Mesa (intel-2008-q4): intel: Move copyteximage source clipping out of copytexsubimage.

Eric Anholt anholt at
Tue Dec 23 23:05:43 UTC 2008

Module: Mesa
Branch: intel-2008-q4
Commit: 7e275eae46afb6281ff453fc05367403e01400fe

Author: Eric Anholt <eric at>
Date:   Thu Dec 18 18:42:06 2008 -0800

intel: Move copyteximage source clipping out of copytexsubimage.

glCopyTexSubImage already gets the (correct) clipping for us, so it doesn't
need the path.  While moving the clipping out, replace the code with the mesa
path to do the same job.
(cherry picked from commit 1e7785fe0721f66ca9523da0dc338d26256736bb)


 src/mesa/drivers/dri/intel/intel_tex_copy.c |  109 +++++++++++++++------------
 1 files changed, 61 insertions(+), 48 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/intel/intel_tex_copy.c b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/intel/intel_tex_copy.c
index 86ef2a9..4910713 100644
--- a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/intel/intel_tex_copy.c
+++ b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/intel/intel_tex_copy.c
@@ -110,56 +110,47 @@ do_copy_texsubimage(struct intel_context *intel,
       const GLint orig_x = x;
       const GLint orig_y = y;
-      const struct gl_framebuffer *fb = ctx->DrawBuffer;
-      if (_mesa_clip_to_region(fb->_Xmin, fb->_Ymin, fb->_Xmax, fb->_Ymax,
-                               &x, &y, &width, &height)) {
-	 GLshort src_pitch;
-         /* Update dst for clipped src.  Need to also clip the source rect.
-          */
-         dstx += x - orig_x;
-         dsty += y - orig_y;
-	 /* image_offset may be non-page-aligned, but that's illegal for tiling.
+      GLshort src_pitch;
+      /* Update dst for clipped src.  Need to also clip the source rect. */
+      dstx += x - orig_x;
+      dsty += y - orig_y;
+      /* image_offset may be non-page-aligned, but that's illegal for tiling. */
+      assert(intelImage->mt->region->tiling == I915_TILING_NONE);
+      if (ctx->ReadBuffer->Name == 0) {
+	 /* reading from a window, adjust x, y */
+	 __DRIdrawablePrivate *dPriv = intel->driDrawable;
+	 y = dPriv->y + (dPriv->h - (y + height));
+	 x += dPriv->x;
+	 /* Invert the data coming from the source rectangle due to GL
+	  * and hardware disagreeing on where y=0 is.
+	  *
+	  * It appears that our offsets and pitches get mangled
+	  * appropriately by the hardware, and we don't need to adjust them
+	  * on our own.
-	 assert(intelImage->mt->region->tiling == I915_TILING_NONE);
-         if (ctx->ReadBuffer->Name == 0) {
-            /* reading from a window, adjust x, y */
-            __DRIdrawablePrivate *dPriv = intel->driDrawable;
-	    y = dPriv->y + (dPriv->h - (y + height));
-            x += dPriv->x;
-	    /* Invert the data coming from the source rectangle due to GL
-	     * and hardware disagreeing on where y=0 is.
-	     *
-	     * It appears that our offsets and pitches get mangled
-	     * appropriately by the hardware, and we don't need to adjust them
-	     * on our own.
-	     */
-	    src_pitch = -src->pitch;
-         }
-         else {
-            /* reading from a FBO, y is already oriented the way we like */
-	    src_pitch = src->pitch;
-         }
-         intelEmitCopyBlit(intel,
-                           intelImage->mt->cpp,
-                           src_pitch,
-                           src->buffer,
-                           0,
-			   src->tiling,
-                           intelImage->mt->pitch,
-                           intelImage->mt->region->buffer,
-                           image_offset,
-			   intelImage->mt->region->tiling,
-                           x, y, dstx, dsty, width, height,
-			   GL_COPY);
+	 src_pitch = -src->pitch;
+      } else {
+	 /* reading from a FBO, y is already oriented the way we like */
+	 src_pitch = src->pitch;
-   }
+      intelEmitCopyBlit(intel,
+			intelImage->mt->cpp,
+			src_pitch,
+			src->buffer,
+			0,
+			src->tiling,
+			intelImage->mt->pitch,
+			intelImage->mt->region->buffer,
+			image_offset,
+			intelImage->mt->region->tiling,
+			x, y, dstx, dsty, width, height,
+			GL_COPY);
+   }
@@ -186,6 +177,7 @@ intelCopyTexImage1D(GLcontext * ctx, GLenum target, GLint level,
       _mesa_select_tex_object(ctx, texUnit, target);
    struct gl_texture_image *texImage =
       _mesa_select_tex_image(ctx, texObj, target, level);
+   int srcx, srcy, dstx, dsty, height;
    if (border)
       goto fail;
@@ -197,10 +189,20 @@ intelCopyTexImage1D(GLcontext * ctx, GLenum target, GLint level,
                           width, border,
                           GL_RGBA, CHAN_TYPE, NULL,
                           &ctx->DefaultPacking, texObj, texImage);
+   srcx = x;
+   srcy = y;
+   dstx = 0;
+   dsty = 0;
+   height = 1;
+   if (!_mesa_clip_copytexsubimage(ctx,
+				   &dstx, &dsty,
+				   &srcx, &srcy,
+				   &width, &height))
+      return;
    if (!do_copy_texsubimage(intel_context(ctx), target,
-                            internalFormat, 0, 0, x, y, width, 1))
+                            internalFormat, 0, 0, x, y, width, height))
       goto fail;
@@ -222,10 +224,21 @@ intelCopyTexImage2D(GLcontext * ctx, GLenum target, GLint level,
       _mesa_select_tex_object(ctx, texUnit, target);
    struct gl_texture_image *texImage =
       _mesa_select_tex_image(ctx, texObj, target, level);
+   int srcx, srcy, dstx, dsty;
    if (border)
       goto fail;
+   srcx = x;
+   srcy = y;
+   dstx = 0;
+   dsty = 0;
+   if (!_mesa_clip_copytexsubimage(ctx,
+				   &dstx, &dsty,
+				   &srcx, &srcy,
+				   &width, &height))
+      return;
    /* Setup or redefine the texture object, mipmap tree and texture
     * image.  Don't populate yet.  

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