Mesa (master): mesa: Initializes the stencil value masks to 0xFF instead of ~0u

Iago Toral Quiroga itoral at
Tue Jan 13 11:20:27 UTC 2015

Module: Mesa
Branch: master
Commit: b8b1d83c71fd148d2fd84afdc20c0aa367114f92

Author: Eduardo Lima Mitev <elima at>
Date:   Mon Dec 15 17:04:52 2014 +0100

mesa: Initializes the stencil value masks to 0xFF instead of ~0u

'4.1.4 Stencil Test' section of the GL-ES 3.0 specification says:

    "In the initial state, [...] the front and back stencil mask are both set
    to the value 2^s − 1, where s is greater than or equal to the number of
    bits in the deepest stencil buffer* supported by the GL implementation."

Since the maximum supported precision for stencil buffers is 8 bits, mask
values should be initialized to 2^8 - 1 = 0xFF.

Currently, these masks are initialized to max unsigned integer (~0u), because
in OpenGL 3.0 and before, the initial mask values were:

    "In the initial state, stenciling is disabled, the front and back
    stencil reference value are both zero, the front and back stencil
    comparison functions are both ALWAYS, and the front and back
    stencil mask are both all ones."

The problem is that it causes the mask values to overflow to -1 when converted
to signed integer by glGet* APIs.

Fixes 6 dEQP failing tests:
* dEQP-GLES3.functional.state_query.integers.stencil_value_mask_getfloat
* dEQP-GLES3.functional.state_query.integers.stencil_back_value_mask_getfloat
* dEQP-GLES3.functional.state_query.integers.stencil_value_mask_separate_getfloat
* dEQP-GLES3.functional.state_query.integers.stencil_value_mask_separate_both_getfloat
* dEQP-GLES3.functional.state_query.integers.stencil_back_value_mask_separate_getfloat
* dEQP-GLES3.functional.state_query.integers.stencil_back_value_mask_separate_both_getfloat

Reviewed-by: Ian Romanick <ian.d.romanick at>


 src/mesa/main/stencil.c |   24 ++++++++++++++++++------
 1 file changed, 18 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/mesa/main/stencil.c b/src/mesa/main/stencil.c
index f65116a..2a19a17 100644
--- a/src/mesa/main/stencil.c
+++ b/src/mesa/main/stencil.c
@@ -573,12 +573,24 @@ _mesa_init_stencil(struct gl_context *ctx)
    ctx->Stencil.Ref[0] = 0;
    ctx->Stencil.Ref[1] = 0;
    ctx->Stencil.Ref[2] = 0;
-   ctx->Stencil.ValueMask[0] = ~0U;
-   ctx->Stencil.ValueMask[1] = ~0U;
-   ctx->Stencil.ValueMask[2] = ~0U;
-   ctx->Stencil.WriteMask[0] = ~0U;
-   ctx->Stencil.WriteMask[1] = ~0U;
-   ctx->Stencil.WriteMask[2] = ~0U;
+   /* 4.1.4 Stencil Test section of the GL-ES 3.0 specification says:
+    *
+    *     "In the initial state, [...] the front and back stencil mask are both
+    *     set to the value 2^s − 1, where s is greater than or equal to the
+    *     number of bits in the deepest stencil buffer* supported by the GL
+    *     implementation."
+    *
+    * Since the maximum supported precision for stencil buffers is 8 bits,
+    * mask values should be initialized to 2^8 - 1 = 0xFF.
+    */
+   ctx->Stencil.ValueMask[0] = 0xFF;
+   ctx->Stencil.ValueMask[1] = 0xFF;
+   ctx->Stencil.ValueMask[2] = 0xFF;
+   ctx->Stencil.WriteMask[0] = 0xFF;
+   ctx->Stencil.WriteMask[1] = 0xFF;
+   ctx->Stencil.WriteMask[2] = 0xFF;
    ctx->Stencil.Clear = 0;
    ctx->Stencil._BackFace = 1;

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