[Mesa-ci-intel] Intel CI. Please add new branch for running tests on iris driver

Denys Kostin denys.kostin at globallogic.com
Fri Apr 19 09:12:12 UTC 2019

Hello Clayton, Mark!

Since we got access to your CI system, we improved quality of our 
patches a lot. Thank you for this opportunity one more time.
During last month we started work with new iris driver, made few fixes 
there. It would very cool to get access to the iris CI so we could also 
test our iris fixes before pushing them to mesa master.

Our main goal is to compare test results from i965 and Iris driver and 
determine those, who require fixing. Also, as additional setting, maybe 
would be helpful to "drop" all list with "skipped" tests from i965, so 
we can see the hole picture and "create" new list exactly for Iris, with 
it's own "Skipped" tests after investigation of failure root cause.

If it is possible, please, add this branch:

_link to repo:_https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/GL/mesa.git

_branch_:  iris_ci

_Email for notifications: _ Intel-Graphics-Dev at globallogic.com 
<mailto:Intel-Graphics-Dev at globallogic.com>

Thank you in advance,


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