Mesa (master): anv: Use anv_layout_to_aux_usage for color during render passes

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Tue Apr 28 22:52:24 UTC 2020

Module: Mesa
Branch: master
Commit: e63c662c26a6abfab5abf03a1646a236d6d730c0

Author: Jason Ekstrand <jason at>
Date:   Thu Mar 26 10:32:03 2020 -0500

anv: Use anv_layout_to_aux_usage for color during render passes

Previously, we tried to treat color image layouts as a special case
during render passes.  This is largely an artifact of history as our
initial understanding of Vulkan placed much more emphasis on render
passes than our current understanding.  The only real practical use for
magic layouts in the middle of a render pass, as far as I can tell, is
to allow more clear colors to get passed through to input attachments.
However, most apps aren't very creative with their clear colors and very
few of them (none coming from DXVK) actually use render passes in any
interesting way.  Therefore, the risk of being able to pass fewer clear
colors through to input attachments should be minimal.

There are, however, three very big advantages to this change:

 1. We are now consistent in our handling of aux usage and layouts
    between color and depth/stencil.

 2. We are now actually following the layout guidelines from the app and
    aren't nearly as likely to see strange behavior due to us overriding
    the image layouts manually.

 3. It's more obviously correct.  While I think our old render pass code
    was probably correct, it was full of corner cases and it's very
    possible that it was behaving badly in weird ways.  This follows the
    Vulkan API much more blindly and, as such, is more likely to be
    correct and behave the same as other implementations.

Reviewed-by: Rafael Antognolli <rafael.antognolli at>
Part-of: <>


 src/intel/vulkan/anv_private.h     |   2 -
 src/intel/vulkan/genX_cmd_buffer.c | 145 +++++++------------------------------
 2 files changed, 27 insertions(+), 120 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/intel/vulkan/anv_private.h b/src/intel/vulkan/anv_private.h
index 8e88df7505b..352d4b8e249 100644
--- a/src/intel/vulkan/anv_private.h
+++ b/src/intel/vulkan/anv_private.h
@@ -2581,7 +2581,6 @@ struct anv_surface_state {
 struct anv_attachment_state {
    enum isl_aux_usage                           aux_usage;
-   enum isl_aux_usage                           input_aux_usage;
    struct anv_surface_state                     color;
    struct anv_surface_state                     input;
@@ -2591,7 +2590,6 @@ struct anv_attachment_state {
    VkImageAspectFlags                           pending_load_aspects;
    bool                                         fast_clear;
    VkClearValue                                 clear_value;
-   bool                                         clear_color_is_zero;
    /* When multiview is active, attachments with a renderpass clear
     * operation have their respective layers cleared on the first
diff --git a/src/intel/vulkan/genX_cmd_buffer.c b/src/intel/vulkan/genX_cmd_buffer.c
index f00e34f6661..b2b292c1ff3 100644
--- a/src/intel/vulkan/genX_cmd_buffer.c
+++ b/src/intel/vulkan/genX_cmd_buffer.c
@@ -309,83 +309,6 @@ isl_color_value_requires_conversion(union isl_color_value color,
    return memcmp(surf_pack, view_pack, sizeof(surf_pack)) != 0;
-static void
-color_attachment_compute_aux_usage(struct anv_device * device,
-                                   struct anv_cmd_state * cmd_state,
-                                   uint32_t att, VkRect2D render_area)
-   struct anv_attachment_state *att_state = &cmd_state->attachments[att];
-   struct anv_image_view *iview = cmd_state->attachments[att].image_view;
-   assert(iview->n_planes == 1);
-   if (iview->planes[0].isl.base_array_layer >=
-       anv_image_aux_layers(iview->image, VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT,
-                            iview->planes[0].isl.base_level)) {
-      /* There is no aux buffer which corresponds to the level and layer(s)
-       * being accessed.
-       */
-      att_state->aux_usage = ISL_AUX_USAGE_NONE;
-      att_state->input_aux_usage = ISL_AUX_USAGE_NONE;
-      return;
-   }
-   att_state->aux_usage =
-      anv_layout_to_aux_usage(&device->info, iview->image,
-                              VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT,
-                              VK_IMAGE_USAGE_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_BIT,
-                              VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_OPTIMAL);
-   /* If we don't have aux, then we should have returned early in the layer
-    * check above.  If we got here, we must have something.
-    */
-   assert(att_state->aux_usage != ISL_AUX_USAGE_NONE);
-   if (att_state->aux_usage == ISL_AUX_USAGE_CCS_E ||
-       att_state->aux_usage == ISL_AUX_USAGE_MCS) {
-      att_state->input_aux_usage = att_state->aux_usage;
-   } else {
-      /* From the Sky Lake PRM, RENDER_SURFACE_STATE::AuxiliarySurfaceMode:
-       *
-       *    "If Number of Multisamples is MULTISAMPLECOUNT_1, AUX_CCS_D
-       *    setting is only allowed if Surface Format supported for Fast
-       *    Clear. In addition, if the surface is bound to the sampling
-       *    engine, Surface Format must be supported for Render Target
-       *    Compression for surfaces bound to the sampling engine."
-       *
-       * In other words, we can only sample from a fast-cleared image if it
-       * also supports color compression.
-       */
-      if (isl_format_supports_ccs_e(&device->info, iview->planes[0].isl.format) &&
-          isl_format_supports_ccs_d(&device->info, iview->planes[0].isl.format)) {
-         att_state->input_aux_usage = ISL_AUX_USAGE_CCS_D;
-         /* While fast-clear resolves and partial resolves are fairly cheap in the
-          * case where you render to most of the pixels, full resolves are not
-          * because they potentially involve reading and writing the entire
-          * framebuffer.  If we can't texture with CCS_E, we should leave it off and
-          * limit ourselves to fast clears.
-          */
-         if (cmd_state->pass->attachments[att].first_subpass_layout ==
-            anv_perf_warn(device, iview->image,
-                          "Not temporarily enabling CCS_E.");
-         }
-      } else {
-         att_state->input_aux_usage = ISL_AUX_USAGE_NONE;
-      }
-   }
-   assert(iview->image->planes[0].aux_surface.isl.usage &
-   union isl_color_value clear_color = {};
-   anv_clear_color_from_att_state(&clear_color, att_state, iview);
-   att_state->clear_color_is_zero =
-      isl_color_value_is_zero(clear_color, iview->planes[0].isl.format);
 static bool
 anv_can_fast_clear_color_view(struct anv_device * device,
                               struct anv_image_view *iview,
@@ -1464,25 +1387,20 @@ genX(cmd_buffer_setup_attachments)(struct anv_cmd_buffer *cmd_buffer,
          const uint32_t num_layers = iview->planes[0].isl.array_len;
          att_state->pending_clear_views = (1 << num_layers) - 1;
-         if (att_aspects & VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_ANY_COLOR_BIT_ANV) {
-            anv_assert(iview->n_planes == 1);
-            assert(att_aspects == VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT);
-            color_attachment_compute_aux_usage(cmd_buffer->device,
-                                               state, i, begin->renderArea);
-            if (clear_aspects & VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_ANY_COLOR_BIT_ANV) {
-               assert(clear_aspects == VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT);
-               att_state->fast_clear =
-                  anv_can_fast_clear_color_view(cmd_buffer->device, iview,
-                                                pass_att->first_subpass_layout,
-                                                vk_to_isl_color(att_state->clear_value.color),
-                                                framebuffer->layers,
-                                                begin->renderArea);
-            }
-         } else {
-            /* These will be initialized after the first subpass transition. */
-            att_state->aux_usage = ISL_AUX_USAGE_NONE;
-            att_state->input_aux_usage = ISL_AUX_USAGE_NONE;
+         /* This will be initialized after the first subpass transition. */
+         att_state->aux_usage = ISL_AUX_USAGE_NONE;
+         att_state->fast_clear = false;
+         if (clear_aspects & VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_ANY_COLOR_BIT_ANV) {
+            assert(clear_aspects == VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT);
+            att_state->fast_clear =
+               anv_can_fast_clear_color_view(cmd_buffer->device, iview,
+                                             pass_att->first_subpass_layout,
+                                             vk_to_isl_color(att_state->clear_value.color),
+                                             framebuffer->layers,
+                                             begin->renderArea);
+         } else if (clear_aspects & (VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_DEPTH_BIT |
+                                     VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_STENCIL_BIT)) {
             att_state->fast_clear =
                anv_can_hiz_clear_ds_view(cmd_buffer->device, iview,
@@ -5047,26 +4965,7 @@ cmd_buffer_begin_subpass(struct anv_cmd_buffer *cmd_buffer,
       struct anv_image_view *iview = cmd_state->attachments[a].image_view;
       const struct anv_image *image = iview->image;
-      /* A resolve is necessary before use as an input attachment if the clear
-       * color or auxiliary buffer usage isn't supported by the sampler.
-       */
-      const bool input_needs_resolve =
-            (att_state->fast_clear && !att_state->clear_color_is_zero) ||
-            att_state->input_aux_usage != att_state->aux_usage;
-      VkImageLayout target_layout;
-      if (iview->aspect_mask & VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_ANY_COLOR_BIT_ANV &&
-          !input_needs_resolve) {
-         /* Layout transitions before the final only help to enable sampling
-          * as an input attachment. If the input attachment supports sampling
-          * using the auxiliary surface, we can skip such transitions by
-          * making the target layout one that is CCS-aware.
-          */
-      } else {
-         target_layout = subpass->attachments[i].layout;
-      }
+      VkImageLayout target_layout = subpass->attachments[i].layout;
       VkImageLayout target_stencil_layout =
@@ -5086,6 +4985,11 @@ cmd_buffer_begin_subpass(struct anv_cmd_buffer *cmd_buffer,
                                  iview->planes[0].isl.base_level, 1,
                                  base_layer, layer_count,
                                  att_state->current_layout, target_layout);
+         att_state->aux_usage =
+            anv_layout_to_aux_usage(&cmd_buffer->device->info, image,
+                                    VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT,
+                                    VK_IMAGE_USAGE_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_BIT,
+                                    target_layout);
       if (image->aspects & VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_DEPTH_BIT) {
@@ -5149,7 +5053,8 @@ cmd_buffer_begin_subpass(struct anv_cmd_buffer *cmd_buffer,
             if (is_multiview)
                att_state->pending_clear_views &= ~1;
-            if (att_state->clear_color_is_zero) {
+            if (isl_color_value_is_zero(clear_color,
+                                        iview->planes[0].isl.format)) {
                /* This image has the auxiliary buffer enabled. We can mark the
                 * subresource as not needing a resolve because the clear color
                 * will match what's in every RENDER_SURFACE_STATE object when
@@ -5309,7 +5214,11 @@ cmd_buffer_begin_subpass(struct anv_cmd_buffer *cmd_buffer,
       } else if (att_usage == VK_IMAGE_USAGE_INPUT_ATTACHMENT_BIT) {
          surface_state = &att_state->input;
          isl_surf_usage = ISL_SURF_USAGE_TEXTURE_BIT;
-         isl_aux_usage = att_state->input_aux_usage;
+         isl_aux_usage =
+            anv_layout_to_aux_usage(&cmd_buffer->device->info, iview->image,
+                                    VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT,
+                                    VK_IMAGE_USAGE_INPUT_ATTACHMENT_BIT,
+                                    att_state->current_layout);
       } else {

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