[LightDM] systemd cooperation

Martin Briza mbriza at redhat.com
Mon Nov 12 08:17:36 PST 2012

Hello Robert,

On Thu, 08 Nov 2012 03:14:32 +0100 Robert Ancell <robert.ancell at gmail.com>  

> LightDM doesn't actually track the active session. In the above step 4
> LightDM should have detected that session 1 terminated and started a
> greeter session (the equivalent of SwitchToGreeter). Can you give the
> output of /var/log/lightdm after this occurs?

I've saved the log here: http://mbriza.fedorapeople.org/lightdm.log-stuck  
. The error about CK locking doesn't really matter - the session is locked  
by systemd.
For comparison, I've also added the log with SwitchToGreeter:  
http://mbriza.fedorapeople.org/lightdm.log-works .
 From the difference, it looks to me like LightDM doesn't notice activating  
VT1 and when it is released, doesn't spawn a greeter on its place as it  
wasn't treated as active.

> ps the lightdm + systemd issue is being tracked in
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/lightdm/+bug/930488 but there isn't any major
> work in it.

I know but I'm not sure I'm ready to write anything absolutely related to  
the issue before I've investigated the whole of it. But I have registered  
and will post a link to this discussion in the the thread.

Best regards,
Martin Bříza

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