[Mesa-dev] Status update of XvMC on R600

Younes Manton younes.m at gmail.com
Wed Nov 10 12:30:41 PST 2010

On Wed, Nov 10, 2010 at 9:56 AM, Christian König
<deathsimple at vodafone.de> wrote:
> I also started to profile the performance of the code a bit, as expected
> we spend far to much time deciding of how and where to draw something
> compared to really drawing something. Up to 50% of the whole cpu time is
> spend in gen_block_verts!!!
> My todo list now looks something like this:
> 1. Speed thinks up allot by using a different vertex buffer approach.
> 2. Implement different colour formats.
> 3. Maybe implement missing motion types (16x8 and dualprime)
> 4. Either do iDCT myself or relay on the work of somebody else.
> 5. Get drunk while watching an XvMC accelerated episode of Simpsons.

Keep in mind that the XvMC interface makes no guarantees about the
order in which macroblocks are submitted. Also, we're already sorting
macroblocks by I/P/B type in order to batch draw calls. Otherwise it
would be possible to sort on x,y coords and use a sort that performs
well on sorted/nearly sorted inputs to take advantage of the fact that
most clients always submit macroblocks in the obvious order. At the
time I chose to sort on type to batch draw calls rather and came up
with the zero-block scheme to cut down on per frame data that needs to
be generated. You could use index buffers, but somehow I don't think
that would be a win, especially on HW that doesn't actually do index
lookup in HW. If you have any better ideas they'd be welcome.

In the meantime, I suggest you check if your vertex buffers are in
sytem memory (preferably at least WC-ed if not cached); I don't recall
spending that much time in gen_block_verts in Nouveau.

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