Mesa (master): docs: document all RADV environment variables

GitLab Mirror gitlab-mirror at
Wed Nov 6 06:56:07 UTC 2019

Module: Mesa
Branch: master
Commit: cc66976d0ac41a91c357f3ff7641088a048ab695

Author: Samuel Pitoiset <samuel.pitoiset at>
Date:   Thu Oct 31 16:51:13 2019 +0100

docs: document all RADV environment variables

Requested by

[skip ci]

Signed-off-by: Samuel Pitoiset <samuel.pitoiset at>
Reviewed-by: Bas Nieuwenhuizen <bas at>


 docs/envvars.html | 105 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 105 insertions(+)

diff --git a/docs/envvars.html b/docs/envvars.html
index 8077bf29de4..ccde327b3c4 100644
--- a/docs/envvars.html
+++ b/docs/envvars.html
@@ -544,6 +544,111 @@ Mesa EGL supports different sets of environment variables.  See the
+<h3>RADV driver environment variables</h3>
+<dd>a comma-separated list of named flags, which do various things:
+   <dt><code>allbos</code></dt>
+   <dd>force all allocated buffers to be referenced in submissions</dd>
+   <dt><code>allentrypoints</code></dt>
+   <dd>enable all device/instance entrypoints</dd>
+   <dt><code>checkir</code></dt>
+   <dd>validate the LLVM IR before LLVM compiles the shader</dd>
+   <dt><code>errors</code></dt>
+   <dd>display more info about errors</dd>
+   <dt><code>info</code></dt>
+   <dd>show GPU-related information</dd>
+   <dt><code>metashaders</code></dt>
+   <dd>dump internal meta shaders</dd>
+   <dt><code>nobinning</code></dt>
+   <dd>disable primitive binning</dd>
+   <dt><code>nocache</code></dt>
+   <dd>disable shaders cache</dd>
+   <dt><code>nocompute</code></dt>
+   <dd>disable compute queue</dd>
+   <dt><code>nodcc</code></dt>
+   <dd>disable Delta Color Compression (DCC) on images</dd>
+   <dt><code>nodynamicbounds</code></dt>
+   <dd>do not check OOB access for dynamic descriptors</dd>
+   <dt><code>nofastclears</code></dt>
+   <dd>disable fast color/depthstencil clears</dd>
+   <dt><code>nohiz</code></dt>
+   <dd>disable HIZ for depthstencil images</dd>
+   <dt><code>noibs</code></dt>
+   <dd>disable directly recording command buffers in GPU-visible memory</dd>
+   <dt><code>noloadstoreopt</code></dt>
+   <dd>disable LLVM SILoadStoreOptimizer pass</dd>
+   <dt><code>nomemorycache</code></dt>
+   <dd>disable memory shaders cache</dd>
+   <dt><code>nongg</code></dt>
+   <dd>disable NGG for GFX10+</dd>
+   <dt><code>nooutoforder</code></dt>
+   <dd>disable out-of-order rasterization</dd>
+   <dt><code>noshaderballot</code></dt>
+   <dd>disable shader ballot</dd>
+   <dt><code>nosisched</code></dt>
+   <dd>disable LLVM sisched experimental scheduler</dd>
+   <dt><code>nothreadllvm</code></dt>
+   <dd>disable LLVM threaded compilation</dd>
+   <dt><code>preoptir</code></dt>
+   <dd>dump LLVM IR before any optimizations</dd>
+   <dt><code>shaders</code></dt>
+   <dd>dump shaders</dd>
+   <dt><code>shaderstats</code></dt>
+   <dd>dump shader statistics</dd>
+   <dt><code>spirv</code></dt>
+   <dd>dump SPIR-V</dd>
+   <dt><code>startup</code></dt>
+   <dd>display info at startup</dd>
+   <dt><code>syncshaders</code></dt>
+   <dd>synchronize shaders after all draws/dispatches</dd>
+   <dt><code>unsafemath</code></dt>
+   <dd>enable unsafe math operations</dd>
+   <dt><code>vmfaults</code></dt>
+   <dd>check for VM memory faults via dmesg</dd>
+   <dt><code>zerovram</code></dt>
+   <dd>initialize all memory allocated in VRAM as zero</dd>
+<dd>force the driver to use a specific family eg. gfx900 (developers only)</dd>
+<dd>a comma-separated list of named flags, which do various things:
+   <dt><code>aco</code></dt>
+   <dd>enable ACO experimental compiler</dd>
+   <dt><code>bolist</code></dt>
+   <dd>enable the global BO list</dd>
+   <dt><code>cswave32</code></dt>
+   <dd>enable wave32 for compute shaders (GFX10+)</dd>
+   <dt><code>dccmsaa</code></dt>
+   <dd>enable DCC for MSAA images</dd>
+   <dt><code>dfsm</code></dt>
+   <dd>enable dfsm</dd>
+   <dt><code>gewave32</code></dt>
+   <dd>enable wave32 for vertex/tess/geometry shaders (GFX10+)</dd>
+   <dt><code>localbos</code></dt>
+   <dd>enable local BOs</dd>
+   <dt><code>nobatchchain</code></dt>
+   <dd>disable chained submissions</dd>
+   <dt><code>pswave32</code></dt>
+   <dd>enable wave32 for pixel shaders (GFX10+)</dd>
+   <dt><code>shader_ballot</code></dt>
+   <dd>enable shader ballot</dd>
+   <dt><code>sisched</code></dt>
+   <dd>enable LLVM sisched experimental scheduler</dd>
+   <dt><code>tccompatcmask</code></dt>
+   <dd>enable TC-compat cmask for MSAA images</dd>
+<dd>maximum number of secure compile threads (up to 32)</dd>
+<dd>generate cmdbuffer tracefiles when a GPU hang is detected</dd>
 Other Gallium drivers have their own environment variables.  These may change
 frequently so the source code should be consulted for details.

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