[LightDM] Lightdm lock invocation turns on screen, even if it is invoked on screen turn off

Jayson Willson jaysonwillson245 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 22 13:25:14 PDT 2015

On my Debian Jessie system with awesome (no DE) I face the following 
I use lightdm and light-locker as a screenlocker (both versions 1.4.0 
and 1.6.0 of light-locker tested, versions 1.10.3 and 1.16.2 of lightdm 
tested, and I experience the same problem in new Xubuntu 15.10). If I 
launch it with "--no-late-locking", then if my display turns off (Xorg 
settings) session only gets locked when it turns on again, and so I can 
press some key on the keyboard, and it will be handled before locker 
turns on -> insecure.

If I launch it without "--no-late-locking", then the following happens:
Computer stands idle for 10 minutes, display turns off, screen locker 
turns on, display turns back on automatically, I should wait another 10 
minutes for display to turn off again. Could you please consider dealing 
with this bug? It is very irritating. See 
Thank you.

Yours sincerely, Jayson Willson

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