Mesa (master): mapi: Add vgapi.

Chia-I Wu olv at
Fri May 7 03:10:13 UTC 2010

Module: Mesa
Branch: master
Commit: bdc4504252692b2eb971c08114182828870cc0f8

Author: Chia-I Wu <olv at>
Date:   Mon Apr 26 16:48:59 2010 +0800

mapi: Add vgapi.

vgapi is a dispatcher for OpenVG.


 src/mapi/vgapi/Makefile        |   50 +++++++++++++++++++++
 src/mapi/vgapi/vgapi.csv       |   93 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/mapi/vgapi/vgapi_defines.h |   11 +++++
 3 files changed, 154 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/mapi/vgapi/Makefile b/src/mapi/vgapi/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2d3eb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mapi/vgapi/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+# src/mapi/vgapi/Makefile
+TOP := ../../..
+include $(TOP)/configs/current
+MAPI := $(TOP)/src/mapi/mapi
+include $(MAPI)/sources.mak
+VGAPI_SOURCES := $(addprefix $(MAPI)/, $(MAPI_SOURCES))
+VGAPI_CPPFLAGS := -DMAPI_ABI_HEADER=\"vgapi/vgapi_tmp.h\"
+GENERATED_SOURCES := vgapi_tmp.h
+	-I$(TOP)/include \
+	-I$(TOP)/src/mapi
+.PHONY: default
+default: depend libvgapi.a
+libvgapi.a: $(VGAPI_OBJECTS)
+	@$(MKLIB) -o vgapi -static $(VGAPI_OBJECTS)
+$(VGAPI_OBJECTS): %.o: $(MAPI)/%.c
+vgapi_tmp.h: vgapi.csv $(MAPI)/
+		-i vgapi/vgapi_defines.h $< > $@
+.PHONY: clean
+	-rm -f libvgapi.a
+	-rm -f $(VGAPI_OBJECTS)
+	-rm -f depend depend.bak
+# nothing to install
+depend: $(VGAPI_SOURCES)
+	@echo "running $(MKDEP)"
+	@touch depend
+		$(VGAPI_CPPFLAGS) $(VGAPI_SOURCES) 2>/dev/null | \
+		sed -e 's,^$(MAPI)/,,' > depend
diff --git a/src/mapi/vgapi/vgapi.csv b/src/mapi/vgapi/vgapi.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d28ee32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mapi/vgapi/vgapi.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+# This is the source file for the various generate structs/tables/functions
+# used in st/vega.
+# OpenVG 1.0
+void,                   AppendPath,                VGPath dstPath, VGPath srcPath
+void,                   AppendPathData,            VGPath dstPath, VGint numSegments, const VGubyte *pathSegments, const void *pathData
+VGImage,                ChildImage,                VGImage parent, VGint x, VGint y, VGint width, VGint height
+void,                   Clear,                     VGint x, VGint y, VGint width, VGint height
+void,                   ClearImage,                VGImage image, VGint x, VGint y, VGint width, VGint height
+void,                   ClearPath,                 VGPath path, VGbitfield capabilities
+void,                   ColorMatrix,               VGImage dst, VGImage src, const VGfloat *matrix
+void,                   Convolve,                  VGImage dst, VGImage src, VGint kernelWidth, VGint kernelHeight, VGint shiftX, VGint shiftY, const VGshort *kernel, VGfloat scale, VGfloat bias, VGTilingMode tilingMode
+void,                   CopyImage,                 VGImage dst, VGint dx, VGint dy, VGImage src, VGint sx, VGint sy, VGint width, VGint height, VGboolean dither
+void,                   CopyPixels,                VGint dx, VGint dy, VGint sx, VGint sy, VGint width, VGint height
+VGImage,                CreateImage,               VGImageFormat format, VGint width, VGint height, VGbitfield allowedQuality
+VGPaint,                CreatePaint,               void
+VGPath,                 CreatePath,                VGint pathFormat, VGPathDatatype datatype, VGfloat scale, VGfloat bias, VGint segmentCapacityHint, VGint coordCapacityHint, VGbitfield capabilities
+void,                   DestroyImage,              VGImage image
+void,                   DestroyPaint,              VGPaint paint
+void,                   DestroyPath,               VGPath path
+void,                   DrawImage,                 VGImage image
+void,                   DrawPath,                  VGPath path, VGbitfield paintModes
+void,                   Finish,                    void
+void,                   Flush,                     void
+void,                   GaussianBlur,              VGImage dst, VGImage src, VGfloat stdDeviationX, VGfloat stdDeviationY, VGTilingMode tilingMode
+VGuint,                 GetColor,                  VGPaint paint
+VGErrorCode,            GetError,                  void
+void,                   GetImageSubData,           VGImage image, void *data, VGint dataStride, VGImageFormat dataFormat, VGint x, VGint y, VGint width, VGint height
+void,                   GetMatrix,                 VGfloat *m
+VGPaint,                GetPaint,                  VGPaintMode paintMode
+VGint,                  GetParameterVectorSize,    VGHandle object, VGint paramType
+VGfloat,                GetParameterf,             VGHandle object, VGint paramType
+void,                   GetParameterfv,            VGHandle object, VGint paramType, VGint count, VGfloat *values
+VGint,                  GetParameteri,             VGHandle object, VGint paramType
+void,                   GetParameteriv,            VGHandle object, VGint paramType, VGint count, VGint *values
+VGImage,                GetParent,                 VGImage image 
+VGbitfield,             GetPathCapabilities,       VGPath path
+void,                   GetPixels,                 VGImage dst, VGint dx, VGint dy, VGint sx, VGint sy, VGint width, VGint height
+const VGubyte *,        GetString,                 VGStringID name
+VGint,                  GetVectorSize,             VGParamType type
+VGfloat,                Getf,                      VGParamType type
+void,                   Getfv,                     VGParamType type, VGint count, VGfloat *values
+VGint,                  Geti,                      VGParamType type
+void,                   Getiv,                     VGParamType type, VGint count, VGint *values
+VGHardwareQueryResult,  HardwareQuery,             VGHardwareQueryType key, VGint setting
+void,                   ImageSubData,              VGImage image, const void *data, VGint dataStride, VGImageFormat dataFormat, VGint x, VGint y, VGint width, VGint height
+VGboolean,              InterpolatePath,           VGPath dstPath, VGPath startPath, VGPath endPath, VGfloat amount
+void,                   LoadIdentity,              void
+void,                   LoadMatrix,                const VGfloat *m
+void,                   Lookup,                    VGImage dst, VGImage src, const VGubyte *redLUT, const VGubyte *greenLUT, const VGubyte *blueLUT, const VGubyte *alphaLUT, VGboolean outputLinear, VGboolean outputPremultiplied
+void,                   LookupSingle,              VGImage dst, VGImage src, const VGuint *lookupTable, VGImageChannel sourceChannel, VGboolean outputLinear, VGboolean outputPremultiplied
+void,                   Mask,                      VGHandle mask, VGMaskOperation operation, VGint x, VGint y, VGint width, VGint height
+void,                   ModifyPathCoords,          VGPath dstPath, VGint startIndex, VGint numSegments, const void *pathData
+void,                   MultMatrix,                const VGfloat *m
+void,                   PaintPattern,              VGPaint paint, VGImage pattern
+void,                   PathBounds,                VGPath path, VGfloat *minX, VGfloat *minY, VGfloat *width, VGfloat *height
+VGfloat,                PathLength,                VGPath path, VGint startSegment, VGint numSegments
+void,                   PathTransformedBounds,     VGPath path, VGfloat *minX, VGfloat *minY, VGfloat *width, VGfloat *height
+void,                   PointAlongPath,            VGPath path, VGint startSegment, VGint numSegments, VGfloat distance, VGfloat *x, VGfloat *y, VGfloat *tangentX, VGfloat *tangentY
+void,                   ReadPixels,                void *data, VGint dataStride, VGImageFormat dataFormat, VGint sx, VGint sy, VGint width, VGint height
+void,                   RemovePathCapabilities,    VGPath path, VGbitfield capabilities
+void,                   Rotate,                    VGfloat angle
+void,                   Scale,                     VGfloat sx, VGfloat sy
+void,                   SeparableConvolve,         VGImage dst, VGImage src, VGint kernelWidth, VGint kernelHeight, VGint shiftX, VGint shiftY, const VGshort *kernelX, const VGshort *kernelY, VGfloat scale, VGfloat bias, VGTilingMode tilingMode
+void,                   SetColor,                  VGPaint paint, VGuint rgba
+void,                   SetPaint,                  VGPaint paint, VGbitfield paintModes
+void,                   SetParameterf,             VGHandle object, VGint paramType, VGfloat value
+void,                   SetParameterfv,            VGHandle object, VGint paramType, VGint count, const VGfloat *values
+void,                   SetParameteri,             VGHandle object, VGint paramType, VGint value
+void,                   SetParameteriv,            VGHandle object, VGint paramType, VGint count, const VGint *values
+void,                   SetPixels,                 VGint dx, VGint dy, VGImage src, VGint sx, VGint sy, VGint width, VGint height
+void,                   Setf,                      VGParamType type, VGfloat value
+void,                   Setfv,                     VGParamType type, VGint count, const VGfloat *values
+void,                   Seti,                      VGParamType type, VGint value
+void,                   Setiv,                     VGParamType type, VGint count, const VGint *values
+void,                   Shear,                     VGfloat shx, VGfloat shy
+void,                   TransformPath,             VGPath dstPath, VGPath srcPath
+void,                   Translate,                 VGfloat tx, VGfloat ty
+void,                   WritePixels,               const void *data, VGint dataStride, VGImageFormat dataFormat, VGint dx, VGint dy, VGint width, VGint height
+## OpenVG 1.1
+#void,                   ClearGlyph,                VGFont font,VGuint glyphIndex
+#void,                   CopyMask,                  VGMaskLayer maskLayer, VGint dx, VGint dy, VGint sx, VGint sy, VGint width, VGint height
+#VGFont,                 CreateFont,                VGint glyphCapacityHint
+#VGMaskLayer,            CreateMaskLayer,           VGint width, VGint height
+#void,                   DestroyFont,               VGFont font
+#void,                   DestroyMaskLayer,          VGMaskLayer maskLayer
+#void,                   DrawGlyph,                 VGFont font, VGuint glyphIndex, VGbitfield paintModes, VGboolean allowAutoHinting
+#void,                   DrawGlyphs,                VGFont font, VGint glyphCount, const VGuint *glyphIndices, const VGfloat *adjustments_x, const VGfloat *adjustments_y, VGbitfield paintModes, VGboolean allowAutoHinting
+#void,                   FillMaskLayer,             VGMaskLayer maskLayer, VGint x, VGint y, VGint width, VGint height, VGfloat value
+#void,                   RenderToMask,              VGPath path, VGbitfield paintModes, VGMaskOperation operation
+#void,                   SetGlyphToImage,           VGFont font, VGuint glyphIndex, VGImage image, const VGfloat glyphOrigin[2], const VGfloat escapement[2]
+#void,                   SetGlyphToPath,            VGFont font, VGuint glyphIndex, VGPath path, VGboolean isHinted, const VGfloat glyphOrigin[2], const VGfloat escapement[2]
diff --git a/src/mapi/vgapi/vgapi_defines.h b/src/mapi/vgapi/vgapi_defines.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb9f68c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mapi/vgapi/vgapi_defines.h
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#include "VG/openvg.h"
+#include "VG/vgext.h"
+#define MAPI_ABI_PREFIX vg
+#endif /* VGAPI_DEFINES_H */

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