Mesa (main): panvk: Implement vkCmdClearAttachments

GitLab Mirror gitlab-mirror at
Tue Jul 27 13:54:44 UTC 2021

Module: Mesa
Branch: main
Commit: 59c2337f2264c7e98600fae049812934e00a66b1

Author: Tomeu Vizoso <tomeu.vizoso at>
Date:   Fri Jul  9 16:11:50 2021 +0200

panvk: Implement vkCmdClearAttachments

For now it only supports one RT and color attachments.

Signed-off-by: Tomeu Vizoso <tomeu.vizoso at>
Reviewed-by: Boris Brezillon <boris.brezillon at>
Part-of: <>


 src/panfrost/vulkan/panvk_meta.c    | 468 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 src/panfrost/vulkan/panvk_private.h |   5 +
 2 files changed, 472 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/src/panfrost/vulkan/panvk_meta.c b/src/panfrost/vulkan/panvk_meta.c
index 7c123d10b2b..657a3c4324f 100644
--- a/src/panfrost/vulkan/panvk_meta.c
+++ b/src/panfrost/vulkan/panvk_meta.c
@@ -141,6 +141,449 @@ panvk_CmdClearDepthStencilImage(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
+static mali_ptr
+panvk_meta_emit_viewport(struct pan_pool *pool,
+                         uint16_t minx, uint16_t miny,
+                         uint16_t maxx, uint16_t maxy)
+   struct panfrost_ptr vp = pan_pool_alloc_desc(pool, VIEWPORT);
+   pan_pack(vp.cpu, VIEWPORT, cfg) {
+      cfg.scissor_minimum_x = minx;
+      cfg.scissor_minimum_y = miny;
+      cfg.scissor_maximum_x = maxx;
+      cfg.scissor_maximum_y = maxy;
+   }
+   return vp.gpu;
+static mali_ptr
+panvk_meta_clear_attachments_shader(struct panfrost_device *pdev,
+                                    struct pan_pool *bin_pool,
+                                    unsigned rt,
+                                    enum glsl_base_type base_type,
+                                    struct pan_shader_info *shader_info)
+   nir_builder b = nir_builder_init_simple_shader(MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT,
+                                     pan_shader_get_compiler_options(pdev),
+                                     "panvk_meta_clear_attachment(base_type=%d,rt=%d)",
+                                     base_type,
+                                     rt);
+   b.shader->info.internal = true;
+   b.shader->info.num_ubos = 1;
+   const struct glsl_type *out_type = glsl_vector_type(base_type, 4);
+   nir_variable *out =
+      nir_variable_create(b.shader, nir_var_shader_out, out_type, "out");
+   out->data.location = FRAG_RESULT_DATA0 + rt;
+   nir_ssa_def *clear_values = nir_load_ubo(&b, 4, 32, nir_imm_int(&b, 0),
+                                            nir_imm_int(&b, 0),
+                                            .align_mul = 4,
+                                            .align_offset = 0,
+                                            .range_base = 0,
+                                            .range = ~0);
+   nir_store_var(&b, out, clear_values, 0xff);
+   struct panfrost_compile_inputs inputs = {
+      .gpu_id = pdev->gpu_id,
+      .is_blit = true,
+   };
+   struct util_dynarray binary;
+   util_dynarray_init(&binary, NULL);
+   pan_shader_compile(pdev, b.shader, &inputs, &binary, shader_info);
+   /* Make sure UBO words have been upgraded to push constants */
+   assert(shader_info->ubo_count == 1);
+   assert(shader_info->push.count == 4);
+   mali_ptr shader =
+      pan_pool_upload_aligned(bin_pool,, binary.size,
+                              pan_is_bifrost(pdev) ? 128 : 64);
+   util_dynarray_fini(&binary);
+   ralloc_free(b.shader);
+   return shader;
+static mali_ptr
+panvk_meta_clear_attachments_emit_rsd(struct panfrost_device *pdev,
+                                      struct pan_pool *desc_pool,
+                                      enum pipe_format format,
+                                      unsigned rt,
+                                      struct pan_shader_info *shader_info,
+                                      mali_ptr shader)
+   struct panfrost_ptr rsd_ptr =
+      pan_pool_alloc_desc_aggregate(desc_pool,
+                                    PAN_DESC(RENDERER_STATE),
+                                    PAN_DESC(BLEND));
+   unsigned fullmask = (1 << util_format_get_nr_components(format)) - 1;
+   /* TODO: Support multiple render targets */
+   assert(rt == 0);
+   pan_pack(rsd_ptr.cpu, RENDERER_STATE, cfg) {
+      pan_shader_prepare_rsd(pdev, shader_info, shader, &cfg);
+      cfg.multisample_misc.sample_mask = UINT16_MAX;
+      cfg.multisample_misc.depth_function = MALI_FUNC_ALWAYS;
+      cfg.stencil_mask_misc.stencil_mask_front = 0xFF;
+      cfg.stencil_mask_misc.stencil_mask_back = 0xFF;
+      cfg.stencil_front.compare_function = MALI_FUNC_ALWAYS;
+      cfg.stencil_front.stencil_fail = MALI_STENCIL_OP_REPLACE;
+      cfg.stencil_front.depth_fail = MALI_STENCIL_OP_REPLACE;
+      cfg.stencil_front.depth_pass = MALI_STENCIL_OP_REPLACE;
+      cfg.stencil_front.mask = 0xFF;
+      cfg.stencil_back = cfg.stencil_front;
+      if (pan_is_bifrost(pdev)) {
+ = true;
+ = true;
+ =
+ =
+      } else {
+ = false;
+ = shader_info->work_reg_count;
+ = true;
+         cfg.stencil_mask_misc.alpha_test_compare_function = MALI_FUNC_ALWAYS;
+      }
+   }
+   pan_pack(rsd_ptr.cpu + MALI_RENDERER_STATE_LENGTH, BLEND, cfg) {
+      cfg.round_to_fb_precision = true;
+      cfg.load_destination = false;
+      if (pan_is_bifrost(pdev)) {
+         cfg.bifrost.internal.mode = MALI_BIFROST_BLEND_MODE_OPAQUE;
+         cfg.bifrost.equation.rgb.a = MALI_BLEND_OPERAND_A_SRC;
+         cfg.bifrost.equation.rgb.b = MALI_BLEND_OPERAND_B_SRC;
+         cfg.bifrost.equation.rgb.c = MALI_BLEND_OPERAND_C_ZERO;
+         cfg.bifrost.equation.alpha.a = MALI_BLEND_OPERAND_A_SRC;
+         cfg.bifrost.equation.alpha.b = MALI_BLEND_OPERAND_B_SRC;
+         cfg.bifrost.equation.alpha.c = MALI_BLEND_OPERAND_C_ZERO;
+         cfg.bifrost.equation.color_mask = 0xf;
+         cfg.bifrost.internal.fixed_function.num_comps = 4;
+         cfg.bifrost.internal.fixed_function.conversion.memory_format =
+            panfrost_format_to_bifrost_blend(pdev, format);
+         cfg.bifrost.internal.fixed_function.conversion.register_format =
+            shader_info->bifrost.blend[rt].format;
+      } else {
+         cfg.midgard.equation.rgb.a = MALI_BLEND_OPERAND_A_SRC;
+         cfg.midgard.equation.rgb.b = MALI_BLEND_OPERAND_B_SRC;
+         cfg.midgard.equation.rgb.c = MALI_BLEND_OPERAND_C_ZERO;
+         cfg.midgard.equation.alpha.a = MALI_BLEND_OPERAND_A_SRC;
+         cfg.midgard.equation.alpha.b = MALI_BLEND_OPERAND_B_SRC;
+         cfg.midgard.equation.alpha.c = MALI_BLEND_OPERAND_C_ZERO;
+         cfg.midgard.equation.color_mask = fullmask;
+      }
+   }
+   return rsd_ptr.gpu;
+static mali_ptr
+panvk_meta_clear_attachment_emit_push_constants(struct panfrost_device *pdev,
+                                                const struct panfrost_ubo_push *pushmap,
+                                                struct pan_pool *pool,
+                                                const VkClearValue *clear_value)
+   assert(pushmap->count <= (sizeof(*clear_value) / 4));
+   uint32_t *in = (uint32_t *)clear_value;
+   uint32_t pushvals[sizeof(*clear_value) / 4];
+   for (unsigned i = 0; i < pushmap->count; i++) {
+      assert(i < ARRAY_SIZE(pushvals));
+      assert(pushmap->words[i].ubo == 0);
+      assert(pushmap->words[i].offset < sizeof(*clear_value));
+      pushvals[i] = in[pushmap->words[i].offset / 4];
+   }
+   return pan_pool_upload_aligned(pool, pushvals, sizeof(pushvals), 16);
+static mali_ptr
+panvk_meta_clear_attachment_emit_ubo(struct panfrost_device *pdev,
+                                     const struct panfrost_ubo_push *pushmap,
+                                     struct pan_pool *pool,
+                                     const VkClearValue *clear_value)
+   struct panfrost_ptr ubo = pan_pool_alloc_desc(pool, UNIFORM_BUFFER);
+   pan_pack(ubo.cpu, UNIFORM_BUFFER, cfg) {
+      cfg.entries = DIV_ROUND_UP(sizeof(*clear_value), 16);
+      cfg.pointer = pan_pool_upload_aligned(pool, clear_value, sizeof(*clear_value), 16);
+   }
+   return ubo.gpu;
+static void
+panvk_meta_clear_attachment_emit_dcd(struct pan_pool *pool,
+                                     mali_ptr coords,
+                                     mali_ptr ubo, mali_ptr push_constants,
+                                     mali_ptr vpd, mali_ptr tsd, mali_ptr rsd,
+                                     void *out)
+   pan_pack(out, DRAW, cfg) {
+      cfg.four_components_per_vertex = true;
+      cfg.draw_descriptor_is_64b = true;
+      cfg.thread_storage = tsd;
+      cfg.state = rsd;
+      cfg.uniform_buffers = ubo;
+      cfg.push_uniforms = push_constants;
+      cfg.position = coords;
+      cfg.viewport = vpd;
+      cfg.texture_descriptor_is_64b = !pan_is_bifrost(pool->dev);
+   }
+static struct panfrost_ptr
+panvk_meta_clear_attachment_emit_bifrost_tiler_job(struct pan_pool *desc_pool,
+                                                   struct pan_scoreboard *scoreboard,
+                                                   mali_ptr coords,
+                                                   mali_ptr ubo, mali_ptr push_constants,
+                                                   mali_ptr vpd, mali_ptr rsd,
+                                                   mali_ptr tsd, mali_ptr tiler)
+   struct panfrost_ptr job =
+      pan_pool_alloc_desc(desc_pool, BIFROST_TILER_JOB);
+   panvk_meta_clear_attachment_emit_dcd(desc_pool,
+                                        coords,
+                                        ubo, push_constants,
+                                        vpd, tsd, rsd,
+                                        pan_section_ptr(job.cpu, BIFROST_TILER_JOB, DRAW));
+   pan_section_pack(job.cpu, BIFROST_TILER_JOB, PRIMITIVE, cfg) {
+      cfg.draw_mode = MALI_DRAW_MODE_TRIANGLE_STRIP;
+      cfg.index_count = 4;
+      cfg.job_task_split = 6;
+   }
+   pan_section_pack(job.cpu, BIFROST_TILER_JOB, PRIMITIVE_SIZE, cfg) {
+      cfg.constant = 1.0f;
+   }
+   void *invoc = pan_section_ptr(job.cpu,
+                                 BIFROST_TILER_JOB,
+                                 INVOCATION);
+   panfrost_pack_work_groups_compute(invoc, 1, 4,
+                                     1, 1, 1, 1, true, false);
+   pan_section_pack(job.cpu, BIFROST_TILER_JOB, PADDING, cfg);
+   pan_section_pack(job.cpu, BIFROST_TILER_JOB, TILER, cfg) {
+      cfg.address = tiler;
+   }
+   panfrost_add_job(desc_pool, scoreboard, MALI_JOB_TYPE_TILER,
+                    false, false, 0, 0, &job, false);
+   return job;
+static struct panfrost_ptr
+panvk_meta_clear_attachment_emit_midgard_tiler_job(struct pan_pool *desc_pool,
+                                                   struct pan_scoreboard *scoreboard,
+                                                   mali_ptr coords,
+                                                   mali_ptr ubo, mali_ptr push_constants,
+                                                   mali_ptr vpd, mali_ptr rsd,
+                                                   mali_ptr tsd)
+   struct panfrost_ptr job =
+      pan_pool_alloc_desc(desc_pool, MIDGARD_TILER_JOB);
+   panvk_meta_clear_attachment_emit_dcd(desc_pool,
+                                        coords,
+                                        ubo, push_constants,
+                                        vpd, tsd, rsd,
+                                        pan_section_ptr(job.cpu, MIDGARD_TILER_JOB, DRAW));
+   pan_section_pack(job.cpu, MIDGARD_TILER_JOB, PRIMITIVE, cfg) {
+      cfg.draw_mode = MALI_DRAW_MODE_TRIANGLE_STRIP;
+      cfg.index_count = 4;
+      cfg.job_task_split = 6;
+   }
+   pan_section_pack(job.cpu, MIDGARD_TILER_JOB, PRIMITIVE_SIZE, cfg) {
+      cfg.constant = 1.0f;
+   }
+   void *invoc = pan_section_ptr(job.cpu,
+                                 MIDGARD_TILER_JOB,
+                                 INVOCATION);
+   panfrost_pack_work_groups_compute(invoc, 1, 4,
+                                     1, 1, 1, 1, true, false);
+   panfrost_add_job(desc_pool, scoreboard, MALI_JOB_TYPE_TILER,
+                    false, false, 0, 0, &job, false);
+   return job;
+static enum glsl_base_type
+panvk_meta_get_format_type(enum pipe_format format)
+   const struct util_format_description *desc = util_format_description(format);
+   int i;
+   i = util_format_get_first_non_void_channel(format);
+   assert(i >= 0);
+   if (desc->channel[i].normalized)
+      return GLSL_TYPE_FLOAT;
+   switch(desc->channel[i].type) {
+      return GLSL_TYPE_UINT;
+      return GLSL_TYPE_INT;
+      return GLSL_TYPE_FLOAT;
+   default:
+      unreachable("Unhandled format");
+      return GLSL_TYPE_FLOAT;
+   }
+static void
+panvk_meta_clear_attachment(struct panvk_cmd_buffer *cmdbuf,
+                            uint32_t attachment,
+                            VkImageAspectFlags mask,
+                            const VkClearValue *clear_value,
+                            const VkClearRect *clear_rect)
+   struct panvk_physical_device *dev = cmdbuf->device->physical_device;
+   struct panfrost_device *pdev = &dev->pdev;
+   struct panvk_meta *meta = &cmdbuf->device->physical_device->meta;
+   struct panvk_batch *batch = cmdbuf->state.batch;
+   const struct panvk_render_pass *pass = cmdbuf->state.pass;
+   const struct panvk_render_pass_attachment *att = &pass->attachments[attachment];
+   unsigned minx = MAX2(clear_rect->rect.offset.x, 0);
+   unsigned miny = MAX2(clear_rect->rect.offset.y, 0);
+   unsigned maxx = MAX2(clear_rect->rect.offset.x + clear_rect->rect.extent.width - 1, 0);
+   unsigned maxy = MAX2(clear_rect->rect.offset.y + clear_rect->rect.extent.height - 1, 0);
+   /* TODO: Support depth/stencil */
+   assert(mask == VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT);
+   panvk_cmd_alloc_fb_desc(cmdbuf);
+   panvk_cmd_alloc_tls_desc(cmdbuf);
+   if (pan_is_bifrost(pdev)) {
+      panvk_cmd_get_bifrost_tiler_context(cmdbuf,
+                                          batch->>width,
+                                          batch->>height);
+   } else {
+      panvk_cmd_get_midgard_polygon_list(cmdbuf,
+                                         batch->>width,
+                                         batch->>height,
+                                         true);
+   }
+   mali_ptr vpd = panvk_meta_emit_viewport(&cmdbuf->desc_pool.base,
+                                           minx, miny, maxx, maxy);
+   float rect[] = {
+      minx, miny, 0.0, 1.0,
+      maxx + 1, miny, 0.0, 1.0,
+      minx, maxy + 1, 0.0, 1.0,
+      maxx + 1, maxy + 1, 0.0, 1.0,
+   };
+   mali_ptr coordinates = pan_pool_upload_aligned(&cmdbuf->desc_pool.base,
+                                                  rect, sizeof(rect), 64);
+   enum glsl_base_type base_type = panvk_meta_get_format_type(att->format);
+   mali_ptr shader = meta->clear_attachment[attachment][base_type].shader;
+   struct pan_shader_info *shader_info =
+      &meta->clear_attachment[attachment][base_type].shader_info;
+   mali_ptr rsd =
+      panvk_meta_clear_attachments_emit_rsd(pdev,
+                                            &cmdbuf->desc_pool.base,
+                                            att->format,
+                                            attachment,
+                                            shader_info,
+                                            shader);
+   mali_ptr pushconsts =
+      panvk_meta_clear_attachment_emit_push_constants(pdev, &shader_info->push,
+                                                      &cmdbuf->desc_pool.base,
+                                                      clear_value);
+   mali_ptr ubo =
+      panvk_meta_clear_attachment_emit_ubo(pdev, &shader_info->push,
+                                           &cmdbuf->desc_pool.base,
+                                           clear_value);
+   mali_ptr tsd, tiler;
+   if (pan_is_bifrost(pdev)) {
+      tsd = batch->tls.gpu;
+      tiler = batch->tiler.bifrost_descs.gpu;
+   } else {
+      tsd = batch->fb.desc.gpu;
+      tiler = 0;
+   }
+   struct panfrost_ptr job;
+   if (pan_is_bifrost(pdev)) {
+      job = panvk_meta_clear_attachment_emit_bifrost_tiler_job(&cmdbuf->desc_pool.base,
+                                                               &batch->scoreboard,
+                                                               coordinates,
+                                                               ubo, pushconsts,
+                                                               vpd, rsd, tsd, tiler);
+   } else {
+      job = panvk_meta_clear_attachment_emit_midgard_tiler_job(&cmdbuf->desc_pool.base,
+                                                               &batch->scoreboard,
+                                                               coordinates,
+                                                               ubo, pushconsts,
+                                                               vpd, rsd, tsd);
+   }
+   util_dynarray_append(&batch->jobs, void *, job.cpu);
+static void
+panvk_meta_clear_attachment_init(struct panvk_physical_device *dev)
+   for (unsigned rt = 0; rt < MAX_RTS; rt++) {
+      dev->meta.clear_attachment[rt][GLSL_TYPE_UINT].shader =
+         panvk_meta_clear_attachments_shader(
+               &dev->pdev,
+               &dev->meta.bin_pool.base,
+               rt,
+               GLSL_TYPE_UINT,
+               &dev->meta.clear_attachment[rt][GLSL_TYPE_UINT].shader_info);
+      dev->meta.clear_attachment[rt][GLSL_TYPE_INT].shader =
+         panvk_meta_clear_attachments_shader(
+               &dev->pdev,
+               &dev->meta.bin_pool.base,
+               rt,
+               GLSL_TYPE_INT,
+               &dev->meta.clear_attachment[rt][GLSL_TYPE_INT].shader_info);
+      dev->meta.clear_attachment[rt][GLSL_TYPE_FLOAT].shader =
+         panvk_meta_clear_attachments_shader(
+               &dev->pdev,
+               &dev->meta.bin_pool.base,
+               rt,
+               GLSL_TYPE_FLOAT,
+               &dev->meta.clear_attachment[rt][GLSL_TYPE_FLOAT].shader_info);
+   }
 panvk_CmdClearAttachments(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
                           uint32_t attachmentCount,
@@ -148,7 +591,29 @@ panvk_CmdClearAttachments(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
                           uint32_t rectCount,
                           const VkClearRect *pRects)
-   panvk_stub();
+   VK_FROM_HANDLE(panvk_cmd_buffer, cmdbuf, commandBuffer);
+   const struct panvk_subpass *subpass = cmdbuf->state.subpass;
+   for (unsigned i = 0; i < attachmentCount; i++) {
+      for (unsigned j = 0; j < rectCount; j++) {
+         uint32_t attachment;
+         if (pAttachments[i].aspectMask & VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT) {
+            unsigned idx = pAttachments[i].colorAttachment;
+            attachment = subpass->color_attachments[idx].idx;
+         } else {
+            attachment = subpass->zs_attachment.idx;
+         }
+         if (attachment == VK_ATTACHMENT_UNUSED)
+               continue;
+         panvk_meta_clear_attachment(cmdbuf, attachment,
+                                     pAttachments[i].aspectMask,
+                                     &pAttachments[i].clearValue,
+                                     &pRects[j]);
+      }
+   }
@@ -166,6 +631,7 @@ panvk_meta_init(struct panvk_physical_device *dev)
    pan_blitter_init(&dev->pdev, &dev->meta.blitter.bin_pool.base,
+   panvk_meta_clear_attachment_init(dev);
diff --git a/src/panfrost/vulkan/panvk_private.h b/src/panfrost/vulkan/panvk_private.h
index 08e6a80150f..986648fe9c6 100644
--- a/src/panfrost/vulkan/panvk_private.h
+++ b/src/panfrost/vulkan/panvk_private.h
@@ -145,6 +145,11 @@ struct panvk_meta {
       struct panvk_pool bin_pool;
       struct panvk_pool desc_pool;
    } blitter;
+   struct {
+      mali_ptr shader;
+      struct pan_shader_info shader_info;
+   } clear_attachment[MAX_RTS][3]; /* 3 base types */
 struct panvk_physical_device {

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