Mesa (main): vulkan,docs: Add documentation for Vulkan dispatch

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Thu Apr 7 16:53:49 UTC 2022

Module: Mesa
Branch: main
Commit: 5d198782a0f5e679c1f9a43b813445f5a5a87b4e

Author: Jason Ekstrand <jason.ekstrand at>
Date:   Mon Mar 21 18:17:54 2022 -0500

vulkan,docs: Add documentation for Vulkan dispatch

Acked-by: Iago Toral Quiroga <itoral at>
Part-of: <>


 docs/vulkan/dispatch.rst | 305 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 docs/vulkan/index.rst    |   1 +
 2 files changed, 306 insertions(+)

diff --git a/docs/vulkan/dispatch.rst b/docs/vulkan/dispatch.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2603138029d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/vulkan/dispatch.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
+This chapter attemtps to document the Vulkan dispatch infrastructure in the
+Mesa Vulkan runtime.  There are a lot of moving pieces here but the end
+result has proven quite effective for implementing all the various Vulkan
+API requirements.
+Extension tables
+The Vulkan runtime defines two extension table structures, one for instance
+extensions and one for device extensions which contain a Boolean per
+extension.  The device table looks like this:
+.. code-block:: c
+    struct vk_device_extension_table {
+       union {
+          bool extensions[VK_DEVICE_EXTENSION_COUNT];
+          struct {
+             bool KHR_8bit_storage;
+             bool KHR_16bit_storage;
+             bool KHR_acceleration_structure;
+             bool KHR_bind_memory2;
+             ...
+          };
+       };
+    };
+The instance extension table is similar except that it includes the
+instance level extensions.  Both tables are actually unions so that you can
+access the table either by name or as an array.  Accessing by name is
+typically better for human-written code which needs to query for specific
+enabled extensions or declare a table of which extensions a driver
+supports.  The array form is convenient for more automatic code which wants
+to iterate over the table.
+These tables are are generated automatically using a bit of python code that
+parses the vk.xml from the `Vulkan-Docs repo
+<>`_, enumerates the
+extensions, sorts them by instance vs. device and generates the table.
+Generating it from XML means that we never have to manually maintain any of
+these data structures; they get automatically updated when someone imports
+a new version of vk.xml.  We also generates a matching pair of tables of
+``VkExtensionProperties``.  This makes it easy to implement
+``vkEnumerate*ExtensionProperties()`` with a simple loop that walks a table
+of supported extensions and copies the VkExtensionProperties for each
+enabled entry.  Similarly, we can have a loop in ``vkCreateInstance()`` or
+``vkCreateDevice()`` which takes the ``ppEnabledExtensionNames`` and fills
+out the table with all enabled extensions.
+Entrypoint and dispatch tables
+Entrypoint tables contain a function pointer for every Vulkan entrypoint
+within a particular scope.  There are separate tables for instance,
+physical device, and device-level functionality.  The device entrypoint
+table looks like this:
+.. code-block:: c
+    struct vk_device_entrypoint_table {
+       PFN_vkGetDeviceProcAddr GetDeviceProcAddr;
+       PFN_vkDestroyDevice DestroyDevice;
+       PFN_vkGetDeviceQueue GetDeviceQueue;
+       PFN_vkQueueSubmit QueueSubmit;
+       ...
+       PFN_vkGetSemaphoreWin32HandleKHR GetSemaphoreWin32HandleKHR;
+    #else
+       PFN_vkVoidFunction GetSemaphoreWin32HandleKHR;
+    # endif
+       ...
+    };
+Every entry that requires some sort of platform define is wrapped in an
+``#ifdef`` and declared as the actual function pointer type if the platform
+define is set and declared as a void function otherwise.  This ensures that
+the layout of the structure doesn't change based on preprocessor symbols
+but anyone who has the platform defines set gets the real prototype and
+anyone who doesn't can use the table without needing to pull in all the
+platform headers.
+Dispatch tables are similar to entrypoint tables except that they're
+de-duplicated so that aliased entrypoints have only one entry in the table.
+The device dispatch table looks like this:
+.. code-block:: c
+    struct vk_device_dispatch_table {
+        PFN_vkGetDeviceProcAddr GetDeviceProcAddr;
+        PFN_vkDestroyDevice DestroyDevice;
+        PFN_vkGetDeviceQueue GetDeviceQueue;
+        PFN_vkQueueSubmit QueueSubmit;
+        ...
+        union {
+            PFN_vkResetQueryPool ResetQueryPool;
+            PFN_vkResetQueryPoolEXT ResetQueryPoolEXT;
+        };
+        ...
+    };
+In order to allow code to use any of the aliases for a given entrypoint,
+such entrypoints are wrapped in a union.  This is important because we need
+to be able to add new aliases potentially at any Vulkan release and we want
+to do so without having to update all the driver code which uses one of the
+newly aliased entrypoints.  We could require that everyone use the first
+name an entrypoint ever has but that gets weird if, for instance, it's
+introduced in an EXT extension and some driver only ever implements the KHR
+or core version of the feature.  It's easier for everyone if we make all
+the entrypoint names work.
+An entrypoint table can be converted to a dispatch table by compacting it
+with one of the ``vk_*_dispatch_table_from_entrypoints()`` family of
+.. code-block:: c
+   void vk_instance_dispatch_table_from_entrypoints(
+       struct vk_instance_dispatch_table *dispatch_table,
+       const struct vk_instance_entrypoint_table *entrypoint_table,
+       bool overwrite);
+   void vk_physical_device_dispatch_table_from_entrypoints(
+       struct vk_physical_device_dispatch_table *dispatch_table,
+       const struct vk_physical_device_entrypoint_table *entrypoint_table,
+       bool overwrite);
+   void vk_device_dispatch_table_from_entrypoints(
+       struct vk_device_dispatch_table *dispatch_table,
+       const struct vk_device_entrypoint_table *entrypoint_table,
+       bool overwrite);
+Generating driver dispatch tables
+Entrypoint tables can be easily auto-generated for your driver.  Simply put
+the following in the driver's ````, modified as necessary:
+.. code-block::
+    drv_entrypoints = custom_target(
+      'drv_entrypoints',
+      input : [vk_entrypoints_gen, vk_api_xml],
+      output : ['drv_entrypoints.h', 'drv_entrypoints.c'],
+      command : [
+        prog_python, '@INPUT0@', '--xml', '@INPUT1@', '--proto', '--weak',
+        '--out-h', '@OUTPUT0@', '--out-c', '@OUTPUT1@', '--prefix', 'drv',
+      ],
+      depend_files : vk_entrypoints_gen_depend_files,
+    )
+The generated ``drv_entrypoints.h`` fill will contain prototypes for every
+Vulkan entrypoint, prefixed with what you passed to ``--prefix`` above.
+For instance, if you set ``--prefix drv`` and the entrypoint name is
+``vkCreateDevice()``, the driver entrypoint will be named
+``drv_CreateDevice()``.  The ``--prefix`` flag can be specified multiple
+times if you want more than one table.  It also generates an entrypoint
+table for each prefix and each dispatch level (instance, physical device,
+and device) which is populated using the driver's functions.  Thanks to our
+use of weak function pointers (or something roughly equivalent for MSVC),
+any entrypoints which are not implented will automatically show up as
+``NULL`` entries in the table rather than resulting in linking errors.
+The above generates entrypoint tables because, thanks to aliasing and the C
+rules around const struct declarations, it's not practical to generate a
+dispatch table directly.  Before they can be passed into the relevant
+``vk_*_init()`` function, the entrypoint table will have to be converted to
+a dispatch table.  The typical pattern for this inside a driver looks
+something like this:
+.. code-block:: c
+    struct vk_instance_dispatch_table dispatch_table;
+    vk_instance_dispatch_table_from_entrypoints(
+       &dispatch_table, &anv_instance_entrypoints, true);
+    vk_instance_dispatch_table_from_entrypoints(
+       &dispatch_table, &wsi_instance_entrypoints, false);
+    result = vk_instance_init(&instance->vk, &instance_extensions,
+                              &dispatch_table, pCreateInfo, pAllocator);
+    if (result != VK_SUCCESS) {
+       vk_free(pAllocator, instance);
+       return result;
+    }
+The ``vk_*_dispatch_table_from_entrypoints()`` functions are designed so
+that they can be layered like this.  In this case, it starts with the
+instance entrypoints from the Intel vulkan driver and then adds in the WSI
+entrypoints.  If there are any entrypoints duplicated between the two, the
+first one to define the entrypoint wins.
+Common Vulkan entrypoints
+For the Vulkan runtime itself, there is a dispatch table with the
+``vk_common`` prefix used to provide common implementations of various
+entrypoints.  This entrypoint table is added last as part of
+``vk_*_init()`` so that the driver implementation will always be used, if
+there is one.
+This is used to implement a bunch of things on behalf of the driver.  The
+most common case is whenever there are ``vkFoo()`` and ``vkFoo2()``
+entrypoints.  We provide wrappers for nearly all of these that implement
+``vkFoo()`` in terms of ``vkFoo2()`` so a driver can switch to the new one
+and throw the old one away.  For instance, ``vk_common_BindBufferMemory()``
+looks like this:
+.. code-block:: c
+   vk_common_BindBufferMemory(VkDevice _device,
+                              VkBuffer buffer,
+                              VkDeviceMemory memory,
+                              VkDeviceSize memoryOffset)
+   {
+      VK_FROM_HANDLE(vk_device, device, _device);
+      VkBindBufferMemoryInfo bind = {
+         .buffer        = buffer,
+         .memory        = memory,
+         .memoryOffset  = memoryOffset,
+      };
+      return device->dispatch_table.BindBufferMemory2(_device, 1, &bind);
+   }
+There are, of course, far more complicated cases of implementing
+``vkFoo()`` in terms of ``vkFoo2()`` such as the
+``vk_common_QueueSubmit()`` implementation.  We also implement far less
+trivial functionality as ``vk_common_*`` entrypoints.  For instance, we
+have full implementations of ``VkFence``, ``VkSemaphore``, and
+Entrypoint lookup
+Implementing ``vkGet*ProcAddr()`` is quite complicated because of the
+Vulkan 1.2 rules around exactly when they have to return ``NULL``.  When a
+client calls `vkGet*ProcAddr()`, we go through a three step process resolve
+the function pointer:
+ 1. A static (generated at compile time) hash table is used to map the
+    entrypoint name to an index into the corresponding entry point table.
+ 2. Optionally, the index is passed to an auto-generated function that
+    checks against the enabled core API version and extensions.  We use an
+    index into the entrypoint table, not the dispatch table, because the
+    rules for when an entrypoint should be exposed are per-entrypoint.  For
+    instance, `vkBindImageMemory2` is available on Vulkan 1.1 and later but
+    `vkBindImageMemory2KHR` is available if VK_KHR_bind_memory2 is enabled.
+ 3. A compaction table is used to map from the entrypoint table index to
+    the dispatch table index and the function is finally fetched from the
+    dispatch table.
+All of this is encapsulated within the ``vk_*_dispatch_table_get()`` and
+``vk_*_dispatch_table_get_if_supported()`` families of functions.  The
+``_if_supported`` versions take a core version and one or more extension
+tables.  The driver has to provide ``vk_icdGet*ProcAddr()`` entrypoints
+which wrap these functions because those have to be exposed as actual
+symbols from the ``.so`` or ``.dll`` as part of the loader interface.  It
+also has to provide its own ``drv_GetInstanceProcAddr()`` because it needs
+to pass the supported instance extension table to
+:cpp:func:`vk_instance_get_proc_addr`.  The runtime will provide
+``vk_common_GetDeviceProcAddr()`` implementations.
+Populating layer or client dispatch tables
+The entrypoint and dispatch tables actually live in ``src/vulkan/util``,
+not ``src/vulkan/runtime`` so they can be used by layers and clients (such
+as Zink) as well as the runtime.  Layers and clients may wish to populate
+dispatch tables from an underlying Vulkan implementation.  This can be done
+via the ``vk_*_dispatch_table_load()`` family of functions:
+.. code-block:: c
+   void
+   vk_instance_dispatch_table_load(struct vk_instance_dispatch_table *table,
+                                   PFN_vkGetInstanceProcAddr gpa,
+                                   VkInstance instance);
+   void
+   vk_physical_device_dispatch_table_load(struct vk_physical_device_dispatch_table *table,
+                                          PFN_vkGetInstanceProcAddr gpa,
+                                          VkInstance instance);
+   void
+   vk_device_dispatch_table_load(struct vk_device_dispatch_table *table,
+                                 PFN_vkGetDeviceProcAddr gpa,
+                                 VkDevice device);
+These call the given ``vkGet*ProcAddr`` function to populate the dispatch
+table.  For aliased entrypoints, it will try each variant in succession to
+ensure that the dispatch table entry gets populated no matter which version
+of the feature you have enabled.
diff --git a/docs/vulkan/index.rst b/docs/vulkan/index.rst
index b0993ffce5e..c4acd9e89bb 100644
--- a/docs/vulkan/index.rst
+++ b/docs/vulkan/index.rst
@@ -10,4 +10,5 @@ hardware-agnostic bits in common code.
    :maxdepth: 2
+   dispatch

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