Mesa (master): docs: fixup indentation of radeonsi envvar values

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Wed Apr 28 08:50:49 UTC 2021

Module: Mesa
Branch: master
Commit: 39c0cf55c23bf83ac9d79d01c900892da1a2afbd

Author: Erik Faye-Lund <erik.faye-lund at>
Date:   Mon Apr 26 13:42:44 2021 +0200

docs: fixup indentation of radeonsi envvar values

Otherwise, these will end up in the same definition-list, which isn't
very clear, and different to what we do elsewhere in this file.

Reviewed-by: Pierre-Eric Pelloux-Prayer <pierre-eric.pelloux-prayer at>
Part-of: <>


 docs/envvars.rst | 193 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------
 1 file changed, 97 insertions(+), 96 deletions(-)

diff --git a/docs/envvars.rst b/docs/envvars.rst
index 8d2da50989e..0c197fc1058 100644
--- a/docs/envvars.rst
+++ b/docs/envvars.rst
@@ -678,102 +678,103 @@ radeonsi driver environment variables
    a comma-separated list of named flags, which do various things:
-   Disable DCC.
-   Disable DCC fast clear.
-   Disable separate DCC on the main framebuffer
-   Disable DCC for MSAA
-   Disable DPBB.
-   Disable DFSM.
-   Disable tiling
-   Disable MSAA compression
-   Disable Hyper-Z
-   Disable 2D tiling
-   Print driver information
-   Print texture info
-   Print compute info
-   Print virtual addresses when creating resources
-   Print vertex shaders
-   Print pixel shaders
-   Print geometry shaders
-   Print tessellation control shaders
-   Print tessellation evaluation shaders
-   Print compute shaders
-   Don't print the LLVM IR
-   Don't print NIR when printing shaders
-   Don't print disassembled shaders
-   Print the LLVM IR before initial optimizations
-   Enable LLVM global instruction selector.
-   Use Wave32 for vertex, tessellation, and geometry shaders.
-   Use Wave32 for pixel shaders.
-   Use Wave32 for computes shaders.
-   Use Wave64 for vertex, tessellation, and geometry shaders.
-   Use Wave64 for pixel shaders.
-   Use Wave64 for computes shaders.
-   Enable additional sanity checks on shader IR
-   Use old-style monolithic shaders compiled on demand
-   Disable compiling optimized shader variants.
-   Disable GTT write combining
-   Check VM faults and dump debug info.
-   Force VMID reservation per context.
-   Disable graphics. Only multimedia compute paths can be used.
-   Disable NGG and use the legacy pipeline.
-   Always use NGG culling even when it can hurt.
-   Disable NGG culling.
-   Always enable the primitive discard compute shader.
-   Enable the primitive discard compute shader for large draw calls.
-   Disable the primitive discard compute shader.
-   Program WD/IA to switch on end-of-packet.
-   Disable out-of-order rasterization
-   Enable DPBB.
-   Enable DFSM.
+   ``nodcc``
+      Disable DCC.
+   ``nodccclear``
+      Disable DCC fast clear.
+   ``nodccfb``
+      Disable separate DCC on the main framebuffer
+   ``nodccmsaa``
+      Disable DCC for MSAA
+   ``nodpbb``
+      Disable DPBB.
+   ``nodfsm``
+      Disable DFSM.
+   ``notiling``
+      Disable tiling
+   ``nofmask``
+      Disable MSAA compression
+   ``nohyperz``
+      Disable Hyper-Z
+   ``no2d``
+      Disable 2D tiling
+   ``info``
+      Print driver information
+   ``tex``
+      Print texture info
+   ``compute``
+      Print compute info
+   ``vm``
+      Print virtual addresses when creating resources
+   ``vs``
+      Print vertex shaders
+   ``ps``
+      Print pixel shaders
+   ``gs``
+      Print geometry shaders
+   ``tcs``
+      Print tessellation control shaders
+   ``tes``
+      Print tessellation evaluation shaders
+   ``cs``
+      Print compute shaders
+   ``noir``
+      Don't print the LLVM IR
+   ``nonir``
+      Don't print NIR when printing shaders
+   ``noasm``
+      Don't print disassembled shaders
+   ``preoptir``
+      Print the LLVM IR before initial optimizations
+   ``gisel``
+      Enable LLVM global instruction selector.
+   ``w32ge``
+      Use Wave32 for vertex, tessellation, and geometry shaders.
+   ``w32ps``
+      Use Wave32 for pixel shaders.
+   ``w32cs``
+      Use Wave32 for computes shaders.
+   ``w64ge``
+      Use Wave64 for vertex, tessellation, and geometry shaders.
+   ``w64ps``
+      Use Wave64 for pixel shaders.
+   ``w64cs``
+      Use Wave64 for computes shaders.
+   ``checkir``
+      Enable additional sanity checks on shader IR
+   ``mono``
+      Use old-style monolithic shaders compiled on demand
+   ``nooptvariant``
+      Disable compiling optimized shader variants.
+   ``nowc``
+      Disable GTT write combining
+   ``check_vm``
+      Check VM faults and dump debug info.
+   ``reserve_vmid``
+      Force VMID reservation per context.
+   ``nogfx``
+      Disable graphics. Only multimedia compute paths can be used.
+   ``nongg``
+      Disable NGG and use the legacy pipeline.
+   ``nggc``
+      Always use NGG culling even when it can hurt.
+   ``nonggc``
+      Disable NGG culling.
+   ``alwayspd``
+      Always enable the primitive discard compute shader.
+   ``pd``
+      Enable the primitive discard compute shader for large draw calls.
+   ``nopd``
+      Disable the primitive discard compute shader.
+   ``switch_on_eop``
+      Program WD/IA to switch on end-of-packet.
+   ``nooutoforder``
+      Disable out-of-order rasterization
+   ``dpbb``
+      Enable DPBB.
+   ``dfsm``
+      Enable DFSM.
 Other Gallium drivers have their own environment variables. These may
 change frequently so the source code should be consulted for details.

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