Mesa (master): radv: remove the secure compile support feature

GitLab Mirror gitlab-mirror at
Mon Jul 13 07:17:01 UTC 2020

Module: Mesa
Branch: master
Commit: 7324977e420260cea0627e3381a9f3ae4e62af0f

Author: Samuel Pitoiset <samuel.pitoiset at>
Date:   Sun Jul 12 13:59:14 2020 +0200

radv: remove the secure compile support feature

Steam was the only client of this feature and it seems no longer used.

Signed-off-by: Samuel Pitoiset <samuel.pitoiset at>
Reviewed-by: Bas Nieuwenhuizen <bas at>
Part-of: <>


 docs/envvars.rst                     |   2 -
 src/amd/vulkan/radv_device.c         | 566 -----------------------------------
 src/amd/vulkan/radv_pipeline.c       | 223 +-------------
 src/amd/vulkan/radv_pipeline_cache.c |  84 +-----
 src/amd/vulkan/radv_private.h        |  54 ----
 src/amd/vulkan/radv_shader.c         |   7 -
 6 files changed, 16 insertions(+), 920 deletions(-)

diff --git a/docs/envvars.rst b/docs/envvars.rst
index 372a329e63a..de6d4960b7a 100644
--- a/docs/envvars.rst
+++ b/docs/envvars.rst
@@ -588,8 +588,6 @@ RADV driver environment variables
       enable TC-compat cmask for MSAA images
-   maximum number of secure compile threads (up to 32)
    force anisotropy filter (up to 16)
diff --git a/src/amd/vulkan/radv_device.c b/src/amd/vulkan/radv_device.c
index 58299a0e0e4..71ce12fb306 100644
--- a/src/amd/vulkan/radv_device.c
+++ b/src/amd/vulkan/radv_device.c
@@ -643,19 +643,9 @@ VkResult radv_CreateInstance(
 	if (instance->apiVersion == 0)
 		instance->apiVersion = VK_API_VERSION_1_0;
-	/* Get secure compile thread count. NOTE: We cap this at 32 */
-#define MAX_SC_PROCS 32
-	char *num_sc_threads = getenv("RADV_SECURE_COMPILE_THREADS");
-	if (num_sc_threads)
-		instance->num_sc_threads = MIN2(strtoul(num_sc_threads, NULL, 10), MAX_SC_PROCS);
 	instance->debug_flags = parse_debug_string(getenv("RADV_DEBUG"),
-	/* Disable memory cache when secure compile is set */
-	if (radv_device_use_secure_compile(instance))
-		instance->debug_flags |= RADV_DEBUG_NO_MEMORY_CACHE;
 	instance->perftest_flags = parse_debug_string(getenv("RADV_PERFTEST"),
@@ -2372,537 +2362,6 @@ radv_get_int_debug_option(const char *name, int default_value)
 	return result;
-static int install_seccomp_filter() {
-	struct sock_filter filter[] = {
-		/* Check arch is 64bit x86 */
-		BPF_STMT(BPF_LD + BPF_W + BPF_ABS, (offsetof(struct seccomp_data, arch))),
-		/* Futex is required for mutex locks */
-		#if defined __NR__newselect
-		BPF_STMT(BPF_LD + BPF_W + BPF_ABS, (offsetof(struct seccomp_data, nr))),
-		BPF_JUMP(BPF_JMP + BPF_JEQ + BPF_K, __NR__newselect, 11, 0),
-		#elif defined __NR_select
-		BPF_STMT(BPF_LD + BPF_W + BPF_ABS, (offsetof(struct seccomp_data, nr))),
-		BPF_JUMP(BPF_JMP + BPF_JEQ + BPF_K, __NR_select, 11, 0),
-		#else
-		BPF_STMT(BPF_LD + BPF_W + BPF_ABS, (offsetof(struct seccomp_data, nr))),
-		BPF_JUMP(BPF_JMP + BPF_JEQ + BPF_K, __NR_pselect6, 11, 0),
-		#endif
-		/* Allow system exit calls for the forked process */
-		BPF_STMT(BPF_LD + BPF_W + BPF_ABS, (offsetof(struct seccomp_data, nr))),
-		BPF_JUMP(BPF_JMP + BPF_JEQ + BPF_K, __NR_exit_group, 9, 0),
-		/* Allow system read calls */
-		BPF_STMT(BPF_LD + BPF_W + BPF_ABS, (offsetof(struct seccomp_data, nr))),
-		BPF_JUMP(BPF_JMP + BPF_JEQ + BPF_K, __NR_read, 7, 0),
-		/* Allow system write calls */
-		BPF_STMT(BPF_LD + BPF_W + BPF_ABS, (offsetof(struct seccomp_data, nr))),
-		BPF_JUMP(BPF_JMP + BPF_JEQ + BPF_K, __NR_write, 5, 0),
-		/* Allow system brk calls (we need this for malloc) */
-		BPF_STMT(BPF_LD + BPF_W + BPF_ABS, (offsetof(struct seccomp_data, nr))),
-		BPF_JUMP(BPF_JMP + BPF_JEQ + BPF_K, __NR_brk, 3, 0),
-		/* Futex is required for mutex locks */
-		BPF_STMT(BPF_LD + BPF_W + BPF_ABS, (offsetof(struct seccomp_data, nr))),
-		BPF_JUMP(BPF_JMP + BPF_JEQ + BPF_K, __NR_futex, 1, 0),
-		/* Return error if we hit a system call not on the whitelist */
-		/* Allow whitelisted system calls */
-	};
-	struct sock_fprog prog = {
-		.len = (unsigned short)(sizeof(filter) / sizeof(filter[0])),
-		.filter = filter,
-	};
-	if (prctl(PR_SET_NO_NEW_PRIVS, 1, 0, 0, 0))
-		return -1;
-		return -1;
-	return 0;
-/* Helper function with timeout support for reading from the pipe between
- * processes used for secure compile.
- */
-bool radv_sc_read(int fd, void *buf, size_t size, bool timeout)
-	fd_set fds;
-	struct timeval tv;
-	FD_ZERO(&fds);
-	FD_SET(fd, &fds);
-	while (true) {
-		/* We can't rely on the value of tv after calling select() so
-		 * we must reset it on each iteration of the loop.
-		 */
-		tv.tv_sec = 5;
-		tv.tv_usec = 0;
-		int rval = select(fd + 1, &fds, NULL, NULL, timeout ? &tv : NULL);
-		if (rval == -1) {
-			/* select error */
-			return false;
-		} else if (rval) {
-			ssize_t bytes_read = read(fd, buf, size);
-			if (bytes_read < 0)
-				return false;
-			buf += bytes_read;
-			size -= bytes_read;
-			if (size == 0)
-				return true;
-		} else {
-			/* select timeout */
-			return false;
-		}
-	}
-static bool radv_close_all_fds(const int *keep_fds, int keep_fd_count)
-	DIR *d;
-	struct dirent *dir;
-	d = opendir("/proc/self/fd");
-	if (!d)
-		return false;
-	int dir_fd = dirfd(d);
-	while ((dir = readdir(d)) != NULL) {
-		if (dir->d_name[0] == '.')
-			continue;
-		int fd = atoi(dir->d_name);
-		if (fd == dir_fd)
-			continue;
-		bool keep = false;
-		for (int i = 0; !keep && i < keep_fd_count; ++i)
-			if (keep_fds[i] == fd)
-				keep = true;
-		if (keep)
-			continue;
-		close(fd);
-	}
-	closedir(d);
-	return true;
-static bool secure_compile_open_fifo_fds(struct radv_secure_compile_state *sc,
-					 int *fd_server, int *fd_client,
-					 unsigned process, bool make_fifo)
-	bool result = false;
-	char *fifo_server_path = NULL;
-	char *fifo_client_path = NULL;
-	if (asprintf(&fifo_server_path, "/tmp/radv_server_%s_%u", sc->uid, process) == -1)
-		goto open_fifo_exit;
-	if (asprintf(&fifo_client_path, "/tmp/radv_client_%s_%u", sc->uid, process) == -1)
-		goto open_fifo_exit;
-	if (make_fifo) {
-		int file1 = mkfifo(fifo_server_path, 0666);
-		if(file1 < 0)
-			goto open_fifo_exit;
-		int file2 = mkfifo(fifo_client_path, 0666);
-		if(file2 < 0)
-			goto open_fifo_exit;
-	}
-	*fd_server = open(fifo_server_path, O_RDWR);
-	if(*fd_server < 1)
-		goto open_fifo_exit;
-	*fd_client = open(fifo_client_path, O_RDWR);
-	if(*fd_client < 1) {
-		close(*fd_server);
-		goto open_fifo_exit;
-	}
-	result = true;
-	free(fifo_server_path);
-	free(fifo_client_path);
-	return result;
-static void run_secure_compile_device(struct radv_device *device, unsigned process,
-				      int fd_idle_device_output)
-	int fd_secure_input;
-	int fd_secure_output;
-	bool fifo_result = secure_compile_open_fifo_fds(device->sc_state,
-							&fd_secure_input,
-							&fd_secure_output,
-							process, false);
-	enum radv_secure_compile_type sc_type;
-	const int needed_fds[] = {
-		fd_secure_input,
-		fd_secure_output,
-		fd_idle_device_output,
-	};
-	if (!fifo_result || !radv_close_all_fds(needed_fds, ARRAY_SIZE(needed_fds)) ||
-	    install_seccomp_filter() == -1) {
-	} else {
-		device->sc_state->secure_compile_processes[process].fd_secure_input = fd_secure_input;
-		device->sc_state->secure_compile_processes[process].fd_secure_output = fd_secure_output;
-	}
-	write(fd_idle_device_output, &sc_type, sizeof(sc_type));
-	if (sc_type == RADV_SC_TYPE_INIT_FAILURE)
-		goto secure_compile_exit;
-	while (true) {
-		radv_sc_read(fd_secure_input, &sc_type, sizeof(sc_type), false);
-		if (sc_type == RADV_SC_TYPE_COMPILE_PIPELINE) {
-			struct radv_pipeline *pipeline;
-			bool sc_read = true;
-			pipeline = vk_zalloc2(&device->vk.alloc, NULL, sizeof(*pipeline), 8,
-			pipeline->device = device;
-			/* Read pipeline layout */
-			struct radv_pipeline_layout layout;
-			sc_read = radv_sc_read(fd_secure_input, &layout, sizeof(struct radv_pipeline_layout), true);
-			sc_read &= radv_sc_read(fd_secure_input, &layout.num_sets, sizeof(uint32_t), true);
-			if (!sc_read)
-				goto secure_compile_exit;
-			for (uint32_t set = 0; set < layout.num_sets; set++) {
-				uint32_t layout_size;
-				sc_read &= radv_sc_read(fd_secure_input, &layout_size, sizeof(uint32_t), true);
-				if (!sc_read)
-					goto secure_compile_exit;
-				layout.set[set].layout = malloc(layout_size);
-				layout.set[set].layout->layout_size = layout_size;
-				sc_read &= radv_sc_read(fd_secure_input, layout.set[set].layout,
-							layout.set[set].layout->layout_size, true);
-			}
-			pipeline->layout = &layout;
-			/* Read pipeline key */
-			struct radv_pipeline_key key;
-			sc_read &= radv_sc_read(fd_secure_input, &key, sizeof(struct radv_pipeline_key), true);
-			/* Read pipeline create flags */
-			VkPipelineCreateFlags flags;
-			sc_read &= radv_sc_read(fd_secure_input, &flags, sizeof(VkPipelineCreateFlags), true);
-			/* Read stage and shader information */
-			uint32_t num_stages;
-			const VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo *pStages[MESA_SHADER_STAGES] = { 0, };
-			sc_read &= radv_sc_read(fd_secure_input, &num_stages, sizeof(uint32_t), true);
-			if (!sc_read)
-				goto secure_compile_exit;
-			for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_stages; i++) {
-				/* Read stage */
-				gl_shader_stage stage;
-				sc_read &= radv_sc_read(fd_secure_input, &stage, sizeof(gl_shader_stage), true);
-				VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo *pStage = calloc(1, sizeof(VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo));
-				/* Read entry point name */
-				size_t name_size;
-				sc_read &= radv_sc_read(fd_secure_input, &name_size, sizeof(size_t), true);
-				if (!sc_read)
-					goto secure_compile_exit;
-				char *ep_name = malloc(name_size);
-				sc_read &= radv_sc_read(fd_secure_input, ep_name, name_size, true);
-				pStage->pName = ep_name;
-				/* Read shader module */
-				size_t module_size;
-				sc_read &= radv_sc_read(fd_secure_input, &module_size, sizeof(size_t), true);
-				if (!sc_read)
-					goto secure_compile_exit;
-				struct radv_shader_module *module = malloc(module_size);
-				sc_read &= radv_sc_read(fd_secure_input, module, module_size, true);
-				pStage->module = radv_shader_module_to_handle(module);
-				/* Read specialization info */
-				bool has_spec_info;
-				sc_read &= radv_sc_read(fd_secure_input, &has_spec_info, sizeof(bool), true);
-				if (!sc_read)
-					goto secure_compile_exit;
-				if (has_spec_info) {
-					VkSpecializationInfo *specInfo = malloc(sizeof(VkSpecializationInfo));
-					pStage->pSpecializationInfo = specInfo;
-					sc_read &= radv_sc_read(fd_secure_input, &specInfo->dataSize, sizeof(size_t), true);
-					if (!sc_read)
-						goto secure_compile_exit;
-					void *si_data = malloc(specInfo->dataSize);
-					sc_read &= radv_sc_read(fd_secure_input, si_data, specInfo->dataSize, true);
-					specInfo->pData = si_data;
-					sc_read &= radv_sc_read(fd_secure_input, &specInfo->mapEntryCount, sizeof(uint32_t), true);
-					if (!sc_read)
-						goto secure_compile_exit;
-					VkSpecializationMapEntry *mapEntries = malloc(sizeof(VkSpecializationMapEntry) * specInfo->mapEntryCount);
-					for (uint32_t j = 0; j < specInfo->mapEntryCount; j++) {
-						sc_read &= radv_sc_read(fd_secure_input, &mapEntries[j], sizeof(VkSpecializationMapEntry), true);
-						if (!sc_read)
-							goto secure_compile_exit;
-					}
-					specInfo->pMapEntries = mapEntries;
-				}
-				pStages[stage] = pStage;
-			}
-			/* Compile the shaders */
-			VkPipelineCreationFeedbackEXT *stage_feedbacks[MESA_SHADER_STAGES] = { 0 };
-			/* Not fully to spec but if we're doing sandboxed compilations already this doesn't matter. */
-			radv_create_shaders(pipeline, device, NULL, &key, pStages, flags, NULL, stage_feedbacks);
-			/* free memory allocated above */
-			for (uint32_t set = 0; set < layout.num_sets; set++)
-				free(layout.set[set].layout);
-			for (uint32_t i = 0; i < MESA_SHADER_STAGES; i++) {
-				if (!pStages[i])
-					continue;
-				free((void *) pStages[i]->pName);
-				free(radv_shader_module_from_handle(pStages[i]->module));
-				if (pStages[i]->pSpecializationInfo) {
-					free((void *) pStages[i]->pSpecializationInfo->pData);
-					free((void *) pStages[i]->pSpecializationInfo->pMapEntries);
-					free((void *) pStages[i]->pSpecializationInfo);
-				}
-				free((void *) pStages[i]);
-			}
-			vk_free(&device->vk.alloc, pipeline);
-			write(fd_secure_output, &sc_type, sizeof(sc_type));
-		} else if (sc_type == RADV_SC_TYPE_DESTROY_DEVICE) {
-			goto secure_compile_exit;
-		}
-	}
-	close(fd_secure_input);
-	close(fd_secure_output);
-	close(fd_idle_device_output);
-	_exit(0);
-static enum radv_secure_compile_type fork_secure_compile_device(struct radv_device *device, unsigned process)
-	int fd_secure_input[2];
-	int fd_secure_output[2];
-	/* create pipe descriptors (used to communicate between processes) */
-	if (pipe(fd_secure_input) == -1 || pipe(fd_secure_output) == -1)
-	int sc_pid;
-	if ((sc_pid = fork()) == 0) {
-		device->sc_state->secure_compile_thread_counter = process;
-		run_secure_compile_device(device, process, fd_secure_output[1]);
-	} else {
-		if (sc_pid == -1)
-		/* Read the init result returned from the secure process */
-		enum radv_secure_compile_type sc_type;
-		bool sc_read = radv_sc_read(fd_secure_output[0], &sc_type, sizeof(sc_type), true);
-		if (sc_type == RADV_SC_TYPE_INIT_FAILURE || !sc_read) {
-			close(fd_secure_input[0]);
-			close(fd_secure_input[1]);
-			close(fd_secure_output[1]);
-			close(fd_secure_output[0]);
-			int status;
-			waitpid(sc_pid, &status, 0);
-		} else {
-			assert(sc_type == RADV_SC_TYPE_INIT_SUCCESS);
-			write(device->sc_state->secure_compile_processes[process].fd_secure_output, &sc_type, sizeof(sc_type));
-			close(fd_secure_input[0]);
-			close(fd_secure_input[1]);
-			close(fd_secure_output[1]);
-			close(fd_secure_output[0]);
-			int status;
-			waitpid(sc_pid, &status, 0);
-		}
-	}
-/* Run a bare bones fork of a device that was forked right after its creation.
- * This device will have low overhead when it is forked again before each
- * pipeline compilation. This device sits idle and its only job is to fork
- * itself.
- */
-static void run_secure_compile_idle_device(struct radv_device *device, unsigned process,
-					    int fd_secure_input, int fd_secure_output)
-	enum radv_secure_compile_type sc_type = RADV_SC_TYPE_INIT_SUCCESS;
-	device->sc_state->secure_compile_processes[process].fd_secure_input = fd_secure_input;
-	device->sc_state->secure_compile_processes[process].fd_secure_output = fd_secure_output;
-	write(fd_secure_output, &sc_type, sizeof(sc_type));
-	while (true) {
-		radv_sc_read(fd_secure_input, &sc_type, sizeof(sc_type), false);
-		if (sc_type == RADV_SC_TYPE_FORK_DEVICE) {
-			sc_type = fork_secure_compile_device(device, process);
-			if (sc_type == RADV_SC_TYPE_INIT_FAILURE)
-				goto secure_compile_exit;
-		} else if (sc_type == RADV_SC_TYPE_DESTROY_DEVICE) {
-			goto secure_compile_exit;
-		}
-	}
-	close(fd_secure_input);
-	close(fd_secure_output);
-	_exit(0);
-static void destroy_secure_compile_device(struct radv_device *device, unsigned process)
-	int fd_secure_input = device->sc_state->secure_compile_processes[process].fd_secure_input;
-	enum radv_secure_compile_type sc_type = RADV_SC_TYPE_DESTROY_DEVICE;
-	write(fd_secure_input, &sc_type, sizeof(sc_type));
-	close(device->sc_state->secure_compile_processes[process].fd_secure_input);
-	close(device->sc_state->secure_compile_processes[process].fd_secure_output);
-	int status;
-	waitpid(device->sc_state->secure_compile_processes[process].sc_pid, &status, 0);
-static VkResult fork_secure_compile_idle_device(struct radv_device *device)
-	device->sc_state = vk_zalloc(&device->vk.alloc,
-				     sizeof(struct radv_secure_compile_state),
-	mtx_init(&device->sc_state->secure_compile_mutex, mtx_plain);
-	pid_t upid = getpid();
-	time_t seconds = time(NULL);
-	char *uid;
-	if (asprintf(&uid, "%ld_%ld", (long) upid, (long) seconds) == -1)
-	device->sc_state->uid = uid;
-	uint8_t sc_threads = device->instance->num_sc_threads;
-	int fd_secure_input[MAX_SC_PROCS][2];
-	int fd_secure_output[MAX_SC_PROCS][2];
-	/* create pipe descriptors (used to communicate between processes) */
-	for (unsigned i = 0; i < sc_threads; i++) {
-		if (pipe(fd_secure_input[i]) == -1 ||
-		    pipe(fd_secure_output[i]) == -1) {
-		}
-	}
-	device->sc_state->secure_compile_processes = vk_zalloc(&device->vk.alloc,
-								sizeof(struct radv_secure_compile_process) * sc_threads, 8,
-	for (unsigned process = 0; process < sc_threads; process++) {
-		if ((device->sc_state->secure_compile_processes[process].sc_pid = fork()) == 0) {
-			device->sc_state->secure_compile_thread_counter = process;
-			run_secure_compile_idle_device(device, process, fd_secure_input[process][0], fd_secure_output[process][1]);
-		} else {
-			if (device->sc_state->secure_compile_processes[process].sc_pid == -1)
-			/* Read the init result returned from the secure process */
-			enum radv_secure_compile_type sc_type;
-			bool sc_read = radv_sc_read(fd_secure_output[process][0], &sc_type, sizeof(sc_type), true);
-			bool fifo_result;
-			if (sc_read && sc_type == RADV_SC_TYPE_INIT_SUCCESS) {
-				fifo_result = secure_compile_open_fifo_fds(device->sc_state,
-									   &device->sc_state->secure_compile_processes[process].fd_server,
-									   &device->sc_state->secure_compile_processes[process].fd_client,
-									   process, true);
-				device->sc_state->secure_compile_processes[process].fd_secure_input = fd_secure_input[process][1];
-				device->sc_state->secure_compile_processes[process].fd_secure_output = fd_secure_output[process][0];
-			}
-			if (sc_type == RADV_SC_TYPE_INIT_FAILURE || !sc_read || !fifo_result) {
-				close(fd_secure_input[process][0]);
-				close(fd_secure_input[process][1]);
-				close(fd_secure_output[process][1]);
-				close(fd_secure_output[process][0]);
-				int status;
-				waitpid(device->sc_state->secure_compile_processes[process].sc_pid, &status, 0);
-				/* Destroy any forks that were created sucessfully */
-				for (unsigned i = 0; i < process; i++) {
-					destroy_secure_compile_device(device, i);
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return VK_SUCCESS;
 static void
 radv_device_init_dispatch(struct radv_device *device)
@@ -3215,11 +2674,6 @@ VkResult radv_CreateDevice(
 			goto fail;
-	/* Temporarily disable secure compile while we create meta shaders, etc */
-	uint8_t sc_threads = device->instance->num_sc_threads;
-	if (sc_threads)
-		device->instance->num_sc_threads = 0;
 	device->keep_shader_info = keep_shader_info;
 	result = radv_device_init_meta(device);
 	if (result != VK_SUCCESS)
@@ -3278,15 +2732,6 @@ VkResult radv_CreateDevice(
 			1 << util_logbase2(device->force_aniso));
-	/* Fork device for secure compile as required */
-	device->instance->num_sc_threads = sc_threads;
-	if (radv_device_use_secure_compile(device->instance)) {
-		result = fork_secure_compile_idle_device(device);
-		if (result != VK_SUCCESS)
-			goto fail_meta;
-	}
 	*pDevice = radv_device_to_handle(device);
 	return VK_SUCCESS;
@@ -3355,17 +2800,6 @@ void radv_DestroyDevice(
-	if (radv_device_use_secure_compile(device->instance)) {
-		for (unsigned i = 0; i < device->instance->num_sc_threads; i++ ) {
-			destroy_secure_compile_device(device, i);
-		}
-	}
-	if (device->sc_state) {
-		free(device->sc_state->uid);
-		vk_free(&device->vk.alloc, device->sc_state->secure_compile_processes);
-	}
-	vk_free(&device->vk.alloc, device->sc_state);
 	vk_free(&device->vk.alloc, device);
diff --git a/src/amd/vulkan/radv_pipeline.c b/src/amd/vulkan/radv_pipeline.c
index 8006b39b1ce..0c36fb7b96c 100644
--- a/src/amd/vulkan/radv_pipeline.c
+++ b/src/amd/vulkan/radv_pipeline.c
@@ -4773,197 +4773,6 @@ radv_pipeline_get_streamout_shader(struct radv_pipeline *pipeline)
 	return NULL;
-static VkResult
-radv_secure_compile(struct radv_pipeline *pipeline,
-		    struct radv_device *device,
-		    const struct radv_pipeline_key *key,
-		    const VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo **pStages,
-		    const VkPipelineCreateFlags flags,
-		    unsigned num_stages)
-	uint8_t allowed_pipeline_hashes[2][20];
-	radv_hash_shaders(allowed_pipeline_hashes[0], pStages,
-	                  pipeline->layout, key, get_hash_flags(device));
-	/* Generate the GC copy hash */
-	memcpy(allowed_pipeline_hashes[1], allowed_pipeline_hashes[0], 20);
-	allowed_pipeline_hashes[1][0] ^= 1;
-	uint8_t allowed_hashes[2][20];
-	for (unsigned i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
-		disk_cache_compute_key(device->physical_device->disk_cache,
-		                       allowed_pipeline_hashes[i], 20,
-		                       allowed_hashes[i]);
-	}
-	/* Do an early exit if all cache entries are already there. */
-	bool may_need_copy_shader = pStages[MESA_SHADER_GEOMETRY];
-	void *main_entry = disk_cache_get(device->physical_device->disk_cache, allowed_hashes[0], NULL);
-	void *copy_entry = NULL;
-	if (may_need_copy_shader)
-		copy_entry = disk_cache_get(device->physical_device->disk_cache, allowed_hashes[1], NULL);
-	bool has_all_cache_entries = main_entry && (!may_need_copy_shader || copy_entry);
-	free(main_entry);
-	free(copy_entry);
-	if(has_all_cache_entries)
-		return VK_SUCCESS;
-	unsigned process = 0;
-	uint8_t sc_threads = device->instance->num_sc_threads;
-	while (true) {
-		mtx_lock(&device->sc_state->secure_compile_mutex);
-		if (device->sc_state->secure_compile_thread_counter < sc_threads) {
-			device->sc_state->secure_compile_thread_counter++;
-			for (unsigned i = 0; i < sc_threads; i++) {
-				if (!device->sc_state->secure_compile_processes[i].in_use) {
-					device->sc_state->secure_compile_processes[i].in_use = true;
-					process = i;
-					break;
-				}
-			}
-			mtx_unlock(&device->sc_state->secure_compile_mutex);
-			break;
-		}
-		mtx_unlock(&device->sc_state->secure_compile_mutex);
-	}
-	int fd_secure_input = device->sc_state->secure_compile_processes[process].fd_secure_input;
-	int fd_secure_output = device->sc_state->secure_compile_processes[process].fd_secure_output;
-	/* Fork a copy of the slim untainted secure compile process */
-	enum radv_secure_compile_type sc_type = RADV_SC_TYPE_FORK_DEVICE;
-	write(fd_secure_input, &sc_type, sizeof(sc_type));
-	if (!radv_sc_read(fd_secure_output, &sc_type, sizeof(sc_type), true) ||
-	    sc_type != RADV_SC_TYPE_INIT_SUCCESS)
-	fd_secure_input = device->sc_state->secure_compile_processes[process].fd_server;
-	fd_secure_output = device->sc_state->secure_compile_processes[process].fd_client;
-	/* Write pipeline / shader module out to secure process via pipe */
-	write(fd_secure_input, &sc_type, sizeof(sc_type));
-	/* Write pipeline layout out to secure process */
-	struct radv_pipeline_layout *layout = pipeline->layout;
-	write(fd_secure_input, layout, sizeof(struct radv_pipeline_layout));
-	write(fd_secure_input, &layout->num_sets, sizeof(uint32_t));
-	for (uint32_t set = 0; set < layout->num_sets; set++) {
-		write(fd_secure_input, &layout->set[set].layout->layout_size, sizeof(uint32_t));
-		write(fd_secure_input, layout->set[set].layout, layout->set[set].layout->layout_size);
-	}
-	/* Write pipeline key out to secure process */
-	write(fd_secure_input, key, sizeof(struct radv_pipeline_key));
-	/* Write pipeline create flags out to secure process */
-	write(fd_secure_input, &flags, sizeof(VkPipelineCreateFlags));
-	/* Write stage and shader information out to secure process */
-	write(fd_secure_input, &num_stages, sizeof(uint32_t));
-	for (uint32_t i = 0; i < MESA_SHADER_STAGES; i++) {
-		if (!pStages[i])
-			continue;
-		/* Write stage out to secure process */
-		gl_shader_stage stage = ffs(pStages[i]->stage) - 1;
-		write(fd_secure_input, &stage, sizeof(gl_shader_stage));
-		/* Write entry point name out to secure process */
-		size_t name_size = strlen(pStages[i]->pName) + 1;
-		write(fd_secure_input, &name_size, sizeof(size_t));
-		write(fd_secure_input, pStages[i]->pName, name_size);
-		/* Write shader module out to secure process */
-		struct radv_shader_module *module = radv_shader_module_from_handle(pStages[i]->module);
-		assert(!module->nir);
-		size_t module_size = sizeof(struct radv_shader_module) + module->size;
-		write(fd_secure_input, &module_size, sizeof(size_t));
-		write(fd_secure_input, module, module_size);
-		/* Write specialization info out to secure process */
-		const VkSpecializationInfo *specInfo = pStages[i]->pSpecializationInfo;
-		bool has_spec_info = specInfo ? true : false;
-		write(fd_secure_input, &has_spec_info, sizeof(bool));
-		if (specInfo) {
-			write(fd_secure_input, &specInfo->dataSize, sizeof(size_t));
-			write(fd_secure_input, specInfo->pData, specInfo->dataSize);
-			write(fd_secure_input, &specInfo->mapEntryCount, sizeof(uint32_t));
-			for (uint32_t j = 0; j < specInfo->mapEntryCount; j++)
-				write(fd_secure_input, &specInfo->pMapEntries[j], sizeof(VkSpecializationMapEntry));
-		}
-	}
-	/* Read the data returned from the secure process */
-		if (!radv_sc_read(fd_secure_output, &sc_type, sizeof(sc_type), true))
-		if (sc_type == RADV_SC_TYPE_WRITE_DISK_CACHE) {
-			assert(device->physical_device->disk_cache);
-			uint8_t disk_sha1[20];
-			if (!radv_sc_read(fd_secure_output, disk_sha1, sizeof(uint8_t) * 20, true))
-			if (memcmp(disk_sha1, allowed_hashes[0], 20) &&
-			    memcmp(disk_sha1, allowed_hashes[1], 20))
-			uint32_t entry_size;
-			if (!radv_sc_read(fd_secure_output, &entry_size, sizeof(uint32_t), true))
-			struct cache_entry *entry = malloc(entry_size);
-			if (!radv_sc_read(fd_secure_output, entry, entry_size, true))
-			disk_cache_put(device->physical_device->disk_cache,
-				       disk_sha1, entry, entry_size,
-				       NULL);
-			free(entry);
-		} else if (sc_type == RADV_SC_TYPE_READ_DISK_CACHE) {
-			uint8_t disk_sha1[20];
-			if (!radv_sc_read(fd_secure_output, disk_sha1, sizeof(uint8_t) * 20, true))
-			if (memcmp(disk_sha1, allowed_hashes[0], 20) &&
-			    memcmp(disk_sha1, allowed_hashes[1], 20))
-			size_t size;
-			struct cache_entry *entry = (struct cache_entry *)
-				disk_cache_get(device->physical_device->disk_cache,
-					       disk_sha1, &size);
-			uint8_t found = entry ? 1 : 0;
-			write(fd_secure_input, &found, sizeof(uint8_t));
-			if (found) {
-				write(fd_secure_input, &size, sizeof(size_t));
-				write(fd_secure_input, entry, size);
-			}
-			free(entry);
-		}
-	}
-	write(fd_secure_input, &sc_type, sizeof(sc_type));
-	mtx_lock(&device->sc_state->secure_compile_mutex);
-	device->sc_state->secure_compile_thread_counter--;
-	device->sc_state->secure_compile_processes[process].in_use = false;
-	mtx_unlock(&device->sc_state->secure_compile_mutex);
-	return VK_SUCCESS;
 static VkResult
 radv_pipeline_init(struct radv_pipeline *pipeline,
 		   struct radv_device *device,
@@ -5001,15 +4810,12 @@ radv_pipeline_init(struct radv_pipeline *pipeline,
 	struct radv_pipeline_key key = radv_generate_graphics_pipeline_key(pipeline, pCreateInfo, &blend, has_view_index);
-	if (radv_device_use_secure_compile(device->instance)) {
-		return radv_secure_compile(pipeline, device, &key, pStages, pCreateInfo->flags, pCreateInfo->stageCount);
-	} else {
-		result = radv_create_shaders(pipeline, device, cache, &key, pStages,
-		                             pCreateInfo->flags, pipeline_feedback,
-		                             stage_feedbacks);
-		if (result != VK_SUCCESS)
-			return result;
-	}
+	result = radv_create_shaders(pipeline, device, cache, &key, pStages,
+		                     pCreateInfo->flags, pipeline_feedback,
+				     stage_feedbacks);
+	if (result != VK_SUCCESS)
+		return result;
 	pipeline->graphics.spi_baryc_cntl = S_0286E0_FRONT_FACE_ALL_BITS(1);
 	radv_pipeline_init_multisample_state(pipeline, &blend, pCreateInfo);
@@ -5313,19 +5119,12 @@ static VkResult radv_compute_pipeline_create(
 	struct radv_pipeline_key key =
 		radv_generate_compute_pipeline_key(pipeline, pCreateInfo);
-	if (radv_device_use_secure_compile(device->instance)) {
-		result = radv_secure_compile(pipeline, device, &key, pStages, pCreateInfo->flags, 1);
-		*pPipeline = radv_pipeline_to_handle(pipeline);
+	result = radv_create_shaders(pipeline, device, cache, &key, pStages,
+		                     pCreateInfo->flags, pipeline_feedback,
+				     stage_feedbacks);
+	if (result != VK_SUCCESS) {
+		radv_pipeline_destroy(device, pipeline, pAllocator);
 		return result;
-	} else {
-		result = radv_create_shaders(pipeline, device, cache, &key, pStages,
-		                             pCreateInfo->flags, pipeline_feedback,
-		                             stage_feedbacks);
-		if (result != VK_SUCCESS) {
-			radv_pipeline_destroy(device, pipeline, pAllocator);
-			return result;
-		}
 	pipeline->user_data_0[MESA_SHADER_COMPUTE] = radv_pipeline_stage_to_user_data_0(pipeline, MESA_SHADER_COMPUTE, device->physical_device->rad_info.chip_class);
diff --git a/src/amd/vulkan/radv_pipeline_cache.c b/src/amd/vulkan/radv_pipeline_cache.c
index b08395f5cfb..12657d06819 100644
--- a/src/amd/vulkan/radv_pipeline_cache.c
+++ b/src/amd/vulkan/radv_pipeline_cache.c
@@ -262,67 +262,6 @@ radv_is_cache_disabled(struct radv_device *device)
 	return (device->instance->debug_flags & RADV_DEBUG_NO_CACHE);
- * Secure compiles cannot open files so we get the parent process to load the
- * cache entry for us.
- */
-static struct cache_entry *
-radv_sc_read_from_disk_cache(struct radv_device *device, uint8_t *disk_sha1)
-	struct cache_entry *entry;
-	unsigned process = device->sc_state->secure_compile_thread_counter;
-	enum radv_secure_compile_type sc_type = RADV_SC_TYPE_READ_DISK_CACHE;
-	write(device->sc_state->secure_compile_processes[process].fd_secure_output,
-	      &sc_type, sizeof(enum radv_secure_compile_type));
-	write(device->sc_state->secure_compile_processes[process].fd_secure_output,
-	      disk_sha1, sizeof(uint8_t) * 20);
-	uint8_t found_cache_entry;
-	if (!radv_sc_read(device->sc_state->secure_compile_processes[process].fd_secure_input,
-			  &found_cache_entry, sizeof(uint8_t), true))
-		return NULL;
-	if (found_cache_entry) {
-		size_t entry_size;
-		if (!radv_sc_read(device->sc_state->secure_compile_processes[process].fd_secure_input,
-				  &entry_size, sizeof(size_t), true))
-			return NULL;
-		entry = malloc(entry_size);
-		if (!radv_sc_read(device->sc_state->secure_compile_processes[process].fd_secure_input,
-				  entry, entry_size, true))
-			return NULL;
-		return entry;
-	}
-	return NULL;
- * Secure compiles cannot open files so we get the parent process to write to
- * the disk cache for us.
- */
-static void
-radv_sc_write_to_disk_cache(struct radv_device *device, uint8_t *disk_sha1,
-			    struct cache_entry *entry)
-	unsigned process = device->sc_state->secure_compile_thread_counter;
-	enum radv_secure_compile_type sc_type = RADV_SC_TYPE_WRITE_DISK_CACHE;
-	write(device->sc_state->secure_compile_processes[process].fd_secure_output,
-	      &sc_type, sizeof(enum radv_secure_compile_type));
-	write(device->sc_state->secure_compile_processes[process].fd_secure_output,
-	      disk_sha1, sizeof(uint8_t) * 20);
-	uint32_t size = entry_size(entry);
-	write(device->sc_state->secure_compile_processes[process].fd_secure_output,
-	      &size, sizeof(uint32_t));
-	write(device->sc_state->secure_compile_processes[process].fd_secure_output,
-	      entry, size);
 radv_create_shader_variants_from_pipeline_cache(struct radv_device *device,
 					        struct radv_pipeline_cache *cache,
@@ -356,14 +295,9 @@ radv_create_shader_variants_from_pipeline_cache(struct radv_device *device,
 				       sha1, 20, disk_sha1);
-		if (radv_device_use_secure_compile(device->instance)) {
-			entry = radv_sc_read_from_disk_cache(device, disk_sha1);
-		} else {
-			entry = (struct cache_entry *)
-				disk_cache_get(device->physical_device->disk_cache,
-					       disk_sha1, NULL);
-		}
+		entry = (struct cache_entry *)
+			disk_cache_get(device->physical_device->disk_cache,
+				       disk_sha1, NULL);
 		if (!entry) {
 			return false;
@@ -489,16 +423,8 @@ radv_pipeline_cache_insert_shaders(struct radv_device *device,
 		disk_cache_compute_key(device->physical_device->disk_cache, sha1, 20,
-		/* Write the cache item out to the parent of this forked
-		 * process.
-		 */
-		if (radv_device_use_secure_compile(device->instance)) {
-			radv_sc_write_to_disk_cache(device, disk_sha1, entry);
-		} else {
-			disk_cache_put(device->physical_device->disk_cache,
-				       disk_sha1, entry, entry_size(entry),
-				       NULL);
-		}
+		disk_cache_put(device->physical_device->disk_cache, disk_sha1,
+			       entry, entry_size(entry), NULL);
 	if (device->instance->debug_flags & RADV_DEBUG_NO_MEMORY_CACHE &&
diff --git a/src/amd/vulkan/radv_private.h b/src/amd/vulkan/radv_private.h
index e710b0d58fb..644dcd0d81c 100644
--- a/src/amd/vulkan/radv_private.h
+++ b/src/amd/vulkan/radv_private.h
@@ -95,18 +95,6 @@ typedef uint32_t xcb_window_t;
-enum radv_secure_compile_type {
 #define radv_printflike(a, b) __attribute__((__format__(__printf__, a, b)))
 static inline uint32_t
@@ -337,7 +325,6 @@ struct radv_instance {
 	uint64_t debug_flags;
 	uint64_t perftest_flags;
-	uint8_t num_sc_threads;
 	struct vk_debug_report_instance             debug_report_callbacks;
@@ -358,12 +345,6 @@ struct radv_instance {
 	bool enable_mrt_output_nan_fixup;
-static inline
-bool radv_device_use_secure_compile(struct radv_instance *instance)
-   return instance->num_sc_threads;
 VkResult radv_init_wsi(struct radv_physical_device *physical_device);
 void radv_finish_wsi(struct radv_physical_device *physical_device);
@@ -743,36 +724,6 @@ VkResult radv_bo_list_add(struct radv_device *device,
 void radv_bo_list_remove(struct radv_device *device,
 			 struct radeon_winsys_bo *bo);
-struct radv_secure_compile_process {
-	/* Secure process file descriptors. Used to communicate between the
-	 * user facing device and the idle forked device used to fork a clean
-	 * process for each new pipeline compile.
-	 */
-	int fd_secure_input;
-	int fd_secure_output;
-	/* FIFO file descriptors used to communicate between the user facing
-	 * device and the secure process that does the actual secure compile.
-	 */
-	int fd_server;
-	int fd_client;
-	/* Secure compile process id */
-	pid_t sc_pid;
-	/* Is the secure compile process currently in use by a thread */
-	bool in_use;
-struct radv_secure_compile_state {
-	struct radv_secure_compile_process *secure_compile_processes;
-	uint32_t secure_compile_thread_counter;
-	mtx_t secure_compile_mutex;
-	/* Unique process ID used to build name for FIFO file descriptor */
-	char *uid;
 #define RADV_BORDER_COLOR_COUNT       4096
@@ -859,8 +810,6 @@ struct radv_device {
 	struct radv_device_border_color_data border_color_data;
-	struct radv_secure_compile_state *sc_state;
 	/* Condition variable for legacy timelines, to notify waiters when a
 	 * new point gets submitted. */
 	pthread_cond_t timeline_cond;
@@ -1221,9 +1170,6 @@ radv_initialise_ds_surface(struct radv_device *device,
 			   struct radv_ds_buffer_info *ds,
 			   struct radv_image_view *iview);
-radv_sc_read(int fd, void *buf, size_t size, bool timeout);
  * Attachment state when recording a renderpass instance.
diff --git a/src/amd/vulkan/radv_shader.c b/src/amd/vulkan/radv_shader.c
index 0946560b833..ac6c751928e 100644
--- a/src/amd/vulkan/radv_shader.c
+++ b/src/amd/vulkan/radv_shader.c
@@ -1036,13 +1036,6 @@ radv_shader_variant_create(struct radv_device *device,
 	radv_postprocess_config(device->physical_device, &config, &binary->info,
 				binary->stage, &variant->config);
-	if (radv_device_use_secure_compile(device->instance)) {
-		if (binary->type == RADV_BINARY_TYPE_RTLD)
-			ac_rtld_close(&rtld_binary);
-		return variant;
-	}
 	void *dest_ptr = radv_alloc_shader_memory(device, variant);
 	if (!dest_ptr) {
 		if (binary->type == RADV_BINARY_TYPE_RTLD)

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