Mesa (master): turnip: delete tu_clear_sysmem_attachments_2d

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Mon Aug 3 23:16:34 UTC 2020

Module: Mesa
Branch: master
Commit: ba6cdb275c3bfbf8c9990674c5c44d58d9747f49

Author: Jonathan Marek <jonathan at>
Date:   Mon Jul  6 11:33:32 2020 -0400

turnip: delete tu_clear_sysmem_attachments_2d

2D path is using the same hardware as the 3D path, with the advantage of
separate register state, but here it requires WFI and extra cache flushing
and invalidating, so it should be better to just use the 3D path. There are
also some cases where the 3D path would be much faster, since it can clear
multiple attachments at once.

Signed-off-by: Jonathan Marek <jonathan at>
Part-of: <>


 src/freedreno/vulkan/tu_clear_blit.c | 93 +-----------------------------------
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 92 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/freedreno/vulkan/tu_clear_blit.c b/src/freedreno/vulkan/tu_clear_blit.c
index 7a66f106ca3..6e1bd8193f4 100644
--- a/src/freedreno/vulkan/tu_clear_blit.c
+++ b/src/freedreno/vulkan/tu_clear_blit.c
@@ -1717,89 +1717,6 @@ tu_CmdClearDepthStencilImage(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
       clear_image(cmd, image, (const VkClearValue*) pDepthStencil, pRanges + i);
-static void
-tu_clear_sysmem_attachments_2d(struct tu_cmd_buffer *cmd,
-                               uint32_t attachment_count,
-                               const VkClearAttachment *attachments,
-                               uint32_t rect_count,
-                               const VkClearRect *rects)
-   const struct tu_subpass *subpass = cmd->state.subpass;
-   /* note: cannot use shader path here.. there is a special shader path
-    * in tu_clear_sysmem_attachments()
-    */
-   const struct blit_ops *ops = &r2d_ops;
-   struct tu_cs *cs = &cmd->draw_cs;
-   for (uint32_t j = 0; j < attachment_count; j++) {
-         /* The vulkan spec, section 17.2 "Clearing Images Inside a Render
-          * Pass Instance" says that:
-          *
-          *     Unlike other clear commands, vkCmdClearAttachments executes as
-          *     a drawing command, rather than a transfer command, with writes
-          *     performed by it executing in rasterization order. Clears to
-          *     color attachments are executed as color attachment writes, by
-          *     Clears to depth/stencil attachments are executed as depth
-          *     writes and writes by the
-          *
-          * However, the 2d path here is executed the same way as a
-          * transfer command, using the CCU color cache exclusively with
-          * a special depth-as-color format for depth clears. This means that
-          * we can't rely on the normal pipeline barrier mechanism here, and
-          * have to manually flush whenever using a different cache domain
-          * from what the 3d path would've used. This happens when we clear
-          * depth/stencil, since normally depth attachments use CCU depth, but
-          * we clear it using a special depth-as-color format. Since the clear
-          * potentially uses a different attachment state we also need to
-          * invalidate color beforehand and flush it afterwards.
-          */
-         uint32_t a;
-         if (attachments[j].aspectMask & VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT) {
-            a = subpass->color_attachments[attachments[j].colorAttachment].attachment;
-            tu6_emit_event_write(cmd, cs, PC_CCU_FLUSH_COLOR_TS);
-         } else {
-            a = subpass->depth_stencil_attachment.attachment;
-            tu6_emit_event_write(cmd, cs, PC_CCU_FLUSH_DEPTH_TS);
-            tu6_emit_event_write(cmd, cs, PC_CCU_FLUSH_COLOR_TS);
-            tu6_emit_event_write(cmd, cs, PC_CCU_INVALIDATE_COLOR);
-         }
-         if (a == VK_ATTACHMENT_UNUSED)
-               continue;
-         const struct tu_image_view *iview =
-            cmd->state.framebuffer->attachments[a].attachment;
-         ops->setup(cmd, cs, iview->image->vk_format, attachments[j].aspectMask,
-                    ROTATE_0, true, iview->ubwc_enabled);
-         ops->clear_value(cs, iview->image->vk_format, &attachments[j].clearValue);
-         /* Wait for the flushes we triggered manually to complete */
-         tu_cs_emit_wfi(cs);
-         for (uint32_t i = 0; i < rect_count; i++) {
-            ops->coords(cs, &rects[i].rect.offset, NULL, &rects[i].rect.extent);
-            for (uint32_t layer = 0; layer < rects[i].layerCount; layer++) {
-               ops->dst(cs, iview, rects[i].baseArrayLayer + layer);
-               ops->run(cmd, cs);
-            }
-         }
-         if (attachments[j].aspectMask & VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT) {
-            tu6_emit_event_write(cmd, cs, PC_CCU_FLUSH_COLOR_TS);
-            tu6_emit_event_write(cmd, cs, PC_CCU_INVALIDATE_COLOR);
-         } else {
-            /* sync color into depth */
-            tu6_emit_event_write(cmd, cs, PC_CCU_FLUSH_COLOR_TS);
-            tu6_emit_event_write(cmd, cs, PC_CCU_INVALIDATE_DEPTH);
-         }
-   }
 static void
 tu_clear_sysmem_attachments(struct tu_cmd_buffer *cmd,
                             uint32_t attachment_count,
@@ -1851,16 +1768,8 @@ tu_clear_sysmem_attachments(struct tu_cmd_buffer *cmd,
       max_samples = MAX2(max_samples, pass->attachments[a].samples);
-   /* prefer to use 2D path for clears
-    * 2D can't clear separate depth/stencil and msaa, needs known framebuffer
-    */
-   if (max_samples == 1 && cmd->state.framebuffer) {
-      tu_clear_sysmem_attachments_2d(cmd, attachment_count, attachments, rect_count, rects);
-      return;
-   }
    /* disable all draw states so they don't interfere
-    * TODO: use and re-use draw states for this path
+    * TODO: use and re-use draw states
     * we have to disable draw states individually to preserve
     * input attachment states, because a secondary command buffer
     * won't be able to restore them

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