Mesa (main): intel/vec4: Inline emit_texture and move helpers to brw_vec4_nir.cpp

GitLab Mirror gitlab-mirror at
Thu Dec 16 08:59:37 UTC 2021

Module: Mesa
Branch: main
Commit: d3f4f23ca345fb69b4a1453c964c8a8b4370aeb4

Author: Kenneth Graunke <kenneth at>
Date:   Mon Dec 13 16:52:57 2021 -0800

intel/vec4: Inline emit_texture and move helpers to brw_vec4_nir.cpp

emit_texture() only has one caller, nir_emit_texture().  We may as well
inline that.  Move the associated helper functions for emitting sampler
messages there as well, to keep associated code nearby.

Reviewed-by: Caio Oliveira <caio.oliveira at>
Part-of: <>


 src/intel/compiler/brw_vec4.h           |  16 --
 src/intel/compiler/brw_vec4_nir.cpp     | 267 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 src/intel/compiler/brw_vec4_visitor.cpp | 278 --------------------------------
 3 files changed, 261 insertions(+), 300 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/intel/compiler/brw_vec4.h b/src/intel/compiler/brw_vec4.h
index 3906f71f6fa..79a52b8b34a 100644
--- a/src/intel/compiler/brw_vec4.h
+++ b/src/intel/compiler/brw_vec4.h
@@ -254,20 +254,6 @@ public:
    void emit_pack_unorm_4x8(const dst_reg &dst, const src_reg &src0);
    void emit_pack_snorm_4x8(const dst_reg &dst, const src_reg &src0);
-   void emit_texture(nir_texop op,
-                     dst_reg dest,
-                     int dest_components,
-                     src_reg coordinate,
-                     int coord_components,
-                     src_reg shadow_comparator,
-                     src_reg lod, src_reg lod2,
-                     src_reg sample_index,
-                     uint32_t constant_offset,
-                     src_reg offset_value,
-                     src_reg mcs,
-                     uint32_t surface, src_reg surface_reg,
-                     src_reg sampler_reg);
    src_reg emit_mcs_fetch(const glsl_type *coordinate_type, src_reg coordinate,
                           src_reg surface);
    void emit_gfx6_gather_wa(uint8_t wa, dst_reg dst);
@@ -302,8 +288,6 @@ public:
    void dump_instruction(const backend_instruction *inst) const;
    void dump_instruction(const backend_instruction *inst, FILE *file) const;
-   bool is_high_sampler(src_reg sampler);
    bool optimize_predicate(nir_alu_instr *instr, enum brw_predicate *predicate);
    void emit_conversion_from_double(dst_reg dst, src_reg src);
diff --git a/src/intel/compiler/brw_vec4_nir.cpp b/src/intel/compiler/brw_vec4_nir.cpp
index 9359452d557..c77176a7ebd 100644
--- a/src/intel/compiler/brw_vec4_nir.cpp
+++ b/src/intel/compiler/brw_vec4_nir.cpp
@@ -1944,6 +1944,15 @@ vec4_visitor::nir_emit_jump(nir_jump_instr *instr)
+static bool
+is_high_sampler(const struct intel_device_info *devinfo, src_reg sampler)
+   if (devinfo->verx10 != 75)
+      return false;
+   return sampler.file != IMM || sampler.ud >= 16;
 vec4_visitor::nir_emit_texture(nir_tex_instr *instr)
@@ -2083,12 +2092,258 @@ vec4_visitor::nir_emit_texture(nir_tex_instr *instr)
-   emit_texture(instr->op, dest, nir_tex_instr_dest_size(instr),
-                coordinate, instr->coord_components,
-                shadow_comparator,
-                lod, lod2, sample_index,
-                constant_offset, offset_value, mcs,
-                texture, texture_reg, sampler_reg);
+   enum opcode opcode;
+   switch (instr->op) {
+   case nir_texop_tex:             opcode = SHADER_OPCODE_TXL;        break;
+   case nir_texop_txl:             opcode = SHADER_OPCODE_TXL;        break;
+   case nir_texop_txd:             opcode = SHADER_OPCODE_TXD;        break;
+   case nir_texop_txf:             opcode = SHADER_OPCODE_TXF;        break;
+   case nir_texop_txf_ms:          opcode = SHADER_OPCODE_TXF_CMS;    break;
+   case nir_texop_txs:             opcode = SHADER_OPCODE_TXS;        break;
+   case nir_texop_query_levels:    opcode = SHADER_OPCODE_TXS;        break;
+   case nir_texop_texture_samples: opcode = SHADER_OPCODE_SAMPLEINFO; break;
+   case nir_texop_tg4:
+      opcode = offset_value.file != BAD_FILE ? SHADER_OPCODE_TG4_OFFSET
+                                             : SHADER_OPCODE_TG4;
+      break;
+   case nir_texop_samples_identical: {
+      /* There are some challenges implementing this for vec4, and it seems
+       * unlikely to be used anyway.  For now, just return false ways.
+       */
+      emit(MOV(dest, brw_imm_ud(0u)));
+      return;
+   }
+   case nir_texop_txb:
+   case nir_texop_lod:
+      unreachable("Implicit LOD is only valid inside fragment shaders.");
+   default:
+      unreachable("Unrecognized tex op");
+   }
+   vec4_instruction *inst = new(mem_ctx) vec4_instruction(opcode, dest);
+   inst->offset = constant_offset;
+   /* The message header is necessary for:
+    * - Gfx4 (always)
+    * - Texel offsets
+    * - Gather channel selection
+    * - Sampler indices too large to fit in a 4-bit value.
+    * - Sampleinfo message - takes no parameters, but mlen = 0 is illegal
+    */
+   inst->header_size =
+      (devinfo->ver < 5 ||
+       inst->offset != 0 ||
+       opcode == SHADER_OPCODE_TG4 ||
+       opcode == SHADER_OPCODE_TG4_OFFSET ||
+       opcode == SHADER_OPCODE_SAMPLEINFO ||
+       is_high_sampler(devinfo, sampler_reg)) ? 1 : 0;
+   inst->base_mrf = 2;
+   inst->mlen = inst->header_size;
+   inst->dst.writemask = WRITEMASK_XYZW;
+   inst->shadow_compare = shadow_comparator.file != BAD_FILE;
+   inst->src[1] = texture_reg;
+   inst->src[2] = sampler_reg;
+   /* MRF for the first parameter */
+   int param_base = inst->base_mrf + inst->header_size;
+   if (opcode == SHADER_OPCODE_TXS) {
+      int writemask = devinfo->ver == 4 ? WRITEMASK_W : WRITEMASK_X;
+      emit(MOV(dst_reg(MRF, param_base, lod.type, writemask), lod));
+      inst->mlen++;
+   } else if (opcode == SHADER_OPCODE_SAMPLEINFO) {
+      inst->dst.writemask = WRITEMASK_X;
+   } else {
+      /* Load the coordinate */
+      /* FINISHME: gl_clamp_mask and saturate */
+      int coord_mask = (1 << instr->coord_components) - 1;
+      int zero_mask = 0xf & ~coord_mask;
+      emit(MOV(dst_reg(MRF, param_base, coordinate.type, coord_mask),
+               coordinate));
+      inst->mlen++;
+      if (zero_mask != 0) {
+         emit(MOV(dst_reg(MRF, param_base, coordinate.type, zero_mask),
+                  brw_imm_d(0)));
+      }
+      /* Load the shadow comparator */
+      if (shadow_comparator.file != BAD_FILE &&
+          opcode != SHADER_OPCODE_TXD &&
+          opcode != SHADER_OPCODE_TG4_OFFSET) {
+	 emit(MOV(dst_reg(MRF, param_base + 1, shadow_comparator.type,
+		  shadow_comparator));
+	 inst->mlen++;
+      }
+      /* Load the LOD info */
+      switch (opcode) {
+      case SHADER_OPCODE_TXL: {
+	 int mrf, writemask;
+	 if (devinfo->ver >= 5) {
+	    mrf = param_base + 1;
+	    if (shadow_comparator.file != BAD_FILE) {
+	       writemask = WRITEMASK_Y;
+	       /* mlen already incremented */
+	    } else {
+	       writemask = WRITEMASK_X;
+	       inst->mlen++;
+	    }
+	 } else /* devinfo->ver == 4 */ {
+	    mrf = param_base;
+	    writemask = WRITEMASK_W;
+	 }
+	 emit(MOV(dst_reg(MRF, mrf, lod.type, writemask), lod));
+         break;
+      }
+      case SHADER_OPCODE_TXF:
+         emit(MOV(dst_reg(MRF, param_base, lod.type, WRITEMASK_W), lod));
+         break;
+         emit(MOV(dst_reg(MRF, param_base + 1, sample_index.type, WRITEMASK_X),
+                  sample_index));
+         if (devinfo->ver >= 7) {
+            /* MCS data is in the first channel of `mcs`, but we need to get it into
+             * the .y channel of the second vec4 of params, so replicate .x across
+             * the whole vec4 and then mask off everything except .y
+             */
+            mcs.swizzle = BRW_SWIZZLE_XXXX;
+            emit(MOV(dst_reg(MRF, param_base + 1, glsl_type::uint_type, WRITEMASK_Y),
+                     mcs));
+         }
+         inst->mlen++;
+         break;
+      case SHADER_OPCODE_TXD: {
+         const brw_reg_type type = lod.type;
+	 if (devinfo->ver >= 5) {
+	    emit(MOV(dst_reg(MRF, param_base + 1, type, WRITEMASK_XZ), lod));
+	    emit(MOV(dst_reg(MRF, param_base + 1, type, WRITEMASK_YW), lod2));
+	    inst->mlen++;
+	    if (nir_tex_instr_dest_size(instr) == 3 ||
+                shadow_comparator.file != BAD_FILE) {
+	       lod.swizzle = BRW_SWIZZLE_ZZZZ;
+	       lod2.swizzle = BRW_SWIZZLE_ZZZZ;
+	       emit(MOV(dst_reg(MRF, param_base + 2, type, WRITEMASK_X), lod));
+	       emit(MOV(dst_reg(MRF, param_base + 2, type, WRITEMASK_Y), lod2));
+	       inst->mlen++;
+               if (shadow_comparator.file != BAD_FILE) {
+                  emit(MOV(dst_reg(MRF, param_base + 2,
+                                   shadow_comparator.type, WRITEMASK_Z),
+                           shadow_comparator));
+               }
+	    }
+	 } else /* devinfo->ver == 4 */ {
+	    emit(MOV(dst_reg(MRF, param_base + 1, type, WRITEMASK_XYZ), lod));
+	    emit(MOV(dst_reg(MRF, param_base + 2, type, WRITEMASK_XYZ), lod2));
+	    inst->mlen += 2;
+	 }
+         break;
+      }
+         if (shadow_comparator.file != BAD_FILE) {
+            emit(MOV(dst_reg(MRF, param_base, shadow_comparator.type, WRITEMASK_W),
+                     shadow_comparator));
+         }
+         emit(MOV(dst_reg(MRF, param_base + 1, glsl_type::ivec2_type, WRITEMASK_XY),
+                  offset_value));
+         inst->mlen++;
+         break;
+      default:
+         break;
+      }
+   }
+   emit(inst);
+   /* fixup num layers (z) for cube arrays: hardware returns faces * layers;
+    * spec requires layers.
+    */
+   if (instr->op == nir_texop_txs && devinfo->ver < 7) {
+      /* Gfx4-6 return 0 instead of 1 for single layer surfaces. */
+      emit_minmax(BRW_CONDITIONAL_GE, writemask(inst->dst, WRITEMASK_Z),
+                  src_reg(inst->dst), brw_imm_d(1));
+   }
+   if (devinfo->ver == 6 && instr->op == nir_texop_tg4) {
+      emit_gfx6_gather_wa(key_tex->gfx6_gather_wa[texture], inst->dst);
+   }
+   if (instr->op == nir_texop_query_levels) {
+      /* # levels is in .w */
+      src_reg swizzled(dest);
+      swizzled.swizzle = BRW_SWIZZLE4(SWIZZLE_W, SWIZZLE_W,
+                                      SWIZZLE_W, SWIZZLE_W);
+      emit(MOV(dest, swizzled));
+   }
+vec4_visitor::emit_mcs_fetch(const glsl_type *coordinate_type,
+                             src_reg coordinate, src_reg surface)
+   vec4_instruction *inst =
+      new(mem_ctx) vec4_instruction(SHADER_OPCODE_TXF_MCS,
+                                    dst_reg(this, glsl_type::uvec4_type));
+   inst->base_mrf = 2;
+   inst->src[1] = surface;
+   inst->src[2] = brw_imm_ud(0); /* sampler */
+   inst->mlen = 1;
+   const int param_base = inst->base_mrf;
+   /* parameters are: u, v, r, lod; lod will always be zero due to api restrictions */
+   int coord_mask = (1 << coordinate_type->vector_elements) - 1;
+   int zero_mask = 0xf & ~coord_mask;
+   emit(MOV(dst_reg(MRF, param_base, coordinate_type, coord_mask),
+            coordinate));
+   emit(MOV(dst_reg(MRF, param_base, coordinate_type, zero_mask),
+            brw_imm_d(0)));
+   emit(inst);
+   return src_reg(inst->dst);
+ * Apply workarounds for Gfx6 gather with UINT/SINT
+ */
+vec4_visitor::emit_gfx6_gather_wa(uint8_t wa, dst_reg dst)
+   if (!wa)
+      return;
+   int width = (wa & WA_8BIT) ? 8 : 16;
+   dst_reg dst_f = dst;
+   dst_f.type = BRW_REGISTER_TYPE_F;
+   /* Convert from UNORM to UINT */
+   emit(MUL(dst_f, src_reg(dst_f), brw_imm_f((float)((1 << width) - 1))));
+   emit(MOV(dst, src_reg(dst_f)));
+   if (wa & WA_SIGN) {
+      /* Reinterpret the UINT value as a signed INT value by
+       * shifting the sign bit into place, then shifting back
+       * preserving sign.
+       */
+      emit(SHL(dst, src_reg(dst), brw_imm_d(32 - width)));
+      emit(ASR(dst, src_reg(dst), brw_imm_d(32 - width)));
+   }
diff --git a/src/intel/compiler/brw_vec4_visitor.cpp b/src/intel/compiler/brw_vec4_visitor.cpp
index ba6b2831039..b2754cd75ec 100644
--- a/src/intel/compiler/brw_vec4_visitor.cpp
+++ b/src/intel/compiler/brw_vec4_visitor.cpp
@@ -788,284 +788,6 @@ vec4_visitor::emit_uniformize(const src_reg &src)
    return src_reg(dst);
-vec4_visitor::emit_mcs_fetch(const glsl_type *coordinate_type,
-                             src_reg coordinate, src_reg surface)
-   vec4_instruction *inst =
-      new(mem_ctx) vec4_instruction(SHADER_OPCODE_TXF_MCS,
-                                    dst_reg(this, glsl_type::uvec4_type));
-   inst->base_mrf = 2;
-   inst->src[1] = surface;
-   inst->src[2] = brw_imm_ud(0); /* sampler */
-   inst->mlen = 1;
-   const int param_base = inst->base_mrf;
-   /* parameters are: u, v, r, lod; lod will always be zero due to api restrictions */
-   int coord_mask = (1 << coordinate_type->vector_elements) - 1;
-   int zero_mask = 0xf & ~coord_mask;
-   emit(MOV(dst_reg(MRF, param_base, coordinate_type, coord_mask),
-            coordinate));
-   emit(MOV(dst_reg(MRF, param_base, coordinate_type, zero_mask),
-            brw_imm_d(0)));
-   emit(inst);
-   return src_reg(inst->dst);
-vec4_visitor::is_high_sampler(src_reg sampler)
-   if (devinfo->verx10 != 75)
-      return false;
-   return sampler.file != IMM || sampler.ud >= 16;
-vec4_visitor::emit_texture(nir_texop op,
-                           dst_reg dest,
-                           int dest_components,
-                           src_reg coordinate,
-                           int coord_components,
-                           src_reg shadow_comparator,
-                           src_reg lod, src_reg lod2,
-                           src_reg sample_index,
-                           uint32_t constant_offset,
-                           src_reg offset_value,
-                           src_reg mcs,
-                           uint32_t surface,
-                           src_reg surface_reg,
-                           src_reg sampler_reg)
-   enum opcode opcode;
-   switch (op) {
-   case nir_texop_tex:             opcode = SHADER_OPCODE_TXL;        break;
-   case nir_texop_txl:             opcode = SHADER_OPCODE_TXL;        break;
-   case nir_texop_txd:             opcode = SHADER_OPCODE_TXD;        break;
-   case nir_texop_txf:             opcode = SHADER_OPCODE_TXF;        break;
-   case nir_texop_txf_ms:          opcode = SHADER_OPCODE_TXF_CMS;    break;
-   case nir_texop_txs:             opcode = SHADER_OPCODE_TXS;        break;
-   case nir_texop_query_levels:    opcode = SHADER_OPCODE_TXS;        break;
-   case nir_texop_texture_samples: opcode = SHADER_OPCODE_SAMPLEINFO; break;
-   case nir_texop_tg4:
-      opcode = offset_value.file != BAD_FILE ? SHADER_OPCODE_TG4_OFFSET
-                                             : SHADER_OPCODE_TG4;
-      break;
-   case nir_texop_samples_identical: {
-      /* There are some challenges implementing this for vec4, and it seems
-       * unlikely to be used anyway.  For now, just return false ways.
-       */
-      emit(MOV(dest, brw_imm_ud(0u)));
-      return;
-   }
-   case nir_texop_txb:
-   case nir_texop_lod:
-      unreachable("Implicit LOD is only valid inside fragment shaders.");
-   default:
-      unreachable("Unrecognized tex op");
-   }
-   vec4_instruction *inst = new(mem_ctx) vec4_instruction(opcode, dest);
-   inst->offset = constant_offset;
-   /* The message header is necessary for:
-    * - Gfx4 (always)
-    * - Texel offsets
-    * - Gather channel selection
-    * - Sampler indices too large to fit in a 4-bit value.
-    * - Sampleinfo message - takes no parameters, but mlen = 0 is illegal
-    */
-   inst->header_size =
-      (devinfo->ver < 5 ||
-       inst->offset != 0 ||
-       opcode == SHADER_OPCODE_TG4 ||
-       opcode == SHADER_OPCODE_TG4_OFFSET ||
-       opcode == SHADER_OPCODE_SAMPLEINFO ||
-       is_high_sampler(sampler_reg)) ? 1 : 0;
-   inst->base_mrf = 2;
-   inst->mlen = inst->header_size;
-   inst->dst.writemask = WRITEMASK_XYZW;
-   inst->shadow_compare = shadow_comparator.file != BAD_FILE;
-   inst->src[1] = surface_reg;
-   inst->src[2] = sampler_reg;
-   /* MRF for the first parameter */
-   int param_base = inst->base_mrf + inst->header_size;
-   if (opcode == SHADER_OPCODE_TXS) {
-      int writemask = devinfo->ver == 4 ? WRITEMASK_W : WRITEMASK_X;
-      emit(MOV(dst_reg(MRF, param_base, lod.type, writemask), lod));
-      inst->mlen++;
-   } else if (opcode == SHADER_OPCODE_SAMPLEINFO) {
-      inst->dst.writemask = WRITEMASK_X;
-   } else {
-      /* Load the coordinate */
-      /* FINISHME: gl_clamp_mask and saturate */
-      int coord_mask = (1 << coord_components) - 1;
-      int zero_mask = 0xf & ~coord_mask;
-      emit(MOV(dst_reg(MRF, param_base, coordinate.type, coord_mask),
-               coordinate));
-      inst->mlen++;
-      if (zero_mask != 0) {
-         emit(MOV(dst_reg(MRF, param_base, coordinate.type, zero_mask),
-                  brw_imm_d(0)));
-      }
-      /* Load the shadow comparator */
-      if (shadow_comparator.file != BAD_FILE &&
-          opcode != SHADER_OPCODE_TXD &&
-          opcode != SHADER_OPCODE_TG4_OFFSET) {
-	 emit(MOV(dst_reg(MRF, param_base + 1, shadow_comparator.type,
-		  shadow_comparator));
-	 inst->mlen++;
-      }
-      /* Load the LOD info */
-      switch (opcode) {
-      case SHADER_OPCODE_TXL: {
-	 int mrf, writemask;
-	 if (devinfo->ver >= 5) {
-	    mrf = param_base + 1;
-	    if (shadow_comparator.file != BAD_FILE) {
-	       writemask = WRITEMASK_Y;
-	       /* mlen already incremented */
-	    } else {
-	       writemask = WRITEMASK_X;
-	       inst->mlen++;
-	    }
-	 } else /* devinfo->ver == 4 */ {
-	    mrf = param_base;
-	    writemask = WRITEMASK_W;
-	 }
-	 emit(MOV(dst_reg(MRF, mrf, lod.type, writemask), lod));
-         break;
-      }
-      case SHADER_OPCODE_TXF:
-         emit(MOV(dst_reg(MRF, param_base, lod.type, WRITEMASK_W), lod));
-         break;
-         emit(MOV(dst_reg(MRF, param_base + 1, sample_index.type, WRITEMASK_X),
-                  sample_index));
-         if (devinfo->ver >= 7) {
-            /* MCS data is in the first channel of `mcs`, but we need to get it into
-             * the .y channel of the second vec4 of params, so replicate .x across
-             * the whole vec4 and then mask off everything except .y
-             */
-            mcs.swizzle = BRW_SWIZZLE_XXXX;
-            emit(MOV(dst_reg(MRF, param_base + 1, glsl_type::uint_type, WRITEMASK_Y),
-                     mcs));
-         }
-         inst->mlen++;
-         break;
-      case SHADER_OPCODE_TXD: {
-         const brw_reg_type type = lod.type;
-	 if (devinfo->ver >= 5) {
-	    emit(MOV(dst_reg(MRF, param_base + 1, type, WRITEMASK_XZ), lod));
-	    emit(MOV(dst_reg(MRF, param_base + 1, type, WRITEMASK_YW), lod2));
-	    inst->mlen++;
-	    if (dest_components == 3 || shadow_comparator.file != BAD_FILE) {
-	       lod.swizzle = BRW_SWIZZLE_ZZZZ;
-	       lod2.swizzle = BRW_SWIZZLE_ZZZZ;
-	       emit(MOV(dst_reg(MRF, param_base + 2, type, WRITEMASK_X), lod));
-	       emit(MOV(dst_reg(MRF, param_base + 2, type, WRITEMASK_Y), lod2));
-	       inst->mlen++;
-               if (shadow_comparator.file != BAD_FILE) {
-                  emit(MOV(dst_reg(MRF, param_base + 2,
-                                   shadow_comparator.type, WRITEMASK_Z),
-                           shadow_comparator));
-               }
-	    }
-	 } else /* devinfo->ver == 4 */ {
-	    emit(MOV(dst_reg(MRF, param_base + 1, type, WRITEMASK_XYZ), lod));
-	    emit(MOV(dst_reg(MRF, param_base + 2, type, WRITEMASK_XYZ), lod2));
-	    inst->mlen += 2;
-	 }
-         break;
-      }
-         if (shadow_comparator.file != BAD_FILE) {
-            emit(MOV(dst_reg(MRF, param_base, shadow_comparator.type, WRITEMASK_W),
-                     shadow_comparator));
-         }
-         emit(MOV(dst_reg(MRF, param_base + 1, glsl_type::ivec2_type, WRITEMASK_XY),
-                  offset_value));
-         inst->mlen++;
-         break;
-      default:
-         break;
-      }
-   }
-   emit(inst);
-   /* fixup num layers (z) for cube arrays: hardware returns faces * layers;
-    * spec requires layers.
-    */
-   if (op == nir_texop_txs && devinfo->ver < 7) {
-      /* Gfx4-6 return 0 instead of 1 for single layer surfaces. */
-      emit_minmax(BRW_CONDITIONAL_GE, writemask(inst->dst, WRITEMASK_Z),
-                  src_reg(inst->dst), brw_imm_d(1));
-   }
-   if (devinfo->ver == 6 && op == nir_texop_tg4) {
-      emit_gfx6_gather_wa(key_tex->gfx6_gather_wa[surface], inst->dst);
-   }
-   if (op == nir_texop_query_levels) {
-      /* # levels is in .w */
-      src_reg swizzled(dest);
-      swizzled.swizzle = BRW_SWIZZLE4(SWIZZLE_W, SWIZZLE_W,
-                                      SWIZZLE_W, SWIZZLE_W);
-      emit(MOV(dest, swizzled));
-   }
- * Apply workarounds for Gfx6 gather with UINT/SINT
- */
-vec4_visitor::emit_gfx6_gather_wa(uint8_t wa, dst_reg dst)
-   if (!wa)
-      return;
-   int width = (wa & WA_8BIT) ? 8 : 16;
-   dst_reg dst_f = dst;
-   dst_f.type = BRW_REGISTER_TYPE_F;
-   /* Convert from UNORM to UINT */
-   emit(MUL(dst_f, src_reg(dst_f), brw_imm_f((float)((1 << width) - 1))));
-   emit(MOV(dst, src_reg(dst_f)));
-   if (wa & WA_SIGN) {
-      /* Reinterpret the UINT value as a signed INT value by
-       * shifting the sign bit into place, then shifting back
-       * preserving sign.
-       */
-      emit(SHL(dst, src_reg(dst), brw_imm_d(32 - width)));
-      emit(ASR(dst, src_reg(dst), brw_imm_d(32 - width)));
-   }
 vec4_visitor::gs_emit_vertex(int /* stream_id */)

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