[Mesa-dev] [PATCH 08/20] mesa: Move most of uniforms.c to uniform_query.cpp

Ian Romanick idr at freedesktop.org
Fri Oct 28 10:42:35 PDT 2011

From: Ian Romanick <ian.d.romanick at intel.com>

Signed-off-by: Ian Romanick <ian.d.romanick at intel.com>
 src/mesa/main/uniform_query.cpp |  935 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/mesa/main/uniforms.c        |  957 ---------------------------------------
 2 files changed, 935 insertions(+), 957 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/mesa/main/uniform_query.cpp b/src/mesa/main/uniform_query.cpp
index ba7d759..781af2d 100644
--- a/src/mesa/main/uniform_query.cpp
+++ b/src/mesa/main/uniform_query.cpp
@@ -23,10 +23,12 @@
 #include "main/core.h"
+#include "main/context.h"
 #include "ir.h"
 #include "../glsl/program.h"
 extern "C" {
+#include "main/image.h"
 #include "main/shaderapi.h"
 #include "main/shaderobj.h"
 #include "uniforms.h"
@@ -78,3 +80,936 @@ _mesa_GetActiveUniformARB(GLhandleARB program, GLuint index,
       *type = uni->Type->gl_type;
+static GLenum
+base_uniform_type(GLenum type)
+   switch (type) {
+   case GL_BOOL:
+   case GL_BOOL_VEC2:
+   case GL_BOOL_VEC3:
+   case GL_BOOL_VEC4:
+      return GL_BOOL;
+   case GL_FLOAT:
+   case GL_FLOAT_VEC2:
+   case GL_FLOAT_VEC3:
+   case GL_FLOAT_VEC4:
+   case GL_FLOAT_MAT2:
+   case GL_FLOAT_MAT2x3:
+   case GL_FLOAT_MAT2x4:
+   case GL_FLOAT_MAT3x2:
+   case GL_FLOAT_MAT3:
+   case GL_FLOAT_MAT3x4:
+   case GL_FLOAT_MAT4x2:
+   case GL_FLOAT_MAT4x3:
+   case GL_FLOAT_MAT4:
+      return GL_FLOAT;
+      return GL_UNSIGNED_INT;
+   case GL_INT:
+   case GL_INT_VEC2:
+   case GL_INT_VEC3:
+   case GL_INT_VEC4:
+      return GL_INT;
+   default:
+      _mesa_problem(NULL, "Invalid type in base_uniform_type()");
+      return GL_FLOAT;
+   }
+static GLboolean
+is_boolean_type(GLenum type)
+   switch (type) {
+   case GL_BOOL:
+   case GL_BOOL_VEC2:
+   case GL_BOOL_VEC3:
+   case GL_BOOL_VEC4:
+      return GL_TRUE;
+   default:
+      return GL_FALSE;
+   }
+static GLboolean
+is_sampler_type(GLenum type)
+   switch (type) {
+   case GL_SAMPLER_1D:
+   case GL_INT_SAMPLER_1D:
+   case GL_SAMPLER_2D:
+   case GL_INT_SAMPLER_2D:
+   case GL_SAMPLER_3D:
+   case GL_INT_SAMPLER_3D:
+      return GL_TRUE;
+   default:
+      return GL_FALSE;
+   }
+ * Given a uniform index, return the vertex/geometry/fragment program
+ * that has that parameter, plus the position of the parameter in the
+ * parameter/constant buffer.
+ * \param shProg  the shader program
+ * \param index  the uniform index in [0, NumUniforms-1]
+ * \param progOut  returns containing program
+ * \param posOut  returns position of the uniform in the param/const buffer
+ * \return GL_TRUE for success, GL_FALSE for invalid index
+ */
+static GLboolean
+find_uniform_parameter_pos(struct gl_shader_program *shProg, GLint index,
+                           struct gl_program **progOut, GLint *posOut)
+   struct gl_program *prog = NULL;
+   GLint pos;
+   if (!shProg->Uniforms ||
+       index < 0 ||
+       index >= (GLint) shProg->Uniforms->NumUniforms) {
+      return GL_FALSE;
+   }
+   pos = shProg->Uniforms->Uniforms[index].VertPos;
+   if (pos >= 0) {
+      prog = shProg->_LinkedShaders[MESA_SHADER_VERTEX]->Program;
+   }
+   else {
+      pos = shProg->Uniforms->Uniforms[index].FragPos;
+      if (pos >= 0) {
+         prog = shProg->_LinkedShaders[MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT]->Program;
+      }
+      else {
+         pos = shProg->Uniforms->Uniforms[index].GeomPos;
+         if (pos >= 0) {
+            prog = shProg->_LinkedShaders[MESA_SHADER_GEOMETRY]->Program;
+         }
+      }
+   }
+   if (!prog || pos < 0)
+      return GL_FALSE; /* should really never happen */
+   *progOut = prog;
+   *posOut = pos;
+   return GL_TRUE;
+ * Return pointer to a gl_program_parameter which corresponds to a uniform.
+ * \param shProg  the shader program
+ * \param index  the uniform index in [0, NumUniforms-1]
+ * \return gl_program_parameter point or NULL if index is invalid
+ */
+const struct gl_program_parameter *
+get_uniform_parameter(struct gl_shader_program *shProg, GLint index)
+   struct gl_program *prog;
+   GLint progPos;
+   if (find_uniform_parameter_pos(shProg, index, &prog, &progPos))
+      return &prog->Parameters->Parameters[progPos];
+   else
+      return NULL;
+static unsigned
+get_vector_elements(GLenum type)
+   switch (type) {
+   case GL_FLOAT:
+   case GL_INT:
+   case GL_BOOL:
+   default: /* Catch all the various sampler types. */
+      return 1;
+   case GL_FLOAT_VEC2:
+   case GL_INT_VEC2:
+   case GL_BOOL_VEC2:
+      return 2;
+   case GL_FLOAT_VEC3:
+   case GL_INT_VEC3:
+   case GL_BOOL_VEC3:
+      return 3;
+   case GL_FLOAT_VEC4:
+   case GL_INT_VEC4:
+   case GL_BOOL_VEC4:
+      return 4;
+   }
+static void
+get_matrix_dims(GLenum type, GLint *rows, GLint *cols)
+   switch (type) {
+   case GL_FLOAT_MAT2:
+      *rows = *cols = 2;
+      break;
+   case GL_FLOAT_MAT2x3:
+      *rows = 3;
+      *cols = 2;
+      break;
+   case GL_FLOAT_MAT2x4:
+      *rows = 4;
+      *cols = 2;
+      break;
+   case GL_FLOAT_MAT3:
+      *rows = 3;
+      *cols = 3;
+      break;
+   case GL_FLOAT_MAT3x2:
+      *rows = 2;
+      *cols = 3;
+      break;
+   case GL_FLOAT_MAT3x4:
+      *rows = 4;
+      *cols = 3;
+      break;
+   case GL_FLOAT_MAT4:
+      *rows = 4;
+      *cols = 4;
+      break;
+   case GL_FLOAT_MAT4x2:
+      *rows = 2;
+      *cols = 4;
+      break;
+   case GL_FLOAT_MAT4x3:
+      *rows = 3;
+      *cols = 4;
+      break;
+   default:
+      *rows = *cols = 0;
+   }
+ * Determine the number of rows and columns occupied by a uniform
+ * according to its datatype.  For non-matrix types (such as GL_FLOAT_VEC4),
+ * the number of rows = 1 and cols = number of elements in the vector.
+ */
+static void
+get_uniform_rows_cols(const struct gl_program_parameter *p,
+                      GLint *rows, GLint *cols)
+   get_matrix_dims(p->DataType, rows, cols);
+   if (*rows == 0 && *cols == 0) {
+      /* not a matrix type, probably a float or vector */
+      *rows = 1;
+      *cols = get_vector_elements(p->DataType);
+   }
+static bool
+validate_uniform_parameters(struct gl_context *ctx,
+			    struct gl_shader_program *shProg,
+			    GLint location, GLsizei count,
+			    unsigned *loc,
+			    unsigned *array_index,
+			    const char *caller,
+			    bool negative_one_is_not_valid)
+   if (!shProg || !shProg->LinkStatus) {
+      _mesa_error(ctx, GL_INVALID_OPERATION, "%s(program not linked)", caller);
+      return false;
+   }
+   if (location == -1) {
+      /* Page 264 (page 278 of the PDF) of the OpenGL 2.1 spec says:
+       *
+       *     "The error INVALID_OPERATION is generated if program has not been
+       *     linked successfully, or if location is not a valid location for
+       *     program."
+       *
+       * However, page 82 (page 96 of the PDF) of the OpenGL 2.1 spec says:
+       *
+       *     "If the value of location is -1, the Uniform* commands will
+       *     silently ignore the data passed in, and the current uniform
+       *     values will not be changed."
+       *
+       * The negative_one_is_not_valid flag selects between the two behaviors.
+       */
+      if (negative_one_is_not_valid) {
+	 _mesa_error(ctx, GL_INVALID_OPERATION, "%s(location=%d)",
+		     caller, location);
+      }
+      return false;
+   }
+   /* From page 12 (page 26 of the PDF) of the OpenGL 2.1 spec:
+    *
+    *     "If a negative number is provided where an argument of type sizei or
+    *     sizeiptr is specified, the error INVALID_VALUE is generated."
+    */
+   if (count < 0) {
+      _mesa_error(ctx, GL_INVALID_VALUE, "%s(count < 0)", caller);
+      return false;
+   }
+   /* Page 82 (page 96 of the PDF) of the OpenGL 2.1 spec says:
+    *
+    *     "If any of the following conditions occur, an INVALID_OPERATION
+    *     error is generated by the Uniform* commands, and no uniform values
+    *     are changed:
+    *
+    *     ...
+    *
+    *         - if no variable with a location of location exists in the
+    *           program object currently in use and location is not -1,
+    */
+   if (location < -1) {
+      _mesa_error(ctx, GL_INVALID_OPERATION, "%s(location=%d)",
+                  caller, location);
+      return false;
+   }
+   _mesa_uniform_split_location_offset(location, loc, array_index);
+   if (*loc >= shProg->Uniforms->NumUniforms) {
+      _mesa_error(ctx, GL_INVALID_OPERATION, "%s(location=%d)",
+		  caller, location);
+      return false;
+   }
+   return true;
+ * Called via glGetUniform[fiui]v() to get the current value of a uniform.
+ */
+extern "C" void
+_mesa_get_uniform(struct gl_context *ctx, GLuint program, GLint location,
+		  GLsizei bufSize, GLenum returnType, GLvoid *paramsOut)
+   struct gl_shader_program *shProg =
+      _mesa_lookup_shader_program_err(ctx, program, "glGetUniformfv");
+   struct gl_program *prog;
+   GLint paramPos;
+   unsigned loc, offset;
+   if (!validate_uniform_parameters(ctx, shProg, location, 1,
+				    &loc, &offset, "glGetUniform", true))
+      return;
+   if (!find_uniform_parameter_pos(shProg, loc, &prog, &paramPos)) {
+      _mesa_error(ctx, GL_INVALID_OPERATION,  "glGetUniformfv(location)");
+   }
+   else {
+      const struct gl_program_parameter *p =
+         &prog->Parameters->Parameters[paramPos];
+      gl_constant_value (*values)[4];
+      GLint rows, cols, i, j, k;
+      GLsizei numBytes;
+      GLenum storage_type;
+      values = prog->Parameters->ParameterValues + paramPos + offset;
+      get_uniform_rows_cols(p, &rows, &cols);
+      numBytes = rows * cols * _mesa_sizeof_type(returnType);
+      if (bufSize < numBytes) {
+         _mesa_error( ctx, GL_INVALID_OPERATION,
+                     "glGetnUniformfvARB(out of bounds: bufSize is %d,"
+                     " but %d bytes are required)", bufSize, numBytes );
+         return;
+      }
+      if (ctx->Const.NativeIntegers) {
+	 storage_type = base_uniform_type(p->DataType);
+      } else {
+	 storage_type = GL_FLOAT;
+      }
+      k = 0;
+      for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
+	 for (j = 0; j < cols; j++ ) {
+	    void *out = (char *)paramsOut + 4 * k;
+	    switch (returnType) {
+	    case GL_FLOAT:
+	       switch (storage_type) {
+	       case GL_FLOAT:
+		  *(float *)out = values[i][j].f;
+		  break;
+	       case GL_INT:
+	       case GL_BOOL: /* boolean is just an integer 1 or 0. */
+		  *(float *)out = values[i][j].i;
+		  break;
+	       case GL_UNSIGNED_INT:
+		  *(float *)out = values[i][j].u;
+		  break;
+	       }
+	       break;
+	    case GL_INT:
+	    case GL_UNSIGNED_INT:
+	       switch (storage_type) {
+	       case GL_FLOAT:
+		  /* While the GL 3.2 core spec doesn't explicitly
+		   * state how conversion of float uniforms to integer
+		   * values works, in section 6.2 "State Tables" on
+		   * page 267 it says:
+		   *
+		   *     "Unless otherwise specified, when floating
+		   *      point state is returned as integer values or
+		   *      integer state is returned as floating-point
+		   *      values it is converted in the fashion
+		   *      described in section 6.1.2"
+		   *
+		   * That section, on page 248, says:
+		   *
+		   *     "If GetIntegerv or GetInteger64v are called,
+		   *      a floating-point value is rounded to the
+		   *      nearest integer..."
+		   */
+		  *(int *)out = IROUND(values[i][j].f);
+		  break;
+	       case GL_INT:
+	       case GL_UNSIGNED_INT:
+	       case GL_BOOL:
+		  /* type conversions for these to int/uint are just
+		   * copying the data.
+		   */
+		  *(int *)out = values[i][j].i;
+		  break;
+		  break;
+	       }
+	       break;
+	    }
+	    k++;
+	 }
+      }
+   }
+ * Check if the type given by userType is allowed to set a uniform of the
+ * target type.  Generally, equivalence is required, but setting Boolean
+ * uniforms can be done with glUniformiv or glUniformfv.
+ */
+static GLboolean
+compatible_types(GLenum userType, GLenum targetType)
+   if (userType == targetType)
+      return GL_TRUE;
+   if (targetType == GL_BOOL && (userType == GL_FLOAT ||
+                                 userType == GL_UNSIGNED_INT ||
+                                 userType == GL_INT))
+      return GL_TRUE;
+   if (targetType == GL_BOOL_VEC2 && (userType == GL_FLOAT_VEC2 ||
+                                      userType == GL_UNSIGNED_INT_VEC2 ||
+                                      userType == GL_INT_VEC2))
+      return GL_TRUE;
+   if (targetType == GL_BOOL_VEC3 && (userType == GL_FLOAT_VEC3 ||
+                                      userType == GL_UNSIGNED_INT_VEC3 ||
+                                      userType == GL_INT_VEC3))
+      return GL_TRUE;
+   if (targetType == GL_BOOL_VEC4 && (userType == GL_FLOAT_VEC4 ||
+                                      userType == GL_UNSIGNED_INT_VEC4 ||
+                                      userType == GL_INT_VEC4))
+      return GL_TRUE;
+   if (is_sampler_type(targetType) && userType == GL_INT)
+      return GL_TRUE;
+   return GL_FALSE;
+ * Set the value of a program's uniform variable.
+ * \param program  the program whose uniform to update
+ * \param index  the index of the program parameter for the uniform
+ * \param offset  additional parameter slot offset (for arrays)
+ * \param type  the incoming datatype of 'values'
+ * \param count  the number of uniforms to set
+ * \param elems  number of elements per uniform (1, 2, 3 or 4)
+ * \param values  the new values, of datatype 'type'
+ */
+static void
+set_program_uniform(struct gl_context *ctx, struct gl_program *program,
+                    GLint index, GLint offset,
+                    GLenum type, GLsizei count, GLint elems,
+                    const void *values)
+   const struct gl_program_parameter *param =
+      &program->Parameters->Parameters[index];
+   assert(offset >= 0);
+   assert(elems >= 1);
+   assert(elems <= 4);
+   if (!compatible_types(type, param->DataType)) {
+      _mesa_error(ctx, GL_INVALID_OPERATION, "glUniform(type mismatch)");
+      return;
+   }
+   if (index + offset > (GLint) program->Parameters->Size) {
+      /* out of bounds! */
+      return;
+   }
+   if (param->Type == PROGRAM_SAMPLER) {
+      /* This controls which texture unit which is used by a sampler */
+      GLboolean changed = GL_FALSE;
+      GLint i;
+      /* this should have been caught by the compatible_types() check */
+      ASSERT(type == GL_INT);
+      /* loop over number of samplers to change */
+      for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+         GLuint sampler = (GLuint)
+            program->Parameters->ParameterValues[index+offset + i][0].f;
+         GLuint texUnit = ((GLuint *) values)[i];
+         /* check that the sampler (tex unit index) is legal */
+         if (texUnit >= ctx->Const.MaxCombinedTextureImageUnits) {
+            _mesa_error(ctx, GL_INVALID_VALUE,
+                        "glUniform1(invalid sampler/tex unit index for '%s')",
+                        param->Name);
+            return;
+         }
+         /* This maps a sampler to a texture unit: */
+         if (sampler < MAX_SAMPLERS) {
+#if 0
+            printf("Set program %p sampler %d '%s' to unit %u\n",
+		   program, sampler, param->Name, texUnit);
+            if (program->SamplerUnits[sampler] != texUnit) {
+               program->SamplerUnits[sampler] = texUnit;
+               changed = GL_TRUE;
+            }
+         }
+      }
+      if (changed) {
+         /* When a sampler's value changes it usually requires rewriting
+          * a GPU program's TEX instructions since there may not be a
+          * sampler->texture lookup table.  We signal this with the
+          * ProgramStringNotify() callback.
+          */
+         _mesa_update_shader_textures_used(program);
+         /* Do we need to care about the return value here?
+          * This should not be the first time the driver was notified of
+          * this program.
+          */
+         (void) ctx->Driver.ProgramStringNotify(ctx, program->Target, program);
+      }
+   }
+   else {
+      /* ordinary uniform variable */
+      const GLboolean isUniformBool = is_boolean_type(param->DataType);
+      const GLenum basicType = base_uniform_type(type);
+      const GLint slots = (param->Size + 3) / 4;
+      const GLint typeSize = _mesa_sizeof_glsl_type(param->DataType);
+      GLsizei k, i;
+      if ((GLint) param->Size > typeSize) {
+         /* an array */
+         /* we'll ignore extra data below */
+      }
+      else {
+         /* non-array: count must be at most one; count == 0 is handled
+          * by the loop below
+          */
+         if (count > 1) {
+            _mesa_error(ctx, GL_INVALID_OPERATION,
+                        "glUniform(uniform '%s' is not an array)",
+                        param->Name);
+            return;
+         }
+      }
+      /* loop over number of array elements */
+      for (k = 0; k < count; k++) {
+         gl_constant_value *uniformVal;
+         if (offset + k >= slots) {
+            /* Extra array data is ignored */
+            break;
+         }
+         /* uniformVal (the destination) is always gl_constant_value[4] */
+         uniformVal = program->Parameters->ParameterValues[index + offset + k];
+         if (basicType == GL_INT) {
+            const GLint *iValues = ((const GLint *) values) + k * elems;
+            for (i = 0; i < elems; i++) {
+               if (!ctx->Const.NativeIntegers)
+                  uniformVal[i].f = (GLfloat) iValues[i];
+               else
+                  uniformVal[i].i = iValues[i];
+            }
+         }
+         else if (basicType == GL_UNSIGNED_INT) {
+            const GLuint *iValues = ((const GLuint *) values) + k * elems;
+            for (i = 0; i < elems; i++) {
+               if (!ctx->Const.NativeIntegers)
+                  uniformVal[i].f = (GLfloat)(GLuint) iValues[i];
+               else
+                  uniformVal[i].u = iValues[i];
+            }
+         }
+         else {
+            const GLfloat *fValues = ((const GLfloat *) values) + k * elems;
+            assert(basicType == GL_FLOAT);
+            for (i = 0; i < elems; i++) {
+               uniformVal[i].f = fValues[i];
+            }
+         }
+         /* if the uniform is bool-valued, convert to 1 or 0 */
+         if (isUniformBool) {
+            for (i = 0; i < elems; i++) {
+               if (basicType == GL_FLOAT)
+                  uniformVal[i].b = uniformVal[i].f != 0.0f ? 1 : 0;
+               else
+                  uniformVal[i].b = uniformVal[i].u ? 1 : 0;
+               if (ctx->Const.NativeIntegers)
+                  uniformVal[i].u =
+                        uniformVal[i].b ? ctx->Const.UniformBooleanTrue : 0;
+               else
+                  uniformVal[i].f = uniformVal[i].b ? 1.0f : 0.0f;
+            }
+         }
+      }
+   }
+ * Called via glUniform*() functions.
+ */
+extern "C" void
+_mesa_uniform(struct gl_context *ctx, struct gl_shader_program *shProg,
+	      GLint location, GLsizei count,
+              const GLvoid *values, GLenum type)
+   struct gl_uniform *uniform;
+   GLint elems;
+   unsigned loc, offset;
+   if (!validate_uniform_parameters(ctx, shProg, location, count,
+				    &loc, &offset, "glUniform", false))
+      return;
+   elems = _mesa_sizeof_glsl_type(type);
+   uniform = &shProg->Uniforms->Uniforms[loc];
+   if (ctx->Shader.Flags & GLSL_UNIFORMS) {
+      const GLenum basicType = base_uniform_type(type);
+      GLint i;
+      printf("Mesa: set program %u uniform %s (loc %d) to: ",
+	     shProg->Name, uniform->Name, location);
+      if (basicType == GL_INT) {
+         const GLint *v = (const GLint *) values;
+         for (i = 0; i < count * elems; i++) {
+            printf("%d ", v[i]);
+         }
+      }
+      else if (basicType == GL_UNSIGNED_INT) {
+         const GLuint *v = (const GLuint *) values;
+         for (i = 0; i < count * elems; i++) {
+            printf("%u ", v[i]);
+         }
+      }
+      else {
+         const GLfloat *v = (const GLfloat *) values;
+         assert(basicType == GL_FLOAT);
+         for (i = 0; i < count * elems; i++) {
+            printf("%g ", v[i]);
+         }
+      }
+      printf("\n");
+   }
+   /* A uniform var may be used by both a vertex shader and a fragment
+    * shader.  We may need to update one or both shader's uniform here:
+    */
+   if (shProg->_LinkedShaders[MESA_SHADER_VERTEX]) {
+      /* convert uniform location to program parameter index */
+      GLint index = uniform->VertPos;
+      if (index >= 0) {
+         set_program_uniform(ctx,
+                             shProg->_LinkedShaders[MESA_SHADER_VERTEX]->Program,
+                             index, offset, type, count, elems, values);
+      }
+   }
+   if (shProg->_LinkedShaders[MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT]) {
+      /* convert uniform location to program parameter index */
+      GLint index = uniform->FragPos;
+      if (index >= 0) {
+         set_program_uniform(ctx,
+			     shProg->_LinkedShaders[MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT]->Program,
+                             index, offset, type, count, elems, values);
+      }
+   }
+   if (shProg->_LinkedShaders[MESA_SHADER_GEOMETRY]) {
+      /* convert uniform location to program parameter index */
+      GLint index = uniform->GeomPos;
+      if (index >= 0) {
+         set_program_uniform(ctx,
+			     shProg->_LinkedShaders[MESA_SHADER_GEOMETRY]->Program,
+                             index, offset, type, count, elems, values);
+      }
+   }
+   uniform->Initialized = GL_TRUE;
+ * Set a matrix-valued program parameter.
+ */
+static void
+set_program_uniform_matrix(struct gl_context *ctx, struct gl_program *program,
+                           GLuint index, GLuint offset,
+                           GLuint count, GLuint rows, GLuint cols,
+                           GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat *values)
+   GLuint mat, row, col;
+   GLuint src = 0;
+   const struct gl_program_parameter *param =
+      &program->Parameters->Parameters[index];
+   const GLuint slots = (param->Size + 3) / 4;
+   const GLint typeSize = _mesa_sizeof_glsl_type(param->DataType);
+   GLint nr, nc;
+   /* check that the number of rows, columns is correct */
+   get_matrix_dims(param->DataType, &nr, &nc);
+   if (rows != nr || cols != nc) {
+      _mesa_error(ctx, GL_INVALID_OPERATION,
+                  "glUniformMatrix(matrix size mismatch)");
+      return;
+   }
+   if ((GLint) param->Size <= typeSize) {
+      /* non-array: count must be at most one; count == 0 is handled
+       * by the loop below
+       */
+      if (count > 1) {
+         _mesa_error(ctx, GL_INVALID_OPERATION,
+                     "glUniformMatrix(uniform is not an array)");
+         return;
+      }
+   }
+   /*
+    * Note: the _columns_ of a matrix are stored in program registers, not
+    * the rows.  So, the loops below look a little funny.
+    * XXX could optimize this a bit...
+    */
+   /* loop over matrices */
+   for (mat = 0; mat < count; mat++) {
+      /* each matrix: */
+      for (col = 0; col < cols; col++) {
+         GLfloat *v;
+         if (offset >= slots) {
+            /* Ignore writes beyond the end of (the used part of) an array */
+            return;
+         }
+         v = (GLfloat *) program->Parameters->ParameterValues[index + offset];
+         for (row = 0; row < rows; row++) {
+            if (transpose) {
+               v[row] = values[src + row * cols + col];
+            }
+            else {
+               v[row] = values[src + col * rows + row];
+            }
+         }
+         offset++;
+      }
+      src += rows * cols;  /* next matrix */
+   }
+ * Called by glUniformMatrix*() functions.
+ * Note: cols=2, rows=4  ==>  array[2] of vec4
+ */
+extern "C" void
+_mesa_uniform_matrix(struct gl_context *ctx, struct gl_shader_program *shProg,
+		     GLint cols, GLint rows,
+                     GLint location, GLsizei count,
+                     GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat *values)
+   struct gl_uniform *uniform;
+   unsigned loc, offset;
+   if (!validate_uniform_parameters(ctx, shProg, location, count,
+				    &loc, &offset, "glUniformMatrix", false))
+      return;
+   if (values == NULL) {
+      _mesa_error(ctx, GL_INVALID_VALUE, "glUniformMatrix");
+      return;
+   }
+   uniform = &shProg->Uniforms->Uniforms[loc];
+   if (shProg->_LinkedShaders[MESA_SHADER_VERTEX]) {
+      /* convert uniform location to program parameter index */
+      GLint index = uniform->VertPos;
+      if (index >= 0) {
+         set_program_uniform_matrix(ctx,
+				    shProg->_LinkedShaders[MESA_SHADER_VERTEX]->Program,
+                                    index, offset,
+                                    count, rows, cols, transpose, values);
+      }
+   }
+   if (shProg->_LinkedShaders[MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT]) {
+      /* convert uniform location to program parameter index */
+      GLint index = uniform->FragPos;
+      if (index >= 0) {
+         set_program_uniform_matrix(ctx,
+				    shProg->_LinkedShaders[MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT]->Program,
+                                    index, offset,
+                                    count, rows, cols, transpose, values);
+      }
+   }
+   if (shProg->_LinkedShaders[MESA_SHADER_GEOMETRY]) {
+      /* convert uniform location to program parameter index */
+      GLint index = uniform->GeomPos;
+      if (index >= 0) {
+         set_program_uniform_matrix(ctx,
+                                    shProg->_LinkedShaders[MESA_SHADER_GEOMETRY]->Program,
+                                    index, offset,
+                                    count, rows, cols, transpose, values);
+      }
+   }
+   uniform->Initialized = GL_TRUE;
+ * Called via glGetUniformLocation().
+ *
+ * The return value will encode two values, the uniform location and an
+ * offset (used for arrays, structs).
+ */
+extern "C" GLint
+_mesa_get_uniform_location(struct gl_context *ctx,
+                           struct gl_shader_program *shProg,
+			   const GLchar *name)
+   GLint offset = 0, location = -1;
+   /* XXX we should return -1 if the uniform was declared, but not
+    * actually used.
+    */
+   /* XXX we need to be able to parse uniform names for structs and arrays
+    * such as:
+    *   mymatrix[1]
+    *   mystruct.field1
+    */
+   {
+      /* handle 1-dimension arrays here... */
+      char *c = strchr((char *)name, '[');
+      if (c) {
+         /* truncate name at [ */
+         const GLint len = c - name;
+         GLchar *newName = (GLchar *) malloc(len + 1);
+         if (!newName)
+            return -1; /* out of mem */
+         memcpy(newName, name, len);
+         newName[len] = 0;
+         location = _mesa_lookup_uniform(shProg->Uniforms, newName);
+         if (location >= 0) {
+            const GLint element = atoi(c + 1);
+            if (element > 0) {
+               /* get type of the uniform array element */
+               const struct gl_program_parameter *p =
+                  get_uniform_parameter(shProg, location);
+               if (p) {
+                  GLint rows, cols;
+                  get_matrix_dims(p->DataType, &rows, &cols);
+                  if (rows < 1)
+                     rows = 1;
+                  offset = element * rows;
+               }
+            }
+         }
+         free(newName);
+      }
+   }
+   if (location < 0) {
+      location = _mesa_lookup_uniform(shProg->Uniforms, name);
+   }
+   if (location < 0) {
+      return -1;
+   }
+   return _mesa_uniform_merge_location_offset(location, offset);
diff --git a/src/mesa/main/uniforms.c b/src/mesa/main/uniforms.c
index 2a5318d..4977133 100644
--- a/src/mesa/main/uniforms.c
+++ b/src/mesa/main/uniforms.c
@@ -35,542 +35,12 @@
  * 2. Insert FLUSH_VERTICES calls in various places
-#include <stdbool.h>
 #include "main/glheader.h"
 #include "main/context.h"
 #include "main/dispatch.h"
-#include "main/image.h"
-#include "main/mfeatures.h"
-#include "main/mtypes.h"
 #include "main/shaderapi.h"
 #include "main/shaderobj.h"
 #include "main/uniforms.h"
-#include "program/prog_parameter.h"
-#include "program/prog_statevars.h"
-#include "program/prog_uniform.h"
-#include "program/prog_instruction.h"
-static GLenum
-base_uniform_type(GLenum type)
-   switch (type) {
-   case GL_BOOL:
-   case GL_BOOL_VEC2:
-   case GL_BOOL_VEC3:
-   case GL_BOOL_VEC4:
-      return GL_BOOL;
-   case GL_FLOAT:
-   case GL_FLOAT_VEC2:
-   case GL_FLOAT_VEC3:
-   case GL_FLOAT_VEC4:
-   case GL_FLOAT_MAT2:
-   case GL_FLOAT_MAT2x3:
-   case GL_FLOAT_MAT2x4:
-   case GL_FLOAT_MAT3x2:
-   case GL_FLOAT_MAT3:
-   case GL_FLOAT_MAT3x4:
-   case GL_FLOAT_MAT4x2:
-   case GL_FLOAT_MAT4x3:
-   case GL_FLOAT_MAT4:
-      return GL_FLOAT;
-      return GL_UNSIGNED_INT;
-   case GL_INT:
-   case GL_INT_VEC2:
-   case GL_INT_VEC3:
-   case GL_INT_VEC4:
-      return GL_INT;
-   default:
-      _mesa_problem(NULL, "Invalid type in base_uniform_type()");
-      return GL_FLOAT;
-   }
-static GLboolean
-is_boolean_type(GLenum type)
-   switch (type) {
-   case GL_BOOL:
-   case GL_BOOL_VEC2:
-   case GL_BOOL_VEC3:
-   case GL_BOOL_VEC4:
-      return GL_TRUE;
-   default:
-      return GL_FALSE;
-   }
-static GLboolean
-is_sampler_type(GLenum type)
-   switch (type) {
-   case GL_SAMPLER_1D:
-   case GL_INT_SAMPLER_1D:
-   case GL_SAMPLER_2D:
-   case GL_INT_SAMPLER_2D:
-   case GL_SAMPLER_3D:
-   case GL_INT_SAMPLER_3D:
-      return GL_TRUE;
-   default:
-      return GL_FALSE;
-   }
- * Given a uniform index, return the vertex/geometry/fragment program
- * that has that parameter, plus the position of the parameter in the
- * parameter/constant buffer.
- * \param shProg  the shader program
- * \param index  the uniform index in [0, NumUniforms-1]
- * \param progOut  returns containing program
- * \param posOut  returns position of the uniform in the param/const buffer
- * \return GL_TRUE for success, GL_FALSE for invalid index
- */
-static GLboolean
-find_uniform_parameter_pos(struct gl_shader_program *shProg, GLint index,
-                           struct gl_program **progOut, GLint *posOut)
-   struct gl_program *prog = NULL;
-   GLint pos;
-   if (!shProg->Uniforms ||
-       index < 0 ||
-       index >= (GLint) shProg->Uniforms->NumUniforms) {
-      return GL_FALSE;
-   }
-   pos = shProg->Uniforms->Uniforms[index].VertPos;
-   if (pos >= 0) {
-      prog = shProg->_LinkedShaders[MESA_SHADER_VERTEX]->Program;
-   }
-   else {
-      pos = shProg->Uniforms->Uniforms[index].FragPos;
-      if (pos >= 0) {
-         prog = shProg->_LinkedShaders[MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT]->Program;
-      }
-      else {
-         pos = shProg->Uniforms->Uniforms[index].GeomPos;
-         if (pos >= 0) {
-            prog = shProg->_LinkedShaders[MESA_SHADER_GEOMETRY]->Program;
-         }
-      }
-   }
-   if (!prog || pos < 0)
-      return GL_FALSE; /* should really never happen */
-   *progOut = prog;
-   *posOut = pos;
-   return GL_TRUE;
- * Return pointer to a gl_program_parameter which corresponds to a uniform.
- * \param shProg  the shader program
- * \param index  the uniform index in [0, NumUniforms-1]
- * \return gl_program_parameter point or NULL if index is invalid
- */
-const struct gl_program_parameter *
-get_uniform_parameter(struct gl_shader_program *shProg, GLint index)
-   struct gl_program *prog;
-   GLint progPos;
-   if (find_uniform_parameter_pos(shProg, index, &prog, &progPos))
-      return &prog->Parameters->Parameters[progPos];
-   else
-      return NULL;
-static unsigned
-get_vector_elements(GLenum type)
-   switch (type) {
-   case GL_FLOAT:
-   case GL_INT:
-   case GL_BOOL:
-   default: /* Catch all the various sampler types. */
-      return 1;
-   case GL_FLOAT_VEC2:
-   case GL_INT_VEC2:
-   case GL_BOOL_VEC2:
-      return 2;
-   case GL_FLOAT_VEC3:
-   case GL_INT_VEC3:
-   case GL_BOOL_VEC3:
-      return 3;
-   case GL_FLOAT_VEC4:
-   case GL_INT_VEC4:
-   case GL_BOOL_VEC4:
-      return 4;
-   }
-static void
-get_matrix_dims(GLenum type, GLint *rows, GLint *cols)
-   switch (type) {
-   case GL_FLOAT_MAT2:
-      *rows = *cols = 2;
-      break;
-   case GL_FLOAT_MAT2x3:
-      *rows = 3;
-      *cols = 2;
-      break;
-   case GL_FLOAT_MAT2x4:
-      *rows = 4;
-      *cols = 2;
-      break;
-   case GL_FLOAT_MAT3:
-      *rows = 3;
-      *cols = 3;
-      break;
-   case GL_FLOAT_MAT3x2:
-      *rows = 2;
-      *cols = 3;
-      break;
-   case GL_FLOAT_MAT3x4:
-      *rows = 4;
-      *cols = 3;
-      break;
-   case GL_FLOAT_MAT4:
-      *rows = 4;
-      *cols = 4;
-      break;
-   case GL_FLOAT_MAT4x2:
-      *rows = 2;
-      *cols = 4;
-      break;
-   case GL_FLOAT_MAT4x3:
-      *rows = 3;
-      *cols = 4;
-      break;
-   default:
-      *rows = *cols = 0;
-   }
- * Determine the number of rows and columns occupied by a uniform
- * according to its datatype.  For non-matrix types (such as GL_FLOAT_VEC4),
- * the number of rows = 1 and cols = number of elements in the vector.
- */
-static void
-get_uniform_rows_cols(const struct gl_program_parameter *p,
-                      GLint *rows, GLint *cols)
-   get_matrix_dims(p->DataType, rows, cols);
-   if (*rows == 0 && *cols == 0) {
-      /* not a matrix type, probably a float or vector */
-      *rows = 1;
-      *cols = get_vector_elements(p->DataType);
-   }
-static bool
-validate_uniform_parameters(struct gl_context *ctx,
-			    struct gl_shader_program *shProg,
-			    GLint location, GLsizei count,
-			    unsigned *loc,
-			    unsigned *array_index,
-			    const char *caller,
-			    bool negative_one_is_not_valid)
-   if (!shProg || !shProg->LinkStatus) {
-      _mesa_error(ctx, GL_INVALID_OPERATION, "%s(program not linked)", caller);
-      return false;
-   }
-   if (location == -1) {
-      /* Page 264 (page 278 of the PDF) of the OpenGL 2.1 spec says:
-       *
-       *     "The error INVALID_OPERATION is generated if program has not been
-       *     linked successfully, or if location is not a valid location for
-       *     program."
-       *
-       * However, page 82 (page 96 of the PDF) of the OpenGL 2.1 spec says:
-       *
-       *     "If the value of location is -1, the Uniform* commands will
-       *     silently ignore the data passed in, and the current uniform
-       *     values will not be changed."
-       *
-       * The negative_one_is_not_valid flag selects between the two behaviors.
-       */
-      if (negative_one_is_not_valid) {
-	 _mesa_error(ctx, GL_INVALID_OPERATION, "%s(location=%d)",
-		     caller, location);
-      }
-      return false;
-   }
-   /* From page 12 (page 26 of the PDF) of the OpenGL 2.1 spec:
-    *
-    *     "If a negative number is provided where an argument of type sizei or
-    *     sizeiptr is specified, the error INVALID_VALUE is generated."
-    */
-   if (count < 0) {
-      _mesa_error(ctx, GL_INVALID_VALUE, "%s(count < 0)", caller);
-      return false;
-   }
-   /* Page 82 (page 96 of the PDF) of the OpenGL 2.1 spec says:
-    *
-    *     "If any of the following conditions occur, an INVALID_OPERATION
-    *     error is generated by the Uniform* commands, and no uniform values
-    *     are changed:
-    *
-    *     ...
-    *
-    *         - if no variable with a location of location exists in the
-    *           program object currently in use and location is not -1,
-    */
-   if (location < -1) {
-      _mesa_error(ctx, GL_INVALID_OPERATION, "%s(location=%d)",
-                  caller, location);
-      return false;
-   }
-   _mesa_uniform_split_location_offset(location, loc, array_index);
-   if (*loc >= shProg->Uniforms->NumUniforms) {
-      _mesa_error(ctx, GL_INVALID_OPERATION, "%s(location=%d)",
-		  caller, location);
-      return false;
-   }
-   return true;
- * Called via glGetUniform[fiui]v() to get the current value of a uniform.
- */
-_mesa_get_uniform(struct gl_context *ctx, GLuint program, GLint location,
-		  GLsizei bufSize, GLenum returnType, GLvoid *paramsOut)
-   struct gl_shader_program *shProg =
-      _mesa_lookup_shader_program_err(ctx, program, "glGetUniformfv");
-   struct gl_program *prog;
-   GLint paramPos;
-   unsigned loc, offset;
-   if (!validate_uniform_parameters(ctx, shProg, location, 1,
-				    &loc, &offset, "glGetUniform", true))
-      return;
-   if (!find_uniform_parameter_pos(shProg, loc, &prog, &paramPos)) {
-      _mesa_error(ctx, GL_INVALID_OPERATION,  "glGetUniformfv(location)");
-   }
-   else {
-      const struct gl_program_parameter *p =
-         &prog->Parameters->Parameters[paramPos];
-      gl_constant_value (*values)[4];
-      GLint rows, cols, i, j, k;
-      GLsizei numBytes;
-      GLenum storage_type;
-      values = prog->Parameters->ParameterValues + paramPos + offset;
-      get_uniform_rows_cols(p, &rows, &cols);
-      numBytes = rows * cols * _mesa_sizeof_type(returnType);
-      if (bufSize < numBytes) {
-         _mesa_error( ctx, GL_INVALID_OPERATION,
-                     "glGetnUniformfvARB(out of bounds: bufSize is %d,"
-                     " but %d bytes are required)", bufSize, numBytes );
-         return;
-      }
-      if (ctx->Const.NativeIntegers) {
-	 storage_type = base_uniform_type(p->DataType);
-      } else {
-	 storage_type = GL_FLOAT;
-      }
-      k = 0;
-      for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
-	 for (j = 0; j < cols; j++ ) {
-	    void *out = (char *)paramsOut + 4 * k;
-	    switch (returnType) {
-	    case GL_FLOAT:
-	       switch (storage_type) {
-	       case GL_FLOAT:
-		  *(float *)out = values[i][j].f;
-		  break;
-	       case GL_INT:
-	       case GL_BOOL: /* boolean is just an integer 1 or 0. */
-		  *(float *)out = values[i][j].i;
-		  break;
-	       case GL_UNSIGNED_INT:
-		  *(float *)out = values[i][j].u;
-		  break;
-	       }
-	       break;
-	    case GL_INT:
-	    case GL_UNSIGNED_INT:
-	       switch (storage_type) {
-	       case GL_FLOAT:
-		  /* While the GL 3.2 core spec doesn't explicitly
-		   * state how conversion of float uniforms to integer
-		   * values works, in section 6.2 "State Tables" on
-		   * page 267 it says:
-		   *
-		   *     "Unless otherwise specified, when floating
-		   *      point state is returned as integer values or
-		   *      integer state is returned as floating-point
-		   *      values it is converted in the fashion
-		   *      described in section 6.1.2"
-		   *
-		   * That section, on page 248, says:
-		   *
-		   *     "If GetIntegerv or GetInteger64v are called,
-		   *      a floating-point value is rounded to the
-		   *      nearest integer..."
-		   */
-		  *(int *)out = IROUND(values[i][j].f);
-		  break;
-	       case GL_INT:
-	       case GL_UNSIGNED_INT:
-	       case GL_BOOL:
-		  /* type conversions for these to int/uint are just
-		   * copying the data.
-		   */
-		  *(int *)out = values[i][j].i;
-		  break;
-		  break;
-	       }
-	       break;
-	    }
-	    k++;
-	 }
-      }
-   }
- * Called via glGetUniformLocation().
- *
- * The return value will encode two values, the uniform location and an
- * offset (used for arrays, structs).
- */
-_mesa_get_uniform_location(struct gl_context *ctx,
-                           struct gl_shader_program *shProg,
-			   const GLchar *name)
-   GLint offset = 0, location = -1;
-   /* XXX we should return -1 if the uniform was declared, but not
-    * actually used.
-    */
-   /* XXX we need to be able to parse uniform names for structs and arrays
-    * such as:
-    *   mymatrix[1]
-    *   mystruct.field1
-    */
-   {
-      /* handle 1-dimension arrays here... */
-      char *c = strchr(name, '[');
-      if (c) {
-         /* truncate name at [ */
-         const GLint len = c - name;
-         GLchar *newName = malloc(len + 1);
-         if (!newName)
-            return -1; /* out of mem */
-         memcpy(newName, name, len);
-         newName[len] = 0;
-         location = _mesa_lookup_uniform(shProg->Uniforms, newName);
-         if (location >= 0) {
-            const GLint element = atoi(c + 1);
-            if (element > 0) {
-               /* get type of the uniform array element */
-               const struct gl_program_parameter *p =
-                  get_uniform_parameter(shProg, location);
-               if (p) {
-                  GLint rows, cols;
-                  get_matrix_dims(p->DataType, &rows, &cols);
-                  if (rows < 1)
-                     rows = 1;
-                  offset = element * rows;
-               }
-            }
-         }
-         free(newName);
-      }
-   }
-   if (location < 0) {
-      location = _mesa_lookup_uniform(shProg->Uniforms, name);
-   }
-   if (location < 0) {
-      return -1;
-   }
-   return _mesa_uniform_merge_location_offset(location, offset);
  * Update the vertex/fragment program's TexturesUsed array.
@@ -605,433 +75,6 @@ _mesa_update_shader_textures_used(struct gl_program *prog)
- * Check if the type given by userType is allowed to set a uniform of the
- * target type.  Generally, equivalence is required, but setting Boolean
- * uniforms can be done with glUniformiv or glUniformfv.
- */
-static GLboolean
-compatible_types(GLenum userType, GLenum targetType)
-   if (userType == targetType)
-      return GL_TRUE;
-   if (targetType == GL_BOOL && (userType == GL_FLOAT ||
-                                 userType == GL_UNSIGNED_INT ||
-                                 userType == GL_INT))
-      return GL_TRUE;
-   if (targetType == GL_BOOL_VEC2 && (userType == GL_FLOAT_VEC2 ||
-                                      userType == GL_UNSIGNED_INT_VEC2 ||
-                                      userType == GL_INT_VEC2))
-      return GL_TRUE;
-   if (targetType == GL_BOOL_VEC3 && (userType == GL_FLOAT_VEC3 ||
-                                      userType == GL_UNSIGNED_INT_VEC3 ||
-                                      userType == GL_INT_VEC3))
-      return GL_TRUE;
-   if (targetType == GL_BOOL_VEC4 && (userType == GL_FLOAT_VEC4 ||
-                                      userType == GL_UNSIGNED_INT_VEC4 ||
-                                      userType == GL_INT_VEC4))
-      return GL_TRUE;
-   if (is_sampler_type(targetType) && userType == GL_INT)
-      return GL_TRUE;
-   return GL_FALSE;
- * Set the value of a program's uniform variable.
- * \param program  the program whose uniform to update
- * \param index  the index of the program parameter for the uniform
- * \param offset  additional parameter slot offset (for arrays)
- * \param type  the incoming datatype of 'values'
- * \param count  the number of uniforms to set
- * \param elems  number of elements per uniform (1, 2, 3 or 4)
- * \param values  the new values, of datatype 'type'
- */
-static void
-set_program_uniform(struct gl_context *ctx, struct gl_program *program,
-                    GLint index, GLint offset,
-                    GLenum type, GLsizei count, GLint elems,
-                    const void *values)
-   const struct gl_program_parameter *param =
-      &program->Parameters->Parameters[index];
-   assert(offset >= 0);
-   assert(elems >= 1);
-   assert(elems <= 4);
-   if (!compatible_types(type, param->DataType)) {
-      _mesa_error(ctx, GL_INVALID_OPERATION, "glUniform(type mismatch)");
-      return;
-   }
-   if (index + offset > (GLint) program->Parameters->Size) {
-      /* out of bounds! */
-      return;
-   }
-   if (param->Type == PROGRAM_SAMPLER) {
-      /* This controls which texture unit which is used by a sampler */
-      GLboolean changed = GL_FALSE;
-      GLint i;
-      /* this should have been caught by the compatible_types() check */
-      ASSERT(type == GL_INT);
-      /* loop over number of samplers to change */
-      for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
-         GLuint sampler = (GLuint)
-            program->Parameters->ParameterValues[index+offset + i][0].f;
-         GLuint texUnit = ((GLuint *) values)[i];
-         /* check that the sampler (tex unit index) is legal */
-         if (texUnit >= ctx->Const.MaxCombinedTextureImageUnits) {
-            _mesa_error(ctx, GL_INVALID_VALUE,
-                        "glUniform1(invalid sampler/tex unit index for '%s')",
-                        param->Name);
-            return;
-         }
-         /* This maps a sampler to a texture unit: */
-         if (sampler < MAX_SAMPLERS) {
-#if 0
-            printf("Set program %p sampler %d '%s' to unit %u\n",
-		   program, sampler, param->Name, texUnit);
-            if (program->SamplerUnits[sampler] != texUnit) {
-               program->SamplerUnits[sampler] = texUnit;
-               changed = GL_TRUE;
-            }
-         }
-      }
-      if (changed) {
-         /* When a sampler's value changes it usually requires rewriting
-          * a GPU program's TEX instructions since there may not be a
-          * sampler->texture lookup table.  We signal this with the
-          * ProgramStringNotify() callback.
-          */
-         _mesa_update_shader_textures_used(program);
-         /* Do we need to care about the return value here?
-          * This should not be the first time the driver was notified of
-          * this program.
-          */
-         (void) ctx->Driver.ProgramStringNotify(ctx, program->Target, program);
-      }
-   }
-   else {
-      /* ordinary uniform variable */
-      const GLboolean isUniformBool = is_boolean_type(param->DataType);
-      const GLenum basicType = base_uniform_type(type);
-      const GLint slots = (param->Size + 3) / 4;
-      const GLint typeSize = _mesa_sizeof_glsl_type(param->DataType);
-      GLsizei k, i;
-      if ((GLint) param->Size > typeSize) {
-         /* an array */
-         /* we'll ignore extra data below */
-      }
-      else {
-         /* non-array: count must be at most one; count == 0 is handled
-          * by the loop below
-          */
-         if (count > 1) {
-            _mesa_error(ctx, GL_INVALID_OPERATION,
-                        "glUniform(uniform '%s' is not an array)",
-                        param->Name);
-            return;
-         }
-      }
-      /* loop over number of array elements */
-      for (k = 0; k < count; k++) {
-         gl_constant_value *uniformVal;
-         if (offset + k >= slots) {
-            /* Extra array data is ignored */
-            break;
-         }
-         /* uniformVal (the destination) is always gl_constant_value[4] */
-         uniformVal = program->Parameters->ParameterValues[index + offset + k];
-         if (basicType == GL_INT) {
-            const GLint *iValues = ((const GLint *) values) + k * elems;
-            for (i = 0; i < elems; i++) {
-               if (!ctx->Const.NativeIntegers)
-                  uniformVal[i].f = (GLfloat) iValues[i];
-               else
-                  uniformVal[i].i = iValues[i];
-            }
-         }
-         else if (basicType == GL_UNSIGNED_INT) {
-            const GLuint *iValues = ((const GLuint *) values) + k * elems;
-            for (i = 0; i < elems; i++) {
-               if (!ctx->Const.NativeIntegers)
-                  uniformVal[i].f = (GLfloat)(GLuint) iValues[i];
-               else
-                  uniformVal[i].u = iValues[i];
-            }
-         }
-         else {
-            const GLfloat *fValues = ((const GLfloat *) values) + k * elems;
-            assert(basicType == GL_FLOAT);
-            for (i = 0; i < elems; i++) {
-               uniformVal[i].f = fValues[i];
-            }
-         }
-         /* if the uniform is bool-valued, convert to 1 or 0 */
-         if (isUniformBool) {
-            for (i = 0; i < elems; i++) {
-               if (basicType == GL_FLOAT)
-                  uniformVal[i].b = uniformVal[i].f != 0.0f ? 1 : 0;
-               else
-                  uniformVal[i].b = uniformVal[i].u ? 1 : 0;
-               if (ctx->Const.NativeIntegers)
-                  uniformVal[i].u =
-                        uniformVal[i].b ? ctx->Const.UniformBooleanTrue : 0;
-               else
-                  uniformVal[i].f = uniformVal[i].b ? 1.0f : 0.0f;
-            }
-         }
-      }
-   }
- * Called via glUniform*() functions.
- */
-_mesa_uniform(struct gl_context *ctx, struct gl_shader_program *shProg,
-	      GLint location, GLsizei count,
-              const GLvoid *values, GLenum type)
-   struct gl_uniform *uniform;
-   GLint elems;
-   unsigned loc, offset;
-   if (!validate_uniform_parameters(ctx, shProg, location, count,
-				    &loc, &offset, "glUniform", false))
-      return;
-   elems = _mesa_sizeof_glsl_type(type);
-   uniform = &shProg->Uniforms->Uniforms[loc];
-   if (ctx->Shader.Flags & GLSL_UNIFORMS) {
-      const GLenum basicType = base_uniform_type(type);
-      GLint i;
-      printf("Mesa: set program %u uniform %s (loc %d) to: ",
-	     shProg->Name, uniform->Name, location);
-      if (basicType == GL_INT) {
-         const GLint *v = (const GLint *) values;
-         for (i = 0; i < count * elems; i++) {
-            printf("%d ", v[i]);
-         }
-      }
-      else if (basicType == GL_UNSIGNED_INT) {
-         const GLuint *v = (const GLuint *) values;
-         for (i = 0; i < count * elems; i++) {
-            printf("%u ", v[i]);
-         }
-      }
-      else {
-         const GLfloat *v = (const GLfloat *) values;
-         assert(basicType == GL_FLOAT);
-         for (i = 0; i < count * elems; i++) {
-            printf("%g ", v[i]);
-         }
-      }
-      printf("\n");
-   }
-   /* A uniform var may be used by both a vertex shader and a fragment
-    * shader.  We may need to update one or both shader's uniform here:
-    */
-   if (shProg->_LinkedShaders[MESA_SHADER_VERTEX]) {
-      /* convert uniform location to program parameter index */
-      GLint index = uniform->VertPos;
-      if (index >= 0) {
-         set_program_uniform(ctx,
-                             shProg->_LinkedShaders[MESA_SHADER_VERTEX]->Program,
-                             index, offset, type, count, elems, values);
-      }
-   }
-   if (shProg->_LinkedShaders[MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT]) {
-      /* convert uniform location to program parameter index */
-      GLint index = uniform->FragPos;
-      if (index >= 0) {
-         set_program_uniform(ctx,
-			     shProg->_LinkedShaders[MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT]->Program,
-                             index, offset, type, count, elems, values);
-      }
-   }
-   if (shProg->_LinkedShaders[MESA_SHADER_GEOMETRY]) {
-      /* convert uniform location to program parameter index */
-      GLint index = uniform->GeomPos;
-      if (index >= 0) {
-         set_program_uniform(ctx,
-			     shProg->_LinkedShaders[MESA_SHADER_GEOMETRY]->Program,
-                             index, offset, type, count, elems, values);
-      }
-   }
-   uniform->Initialized = GL_TRUE;
- * Set a matrix-valued program parameter.
- */
-static void
-set_program_uniform_matrix(struct gl_context *ctx, struct gl_program *program,
-                           GLuint index, GLuint offset,
-                           GLuint count, GLuint rows, GLuint cols,
-                           GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat *values)
-   GLuint mat, row, col;
-   GLuint src = 0;
-   const struct gl_program_parameter *param =
-      &program->Parameters->Parameters[index];
-   const GLuint slots = (param->Size + 3) / 4;
-   const GLint typeSize = _mesa_sizeof_glsl_type(param->DataType);
-   GLint nr, nc;
-   /* check that the number of rows, columns is correct */
-   get_matrix_dims(param->DataType, &nr, &nc);
-   if (rows != nr || cols != nc) {
-      _mesa_error(ctx, GL_INVALID_OPERATION,
-                  "glUniformMatrix(matrix size mismatch)");
-      return;
-   }
-   if ((GLint) param->Size <= typeSize) {
-      /* non-array: count must be at most one; count == 0 is handled
-       * by the loop below
-       */
-      if (count > 1) {
-         _mesa_error(ctx, GL_INVALID_OPERATION,
-                     "glUniformMatrix(uniform is not an array)");
-         return;
-      }
-   }
-   /*
-    * Note: the _columns_ of a matrix are stored in program registers, not
-    * the rows.  So, the loops below look a little funny.
-    * XXX could optimize this a bit...
-    */
-   /* loop over matrices */
-   for (mat = 0; mat < count; mat++) {
-      /* each matrix: */
-      for (col = 0; col < cols; col++) {
-         GLfloat *v;
-         if (offset >= slots) {
-            /* Ignore writes beyond the end of (the used part of) an array */
-            return;
-         }
-         v = (GLfloat *) program->Parameters->ParameterValues[index + offset];
-         for (row = 0; row < rows; row++) {
-            if (transpose) {
-               v[row] = values[src + row * cols + col];
-            }
-            else {
-               v[row] = values[src + col * rows + row];
-            }
-         }
-         offset++;
-      }
-      src += rows * cols;  /* next matrix */
-   }
- * Called by glUniformMatrix*() functions.
- * Note: cols=2, rows=4  ==>  array[2] of vec4
- */
-_mesa_uniform_matrix(struct gl_context *ctx, struct gl_shader_program *shProg,
-		     GLint cols, GLint rows,
-                     GLint location, GLsizei count,
-                     GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat *values)
-   struct gl_uniform *uniform;
-   unsigned loc, offset;
-   if (!validate_uniform_parameters(ctx, shProg, location, count,
-				    &loc, &offset, "glUniformMatrix", false))
-      return;
-   if (values == NULL) {
-      _mesa_error(ctx, GL_INVALID_VALUE, "glUniformMatrix");
-      return;
-   }
-   uniform = &shProg->Uniforms->Uniforms[loc];
-   if (shProg->_LinkedShaders[MESA_SHADER_VERTEX]) {
-      /* convert uniform location to program parameter index */
-      GLint index = uniform->VertPos;
-      if (index >= 0) {
-         set_program_uniform_matrix(ctx,
-				    shProg->_LinkedShaders[MESA_SHADER_VERTEX]->Program,
-                                    index, offset,
-                                    count, rows, cols, transpose, values);
-      }
-   }
-   if (shProg->_LinkedShaders[MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT]) {
-      /* convert uniform location to program parameter index */
-      GLint index = uniform->FragPos;
-      if (index >= 0) {
-         set_program_uniform_matrix(ctx,
-				    shProg->_LinkedShaders[MESA_SHADER_FRAGMENT]->Program,
-                                    index, offset,
-                                    count, rows, cols, transpose, values);
-      }
-   }
-   if (shProg->_LinkedShaders[MESA_SHADER_GEOMETRY]) {
-      /* convert uniform location to program parameter index */
-      GLint index = uniform->GeomPos;
-      if (index >= 0) {
-         set_program_uniform_matrix(ctx,
-                                    shProg->_LinkedShaders[MESA_SHADER_GEOMETRY]->Program,
-                                    index, offset,
-                                    count, rows, cols, transpose, values);
-      }
-   }
-   uniform->Initialized = GL_TRUE;
 _mesa_Uniform1fARB(GLint location, GLfloat v0)

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