[LightDM] Launch remote session from greeter without password

thierry.forest at free.fr thierry.forest at free.fr
Wed Feb 5 06:26:37 PST 2014

Hi all, 

I would like to know if there is any options to allow access to a remote server ( using freerdp) direct from the greeter..

I'm using lightdm 1.8.4, lightdm-webkit-greeter-0.1.2, lightdm-remote-session-freerdp 1.0 on saucy 13.10 (ubuntu)

I can access from my remote throught lightdm-remote-session-freerd after authentication of my regular user. 

But, I would like to be able to accès to my server without authentication because the authentification will be ask later. 
It is possible to by pass the authentication like guest user does ?

I've tried to use guest behavior to suit my needs but I can't specify my session (freerdp)and the guest-session option is not available. [lightdm_greeter_authenticate_as_guest (LightDMGreeter *greeter)]
I will have to modify greeter.c from lightdm,  to insert one. ( I would prefer not to !)

I've tried to use remote behavior but a user name and password is requiered and the password will be asked. 

I can modify lightdm-webkit-greeter-0.1.2 (the branch seems dead since - 2012-01-12  !)( themes/mytheme/index.html + src/lightdm-webkit-greeter.c ). But I don't want to touch any code inside LightDM itself, to keep compatibility with next lightdm's  releases. 

It's there any solution available or did I missed some informations on the way.

Best regards, 


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