[Libva] vaapi and libva status broken on segfaults

Matteo Fortini matteo.fortini at gmail.com
Tue Apr 26 16:07:07 UTC 2016

I am using a vlc (2.0.9)+vaapi (0.32 libva 0.15.0)+xvba (0.8.1)+fglrx 
(13.4) setup for decoding h264 with direct rendering (Jean-Paul Saman's 
patches) (Radeon 6250). CPU usage is very good, since it stays at around 
50% with and AMD G-T40E processor.

Unfortunately, if vlc crashes (xvba sometimes segfaults), or if I kill() 
it with SIGKILL, it seems that vaapi status remains corrupt (no call to 
vaTerminate()) and after some vlc restarts the decoder eventually stops 
working giving surface errors.

Is there a way of cleaning vaapi's status, short of resetting the 
machine? Unloading X and fglrx is not working, and changing virtual 
terminal after killing X with

chvt 1; chvt 7

isn't working either.

Unfortunately the machine is not replaceable and the software stack was 
tested and I am wary of substituting from the drivers to VLC.

Thank you in advance
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