Mesa (master): i965/vs: Move some functions from brw_vec4_emit. cpp to brw_vec4.cpp.

Kenneth Graunke kwg at
Thu Nov 29 02:17:12 UTC 2012

Module: Mesa
Branch: master
Commit: dd50c88386c8220f4631115b68a10930378ead6c

Author: Kenneth Graunke <kenneth at>
Date:   Mon Nov 26 21:46:27 2012 -0800

i965/vs: Move some functions from brw_vec4_emit.cpp to brw_vec4.cpp.

This leaves only the final code generation stage in brw_vec4_emit.cpp,
moving the payload setup, run(), and brw_vs_emit functions to brw_vec4.cpp.

The fragment shader backend puts these functions in brw_fs.cpp, so this
patch also helps with consistency.

Reviewed-by: Eric Anholt <eric at>
Reviewed-by: Anuj Phogat <anuj.phogat at>


 src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_vec4.cpp      |  265 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_vec4_emit.cpp |  263 --------------------------
 2 files changed, 265 insertions(+), 263 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_vec4.cpp b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_vec4.cpp
index 10a8310..227acca 100644
--- a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_vec4.cpp
+++ b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_vec4.cpp
@@ -22,13 +22,18 @@
 #include "brw_vec4.h"
+#include "glsl/ir_print_visitor.h"
 extern "C" {
 #include "main/macros.h"
+#include "program/prog_print.h"
 #include "program/prog_parameter.h"
 #define MAX_INSTRUCTION (1 << 30)
+using namespace brw;
 namespace brw {
@@ -913,4 +918,264 @@ vec4_visitor::dump_instructions()
+vec4_visitor::setup_attributes(int payload_reg)
+   int nr_attributes;
+   int attribute_map[VERT_ATTRIB_MAX + 1];
+   nr_attributes = 0;
+   for (int i = 0; i < VERT_ATTRIB_MAX; i++) {
+      if (prog_data->inputs_read & BITFIELD64_BIT(i)) {
+	 attribute_map[i] = payload_reg + nr_attributes;
+	 nr_attributes++;
+      }
+   }
+   /* VertexID is stored by the VF as the last vertex element, but we
+    * don't represent it with a flag in inputs_read, so we call it
+    */
+   if (prog_data->uses_vertexid) {
+      attribute_map[VERT_ATTRIB_MAX] = payload_reg + nr_attributes;
+      nr_attributes++;
+   }
+   foreach_list(node, &this->instructions) {
+      vec4_instruction *inst = (vec4_instruction *)node;
+      /* We have to support ATTR as a destination for GL_FIXED fixup. */
+      if (inst->dst.file == ATTR) {
+	 int grf = attribute_map[inst->dst.reg + inst->dst.reg_offset];
+	 struct brw_reg reg = brw_vec8_grf(grf, 0);
+	 reg.type = inst->dst.type;
+	 reg.dw1.bits.writemask = inst->dst.writemask;
+	 inst->dst.file = HW_REG;
+	 inst->dst.fixed_hw_reg = reg;
+      }
+      for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+	 if (inst->src[i].file != ATTR)
+	    continue;
+	 int grf = attribute_map[inst->src[i].reg + inst->src[i].reg_offset];
+	 struct brw_reg reg = brw_vec8_grf(grf, 0);
+	 reg.dw1.bits.swizzle = inst->src[i].swizzle;
+         reg.type = inst->src[i].type;
+	 if (inst->src[i].abs)
+	    reg = brw_abs(reg);
+	 if (inst->src[i].negate)
+	    reg = negate(reg);
+	 inst->src[i].file = HW_REG;
+	 inst->src[i].fixed_hw_reg = reg;
+      }
+   }
+   /* The BSpec says we always have to read at least one thing from
+    * the VF, and it appears that the hardware wedges otherwise.
+    */
+   if (nr_attributes == 0)
+      nr_attributes = 1;
+   prog_data->urb_read_length = (nr_attributes + 1) / 2;
+   unsigned vue_entries = MAX2(nr_attributes, c->prog_data.vue_map.num_slots);
+   if (intel->gen == 6)
+      c->prog_data.urb_entry_size = ALIGN(vue_entries, 8) / 8;
+   else
+      c->prog_data.urb_entry_size = ALIGN(vue_entries, 4) / 4;
+   return payload_reg + nr_attributes;
+vec4_visitor::setup_uniforms(int reg)
+   /* The pre-gen6 VS requires that some push constants get loaded no
+    * matter what, or the GPU would hang.
+    */
+   if (intel->gen < 6 && this->uniforms == 0) {
+      this->uniform_vector_size[this->uniforms] = 1;
+      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+	 unsigned int slot = this->uniforms * 4 + i;
+	 static float zero = 0.0;
+	 c->prog_data.param[slot] = &zero;
+      }
+      this->uniforms++;
+      reg++;
+   } else {
+      reg += ALIGN(uniforms, 2) / 2;
+   }
+   c->prog_data.nr_params = this->uniforms * 4;
+   c->prog_data.curb_read_length = reg - 1;
+   return reg;
+   int reg = 0;
+   /* The payload always contains important data in g0, which contains
+    * the URB handles that are passed on to the URB write at the end
+    * of the thread.  So, we always start push constants at g1.
+    */
+   reg++;
+   reg = setup_uniforms(reg);
+   reg = setup_attributes(reg);
+   this->first_non_payload_grf = reg;
+   emit_attribute_fixups();
+   /* Generate VS IR for main().  (the visitor only descends into
+    * functions called "main").
+    */
+   if (shader) {
+      visit_instructions(shader->ir);
+   } else {
+      emit_vertex_program_code();
+   }
+   if (c->key.userclip_active && !c->key.uses_clip_distance)
+      setup_uniform_clipplane_values();
+   emit_urb_writes();
+   /* Before any optimization, push array accesses out to scratch
+    * space where we need them to be.  This pass may allocate new
+    * virtual GRFs, so we want to do it early.  It also makes sure
+    * that we have reladdr computations available for CSE, since we'll
+    * often do repeated subexpressions for those.
+    */
+   if (shader) {
+      move_grf_array_access_to_scratch();
+      move_uniform_array_access_to_pull_constants();
+   } else {
+      /* The ARB_vertex_program frontend emits pull constant loads directly
+       * rather than using reladdr, so we don't need to walk through all the
+       * instructions looking for things to move.  There isn't anything.
+       *
+       * We do still need to split things to vec4 size.
+       */
+      split_uniform_registers();
+   }
+   pack_uniform_registers();
+   move_push_constants_to_pull_constants();
+   split_virtual_grfs();
+   bool progress;
+   do {
+      progress = false;
+      progress = dead_code_eliminate() || progress;
+      progress = opt_copy_propagation() || progress;
+      progress = opt_algebraic() || progress;
+      progress = opt_compute_to_mrf() || progress;
+   } while (progress);
+   if (failed)
+      return false;
+   setup_payload();
+   if (false) {
+      /* Debug of register spilling: Go spill everything. */
+      const int grf_count = virtual_grf_count;
+      float spill_costs[virtual_grf_count];
+      bool no_spill[virtual_grf_count];
+      evaluate_spill_costs(spill_costs, no_spill);
+      for (int i = 0; i < grf_count; i++) {
+         if (no_spill[i])
+            continue;
+         spill_reg(i);
+      }
+   }
+   while (!reg_allocate()) {
+      if (failed)
+         break;
+   }
+   if (failed)
+      return false;
+   brw_set_access_mode(p, BRW_ALIGN_16);
+   generate_code();
+   return !failed;
 } /* namespace brw */
+extern "C" {
+brw_vs_emit(struct gl_shader_program *prog, struct brw_vs_compile *c)
+   struct brw_context *brw = c->func.brw;
+   struct intel_context *intel = &c->func.brw->intel;
+   bool start_busy = false;
+   float start_time = 0;
+   if (unlikely(INTEL_DEBUG & DEBUG_PERF)) {
+      start_busy = (intel->batch.last_bo &&
+                    drm_intel_bo_busy(intel->batch.last_bo));
+      start_time = get_time();
+   }
+   struct brw_shader *shader = NULL;
+   if (prog)
+      shader = (brw_shader *) prog->_LinkedShaders[MESA_SHADER_VERTEX];
+   if (unlikely(INTEL_DEBUG & DEBUG_VS)) {
+      if (shader) {
+         printf("GLSL IR for native vertex shader %d:\n", prog->Name);
+         _mesa_print_ir(shader->ir, NULL);
+         printf("\n\n");
+      } else {
+         printf("ARB_vertex_program %d for native vertex shader\n",
+                c->vp->program.Base.Id);
+         _mesa_print_program(&c->vp->program.Base);
+      }
+   }
+   if (unlikely(INTEL_DEBUG & DEBUG_PERF) && shader) {
+      if (shader->compiled_once) {
+         brw_vs_debug_recompile(brw, prog, &c->key);
+      }
+      if (start_busy && !drm_intel_bo_busy(intel->batch.last_bo)) {
+         perf_debug("VS compile took %.03f ms and stalled the GPU\n",
+                    (get_time() - start_time) * 1000);
+      }
+      shader->compiled_once = true;
+   }
+   vec4_visitor v(c, prog, shader);
+   if (! {
+      prog->LinkStatus = false;
+      ralloc_strcat(&prog->InfoLog, v.fail_msg);
+      return false;
+   }
+   return true;
+} /* extern "C" */
diff --git a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_vec4_emit.cpp b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_vec4_emit.cpp
index dbfcd0f..b911983 100644
--- a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_vec4_emit.cpp
+++ b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_vec4_emit.cpp
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@
 #include "brw_vec4.h"
-#include "glsl/ir_print_visitor.h"
 extern "C" {
 #include "brw_eu.h"
@@ -30,131 +29,8 @@ extern "C" {
 #include "program/prog_parameter.h"
-using namespace brw;
 namespace brw {
-vec4_visitor::setup_attributes(int payload_reg)
-   int nr_attributes;
-   int attribute_map[VERT_ATTRIB_MAX + 1];
-   nr_attributes = 0;
-   for (int i = 0; i < VERT_ATTRIB_MAX; i++) {
-      if (prog_data->inputs_read & BITFIELD64_BIT(i)) {
-	 attribute_map[i] = payload_reg + nr_attributes;
-	 nr_attributes++;
-      }
-   }
-   /* VertexID is stored by the VF as the last vertex element, but we
-    * don't represent it with a flag in inputs_read, so we call it
-    */
-   if (prog_data->uses_vertexid) {
-      attribute_map[VERT_ATTRIB_MAX] = payload_reg + nr_attributes;
-      nr_attributes++;
-   }
-   foreach_list(node, &this->instructions) {
-      vec4_instruction *inst = (vec4_instruction *)node;
-      /* We have to support ATTR as a destination for GL_FIXED fixup. */
-      if (inst->dst.file == ATTR) {
-	 int grf = attribute_map[inst->dst.reg + inst->dst.reg_offset];
-	 struct brw_reg reg = brw_vec8_grf(grf, 0);
-	 reg.type = inst->dst.type;
-	 reg.dw1.bits.writemask = inst->dst.writemask;
-	 inst->dst.file = HW_REG;
-	 inst->dst.fixed_hw_reg = reg;
-      }
-      for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
-	 if (inst->src[i].file != ATTR)
-	    continue;
-	 int grf = attribute_map[inst->src[i].reg + inst->src[i].reg_offset];
-	 struct brw_reg reg = brw_vec8_grf(grf, 0);
-	 reg.dw1.bits.swizzle = inst->src[i].swizzle;
-         reg.type = inst->src[i].type;
-	 if (inst->src[i].abs)
-	    reg = brw_abs(reg);
-	 if (inst->src[i].negate)
-	    reg = negate(reg);
-	 inst->src[i].file = HW_REG;
-	 inst->src[i].fixed_hw_reg = reg;
-      }
-   }
-   /* The BSpec says we always have to read at least one thing from
-    * the VF, and it appears that the hardware wedges otherwise.
-    */
-   if (nr_attributes == 0)
-      nr_attributes = 1;
-   prog_data->urb_read_length = (nr_attributes + 1) / 2;
-   unsigned vue_entries = MAX2(nr_attributes, c->prog_data.vue_map.num_slots);
-   if (intel->gen == 6)
-      c->prog_data.urb_entry_size = ALIGN(vue_entries, 8) / 8;
-   else
-      c->prog_data.urb_entry_size = ALIGN(vue_entries, 4) / 4;
-   return payload_reg + nr_attributes;
-vec4_visitor::setup_uniforms(int reg)
-   /* The pre-gen6 VS requires that some push constants get loaded no
-    * matter what, or the GPU would hang.
-    */
-   if (intel->gen < 6 && this->uniforms == 0) {
-      this->uniform_vector_size[this->uniforms] = 1;
-      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
-	 unsigned int slot = this->uniforms * 4 + i;
-	 static float zero = 0.0;
-	 c->prog_data.param[slot] = &zero;
-      }
-      this->uniforms++;
-      reg++;
-   } else {
-      reg += ALIGN(uniforms, 2) / 2;
-   }
-   c->prog_data.nr_params = this->uniforms * 4;
-   c->prog_data.curb_read_length = reg - 1;
-   return reg;
-   int reg = 0;
-   /* The payload always contains important data in g0, which contains
-    * the URB handles that are passed on to the URB write at the end
-    * of the thread.  So, we always start push constants at g1.
-    */
-   reg++;
-   reg = setup_uniforms(reg);
-   reg = setup_attributes(reg);
-   this->first_non_payload_grf = reg;
 struct brw_reg
@@ -773,90 +649,6 @@ vec4_visitor::generate_vs_instruction(vec4_instruction *instruction,
-   emit_attribute_fixups();
-   /* Generate VS IR for main().  (the visitor only descends into
-    * functions called "main").
-    */
-   if (shader) {
-      visit_instructions(shader->ir);
-   } else {
-      emit_vertex_program_code();
-   }
-   if (c->key.userclip_active && !c->key.uses_clip_distance)
-      setup_uniform_clipplane_values();
-   emit_urb_writes();
-   /* Before any optimization, push array accesses out to scratch
-    * space where we need them to be.  This pass may allocate new
-    * virtual GRFs, so we want to do it early.  It also makes sure
-    * that we have reladdr computations available for CSE, since we'll
-    * often do repeated subexpressions for those.
-    */
-   if (shader) {
-      move_grf_array_access_to_scratch();
-      move_uniform_array_access_to_pull_constants();
-   } else {
-      /* The ARB_vertex_program frontend emits pull constant loads directly
-       * rather than using reladdr, so we don't need to walk through all the
-       * instructions looking for things to move.  There isn't anything.
-       *
-       * We do still need to split things to vec4 size.
-       */
-      split_uniform_registers();
-   }
-   pack_uniform_registers();
-   move_push_constants_to_pull_constants();
-   split_virtual_grfs();
-   bool progress;
-   do {
-      progress = false;
-      progress = dead_code_eliminate() || progress;
-      progress = opt_copy_propagation() || progress;
-      progress = opt_algebraic() || progress;
-      progress = opt_compute_to_mrf() || progress;
-   } while (progress);
-   if (failed)
-      return false;
-   setup_payload();
-   if (false) {
-      /* Debug of register spilling: Go spill everything. */
-      const int grf_count = virtual_grf_count;
-      float spill_costs[virtual_grf_count];
-      bool no_spill[virtual_grf_count];
-      evaluate_spill_costs(spill_costs, no_spill);
-      for (int i = 0; i < grf_count; i++) {
-         if (no_spill[i])
-            continue;
-         spill_reg(i);
-      }
-   }
-   while (!reg_allocate()) {
-      if (failed)
-         break;
-   }
-   if (failed)
-      return false;
-   brw_set_access_mode(p, BRW_ALIGN_16);
-   generate_code();
-   return !failed;
@@ -1052,59 +844,4 @@ vec4_visitor::generate_code()
-extern "C" {
-brw_vs_emit(struct gl_shader_program *prog, struct brw_vs_compile *c)
-   struct brw_context *brw = c->func.brw;
-   struct intel_context *intel = &c->func.brw->intel;
-   bool start_busy = false;
-   float start_time = 0;
-   if (unlikely(INTEL_DEBUG & DEBUG_PERF)) {
-      start_busy = (intel->batch.last_bo &&
-                    drm_intel_bo_busy(intel->batch.last_bo));
-      start_time = get_time();
-   }
-   struct brw_shader *shader = NULL;
-   if (prog)
-      shader = (brw_shader *) prog->_LinkedShaders[MESA_SHADER_VERTEX];
-   if (unlikely(INTEL_DEBUG & DEBUG_VS)) {
-      if (shader) {
-         printf("GLSL IR for native vertex shader %d:\n", prog->Name);
-         _mesa_print_ir(shader->ir, NULL);
-         printf("\n\n");
-      } else {
-         printf("ARB_vertex_program %d for native vertex shader\n",
-                c->vp->program.Base.Id);
-         _mesa_print_program(&c->vp->program.Base);
-      }
-   }
-   if (unlikely(INTEL_DEBUG & DEBUG_PERF) && shader) {
-      if (shader->compiled_once) {
-         brw_vs_debug_recompile(brw, prog, &c->key);
-      }
-      if (start_busy && !drm_intel_bo_busy(intel->batch.last_bo)) {
-         perf_debug("VS compile took %.03f ms and stalled the GPU\n",
-                    (get_time() - start_time) * 1000);
-      }
-      shader->compiled_once = true;
-   }
-   vec4_visitor v(c, prog, shader);
-   if (! {
-      prog->LinkStatus = false;
-      ralloc_strcat(&prog->InfoLog, v.fail_msg);
-      return false;
-   }
-   return true;
-} /* extern "C" */
 } /* namespace brw */

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