[LightDM] Building on XStreamOS/illumos

Guido Berhoerster gber at opensuse.org
Sat Mar 29 03:02:08 PDT 2014

* Gabriele Bulfon <gabriele.bulfon at sonicle.com> [2014-03-29 10:33]:
> I did some debugging.
> Looks like that the init function in process.c is never called, and here is where signal are setup
> and then delivered through signal pipe.
> I placed some g_debug around process.c, but they never show in any of lightdm logs.
> Should they appear somewhere?

Yes, g_debug() output should show up in lightdm.log. It's
proabably better to run lightdm manually through dbx and then
just step through the code.
You could also set xserver-command= in lightdm.conf to a script
that wraps the X server binary with DTrace and checks whether
SIGUSR1 is emitted by the X server.

> Actually I grepped for the init process function, and I can't see any call in the code.
> Who is calling it?

If you mean process.c:process_class_init(), that should be called
when a process object is instantiated by
g_object_new(PROCESS_TYPE, NULL) in process.c:process_new().
Guido Berhoerster

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