mesa: Branch 'master'

Brian Paul brianp at
Tue Apr 24 03:22:06 UTC 2007

 src/mesa/swrast/s_aalinetemp.h |   84 +++++++++++--------------
 src/mesa/swrast/s_aatritemp.h  |  136 ++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 src/mesa/swrast/s_context.c    |   30 ++++-----
 src/mesa/swrast/s_context.h    |   25 +++++--
 src/mesa/swrast/s_linetemp.h   |   41 +++++-------
 src/mesa/swrast/s_pointtemp.h  |   50 ++++++---------
 src/mesa/swrast/s_tritemp.h    |   38 +++--------
 7 files changed, 182 insertions(+), 222 deletions(-)

New commits:
diff-tree 0bdf216dd06d5136b8529297297aa962bab548c2 (from d59e6f233b02ffe2c36c2fb89ec26c208a421540)
Author: Brian <brian at>
Date:   Mon Apr 23 21:21:52 2007 -0600

    Improve the code for interpolating fragment attributes a little.  More to come...

diff --git a/src/mesa/swrast/s_aalinetemp.h b/src/mesa/swrast/s_aalinetemp.h
index dd74163..b0b73e8 100644
--- a/src/mesa/swrast/s_aalinetemp.h
+++ b/src/mesa/swrast/s_aalinetemp.h
@@ -81,31 +81,26 @@ NAME(plot)(GLcontext *ctx, struct LineIn
    line->span.array->spec[i][BCOMP] = solve_plane_chan(fx, fy, line->sbPlane);
 #if defined(DO_TEXVAR)
-   {
-      GLuint attr;
-      for (attr = swrast->_MinFragmentAttrib; attr < swrast->_MaxFragmentAttrib; attr++) {
-         if (swrast->_FragmentAttribs & (1 << attr)) {
-            GLfloat (*attribArray)[4] = line->span.array->attribs[attr];
-            GLfloat invQ;
-            if (ctx->FragmentProgram._Active) {
-               invQ = 1.0F;
-            }
-            else {
-               invQ = solve_plane_recip(fx, fy, line->vPlane[attr]);
-            }
-            attribArray[i][0] = solve_plane(fx, fy, line->sPlane[attr]) * invQ;
-            attribArray[i][1] = solve_plane(fx, fy, line->tPlane[attr]) * invQ;
-            attribArray[i][2] = solve_plane(fx, fy, line->uPlane[attr]) * invQ;
-            if (attr < FRAG_ATTRIB_VAR0) {
-               const GLuint unit = attr - FRAG_ATTRIB_TEX0;
-               line->span.array->lambda[unit][i]
-                  = compute_lambda(line->sPlane[attr],
-                                   line->tPlane[attr], invQ,
-                                   line->texWidth[attr], line->texHeight[attr]);
-            }
-         }
+      GLfloat (*attribArray)[4] = line->span.array->attribs[attr];
+      GLfloat invQ;
+      if (ctx->FragmentProgram._Active) {
+         invQ = 1.0F;
-   }
+      else {
+         invQ = solve_plane_recip(fx, fy, line->vPlane[attr]);
+      }
+      attribArray[i][0] = solve_plane(fx, fy, line->sPlane[attr]) * invQ;
+      attribArray[i][1] = solve_plane(fx, fy, line->tPlane[attr]) * invQ;
+      attribArray[i][2] = solve_plane(fx, fy, line->uPlane[attr]) * invQ;
+      if (attr < FRAG_ATTRIB_VAR0) {
+         const GLuint unit = attr - FRAG_ATTRIB_TEX0;
+         line->span.array->lambda[unit][i]
+            = compute_lambda(line->sPlane[attr],
+                             line->tPlane[attr], invQ,
+                             line->texWidth[attr], line->texHeight[attr]);
+      }
    if (line->span.end == MAX_WIDTH) {
@@ -207,33 +202,30 @@ NAME(line)(GLcontext *ctx, const SWverte
 #if defined(DO_TEXVAR)
-      GLuint attr;
       const GLfloat invW0 = v0->win[3];
       const GLfloat invW1 = v1->win[3];
       line.span.arrayMask |= (SPAN_TEXTURE | SPAN_LAMBDA | SPAN_VARYING);
-      for (attr = swrast->_MinFragmentAttrib; attr < swrast->_MaxFragmentAttrib; attr++) {
-         if (swrast->_FragmentAttribs & (1 << attr)) {
-            const GLfloat s0 = v0->attrib[attr][0] * invW0;
-            const GLfloat s1 = v1->attrib[attr][0] * invW1;
-            const GLfloat t0 = v0->attrib[attr][1] * invW0;
-            const GLfloat t1 = v1->attrib[attr][1] * invW1;
-            const GLfloat r0 = v0->attrib[attr][2] * invW0;
-            const GLfloat r1 = v1->attrib[attr][2] * invW1;
-            const GLfloat q0 = v0->attrib[attr][3] * invW0;
-            const GLfloat q1 = v1->attrib[attr][3] * invW1;
-            compute_plane(line.x0, line.y0, line.x1, line.y1, s0, s1, line.sPlane[attr]);
-            compute_plane(line.x0, line.y0, line.x1, line.y1, t0, t1, line.tPlane[attr]);
-            compute_plane(line.x0, line.y0, line.x1, line.y1, r0, r1, line.uPlane[attr]);
-            compute_plane(line.x0, line.y0, line.x1, line.y1, q0, q1, line.vPlane[attr]);
-            if (attr < FRAG_ATTRIB_VAR0) {
-               const GLuint u = attr - FRAG_ATTRIB_TEX0;
-               const struct gl_texture_object *obj = ctx->Texture.Unit[u]._Current;
-               const struct gl_texture_image *texImage = obj->Image[0][obj->BaseLevel];
-               line.texWidth[attr]  = (GLfloat) texImage->Width;
+         const GLfloat s0 = v0->attrib[attr][0] * invW0;
+         const GLfloat s1 = v1->attrib[attr][0] * invW1;
+         const GLfloat t0 = v0->attrib[attr][1] * invW0;
+         const GLfloat t1 = v1->attrib[attr][1] * invW1;
+         const GLfloat r0 = v0->attrib[attr][2] * invW0;
+         const GLfloat r1 = v1->attrib[attr][2] * invW1;
+         const GLfloat q0 = v0->attrib[attr][3] * invW0;
+         const GLfloat q1 = v1->attrib[attr][3] * invW1;
+         compute_plane(line.x0, line.y0, line.x1, line.y1, s0, s1, line.sPlane[attr]);
+         compute_plane(line.x0, line.y0, line.x1, line.y1, t0, t1, line.tPlane[attr]);
+         compute_plane(line.x0, line.y0, line.x1, line.y1, r0, r1, line.uPlane[attr]);
+         compute_plane(line.x0, line.y0, line.x1, line.y1, q0, q1, line.vPlane[attr]);
+         if (attr < FRAG_ATTRIB_VAR0) {
+            const GLuint u = attr - FRAG_ATTRIB_TEX0;
+            const struct gl_texture_object *obj = ctx->Texture.Unit[u]._Current;
+            const struct gl_texture_image *texImage = obj->Image[0][obj->BaseLevel];
+            line.texWidth[attr]  = (GLfloat) texImage->Width;
                line.texHeight[attr] = (GLfloat) texImage->Height;
-            }
-      }
diff --git a/src/mesa/swrast/s_aatritemp.h b/src/mesa/swrast/s_aatritemp.h
index bbf9cc6..f6c8e68 100644
--- a/src/mesa/swrast/s_aatritemp.h
+++ b/src/mesa/swrast/s_aatritemp.h
@@ -179,40 +179,37 @@
 #if defined(DO_TEXVAR)
-      GLuint attr;
       const GLfloat invW0 = v0->win[3];
       const GLfloat invW1 = v1->win[3];
       const GLfloat invW2 = v2->win[3];
-      for (attr = swrast->_MinFragmentAttrib; attr < swrast->_MaxFragmentAttrib; attr++) {
-         if (swrast->_FragmentAttribs & (1 << attr)) {
-            const GLfloat s0 = v0->attrib[attr][0] * invW0;
-            const GLfloat s1 = v1->attrib[attr][0] * invW1;
-            const GLfloat s2 = v2->attrib[attr][0] * invW2;
-            const GLfloat t0 = v0->attrib[attr][1] * invW0;
-            const GLfloat t1 = v1->attrib[attr][1] * invW1;
-            const GLfloat t2 = v2->attrib[attr][1] * invW2;
-            const GLfloat r0 = v0->attrib[attr][2] * invW0;
-            const GLfloat r1 = v1->attrib[attr][2] * invW1;
-            const GLfloat r2 = v2->attrib[attr][2] * invW2;
-            const GLfloat q0 = v0->attrib[attr][3] * invW0;
-            const GLfloat q1 = v1->attrib[attr][3] * invW1;
-            const GLfloat q2 = v2->attrib[attr][3] * invW2;
-            compute_plane(p0, p1, p2, s0, s1, s2, sPlane[attr]);
-            compute_plane(p0, p1, p2, t0, t1, t2, tPlane[attr]);
-            compute_plane(p0, p1, p2, r0, r1, r2, uPlane[attr]);
-            compute_plane(p0, p1, p2, q0, q1, q2, vPlane[attr]);
-            if (attr < FRAG_ATTRIB_VAR0) {
-               const GLuint u = attr - FRAG_ATTRIB_TEX0;
-               const struct gl_texture_object *obj = ctx->Texture.Unit[u]._Current;
-               const struct gl_texture_image *texImage = obj->Image[0][obj->BaseLevel];
-               texWidth[attr]  = (GLfloat) texImage->Width;
-               texHeight[attr] = (GLfloat) texImage->Height;
-            }
-            else {
-               texWidth[attr] = texHeight[attr] = 1.0;
-            }
+         const GLfloat s0 = v0->attrib[attr][0] * invW0;
+         const GLfloat s1 = v1->attrib[attr][0] * invW1;
+         const GLfloat s2 = v2->attrib[attr][0] * invW2;
+         const GLfloat t0 = v0->attrib[attr][1] * invW0;
+         const GLfloat t1 = v1->attrib[attr][1] * invW1;
+         const GLfloat t2 = v2->attrib[attr][1] * invW2;
+         const GLfloat r0 = v0->attrib[attr][2] * invW0;
+         const GLfloat r1 = v1->attrib[attr][2] * invW1;
+         const GLfloat r2 = v2->attrib[attr][2] * invW2;
+         const GLfloat q0 = v0->attrib[attr][3] * invW0;
+         const GLfloat q1 = v1->attrib[attr][3] * invW1;
+         const GLfloat q2 = v2->attrib[attr][3] * invW2;
+         compute_plane(p0, p1, p2, s0, s1, s2, sPlane[attr]);
+         compute_plane(p0, p1, p2, t0, t1, t2, tPlane[attr]);
+         compute_plane(p0, p1, p2, r0, r1, r2, uPlane[attr]);
+         compute_plane(p0, p1, p2, q0, q1, q2, vPlane[attr]);
+         if (attr < FRAG_ATTRIB_VAR0) {
+            const GLuint u = attr - FRAG_ATTRIB_TEX0;
+            const struct gl_texture_object *obj = ctx->Texture.Unit[u]._Current;
+            const struct gl_texture_image *texImage = obj->Image[0][obj->BaseLevel];
+            texWidth[attr]  = (GLfloat) texImage->Width;
+            texHeight[attr] = (GLfloat) texImage->Height;
-      }
+         else {
+            texWidth[attr] = texHeight[attr] = 1.0;
+         }
    span.arrayMask |= (SPAN_TEXTURE | SPAN_LAMBDA | SPAN_VARYING);
@@ -283,23 +280,18 @@
             array->spec[count][BCOMP] = solve_plane_chan(cx, cy, sbPlane);
 #if defined(DO_TEXVAR)
-            {
-               GLuint attr;
-               for (attr = swrast->_MinFragmentAttrib; attr < swrast->_MaxFragmentAttrib; attr++) {
-                  if (swrast->_FragmentAttribs & (1 << attr)) {
-                     GLfloat invQ = solve_plane_recip(cx, cy, vPlane[attr]);
-                     array->attribs[attr][count][0] = solve_plane(cx, cy, sPlane[attr]) * invQ;
-                     array->attribs[attr][count][1] = solve_plane(cx, cy, tPlane[attr]) * invQ;
-                     array->attribs[attr][count][2] = solve_plane(cx, cy, uPlane[attr]) * invQ;
-                     if (attr < FRAG_ATTRIB_VAR0) {
-                        const GLuint unit = attr - FRAG_ATTRIB_TEX0;
-                        array->lambda[unit][count] = compute_lambda(sPlane[attr], tPlane[attr],
-                                                                    vPlane[attr], cx, cy, invQ,
-                                                                    texWidth[attr], texHeight[attr]);
-                     }
-                  }
+            ATTRIB_LOOP_BEGIN
+               GLfloat invQ = solve_plane_recip(cx, cy, vPlane[attr]);
+               array->attribs[attr][count][0] = solve_plane(cx, cy, sPlane[attr]) * invQ;
+               array->attribs[attr][count][1] = solve_plane(cx, cy, tPlane[attr]) * invQ;
+               array->attribs[attr][count][2] = solve_plane(cx, cy, uPlane[attr]) * invQ;
+               if (attr < FRAG_ATTRIB_VAR0) {
+                  const GLuint unit = attr - FRAG_ATTRIB_TEX0;
+                  array->lambda[unit][count] = compute_lambda(sPlane[attr], tPlane[attr],
+                                                              vPlane[attr], cx, cy, invQ,
+                                                              texWidth[attr], texHeight[attr]);
-            }
+            ATTRIB_LOOP_END
@@ -380,26 +372,21 @@
             array->spec[ix][BCOMP] = solve_plane_chan(cx, cy, sbPlane);
 #if defined(DO_TEXVAR)
-            {
-               GLuint attr;
-               for (attr = swrast->_MinFragmentAttrib; attr < swrast->_MaxFragmentAttrib; attr++) {
-                  if (swrast->_FragmentAttribs & (1 << attr)) {
-                     GLfloat invQ = solve_plane_recip(cx, cy, vPlane[attr]);
-                     array->attribs[attr][ix][0] = solve_plane(cx, cy, sPlane[attr]) * invQ;
-                     array->attribs[attr][ix][1] = solve_plane(cx, cy, tPlane[attr]) * invQ;
-                     array->attribs[attr][ix][2] = solve_plane(cx, cy, uPlane[attr]) * invQ;
-                     if (attr < FRAG_ATTRIB_VAR0) {
-                        const GLuint unit = attr - FRAG_ATTRIB_TEX0;
-                        array->lambda[unit][ix] = compute_lambda(sPlane[attr],
-                                                                 tPlane[attr],
-                                                                 vPlane[attr],
-                                                                 cx, cy, invQ,
-                                                                 texWidth[attr],
-                                                                 texHeight[attr]);
-                     }
-                  }
+            ATTRIB_LOOP_BEGIN
+               GLfloat invQ = solve_plane_recip(cx, cy, vPlane[attr]);
+               array->attribs[attr][ix][0] = solve_plane(cx, cy, sPlane[attr]) * invQ;
+               array->attribs[attr][ix][1] = solve_plane(cx, cy, tPlane[attr]) * invQ;
+               array->attribs[attr][ix][2] = solve_plane(cx, cy, uPlane[attr]) * invQ;
+               if (attr < FRAG_ATTRIB_VAR0) {
+                  const GLuint unit = attr - FRAG_ATTRIB_TEX0;
+                  array->lambda[unit][ix] = compute_lambda(sPlane[attr],
+                                                           tPlane[attr],
+                                                           vPlane[attr],
+                                                           cx, cy, invQ,
+                                                           texWidth[attr],
+                                                           texHeight[attr]);
-            }
+            ATTRIB_LOOP_END
@@ -445,18 +432,15 @@
          /* shift texcoords, varying */
             SWspanarrays *array = span.array;
-            GLuint attr;
-            for (attr = swrast->_MinFragmentAttrib; attr < swrast->_MaxFragmentAttrib; attr++) {
-               if (swrast->_FragmentAttribs & (1 << attr)) {
-                  GLint j;
-                  for (j = 0; j < (GLint) n; j++) {
-                     array->attribs[attr][j][0] = array->attribs[attr][j + left][0];
-                     array->attribs[attr][j][1] = array->attribs[attr][j + left][1];
-                     array->attribs[attr][j][2] = array->attribs[attr][j + left][2];
-                     /*array->lambda[unit][j] = array->lambda[unit][j + left];*/
-                  }
+            ATTRIB_LOOP_BEGIN
+               GLint j;
+               for (j = 0; j < (GLint) n; j++) {
+                  array->attribs[attr][j][0] = array->attribs[attr][j + left][0];
+                  array->attribs[attr][j][1] = array->attribs[attr][j + left][1];
+                  array->attribs[attr][j][2] = array->attribs[attr][j + left][2];
+                  /*array->lambda[unit][j] = array->lambda[unit][j + left];*/
-            }
+            ATTRIB_LOOP_END
diff --git a/src/mesa/swrast/s_context.c b/src/mesa/swrast/s_context.c
index 55b835b..d4782aa 100644
--- a/src/mesa/swrast/s_context.c
+++ b/src/mesa/swrast/s_context.c
@@ -505,45 +505,43 @@ _swrast_update_texture_samplers(GLcontex
- * Update the swrast->_FragmentAttribs field.
+ * Update swrast->_ActiveAttribs and swrast->_NumActiveAttribs
 static void
 _swrast_update_fragment_attribs(GLcontext *ctx)
    SWcontext *swrast = SWRAST_CONTEXT(ctx);
+   GLuint attribsMask;
    if (ctx->FragmentProgram._Current) {
-      swrast->_FragmentAttribs
-         = ctx->FragmentProgram._Current->Base.InputsRead;
+      attribsMask = ctx->FragmentProgram._Current->Base.InputsRead;
    else {
       GLuint u;
-      swrast->_FragmentAttribs = 0x0;
+      attribsMask = 0x0;
       if (ctx->Depth.Test)
-         swrast->_FragmentAttribs |= FRAG_BIT_WPOS;
+         attribsMask |= FRAG_BIT_WPOS;
       if (NEED_SECONDARY_COLOR(ctx))
-         swrast->_FragmentAttribs |= FRAG_BIT_COL1;
+         attribsMask |= FRAG_BIT_COL1;
       if (swrast->_FogEnabled)
-         swrast->_FragmentAttribs |= FRAG_BIT_FOGC;
+         attribsMask |= FRAG_BIT_FOGC;
       for (u = 0; u < ctx->Const.MaxTextureUnits; u++) {
          if (ctx->Texture.Unit[u]._ReallyEnabled) {
-            swrast->_FragmentAttribs |= FRAG_BIT_TEX(u);
+            attribsMask |= FRAG_BIT_TEX(u);
-   /* Find lowest, highest bit set in _FragmentAttribs */
+   /* Update _ActiveAttribs[] list */
-      GLuint bits = swrast->_FragmentAttribs;
-      GLuint i = 0;;
-      while (bits) {
-         i++;
-         bits = bits >> 1;
+      GLuint i, num = 0;
+      for (i = 0; i < FRAG_ATTRIB_MAX; i++) {
+         if (attribsMask & (1 << i))
+            swrast->_ActiveAttribs[num++] = i;
-      swrast->_MaxFragmentAttrib = i;
-      swrast->_MinFragmentAttrib = FRAG_ATTRIB_TEX0; /* XXX temporary */
+      swrast->_NumActiveAttribs = num;
diff --git a/src/mesa/swrast/s_context.h b/src/mesa/swrast/s_context.h
index dfe311a..c8333b8 100644
--- a/src/mesa/swrast/s_context.h
+++ b/src/mesa/swrast/s_context.h
@@ -138,12 +138,10 @@ typedef struct
    GLbitfield _ColorOutputsMask;
    GLuint _NumColorOutputs;
-   /** Fragment attributes to compute during rasterization.
-    * Mask of FRAG_BIT_* flags.
-    */
-   GLbitfield _FragmentAttribs;
-   GLuint _MinFragmentAttrib;  /**< Lowest bit set in _FragmentAttribs */
-   GLuint _MaxFragmentAttrib;  /**< Highest bit set in _FragmentAttribs + 1 */
+   /** List/array of the fragment attributes to interpolate */
+   GLuint _ActiveAttribs[FRAG_ATTRIB_MAX];
+   /** Number of fragment attributes to interpolate */
+   GLuint _NumActiveAttribs;
    /* Accum buffer temporaries.
@@ -277,4 +275,19 @@ _swrast_update_texture_samplers(GLcontex
 #define FixedToChan(X)  FixedToInt(X)
+ * For looping over fragment attributes in the pointe, line
+ * triangle rasterizers.
+ */
+#define ATTRIB_LOOP_BEGIN                                \
+   {                                                     \
+      GLuint a;                                          \
+      for (a = 0; a < swrast->_NumActiveAttribs; a++) {  \
+         const GLuint attr = swrast->_ActiveAttribs[a];
+#define ATTRIB_LOOP_END } }
diff --git a/src/mesa/swrast/s_linetemp.h b/src/mesa/swrast/s_linetemp.h
index 7b66291..6c52e8d 100644
--- a/src/mesa/swrast/s_linetemp.h
+++ b/src/mesa/swrast/s_linetemp.h
@@ -314,28 +314,25 @@ NAME( GLcontext *ctx, const SWvertex *ve
       const GLfloat invLen = 1.0F / numPixels;
       const GLfloat invw0 = vert0->win[3];
       const GLfloat invw1 = vert1->win[3];
-      GLuint attr;
-      for (attr = swrast->_MinFragmentAttrib; attr < swrast->_MaxFragmentAttrib; attr++) {
-         if (swrast->_FragmentAttribs & (1 << attr)) {
-            GLfloat ds, dt, dr, dq;
-            span.attrStart[attr][0] = invw0 * vert0->attrib[attr][0];
-            span.attrStart[attr][1] = invw0 * vert0->attrib[attr][1];
-            span.attrStart[attr][2] = invw0 * vert0->attrib[attr][2];
-            span.attrStart[attr][3] = invw0 * vert0->attrib[attr][3];
-            ds = (invw1 * vert1->attrib[attr][0]) - span.attrStart[attr][0];
-            dt = (invw1 * vert1->attrib[attr][1]) - span.attrStart[attr][1];
-            dr = (invw1 * vert1->attrib[attr][2]) - span.attrStart[attr][2];
-            dq = (invw1 * vert1->attrib[attr][3]) - span.attrStart[attr][3];
-            span.attrStepX[attr][0] = ds * invLen;
-            span.attrStepX[attr][1] = dt * invLen;
-            span.attrStepX[attr][2] = dr * invLen;
-            span.attrStepX[attr][3] = dq * invLen;
-            span.attrStepY[attr][0] = 0.0F;
-            span.attrStepY[attr][1] = 0.0F;
-            span.attrStepY[attr][2] = 0.0F;
-            span.attrStepY[attr][3] = 0.0F;
-	 }
-      }
+         GLfloat ds, dt, dr, dq;
+         span.attrStart[attr][0] = invw0 * vert0->attrib[attr][0];
+         span.attrStart[attr][1] = invw0 * vert0->attrib[attr][1];
+         span.attrStart[attr][2] = invw0 * vert0->attrib[attr][2];
+         span.attrStart[attr][3] = invw0 * vert0->attrib[attr][3];
+         ds = (invw1 * vert1->attrib[attr][0]) - span.attrStart[attr][0];
+         dt = (invw1 * vert1->attrib[attr][1]) - span.attrStart[attr][1];
+         dr = (invw1 * vert1->attrib[attr][2]) - span.attrStart[attr][2];
+         dq = (invw1 * vert1->attrib[attr][3]) - span.attrStart[attr][3];
+         span.attrStepX[attr][0] = ds * invLen;
+         span.attrStepX[attr][1] = dt * invLen;
+         span.attrStepX[attr][2] = dr * invLen;
+         span.attrStepX[attr][3] = dq * invLen;
+         span.attrStepY[attr][0] = 0.0F;
+         span.attrStepY[attr][1] = 0.0F;
+         span.attrStepY[attr][2] = 0.0F;
+         span.attrStepY[attr][3] = 0.0F;
diff --git a/src/mesa/swrast/s_pointtemp.h b/src/mesa/swrast/s_pointtemp.h
index 1956eeb..23ac571 100644
--- a/src/mesa/swrast/s_pointtemp.h
+++ b/src/mesa/swrast/s_pointtemp.h
@@ -63,7 +63,6 @@
 static void
 NAME ( GLcontext *ctx, const SWvertex *vert )
@@ -89,7 +88,6 @@ NAME ( GLcontext *ctx, const SWvertex *v
    GLfloat attrib[FRAG_ATTRIB_MAX][4]; /* texture & varying */
-   GLuint attr;
    SWcontext *swrast = SWRAST_CONTEXT(ctx);
    SWspan *span = &(swrast->PointSpan);
@@ -123,24 +121,20 @@ NAME ( GLcontext *ctx, const SWvertex *v
    span->arrayMask |= (SPAN_TEXTURE | SPAN_LAMBDA);
    if (ctx->FragmentProgram._Active) {
       /* Don't divide texture s,t,r by q (use TXP to do that) */
-      for (attr = swrast->_MinFragmentAttrib; attr < swrast->_MaxFragmentAttrib; attr++) {
-         if (swrast->_FragmentAttribs & (1 << attr)) {
-            COPY_4V(attrib[attr], vert->attrib[attr]);
-         }
-      }
+         COPY_4V(attrib[attr], vert->attrib[attr]);
    else {
       /* Divide texture s,t,r by q here */
-      for (attr = swrast->_MinFragmentAttrib; attr < swrast->_MaxFragmentAttrib; attr++) {
-         if (swrast->_FragmentAttribs & (1 << attr)) {
-            const GLfloat q = vert->attrib[attr][3];
-            const GLfloat invQ = (q == 0.0F || q == 1.0F) ? 1.0F : (1.0F / q);
-            attrib[attr][0] = vert->attrib[attr][0] * invQ;
-            attrib[attr][1] = vert->attrib[attr][1] * invQ;
-            attrib[attr][2] = vert->attrib[attr][2] * invQ;
-            attrib[attr][3] = q;
-         }
-      }
+         const GLfloat q = vert->attrib[attr][3];
+         const GLfloat invQ = (q == 0.0F || q == 1.0F) ? 1.0F : (1.0F / q);
+         attrib[attr][0] = vert->attrib[attr][0] * invQ;
+         attrib[attr][1] = vert->attrib[attr][1] * invQ;
+         attrib[attr][2] = vert->attrib[attr][2] * invQ;
+         attrib[attr][3] = q;
    /* need these for fragment programs */
    span->attrStart[FRAG_ATTRIB_WPOS][3] = 1.0F;
@@ -279,15 +273,13 @@ NAME ( GLcontext *ctx, const SWvertex *v
             span->array->index[count] = colorIndex;
-            for (attr = swrast->_MinFragmentAttrib; attr < swrast->_MaxFragmentAttrib; attr++) {
-               if (swrast->_FragmentAttribs & (1 << attr)) {
-                  COPY_4V(span->array->attribs[attr][count], attrib[attr]);
-                  if (attr < FRAG_ATTRIB_VAR0) {
-                     const GLuint u = attr - FRAG_ATTRIB_TEX0;
-                     span->array->lambda[u][count] = 0.0;
-                  }
+            ATTRIB_LOOP_BEGIN
+               COPY_4V(span->array->attribs[attr][count], attrib[attr]);
+               if (attr < FRAG_ATTRIB_VAR0) {
+                  const GLuint u = attr - FRAG_ATTRIB_TEX0;
+                  span->array->lambda[u][count] = 0.0;
-            }
+            ATTRIB_LOOP_END
@@ -406,11 +398,9 @@ NAME ( GLcontext *ctx, const SWvertex *v
       span->array->index[count] = colorIndex;
-      for (attr = swrast->_MinFragmentAttrib; attr < swrast->_MaxFragmentAttrib; attr++) {
-         if (swrast->_FragmentAttribs & (1 << attr)) {
-            COPY_4V(span->array->attribs[attr][count], attribs[attr]);
-         }
-      }
+         COPY_4V(span->array->attribs[attr][count], attribs[attr]);
       span->array->x[count] = (GLint) vert->win[0];
diff --git a/src/mesa/swrast/s_tritemp.h b/src/mesa/swrast/s_tritemp.h
index b25d3d1..deab7ed 100644
--- a/src/mesa/swrast/s_tritemp.h
+++ b/src/mesa/swrast/s_tritemp.h
@@ -117,20 +117,6 @@
-#define TEXVAR_LOOP(CODE)                                \
-   {                                                     \
-      GLuint attr;                                       \
-      for (attr = swrast->_MinFragmentAttrib;            \
-           attr < swrast->_MaxFragmentAttrib; attr++) {  \
-         if (swrast->_FragmentAttribs & (1 << attr)) {   \
-            CODE                                         \
-         }                                               \
-      }                                                  \
-   }
  * Some code we unfortunately need to prevent negative interpolated colors.
@@ -620,7 +606,7 @@ static void NAME(GLcontext *ctx, const S
          /* win[3] is 1/W */
          const GLfloat wMax = vMax->win[3], wMin = vMin->win[3], wMid = vMid->win[3];
-         TEXVAR_LOOP(
             GLfloat eMaj_ds = vMax->attrib[attr][0] * wMax - vMin->attrib[attr][0] * wMin;
             GLfloat eBot_ds = vMid->attrib[attr][0] * wMid - vMin->attrib[attr][0] * wMin;
             GLfloat eMaj_dt = vMax->attrib[attr][1] * wMax - vMin->attrib[attr][1] * wMin;
@@ -637,7 +623,7 @@ static void NAME(GLcontext *ctx, const S
             span.attrStepY[attr][2] = oneOverArea * (eMaj.dx * eBot_du - eMaj_du * eBot.dx);
             span.attrStepX[attr][3] = oneOverArea * (eMaj_dv * eBot.dy - eMaj.dy * eBot_dv);
             span.attrStepY[attr][3] = oneOverArea * (eMaj.dx * eBot_dv - eMaj_dv * eBot.dx);
-         )
@@ -1001,7 +987,7 @@ static void NAME(GLcontext *ctx, const S
 #ifdef INTERP_TEX
-               TEXVAR_LOOP(
+               ATTRIB_LOOP_BEGIN
                   const GLfloat invW = vLower->win[3];
                   const GLfloat s0 = vLower->attrib[attr][0] * invW;
                   const GLfloat t0 = vLower->attrib[attr][1] * invW;
@@ -1015,7 +1001,7 @@ static void NAME(GLcontext *ctx, const S
                   dtOuter[attr] = span.attrStepY[attr][1] + dxOuter * span.attrStepX[attr][1];
                   duOuter[attr] = span.attrStepY[attr][2] + dxOuter * span.attrStepX[attr][2];
                   dvOuter[attr] = span.attrStepY[attr][3] + dxOuter * span.attrStepX[attr][3];
-               )
+               ATTRIB_LOOP_END
             } /*if setupLeft*/
@@ -1072,12 +1058,12 @@ static void NAME(GLcontext *ctx, const S
             dtInner = dtOuter + span.intTexStep[1];
 #ifdef INTERP_TEX
-            TEXVAR_LOOP(
+            ATTRIB_LOOP_BEGIN
                dsInner[attr] = dsOuter[attr] + span.attrStepX[attr][0];
                dtInner[attr] = dtOuter[attr] + span.attrStepX[attr][1];
                duInner[attr] = duOuter[attr] + span.attrStepX[attr][2];
                dvInner[attr] = dvOuter[attr] + span.attrStepX[attr][3];
-            )
+            ATTRIB_LOOP_END
             while (lines > 0) {
@@ -1121,12 +1107,12 @@ static void NAME(GLcontext *ctx, const S
 #ifdef INTERP_TEX
-               TEXVAR_LOOP(
+               ATTRIB_LOOP_BEGIN
                   span.attrStart[attr][0] = sLeft[attr];
                   span.attrStart[attr][1] = tLeft[attr];
                   span.attrStart[attr][2] = uLeft[attr];
                   span.attrStart[attr][3] = vLeft[attr];
-               )
+               ATTRIB_LOOP_END
                /* This is where we actually generate fragments */
@@ -1209,12 +1195,12 @@ static void NAME(GLcontext *ctx, const S
                   tLeft += dtOuter;
 #ifdef INTERP_TEX
-                  TEXVAR_LOOP(
+                  ATTRIB_LOOP_BEGIN
                      sLeft[attr] += dsOuter[attr];
                      tLeft[attr] += dtOuter[attr];
                      uLeft[attr] += duOuter[attr];
                      vLeft[attr] += dvOuter[attr];
-                  )
+                  ATTRIB_LOOP_END
                else {
@@ -1254,12 +1240,12 @@ static void NAME(GLcontext *ctx, const S
                   tLeft += dtInner;
 #ifdef INTERP_TEX
-                  TEXVAR_LOOP(
+                  ATTRIB_LOOP_BEGIN
                      sLeft[attr] += dsInner[attr];
                      tLeft[attr] += dtInner[attr];
                      uLeft[attr] += duInner[attr];
                      vLeft[attr] += dvInner[attr];
-                  )
+                  ATTRIB_LOOP_END
             } /*while lines>0*/

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