Mesa (nvc0): nouveau: remove nouveau_stateobj.h

Ben Skeggs darktama at
Tue Mar 1 07:43:44 UTC 2011

Module: Mesa
Branch: nvc0
Commit: 450aa241bfd9d72737775633a6cf88db23952ebf

Author: Ben Skeggs <bskeggs at>
Date:   Tue Mar  1 17:43:13 2011 +1000

nouveau: remove nouveau_stateobj.h

Signed-off-by: Ben Skeggs <bskeggs at>


 src/gallium/drivers/nouveau/nouveau_stateobj.h |  316 ------------------------
 1 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 316 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/gallium/drivers/nouveau/nouveau_stateobj.h b/src/gallium/drivers/nouveau/nouveau_stateobj.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e920cf9..0000000
--- a/src/gallium/drivers/nouveau/nouveau_stateobj.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,316 +0,0 @@
-#include "util/u_debug.h"
-#ifdef DEBUG
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-struct nouveau_stateobj_reloc {
-	struct nouveau_bo *bo;
-	struct nouveau_grobj *gr;
-	uint32_t push_offset;
-	uint32_t mthd;
-	uint32_t data;
-	unsigned flags;
-	unsigned vor;
-	unsigned tor;
-struct nouveau_stateobj_start {
-	struct nouveau_grobj *gr;
-	uint32_t mthd;
-	uint32_t size;
-	unsigned offset;
-struct nouveau_stateobj {
-	struct pipe_reference reference;
-	struct nouveau_stateobj_start *start;
-	struct nouveau_stateobj_reloc *reloc;
-	/* Common memory pool for data. */
-	uint32_t *pool;
-	unsigned pool_cur;
-	unsigned start_alloc;
-	unsigned reloc_alloc;
-	unsigned pool_alloc;
-	unsigned total; /* includes begin_ring */
-	unsigned cur; /* excludes begin_ring, offset from "cur_start" */
-	unsigned cur_start;
-	unsigned cur_reloc;
-static INLINE void
-so_dump(struct nouveau_stateobj *so)
-	unsigned i, nr, total = 0;
-	for (i = 0; i < so->cur_start; i++) {
-		if (so->start[i].gr->subc > -1)
-			debug_printf("+0x%04x: 0x%08x\n", total++,
-				(so->start[i].size << 18) | (so->start[i].gr->subc << 13)
-				| so->start[i].mthd);
-		else
-			debug_printf("+0x%04x: 0x%08x\n", total++,
-				(so->start[i].size << 18) | so->start[i].mthd);
-		for (nr = 0; nr < so->start[i].size; nr++, total++)
-			debug_printf("+0x%04x: 0x%08x\n", total,
-				so->pool[so->start[i].offset + nr]);
-	}
-static INLINE struct nouveau_stateobj *
-so_new(unsigned start, unsigned push, unsigned reloc)
-	struct nouveau_stateobj *so;
-	so = MALLOC(sizeof(struct nouveau_stateobj));
-	pipe_reference_init(&so->reference, 1);
-	so->total = so->cur = so->cur_start = so->cur_reloc = 0;
-	so->start_alloc = start;
-	so->reloc_alloc = reloc;
-	so->pool_alloc = push;
-	so->start = MALLOC(start * sizeof(struct nouveau_stateobj_start));
-	so->reloc = MALLOC(reloc * sizeof(struct nouveau_stateobj_reloc));
-	so->pool = MALLOC(push * sizeof(uint32_t));
-	so->pool_cur = 0;
-	if (!so->start || !so->reloc || !so->pool) {
-		debug_printf("malloc failed\n");
-		assert(0);
-	}
-	return so;
-static INLINE void
-so_ref(struct nouveau_stateobj *ref, struct nouveau_stateobj **pso)
-	struct nouveau_stateobj *so = *pso;
-	int i;
-	if (pipe_reference(&(*pso)->reference, &ref->reference)) {
-		FREE(so->start);
-		for (i = 0; i < so->cur_reloc; i++)
-			nouveau_bo_ref(NULL, &so->reloc[i].bo);
-		FREE(so->reloc);
-		FREE(so->pool);
-		FREE(so);
-	}
-	*pso = ref;
-static INLINE void
-so_data(struct nouveau_stateobj *so, uint32_t data)
-	if (so->cur >= so->start[so->cur_start - 1].size) {
-		debug_printf("exceeding specified size\n");
-		assert(0);
-	}
-	so->pool[so->start[so->cur_start - 1].offset + so->cur++] = data;
-static INLINE void
-so_datap(struct nouveau_stateobj *so, uint32_t *data, unsigned size)
-	if ((so->cur + size) > so->start[so->cur_start - 1].size) {
-		debug_printf("exceeding specified size\n");
-		assert(0);
-	}
-	while (size--)
-		so->pool[so->start[so->cur_start - 1].offset + so->cur++] =
-			*data++;
-static INLINE void
-so_method(struct nouveau_stateobj *so, struct nouveau_grobj *gr,
-	  unsigned mthd, unsigned size)
-	struct nouveau_stateobj_start *start;
-	if (so->start_alloc <= so->cur_start) {
-		debug_printf("exceeding num_start size\n");
-		assert(0);
-	}
-	start = so->start;
-	if (so->cur_start > 0 && start[so->cur_start - 1].size > so->cur) {
-		debug_printf("previous so_method was not filled\n");
-		assert(0);
-	}
-	start[so->cur_start].gr = gr;
-	start[so->cur_start].mthd = mthd;
-	start[so->cur_start].size = size;
-	if (so->pool_alloc < (size + so->pool_cur)) {
-		debug_printf("exceeding num_pool size\n");
-		assert(0);
-	}
-	start[so->cur_start].offset = so->pool_cur;
-	so->pool_cur += size;
-	so->cur_start++;
-	/* The 1 is for *this* begin_ring. */
-	so->total += so->cur + 1;
-	so->cur = 0;
-static INLINE void
-so_reloc(struct nouveau_stateobj *so, struct nouveau_bo *bo,
-	 unsigned data, unsigned flags, unsigned vor, unsigned tor)
-	struct nouveau_stateobj_reloc *r;
-	if (so->reloc_alloc <= so->cur_reloc) {
-		debug_printf("exceeding num_reloc size\n");
-		assert(0);
-	}
-	r = so->reloc;
-	r[so->cur_reloc].bo = NULL;
-	nouveau_bo_ref(bo, &(r[so->cur_reloc].bo));
-	r[so->cur_reloc].gr = so->start[so->cur_start-1].gr;
-	r[so->cur_reloc].push_offset = so->total + so->cur;
-	r[so->cur_reloc].data = data;
-	r[so->cur_reloc].flags = flags;
-	r[so->cur_reloc].mthd = so->start[so->cur_start-1].mthd +
-							(so->cur << 2);
-	r[so->cur_reloc].vor = vor;
-	r[so->cur_reloc].tor = tor;
-	so_data(so, data);
-	so->cur_reloc++;
-/* Determine if this buffer object is referenced by this state object. */
-static INLINE boolean
-so_bo_is_reloc(struct nouveau_stateobj *so, struct nouveau_bo *bo)
-	int i;
-	for (i = 0; i < so->cur_reloc; i++)
-		if (so->reloc[i].bo == bo)
-			return true;
-	return false;
-static INLINE void
-so_emit(struct nouveau_channel *chan, struct nouveau_stateobj *so)
-	unsigned nr, i;
-	int ret = 0;
-	if (so->start[so->cur_start - 1].size > so->cur) {
-		debug_printf("emit: previous so_method was not filled\n");
-		assert(0);
-	}
-	/* We cannot update total in case we so_emit again. */
-	nr = so->total + so->cur;
-	/* This will flush if we need space.
-	 * We don't actually need the marker.
-	 */
-	if ((ret = nouveau_pushbuf_marker_emit(chan, nr, so->cur_reloc))) {
-		debug_printf("so_emit failed marker emit with error %d\n", ret);
-		assert(0);
-	}
-	/* Submit data. This will ensure proper binding of objects. */
-	for (i = 0; i < so->cur_start; i++) {
-		BEGIN_RING(chan, so->start[i].gr, so->start[i].mthd, so->start[i].size);
-		OUT_RINGp(chan, &(so->pool[so->start[i].offset]), so->start[i].size);
-	}
-	for (i = 0; i < so->cur_reloc; i++) {
-		struct nouveau_stateobj_reloc *r = &so->reloc[i];
-		if ((ret = nouveau_pushbuf_emit_reloc(chan, chan->cur - nr +
-						r->push_offset, r->bo, r->data,
-						0, r->flags, r->vor, r->tor))) {
-			debug_printf("so_emit failed reloc with error %d\n", ret);
-			assert(0);
-		}
-	}
-static INLINE void
-so_emit_reloc_markers(struct nouveau_channel *chan, struct nouveau_stateobj *so)
-	unsigned i;
-	int ret = 0;
-	if (!so)
-		return;
-	/* If we need to flush in flush notify, then we have a problem anyway. */
-	for (i = 0; i < so->cur_reloc; i++) {
-		struct nouveau_stateobj_reloc *r = &so->reloc[i];
-		if (r->mthd & 0x40000000) {
-			debug_printf("error: NI mthd 0x%08X\n", r->mthd);
-			continue;
-		}
-		/* We don't need to autobind, since there are enough subchannels
-		 * for all objects we use. If this is changed, account for the extra
-		 * space in callers of this function.
-		 */
-		assert(r->gr->bound != NOUVEAU_GROBJ_UNBOUND);
-		/* Some relocs really don't like to be hammered,
-		 * NOUVEAU_BO_DUMMY makes sure it only
-		 * happens when needed.
-		 */
-		ret = OUT_RELOC(chan, r->bo, (r->gr->subc << 13) | (1<< 18) |
-			r->mthd, (r->flags & (NOUVEAU_BO_VRAM | NOUVEAU_BO_GART
-		if (ret) {
-			debug_printf("OUT_RELOC failed %d\n", ret);
-			assert(0);
-		}
-		ret = OUT_RELOC(chan, r->bo, r->data, r->flags |
-			NOUVEAU_BO_DUMMY, r->vor, r->tor);
-		if (ret) {
-			debug_printf("OUT_RELOC failed %d\n", ret);
-			assert(0);
-		}
-	}

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