[Mesa-ci-intel] Clarification about 19.1 CI branches

Juan A. Suarez Romero jasuarez at igalia.com
Tue Jul 2 16:19:10 UTC 2019


First of all, I'd like to know if staging/19.1 branch is not working properly in
the CI.

I've pushed several patches to the branch, but the CI keeps showing only the
build from the 21th of last month:


The other clarification is about mesa_19_1 and mesa_19_1_daily.

The thing is that I only push into 19.1 just when I'm going to make the release
pre-announcement. Which happens once every two weeks. I don't see the need to
test 19.1 daily if it only will change once in two weeks.

The only interesting thing from this daily run is that it executes the 32bit
testsuites. Something that mesa_19_1 does not do. So hence, when I push to 19.1,
I need to wait for the next day if I want to see what happened with the 32bit

I think in the past we didn't have the daily setup, and the mesa_19_1 were
running both the 64bit and the 32bit testsuites, after a push in 19.1 branch. I
would like to bring this configuration, because we would saving time running the
daily setup, and I would get the results for 32bits after pushing the 19.1
release candidate.

What do you think?



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