[LightDM] display-setup-script not having desired effect

Michael Aldridge michael.aldridge at utdallas.edu
Sat Jul 2 01:20:20 UTC 2016


I am trying to figure out why my display setup and session setup scripts
aren't having an effect.  I run a lab where users are free to choose any
one of several different sessions, so we configure the displays from
lightdm.  I am trying to troubleshoot why my script is no longer
configuring the screens.  I have provided below the script and the
config file that is in use and greatly appreciate any suggestions for
how to troubleshoot this issue.

screen script:


for i in 1 2; do read -r mon$i x$i y$i; done <<EOF
$(xrandr | awk '/^Screen /{ next; }; /connected/{ disp=$1; next; }; /+/{
match($0, "[0-9]+x[0-9]+( |*)\+",ret); sub("x", " ", ret[0]); print disp
" " ret[0] }' 2>/dev/null)

[ -z "$mon2" ] && xrandr --output "$mon1" --auto --primary && exit

if [ "$x1" -gt "$x2" ]; then
	xrandr --output "$mon1" --auto --primary
	xrandr --output "$mon2" --auto --pos "${x1}x$(( y1 - y2 ))"
	xrandr --output "$mon2" --auto --primary
	xrandr --output "$mon1" --auto --pos "${x2}x$(( y2 - y1 ))"

local lightdm config file:

# This overrides the default configuration of lightdm
# Set the greeter

Once again any suggestions are appreciated here.


Michael Aldridge
Network Administrator
Collegium V Honors College
The University of Texas at Dallas

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