[Libva] Robust configure without Wayland (see bug 79478)

Thomas Orgis sobukus at sourcemage.org
Sat Nov 28 13:52:00 PST 2015

Am Fri, 27 Nov 2015 22:04:25 +0100
schrieb Gilles Chanteperdrix <gilles.chanteperdrix at xenomai.org>: 

> I think I posted a mail about the same bug for libva-intel-driver
> 1.6.0 in July:
> http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/libva/2015-July/003413.html

Indeed, you report the exact same findings and a very similar patch.
Now, I would not mind if _any_ of the proposed variants (including the
Mesa approach postet by Emil) gets tested once without and _with_
wayland and included in libva upstream. I'm not particulary attached to
my variant of the patch;-)

Dear libva team: What is prohibiting inclusion of a fix for bug 79478?

Alrighty then,


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