[Mesa-dev] Status of VDPAU and XvMC state-trackers (was Re: Build error on current xvmc-r600 pip

Christian König deathsimple at vodafone.de
Sat May 7 01:45:30 PDT 2011

Am Donnerstag, den 05.05.2011, 23:14 -0500 schrieb Bryan Cain:
> I found out the other day that nv50 doesn't support disabled GL
> rasterization rules, and doesn't plan to.  Could iDCT be changed to
> work with GL rasterization rules enabled, or is there a reason that it
> can't or shouldn't use them?
Yes thats indeed easy to fix, I have developed the iDCT code with
enabled GL rasterisation rules in the first place and then disabled them
because it mades a couple of things easyer to implement.

I just put it on the todo list, I will leave you a note when this is
fixed so you can retest it.


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