[LightDM] [PATCHES] Multiple prompts in a single PAM conversation round

Robert Ancell robert.ancell at gmail.com
Wed Feb 5 09:18:27 PST 2014

Hi Christian,

Thanks for the patches.

Unity Greeter [1] does handle this case but I suspect you're correct in the
other greeters not.

The correct way to propose changes to LightDM is to make a branch on
Launchpad and propose it for merging. In this case you should do the
following from your local branch:
$ bzr push lp:~yourlpusername/lightdm/yourbranchname
Go to https://code.launchpad.net/~yourlpusername/lightdm/yourbranchname and
click "Propose for merging".
The code can then easily be reviewed, compiled for errors by the CI system
and then landed into trunk.

I don't maintain the GTK+ greeter but you can use the same process there.

For the KDE greeter it depends if you are changing the example Qt greeter
[1] (which is unmaintained I think?) which is in Launchpad or the KDE
greeter which is maintained in the KDE repositories.


[1] https://launchpad.net/unity-greeter
[2] https://launchpad.net/lightdm-qt-greeter

On 5 February 2014 16:29, Christian Seiler <christian at iwakd.de> wrote:

> Hi,
> when using pam_krb5, I've run into the following problem w.r.t to lightdm:
> If a user's password is set to expire, i.e. the user needs to change it
> the first time they log in again, pam_krb5 will ask for the new password
> and the repeated version of the new password during the authentication
> phase (before authentication is complete). For this it uses two prompts
> in the same PAM conversation round. This is in principle handled
> properly in LightDM on the server side, but neither the GTK nor the KDE
> greeter implement this properly. (I haven't tried any other, but I
> suspect they suffer from the same problem.)
> The first patch modifies liblightdm-gobject and liblightdm-qt to provide
> an additional signal that allows the greeter to know that all
> prompt/message signals for the specific conversation round have been
> processed. The second patch modifies lightdm-gtk-greeter to make use of
> it (while still allowing it to be compiled and/or run against older
> versions of liblightdm-gobject). I plan on looking at the KDE greeter
> next, the GTK one was just the simplest one to patch in this context.
> Regards,
> Christian
> PS: I'm not subscribed to the mailing list, so please put me on Cc for
> replies.
> PPS: Since this is my first time doing something with bzr (I mainly use
> git and have dabbled in mercurial), I'm sorry if I don't know the proper
> etiquette for providing patches. For now I have attached the output
> generated by bzr send -o (I recon this is similar to git format-patch?)
> to this email, but if you prefer a different style (inline, as
> attachments in the bugtracker, ...), please let me know.
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