[Libva] rescale frame. HD4600 Haswell.

Nikita Orlov nikitos1550 at yandex.ru
Wed Nov 26 02:47:27 PST 2014


Thank you!

But, what do you mean about pre and post processing?
Pre and post what operation? Pre video encoding and past video encoding?

If we are talking about encoding, I can`t imagine any post processing, because result 
of encoding is bitstream.

Could you explain it for me a bit more. Please.

26.11.2014, 08:41, "Xiang, Haihao" <haihao.xiang at intel.com>:
> Hi Nikita,
> VAAPI provides VAProfileNone/VAEntrypointVideoProc for pre/post
> processing. You can use it for scaling if the input and output surfaces
> in the video pipeline have different dimensions.
> Thanks
> Haihao
>>  Hello!
>>  Is it possible yo use some kind of hardware frame down (up) scaling before h.264 encoding?
>>  I use HD4600 Haswell.
>>  --
>>  Nikita Orlov
>>  Skype: nik_stet
>>  QQ: 2717846083
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Nikita Orlov
Skype: nik_stet
QQ: 2717846083

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