Mesa (master): radeonsi: remove broken and unused SI SDMA image copy code

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Mon Jan 6 20:41:55 UTC 2020

Module: Mesa
Branch: master
Commit: 4110e6e5644ccfc84c9a9d5a1a38159d2e26dd6a

Author: Marek Olšák <marek.olsak at>
Date:   Thu Jan  2 15:40:30 2020 -0500

radeonsi: remove broken and unused SI SDMA image copy code

Reviewed-by: Pierre-Eric Pelloux-Prayer <pierre-eric.pelloux-prayer at>
Reviewed-By: Timur Kristóf <timur.kristof at>


 src/gallium/drivers/radeonsi/si_dma.c | 183 +---------------------------------
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 181 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/gallium/drivers/radeonsi/si_dma.c b/src/gallium/drivers/radeonsi/si_dma.c
index c277673c2df..acfcdaafc09 100644
--- a/src/gallium/drivers/radeonsi/si_dma.c
+++ b/src/gallium/drivers/radeonsi/si_dma.c
@@ -77,106 +77,6 @@ static void si_dma_copy_buffer(struct si_context *ctx,
-static void si_dma_copy_tile(struct si_context *ctx,
-			     struct pipe_resource *dst,
-			     unsigned dst_level,
-			     unsigned dst_x,
-			     unsigned dst_y,
-			     unsigned dst_z,
-			     struct pipe_resource *src,
-			     unsigned src_level,
-			     unsigned src_x,
-			     unsigned src_y,
-			     unsigned src_z,
-			     unsigned copy_height,
-			     unsigned pitch,
-			     unsigned bpp)
-	struct radeon_cmdbuf *cs = ctx->dma_cs;
-	struct si_texture *ssrc = (struct si_texture*)src;
-	struct si_texture *sdst = (struct si_texture*)dst;
-	unsigned dst_mode = sdst->surface.u.legacy.level[dst_level].mode;
-	bool detile = dst_mode == RADEON_SURF_MODE_LINEAR_ALIGNED;
-	struct si_texture *linear = detile ? sdst : ssrc;
-	struct si_texture *tiled = detile ? ssrc : sdst;
-	unsigned linear_lvl = detile ? dst_level : src_level;
-	unsigned tiled_lvl = detile ? src_level : dst_level;
-	struct radeon_info *info = &ctx->screen->info;
-	unsigned index = tiled->surface.u.legacy.tiling_index[tiled_lvl];
-	unsigned tile_mode = info->si_tile_mode_array[index];
-	unsigned array_mode, lbpp, pitch_tile_max, slice_tile_max, size;
-	unsigned ncopy, height, cheight, i;
-	unsigned linear_x, linear_y, linear_z,  tiled_x, tiled_y, tiled_z;
-	unsigned sub_cmd, bank_h, bank_w, mt_aspect, nbanks, tile_split, mt;
-	uint64_t base, addr;
-	unsigned pipe_config;
-	assert(dst_mode != ssrc->surface.u.legacy.level[src_level].mode);
-	sub_cmd = SI_DMA_COPY_TILED;
-	lbpp = util_logbase2(bpp);
-	pitch_tile_max = ((pitch / bpp) / 8) - 1;
-	linear_x = detile ? dst_x : src_x;
-	linear_y = detile ? dst_y : src_y;
-	linear_z = detile ? dst_z : src_z;
-	tiled_x = detile ? src_x : dst_x;
-	tiled_y = detile ? src_y : dst_y;
-	tiled_z = detile ? src_z : dst_z;
-	assert(!util_format_is_depth_and_stencil(tiled->buffer.b.b.format));
-	array_mode = G_009910_ARRAY_MODE(tile_mode);
-	slice_tile_max = (tiled->surface.u.legacy.level[tiled_lvl].nblk_x *
-			  tiled->surface.u.legacy.level[tiled_lvl].nblk_y) / (8*8) - 1;
-	/* linear height must be the same as the slice tile max height, it's ok even
-	 * if the linear destination/source have smaller heigh as the size of the
-	 * dma packet will be using the copy_height which is always smaller or equal
-	 * to the linear height
-	 */
-	height = tiled->surface.u.legacy.level[tiled_lvl].nblk_y;
-	base = tiled->surface.u.legacy.level[tiled_lvl].offset;
-	addr = linear->surface.u.legacy.level[linear_lvl].offset;
-	addr += (uint64_t)linear->surface.u.legacy.level[linear_lvl].slice_size_dw * 4 * linear_z;
-	addr += linear_y * pitch + linear_x * bpp;
-	bank_h = G_009910_BANK_HEIGHT(tile_mode);
-	bank_w = G_009910_BANK_WIDTH(tile_mode);
-	mt_aspect = G_009910_MACRO_TILE_ASPECT(tile_mode);
-	/* Non-depth modes don't have TILE_SPLIT set. */
-	tile_split = util_logbase2(tiled->surface.u.legacy.tile_split >> 6);
-	nbanks = G_009910_NUM_BANKS(tile_mode);
-	base += tiled->buffer.gpu_address;
-	addr += linear->buffer.gpu_address;
-	pipe_config = G_009910_PIPE_CONFIG(tile_mode);
-	mt = G_009910_MICRO_TILE_MODE(tile_mode);
-	size = copy_height * pitch;
-	si_need_dma_space(ctx, ncopy * 9, &sdst->buffer, &ssrc->buffer);
-	for (i = 0; i < ncopy; i++) {
-		cheight = copy_height;
-		if (cheight * pitch > SI_DMA_COPY_MAX_DWORD_ALIGNED_SIZE) {
-			cheight = SI_DMA_COPY_MAX_DWORD_ALIGNED_SIZE / pitch;
-		}
-		size = cheight * pitch;
-		radeon_emit(cs, SI_DMA_PACKET(SI_DMA_PACKET_COPY, sub_cmd, size / 4));
-		radeon_emit(cs, base >> 8);
-		radeon_emit(cs, (detile << 31) | (array_mode << 27) |
-				(lbpp << 24) | (bank_h << 21) |
-				(bank_w << 18) | (mt_aspect << 16));
-		radeon_emit(cs, (pitch_tile_max << 0) | ((height - 1) << 16));
-		radeon_emit(cs, (slice_tile_max << 0) | (pipe_config << 26));
-		radeon_emit(cs, (tiled_x << 0) | (tiled_z << 18));
-		radeon_emit(cs, (tiled_y << 0) | (tile_split << 21) | (nbanks << 25) | (mt << 27));
-		radeon_emit(cs, addr & 0xfffffffc);
-		radeon_emit(cs, (addr >> 32UL) & 0xff);
-		copy_height -= cheight;
-		addr += cheight * pitch;
-		tiled_y += cheight;
-	}
 static void si_dma_copy(struct pipe_context *ctx,
 			struct pipe_resource *dst,
 			unsigned dst_level,
@@ -186,12 +86,6 @@ static void si_dma_copy(struct pipe_context *ctx,
 			const struct pipe_box *src_box)
 	struct si_context *sctx = (struct si_context *)ctx;
-	struct si_texture *ssrc = (struct si_texture*)src;
-	struct si_texture *sdst = (struct si_texture*)dst;
-	unsigned dst_pitch, src_pitch, bpp, dst_mode, src_mode;
-	unsigned src_w, dst_w;
-	unsigned src_x, src_y;
-	unsigned dst_x = dstx, dst_y = dsty, dst_z = dstz;
 	if (sctx->dma_cs == NULL ||
 	    src->flags & PIPE_RESOURCE_FLAG_SPARSE ||
@@ -200,84 +94,11 @@ static void si_dma_copy(struct pipe_context *ctx,
 	if (dst->target == PIPE_BUFFER && src->target == PIPE_BUFFER) {
-		si_dma_copy_buffer(sctx, dst, src, dst_x, src_box->x, src_box->width);
+		si_dma_copy_buffer(sctx, dst, src, dstx, src_box->x, src_box->width);
-	/* XXX: Using the asynchronous DMA engine for multi-dimensional
-	 * operations seems to cause random GPU lockups for various people.
-	 * While the root cause for this might need to be fixed in the kernel,
-	 * let's disable it for now.
-	 *
-	 * Before re-enabling this, please make sure you can hit all newly
-	 * enabled paths in your testing, preferably with both piglit and real
-	 * world apps, and get in touch with people on the bug reports below
-	 * for stability testing.
-	 *
-	 *
-	 *
-	 */
-	goto fallback;
-	if (src_box->depth > 1 ||
-	    !si_prepare_for_dma_blit(sctx, sdst, dst_level, dstx, dsty,
-				     dstz, ssrc, src_level, src_box))
-		goto fallback;
-	src_x = util_format_get_nblocksx(src->format, src_box->x);
-	dst_x = util_format_get_nblocksx(src->format, dst_x);
-	src_y = util_format_get_nblocksy(src->format, src_box->y);
-	dst_y = util_format_get_nblocksy(src->format, dst_y);
-	bpp = sdst->surface.bpe;
-	dst_pitch = sdst->surface.u.legacy.level[dst_level].nblk_x * sdst->surface.bpe;
-	src_pitch = ssrc->surface.u.legacy.level[src_level].nblk_x * ssrc->surface.bpe;
-	src_w = u_minify(ssrc->buffer.b.b.width0, src_level);
-	dst_w = u_minify(sdst->buffer.b.b.width0, dst_level);
-	dst_mode = sdst->surface.u.legacy.level[dst_level].mode;
-	src_mode = ssrc->surface.u.legacy.level[src_level].mode;
-	if (src_pitch != dst_pitch || src_box->x || dst_x || src_w != dst_w ||
-	    src_box->width != src_w ||
-	    src_box->height != u_minify(ssrc->buffer.b.b.height0, src_level) ||
-	    src_box->height != u_minify(sdst->buffer.b.b.height0, dst_level) ||
-	    ssrc->surface.u.legacy.level[src_level].nblk_y !=
-	    sdst->surface.u.legacy.level[dst_level].nblk_y) {
-		/* FIXME si can do partial blit */
-		goto fallback;
-	}
-	/* the x test here are currently useless (because we don't support partial blit)
-	 * but keep them around so we don't forget about those
-	 */
-	if ((src_pitch % 8) || (src_box->x % 8) || (dst_x % 8) ||
-	    (src_box->y % 8) || (dst_y % 8) || (src_box->height % 8)) {
-		goto fallback;
-	}
-	if (src_mode == dst_mode) {
-		uint64_t dst_offset, src_offset;
-		/* simple dma blit would do NOTE code here assume :
-		 *   src_box.x/y == 0
-		 *   dst_x/y == 0
-		 *   dst_pitch == src_pitch
-		 */
-		src_offset= ssrc->surface.u.legacy.level[src_level].offset;
-		src_offset += (uint64_t)ssrc->surface.u.legacy.level[src_level].slice_size_dw * 4 * src_box->z;
-		src_offset += src_y * src_pitch + src_x * bpp;
-		dst_offset = sdst->surface.u.legacy.level[dst_level].offset;
-		dst_offset += (uint64_t)sdst->surface.u.legacy.level[dst_level].slice_size_dw * 4 * dst_z;
-		dst_offset += dst_y * dst_pitch + dst_x * bpp;
-		si_dma_copy_buffer(sctx, dst, src, dst_offset, src_offset,
-				   (uint64_t)ssrc->surface.u.legacy.level[src_level].slice_size_dw * 4);
-	} else {
-		si_dma_copy_tile(sctx, dst, dst_level, dst_x, dst_y, dst_z,
-				 src, src_level, src_x, src_y, src_box->z,
-				 src_box->height / ssrc->surface.blk_h,
-				 dst_pitch, bpp);
-	}
-	return;
+	/* SI SDMA image copies are unimplemented. */
 	si_resource_copy_region(ctx, dst, dst_level, dstx, dsty, dstz,
 				src, src_level, src_box);

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