Mesa (master): glx: Enable pure-client-library extensions explicitly

GitLab Mirror gitlab-mirror at
Fri Apr 16 10:43:37 UTC 2021

Module: Mesa
Branch: master
Commit: 9f97f994c3f65e44e46b464d3257adfeafac87e5

Author: Adam Jackson <ajax at>
Date:   Tue Apr 13 18:40:51 2021 -0400

glx: Enable pure-client-library extensions explicitly

These are rare enough to not be worth tracking separately. Especially
since after this change all the known_gl_extensions have N for both
direct_support and direct_only (unsurprising, since that's only used to
compute usable indirect extensions).

Reviewed-by: Marek Olšák <marek.olsak at>
Part-of: <>


 src/glx/glxextensions.c | 390 ++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
 1 file changed, 181 insertions(+), 209 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/glx/glxextensions.c b/src/glx/glxextensions.c
index 1695b2c55b6..fd797ab9df5 100644
--- a/src/glx/glxextensions.c
+++ b/src/glx/glxextensions.c
@@ -68,21 +68,6 @@ struct extension_info
    unsigned char direct_support;
-   /**
-    * The extension depends only on client support.
-    *
-    * This is for extensions like GLX_ARB_get_proc_address that are contained
-    * entirely in the client library.  There is no dependency on the server or
-    * the direct-renderer.
-    *
-    * \note
-    * An extension \b cannot be both client-only and direct-only because being
-    * direct-only implies a dependency on the direct renderer.
-    *
-    * \sa ::direct_only
-    */
-   unsigned char client_only;
     * The extension only functions with direct-rendering contexts
@@ -90,199 +75,192 @@ struct extension_info
     * dependency on the server.  The functionality is contained entirely in
     * the client library and the direct renderer.  A few of the swap-related
     * extensions are intended to behave this way.
-    *
-    * \note
-    * An extension \b cannot be both client-only and direct-only because being
-    * client-only implies that all functionality is outside the
-    * direct-renderer.
-    *
-    * \sa ::client_only
    unsigned char direct_only;
 /* *INDENT-OFF* */
 static const struct extension_info known_glx_extensions[] = {
-   { GLX(ARB_context_flush_control),      N, N, N },
-   { GLX(ARB_create_context),             N, N, N },
-   { GLX(ARB_create_context_no_error),    N, N, N },
-   { GLX(ARB_create_context_profile),     N, N, N },
-   { GLX(ARB_create_context_robustness),  N, N, N },
-   { GLX(ARB_fbconfig_float),             Y, N, N },
-   { GLX(ARB_framebuffer_sRGB),           Y, N, N },
-   { GLX(ARB_get_proc_address),           N, Y, N },
-   { GLX(ARB_multisample),                Y, N, N },
-   { GLX(EXT_buffer_age),                 N, N, Y },
-   { GLX(EXT_create_context_es2_profile), N, N, N },
-   { GLX(EXT_create_context_es_profile),  N, N, N },
-   { GLX(EXT_fbconfig_packed_float),      Y, N, N },
-   { GLX(EXT_framebuffer_sRGB),           Y, N, N },
-   { GLX(EXT_import_context),             Y, N, N },
-   { GLX(EXT_swap_control),               N, N, Y },
-   { GLX(EXT_swap_control_tear),          N, N, Y },
-   { GLX(EXT_texture_from_pixmap),        N, N, N },
-   { GLX(EXT_visual_info),                Y, N, N },
-   { GLX(EXT_visual_rating),              Y, N, N },
-   { GLX(ATI_pixel_format_float),         N, N, N },
-   { GLX(INTEL_swap_event),               N, N, N },
-   { GLX(MESA_copy_sub_buffer),           N, N, N },
-   { GLX(MESA_multithread_makecurrent),   N, N, Y },
-   { GLX(MESA_query_renderer),            N, N, Y },
-   { GLX(MESA_swap_control),              N, N, Y },
-   { GLX(NV_float_buffer),                N, N, N },
-   { GLX(OML_swap_method),                Y, N, N },
-   { GLX(OML_sync_control),               N, N, Y },
-   { GLX(SGIS_multisample),               Y, N, N },
-   { GLX(SGIX_fbconfig),                  Y, N, N },
-   { GLX(SGIX_pbuffer),                   Y, N, N },
-   { GLX(SGIX_visual_select_group),       Y, N, N },
-   { GLX(SGI_make_current_read),          N, N, N },
-   { GLX(SGI_swap_control),               N, N, N },
-   { GLX(SGI_video_sync),                 N, N, Y },
+   { GLX(ARB_context_flush_control),      N, N },
+   { GLX(ARB_create_context),             N, N },
+   { GLX(ARB_create_context_no_error),    N, N },
+   { GLX(ARB_create_context_profile),     N, N },
+   { GLX(ARB_create_context_robustness),  N, N },
+   { GLX(ARB_fbconfig_float),             Y, N },
+   { GLX(ARB_framebuffer_sRGB),           Y, N },
+   { GLX(ARB_get_proc_address),           N, N },
+   { GLX(ARB_multisample),                Y, N },
+   { GLX(EXT_buffer_age),                 N, Y },
+   { GLX(EXT_create_context_es2_profile), N, N },
+   { GLX(EXT_create_context_es_profile),  N, N },
+   { GLX(EXT_fbconfig_packed_float),      Y, N },
+   { GLX(EXT_framebuffer_sRGB),           Y, N },
+   { GLX(EXT_import_context),             Y, N },
+   { GLX(EXT_swap_control),               N, Y },
+   { GLX(EXT_swap_control_tear),          N, Y },
+   { GLX(EXT_texture_from_pixmap),        N, N },
+   { GLX(EXT_visual_info),                Y, N },
+   { GLX(EXT_visual_rating),              Y, N },
+   { GLX(ATI_pixel_format_float),         N, N },
+   { GLX(INTEL_swap_event),               N, N },
+   { GLX(MESA_copy_sub_buffer),           N, N },
+   { GLX(MESA_multithread_makecurrent),   N, Y },
+   { GLX(MESA_query_renderer),            N, Y },
+   { GLX(MESA_swap_control),              N, Y },
+   { GLX(NV_float_buffer),                N, N },
+   { GLX(OML_swap_method),                Y, N },
+   { GLX(OML_sync_control),               N, Y },
+   { GLX(SGIS_multisample),               Y, N },
+   { GLX(SGIX_fbconfig),                  Y, N },
+   { GLX(SGIX_pbuffer),                   Y, N },
+   { GLX(SGIX_visual_select_group),       Y, N },
+   { GLX(SGI_make_current_read),          N, N },
+   { GLX(SGI_swap_control),               N, N },
+   { GLX(SGI_video_sync),                 N, Y },
    { NULL }
 static const struct extension_info known_gl_extensions[] = {
-   { GL(ARB_depth_texture),               N, N, N },
-   { GL(ARB_draw_buffers),                N, N, N },
-   { GL(ARB_fragment_program),            N, N, N },
-   { GL(ARB_fragment_program_shadow),     N, N, N },
-   { GL(ARB_framebuffer_object),          N, N, N },
-   { GL(ARB_imaging),                     N, N, N },
-   { GL(ARB_multisample),                 N, N, N },
-   { GL(ARB_multitexture),                N, N, N },
-   { GL(ARB_occlusion_query),             N, N, N },
-   { GL(ARB_point_parameters),            N, N, N },
-   { GL(ARB_point_sprite),                N, N, N },
-   { GL(ARB_shadow),                      N, N, N },
-   { GL(ARB_shadow_ambient),              N, N, N },
-   { GL(ARB_texture_border_clamp),        N, N, N },
-   { GL(ARB_texture_compression),         N, N, N },
-   { GL(ARB_texture_cube_map),            N, N, N },
-   { GL(ARB_texture_env_add),             N, N, N },
-   { GL(ARB_texture_env_combine),         N, N, N },
-   { GL(ARB_texture_env_crossbar),        N, N, N },
-   { GL(ARB_texture_env_dot3),            N, N, N },
-   { GL(ARB_texture_filter_anisotropic),  N, N, N },
-   { GL(ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat),     N, N, N },
-   { GL(ARB_texture_non_power_of_two),    N, N, N },
-   { GL(ARB_texture_rectangle),           N, N, N },
-   { GL(ARB_texture_rg),                  N, N, N },
-   { GL(ARB_transpose_matrix),            N, Y, N },
-   { GL(ARB_vertex_program),              N, N, N },
-   { GL(ARB_window_pos),                  N, N, N },
-   { GL(EXT_abgr),                        N, N, N },
-   { GL(EXT_bgra),                        N, N, N },
-   { GL(EXT_blend_color),                 N, N, N },
-   { GL(EXT_blend_equation_separate),     N, N, N },
-   { GL(EXT_blend_func_separate),         N, N, N },
-   { GL(EXT_blend_logic_op),              N, N, N },
-   { GL(EXT_blend_minmax),                N, N, N },
-   { GL(EXT_blend_subtract),              N, N, N },
-   { GL(EXT_clip_volume_hint),            N, N, N },
-   { GL(EXT_copy_texture),                N, N, N },
-   { GL(EXT_draw_range_elements),         N, Y, N },
-   { GL(EXT_fog_coord),                   N, N, N },
-   { GL(EXT_framebuffer_blit),            N, N, N },
-   { GL(EXT_framebuffer_multisample),     N, N, N },
-   { GL(EXT_framebuffer_object),          N, N, N },
-   { GL(EXT_framebuffer_sRGB),            N, N, N },
-   { GL(EXT_multi_draw_arrays),           N, Y, N },
-   { GL(EXT_packed_depth_stencil),        N, N, N },
-   { GL(EXT_packed_pixels),               N, N, N },
-   { GL(EXT_paletted_texture),            N, N, N },
-   { GL(EXT_point_parameters),            N, N, N },
-   { GL(EXT_polygon_offset),              N, N, N },
-   { GL(EXT_rescale_normal),              N, N, N },
-   { GL(EXT_secondary_color),             N, N, N },
-   { GL(EXT_separate_specular_color),     N, N, N },
-   { GL(EXT_shadow_funcs),                N, N, N },
-   { GL(EXT_shared_texture_palette),      N, N, N },
-   { GL(EXT_stencil_two_side),            N, N, N },
-   { GL(EXT_stencil_wrap),                N, N, N },
-   { GL(EXT_subtexture),                  N, N, N },
-   { GL(EXT_texture),                     N, N, N },
-   { GL(EXT_texture3D),                   N, N, N },
-   { GL(EXT_texture_compression_dxt1),    N, N, N },
-   { GL(EXT_texture_compression_s3tc),    N, N, N },
-   { GL(EXT_texture_edge_clamp),          N, N, N },
-   { GL(EXT_texture_env_add),             N, N, N },
-   { GL(EXT_texture_env_combine),         N, N, N },
-   { GL(EXT_texture_env_dot3),            N, N, N },
-   { GL(EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic),  N, N, N },
-   { GL(EXT_texture_integer),             N, N, N },
-   { GL(EXT_texture_lod),                 N, N, N },
-   { GL(EXT_texture_lod_bias),            N, N, N },
-   { GL(EXT_texture_mirror_clamp),        N, N, N },
-   { GL(EXT_texture_object),              N, N, N },
-   { GL(EXT_texture_rectangle),           N, N, N },
-   { GL(EXT_vertex_array),                N, N, N },
-   { GL(3DFX_texture_compression_FXT1),   N, N, N },
-   { GL(APPLE_packed_pixels),             N, N, N },
-   { GL(APPLE_ycbcr_422),                 N, N, N },
-   { GL(ATI_draw_buffers),                N, N, N },
-   { GL(ATI_text_fragment_shader),        N, N, N },
-   { GL(ATI_texture_env_combine3),        N, N, N },
-   { GL(ATI_texture_float),               N, N, N },
-   { GL(ATI_texture_mirror_once),         N, N, N },
-   { GL(ATIX_texture_env_combine3),       N, N, N },
-   { GL(HP_convolution_border_modes),     N, N, N },
-   { GL(HP_occlusion_test),               N, N, N },
-   { GL(IBM_cull_vertex),                 N, N, N },
-   { GL(IBM_pixel_filter_hint),           N, N, N },
-   { GL(IBM_rasterpos_clip),              N, N, N },
-   { GL(IBM_texture_clamp_nodraw),        N, N, N },
-   { GL(IBM_texture_mirrored_repeat),     N, N, N },
-   { GL(INGR_blend_func_separate),        N, N, N },
-   { GL(INGR_interlace_read),             N, N, N },
-   { GL(MESA_pack_invert),                N, N, N },
-   { GL(MESA_ycbcr_texture),              N, N, N },
-   { GL(NV_blend_square),                 N, N, N },
-   { GL(NV_copy_depth_to_color),          N, N, N },
-   { GL(NV_depth_clamp),                  N, N, N },
-   { GL(NV_fog_distance),                 N, N, N },
-   { GL(NV_fragment_program),             N, N, N },
-   { GL(NV_fragment_program_option),      N, N, N },
-   { GL(NV_fragment_program2),            N, N, N },
-   { GL(NV_light_max_exponent),           N, N, N },
-   { GL(NV_multisample_filter_hint),      N, N, N },
-   { GL(NV_packed_depth_stencil),         N, N, N },
-   { GL(NV_point_sprite),                 N, N, N },
-   { GL(NV_texgen_reflection),            N, N, N },
-   { GL(NV_texture_compression_vtc),      N, N, N },
-   { GL(NV_texture_env_combine4),         N, N, N },
-   { GL(NV_texture_rectangle),            N, N, N },
-   { GL(NV_vertex_program),               N, N, N },
-   { GL(NV_vertex_program1_1),            N, N, N },
-   { GL(NV_vertex_program2),              N, N, N },
-   { GL(NV_vertex_program2_option),       N, N, N },
-   { GL(NV_vertex_program3),              N, N, N },
-   { GL(OES_read_format),                 N, N, N },
-   { GL(OES_compressed_paletted_texture), N, N, N },
-   { GL(SGI_color_matrix),                N, N, N },
-   { GL(SGI_color_table),                 N, N, N },
-   { GL(SGI_texture_color_table),         N, N, N },
-   { GL(SGIS_generate_mipmap),            N, N, N },
-   { GL(SGIS_multisample),                N, N, N },
-   { GL(SGIS_texture_border_clamp),       N, N, N },
-   { GL(SGIS_texture_edge_clamp),         N, N, N },
-   { GL(SGIS_texture_lod),                N, N, N },
-   { GL(SGIX_blend_alpha_minmax),         N, N, N },
-   { GL(SGIX_clipmap),                    N, N, N },
-   { GL(SGIX_depth_texture),              N, N, N },
-   { GL(SGIX_fog_offset),                 N, N, N },
-   { GL(SGIX_shadow),                     N, N, N },
-   { GL(SGIX_shadow_ambient),             N, N, N },
-   { GL(SGIX_texture_coordinate_clamp),   N, N, N },
-   { GL(SGIX_texture_lod_bias),           N, N, N },
-   { GL(SGIX_texture_range),              N, N, N },
-   { GL(SGIX_texture_scale_bias),         N, N, N },
-   { GL(SGIX_vertex_preclip),             N, N, N },
-   { GL(SGIX_vertex_preclip_hint),        N, N, N },
-   { GL(SGIX_ycrcb),                      N, N, N },
-   { GL(SUN_convolution_border_modes),    N, N, N },
-   { GL(SUN_multi_draw_arrays),           N, Y, N },
-   { GL(SUN_slice_accum),                 N, N, N },
+   { GL(ARB_depth_texture),               N, N },
+   { GL(ARB_draw_buffers),                N, N },
+   { GL(ARB_fragment_program),            N, N },
+   { GL(ARB_fragment_program_shadow),     N, N },
+   { GL(ARB_framebuffer_object),          N, N },
+   { GL(ARB_imaging),                     N, N },
+   { GL(ARB_multisample),                 N, N },
+   { GL(ARB_multitexture),                N, N },
+   { GL(ARB_occlusion_query),             N, N },
+   { GL(ARB_point_parameters),            N, N },
+   { GL(ARB_point_sprite),                N, N },
+   { GL(ARB_shadow),                      N, N },
+   { GL(ARB_shadow_ambient),              N, N },
+   { GL(ARB_texture_border_clamp),        N, N },
+   { GL(ARB_texture_compression),         N, N },
+   { GL(ARB_texture_cube_map),            N, N },
+   { GL(ARB_texture_env_add),             N, N },
+   { GL(ARB_texture_env_combine),         N, N },
+   { GL(ARB_texture_env_crossbar),        N, N },
+   { GL(ARB_texture_env_dot3),            N, N },
+   { GL(ARB_texture_filter_anisotropic),  N, N },
+   { GL(ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat),     N, N },
+   { GL(ARB_texture_non_power_of_two),    N, N },
+   { GL(ARB_texture_rectangle),           N, N },
+   { GL(ARB_texture_rg),                  N, N },
+   { GL(ARB_transpose_matrix),            N, N },
+   { GL(ARB_vertex_program),              N, N },
+   { GL(ARB_window_pos),                  N, N },
+   { GL(EXT_abgr),                        N, N },
+   { GL(EXT_bgra),                        N, N },
+   { GL(EXT_blend_color),                 N, N },
+   { GL(EXT_blend_equation_separate),     N, N },
+   { GL(EXT_blend_func_separate),         N, N },
+   { GL(EXT_blend_logic_op),              N, N },
+   { GL(EXT_blend_minmax),                N, N },
+   { GL(EXT_blend_subtract),              N, N },
+   { GL(EXT_clip_volume_hint),            N, N },
+   { GL(EXT_copy_texture),                N, N },
+   { GL(EXT_draw_range_elements),         N, N },
+   { GL(EXT_fog_coord),                   N, N },
+   { GL(EXT_framebuffer_blit),            N, N },
+   { GL(EXT_framebuffer_multisample),     N, N },
+   { GL(EXT_framebuffer_object),          N, N },
+   { GL(EXT_framebuffer_sRGB),            N, N },
+   { GL(EXT_multi_draw_arrays),           N, N },
+   { GL(EXT_packed_depth_stencil),        N, N },
+   { GL(EXT_packed_pixels),               N, N },
+   { GL(EXT_paletted_texture),            N, N },
+   { GL(EXT_point_parameters),            N, N },
+   { GL(EXT_polygon_offset),              N, N },
+   { GL(EXT_rescale_normal),              N, N },
+   { GL(EXT_secondary_color),             N, N },
+   { GL(EXT_separate_specular_color),     N, N },
+   { GL(EXT_shadow_funcs),                N, N },
+   { GL(EXT_shared_texture_palette),      N, N },
+   { GL(EXT_stencil_two_side),            N, N },
+   { GL(EXT_stencil_wrap),                N, N },
+   { GL(EXT_subtexture),                  N, N },
+   { GL(EXT_texture),                     N, N },
+   { GL(EXT_texture3D),                   N, N },
+   { GL(EXT_texture_compression_dxt1),    N, N },
+   { GL(EXT_texture_compression_s3tc),    N, N },
+   { GL(EXT_texture_edge_clamp),          N, N },
+   { GL(EXT_texture_env_add),             N, N },
+   { GL(EXT_texture_env_combine),         N, N },
+   { GL(EXT_texture_env_dot3),            N, N },
+   { GL(EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic),  N, N },
+   { GL(EXT_texture_integer),             N, N },
+   { GL(EXT_texture_lod),                 N, N },
+   { GL(EXT_texture_lod_bias),            N, N },
+   { GL(EXT_texture_mirror_clamp),        N, N },
+   { GL(EXT_texture_object),              N, N },
+   { GL(EXT_texture_rectangle),           N, N },
+   { GL(EXT_vertex_array),                N, N },
+   { GL(3DFX_texture_compression_FXT1),   N, N },
+   { GL(APPLE_packed_pixels),             N, N },
+   { GL(APPLE_ycbcr_422),                 N, N },
+   { GL(ATI_draw_buffers),                N, N },
+   { GL(ATI_text_fragment_shader),        N, N },
+   { GL(ATI_texture_env_combine3),        N, N },
+   { GL(ATI_texture_float),               N, N },
+   { GL(ATI_texture_mirror_once),         N, N },
+   { GL(ATIX_texture_env_combine3),       N, N },
+   { GL(HP_convolution_border_modes),     N, N },
+   { GL(HP_occlusion_test),               N, N },
+   { GL(IBM_cull_vertex),                 N, N },
+   { GL(IBM_pixel_filter_hint),           N, N },
+   { GL(IBM_rasterpos_clip),              N, N },
+   { GL(IBM_texture_clamp_nodraw),        N, N },
+   { GL(IBM_texture_mirrored_repeat),     N, N },
+   { GL(INGR_blend_func_separate),        N, N },
+   { GL(INGR_interlace_read),             N, N },
+   { GL(MESA_pack_invert),                N, N },
+   { GL(MESA_ycbcr_texture),              N, N },
+   { GL(NV_blend_square),                 N, N },
+   { GL(NV_copy_depth_to_color),          N, N },
+   { GL(NV_depth_clamp),                  N, N },
+   { GL(NV_fog_distance),                 N, N },
+   { GL(NV_fragment_program),             N, N },
+   { GL(NV_fragment_program_option),      N, N },
+   { GL(NV_fragment_program2),            N, N },
+   { GL(NV_light_max_exponent),           N, N },
+   { GL(NV_multisample_filter_hint),      N, N },
+   { GL(NV_packed_depth_stencil),         N, N },
+   { GL(NV_point_sprite),                 N, N },
+   { GL(NV_texgen_reflection),            N, N },
+   { GL(NV_texture_compression_vtc),      N, N },
+   { GL(NV_texture_env_combine4),         N, N },
+   { GL(NV_texture_rectangle),            N, N },
+   { GL(NV_vertex_program),               N, N },
+   { GL(NV_vertex_program1_1),            N, N },
+   { GL(NV_vertex_program2),              N, N },
+   { GL(NV_vertex_program2_option),       N, N },
+   { GL(NV_vertex_program3),              N, N },
+   { GL(OES_read_format),                 N, N },
+   { GL(OES_compressed_paletted_texture), N, N },
+   { GL(SGI_color_matrix),                N, N },
+   { GL(SGI_color_table),                 N, N },
+   { GL(SGI_texture_color_table),         N, N },
+   { GL(SGIS_generate_mipmap),            N, N },
+   { GL(SGIS_multisample),                N, N },
+   { GL(SGIS_texture_border_clamp),       N, N },
+   { GL(SGIS_texture_edge_clamp),         N, N },
+   { GL(SGIS_texture_lod),                N, N },
+   { GL(SGIX_blend_alpha_minmax),         N, N },
+   { GL(SGIX_clipmap),                    N, N },
+   { GL(SGIX_depth_texture),              N, N },
+   { GL(SGIX_fog_offset),                 N, N },
+   { GL(SGIX_shadow),                     N, N },
+   { GL(SGIX_shadow_ambient),             N, N },
+   { GL(SGIX_texture_coordinate_clamp),   N, N },
+   { GL(SGIX_texture_lod_bias),           N, N },
+   { GL(SGIX_texture_range),              N, N },
+   { GL(SGIX_texture_scale_bias),         N, N },
+   { GL(SGIX_vertex_preclip),             N, N },
+   { GL(SGIX_vertex_preclip_hint),        N, N },
+   { GL(SGIX_ycrcb),                      N, N },
+   { GL(SUN_convolution_border_modes),    N, N },
+   { GL(SUN_multi_draw_arrays),           N, N },
+   { GL(SUN_slice_accum),                 N, N },
    { NULL }
 /* *INDENT-ON* */
@@ -521,6 +499,7 @@ __glXExtensionsCtr(void)
       (void) memset(client_gl_only, 0, sizeof(client_gl_only));
+      SET_BIT(client_glx_only, ARB_get_proc_address_bit);
       for (i = 0; known_glx_extensions[i].name != NULL; i++) {
          const unsigned bit = known_glx_extensions[i].bit;
@@ -528,22 +507,15 @@ __glXExtensionsCtr(void)
             SET_BIT(direct_glx_support, bit);
-         if (known_glx_extensions[i].client_only) {
-            SET_BIT(client_glx_only, bit);
-         }
          if (known_glx_extensions[i].direct_only) {
             SET_BIT(direct_glx_only, bit);
-      for (i = 0; known_gl_extensions[i].name != NULL; i++) {
-         const unsigned bit = known_gl_extensions[i].bit;
-         if (known_gl_extensions[i].client_only) {
-            SET_BIT(client_gl_only, bit);
-         }
-      }
+      SET_BIT(client_gl_only, GL_ARB_transpose_matrix_bit);
+      SET_BIT(client_gl_only, GL_EXT_draw_range_elements_bit);
+      SET_BIT(client_gl_only, GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays_bit);
+      SET_BIT(client_gl_only, GL_SUN_multi_draw_arrays_bit);
 #if 0
       fprintf(stderr, "[%s:%u] Maximum client library version: %u.%u\n",

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