, Yakui schrieb:
> On Tue, 2014-07-22 at 03:58 -0600, Artem Makhutov wrote:
>> Hallo,
>> I need to encode interlaced content to interleaced H.264.
>> De-Interleasing is not an option for me.
>> Right now I am using Intel Media SDK for this, but I would like to go with libva.
> The libva-intel-driver doesn't support the interlace encoding as the
> interlace was one out-of-date technology to reduce the encoding
> bit-rate. (Although the bit-rate can be reduced, the image quality will
> be affected very significantly).

Yes, this is correct. However in the real world interlaced encoding still plays a big role.
It is required for "professional" applications like TV broadcasts, video conferencing and so on.

How hard is it to implement it in the driver?

Thanks, Artem

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