[LightDM] lightdm 1.18.3 released

Robert Ancell robert.ancell at gmail.com
Fri Aug 12 00:28:33 UTC 2016

This is a stable update in the 1.18 series that fixes a regression
introduced in 1.18.2. It also adds support for in-session greeters.

Overview of changes in lightdm 1.18.3

    * Fix error that caused stdin to be closed. This seems to have lots of
      side effects (greeter not working correctly, multi-seat failing).
    * Add support for greeters running inside sessions. This is enabled by
      setting X-LightDM-Allow-Greeter inside the session .desktop file.
      The session can then use liblightdm to connect one greeter to the
      daemon. The communication is done using a socket
      (/var/run/lightdm/<user>/greeter-socket) that is accessible to any
      process run by that user. Consider controlling access to this socket
      using a MAC system such as AppArmor.
    * Fix various memory management issues exposed by the use of in-session

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