[Mesa-ci-intel] mesa_18.2_staging - Build # 5 - Failure!

Mark Janes mark.a.janes at intel.com
Sat Aug 18 17:41:11 UTC 2018

Andres Gomez <agomez at igalia.com> writes:

> On Fri, 2018-08-17 at 06:17 -0700, intel mesa jenkins wrote:
>> mesa_18.2_staging - Build # 5 - Failure:
>> Check console output at http://otc-mesa-ci.jf.intel.com/job/mesa_18.2_staging/5/ to view the results.
> Is there a way I can see which was the problem here?

Not at the moment.  We have implemented a full visualization for i965 CI
results that we would like to publish externally, but haven't found a
place to host them yet.  Ideally, we would put a server at PSU with the
rest of the FDO systems, but we haven't been able to get a response from
the FDO admins.

Intel policies make it challenging to host a website with active web
content.  Our CI results are implemented with mariadb and flask.  We are
still following up on this possibility.

Hopefully we can resolve this at XDC.

> -- 
> Br,
> Andres
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