[Mesa-dev] [RFC] Mesa 7.9 release criteria

Ian Romanick idr at freedesktop.org
Fri Sep 24 09:17:07 PDT 2010

Hash: SHA1

It looks like most of the bugs on the tracker have been fixed.  The
remaining bugs are:

Bug 27831 - [regression] DynamicBranching3 does not render correctly:

I've been looking into this, but I haven't made much progress.  I don't
know that it will get fixed anytime soon.

Bug 29162 - commit 3750ebd540510324ef5ada769537ae05309adadb breaks
darwin build:

There haven't been any updates on this bug in a couple months.  Does
anyone that builds on Darwin care?

Bug 29626 - [swrast] glean glsl1 texture2D() regression:

The issue here is that the optimizer isn't eliminating an assignment of
the varying to a temporary.  That temporary is used in the TEX
instruction, and swrast doesn't know how to determine the partial
derivatives of the temporary.  It seems unlikely that this will get
fixed soon.

I'd like to have a 7.9 release candidate on Monday (9/27).  Assuming
there are no major issues, I'd like to have a final release on the
following Monday (10/4).  Does that work for people?
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