Mesa (master): gallium/indices: generalize primitive-restart logic

GitLab Mirror gitlab-mirror at
Tue Aug 18 12:28:43 UTC 2020

Module: Mesa
Branch: master
Commit: ac96225eb0e4108a416049f3ebac6c5bdb178e9d

Author: Erik Faye-Lund <erik.faye-lund at>
Date:   Thu Jun 18 15:05:13 2020 +0200

gallium/indices: generalize primitive-restart logic

These blocks are all the same logic, but with a few details changed.
Let's add a parameterized version and add calls to that instead.

Reviewed-by: Gert Wollny <gert.wollny at>
Part-of: <>


 src/gallium/auxiliary/indices/ | 68 ++++++--------------------
 1 file changed, 16 insertions(+), 52 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/gallium/auxiliary/indices/ b/src/gallium/auxiliary/indices/
index 498878746d2..e2177c31614 100644
--- a/src/gallium/auxiliary/indices/
+++ b/src/gallium/auxiliary/indices/
@@ -208,6 +208,19 @@ def preamble(intype, outtype, inpv, outpv, pr, prim):
 def postamble():
+def prim_restart(in_verts, out_verts, out_prims):
+    print('restart:')
+    print('      if (i + ' + str(in_verts) + ' > in_nr) {')
+    for i in range(out_prims):
+        for j in range(out_verts):
+            print('         (out+j+' + str(out_verts * i) + ')[' + str(j) + '] = restart_index;')
+    print('         continue;')
+    print('      }')
+    for i in range(in_verts):
+        print('      if (in[i + ' + str(i) + '] == restart_index) {')
+        print('         i += ' + str(i + 1) + ';')
+        print('         goto restart;')
+        print('      }')
 def points(intype, outtype, inpv, outpv, pr):
     preamble(intype, outtype, inpv, outpv, pr, prim='points')
@@ -305,32 +318,7 @@ def quads(intype, outtype, inpv, outpv, pr):
     preamble(intype, outtype, inpv, outpv, pr, prim='quads')
     print('  for (i = start, j = 0; j < out_nr; j+=6, i+=4) { ')
     if pr == PRENABLE:
-        print('restart:')
-        print('      if (i + 4 > in_nr) {')
-        print('         (out+j+0)[0] = restart_index;')
-        print('         (out+j+0)[1] = restart_index;')
-        print('         (out+j+0)[2] = restart_index;')
-        print('         (out+j+3)[0] = restart_index;')
-        print('         (out+j+3)[1] = restart_index;')
-        print('         (out+j+3)[2] = restart_index;')
-        print('         continue;')
-        print('      }')
-        print('      if (in[i + 0] == restart_index) {')
-        print('         i += 1;')
-        print('         goto restart;')
-        print('      }')
-        print('      if (in[i + 1] == restart_index) {')
-        print('         i += 2;')
-        print('         goto restart;')
-        print('      }')
-        print('      if (in[i + 2] == restart_index) {')
-        print('         i += 3;')
-        print('         goto restart;')
-        print('      }')
-        print('      if (in[i + 3] == restart_index) {')
-        print('         i += 4;')
-        print('         goto restart;')
-        print('      }')
+        prim_restart(4, 3, 2)
     do_quad( intype, outtype, 'out+j', 'i+0', 'i+1', 'i+2', 'i+3', inpv, outpv );
     print('   }')
@@ -341,32 +329,8 @@ def quadstrip(intype, outtype, inpv, outpv, pr):
     preamble(intype, outtype, inpv, outpv, pr, prim='quadstrip')
     print('  for (i = start, j = 0; j < out_nr; j+=6, i+=2) { ')
     if pr == PRENABLE:
-        print('restart:')
-        print('      if (i + 4 > in_nr) {')
-        print('         (out+j+0)[0] = restart_index;')
-        print('         (out+j+0)[1] = restart_index;')
-        print('         (out+j+0)[2] = restart_index;')
-        print('         (out+j+3)[0] = restart_index;')
-        print('         (out+j+3)[1] = restart_index;')
-        print('         (out+j+3)[2] = restart_index;')
-        print('         continue;')
-        print('      }')
-        print('      if (in[i + 0] == restart_index) {')
-        print('         i += 1;')
-        print('         goto restart;')
-        print('      }')
-        print('      if (in[i + 1] == restart_index) {')
-        print('         i += 2;')
-        print('         goto restart;')
-        print('      }')
-        print('      if (in[i + 2] == restart_index) {')
-        print('         i += 3;')
-        print('         goto restart;')
-        print('      }')
-        print('      if (in[i + 3] == restart_index) {')
-        print('         i += 4;')
-        print('         goto restart;')
-        print('      }')
+        prim_restart(4, 3, 2)
     if inpv == LAST:
         do_quad( intype, outtype, 'out+j', 'i+2', 'i+0', 'i+1', 'i+3', inpv, outpv );

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