[LightDM] falling back to other greeters if one fails

Andre Klärner kandre at ak-online.be
Mon Jul 22 03:24:39 PDT 2013

Hey guys,

I love lightdm and am using it exclusively on all my debian machines, but
recently during an OS upgrade I foolishly upgraded Gnome to 3.8 which broke
the lightdm-gtk-greeter. So it took me a while to figure out that my theme
broke the greeter as the engine it uses has a bug in it.

So my question to you is: is there a feature to provide a fallback greeter
in case the first one exits within a few seconds and keeps repeating over
and over again or would it be even better to provide a really small builtin
greeter that does nothing more than the bare minimum: ask for user and
password and logon a session with nothing more that e.g. Xlib (I am
thinking of something as simplistic as xscreensavers dependancies).

Thanks and kind regards,

Andre Klärner
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