[Mesa-dev] [PATCH 5/5] Change ir_function_signature::constant_expression_value to run through the function.
Olivier Galibert
galibert at pobox.com
Fri Apr 27 01:28:04 PDT 2012
That removes code duplication with
ir_expression::constant_expression_value and builtins/ir/*.
Signed-off-by: Olivier Galibert <galibert at pobox.com>
src/glsl/ir_constant_expression.cpp | 450 +++++++----------------------------
1 file changed, 80 insertions(+), 370 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/glsl/ir_constant_expression.cpp b/src/glsl/ir_constant_expression.cpp
index ee1cc1a..a7aafaa 100644
--- a/src/glsl/ir_constant_expression.cpp
+++ b/src/glsl/ir_constant_expression.cpp
@@ -1050,396 +1050,106 @@ ir_function_signature::constant_expression_value(exec_list *actual_parameters)
if (!this->is_builtin)
return NULL;
- unsigned num_parameters = 0;
+ /*
+ * Of the builtin functions, only the texture lookups and the noise
+ * ones must not be used in constant expressions. They all include
+ * specific opcodes so they don't need to be special-cased at this
+ * point.
+ */
+ /* Initialize the table of dereferencable names with the function
+ * parameters. Verify their const-ness on the way.
+ *
+ * We expect the correctness of the number of parameters to have
+ * been checked earlier.
+ */
+ hash_table *deref_hash = hash_table_ctor(8, hash_table_string_hash,
+ hash_table_string_compare);
+ const exec_node *parameter_info = parameters.head;
- /* Check if all parameters are constant */
- ir_constant *op[3];
foreach_list(n, actual_parameters) {
- ir_constant *constant = ((ir_rvalue *) n)->constant_expression_value();
+ ir_constant *constant = ((ir_rvalue *) n)->constant_expression_value(NULL);
if (constant == NULL)
return NULL;
- op[num_parameters] = constant;
+ ir_variable *var = (ir_variable *)parameter_info;
+ hash_table_insert(deref_hash, constant, var->name);
- assert(num_parameters < 3);
- num_parameters++;
+ parameter_info = parameter_info->next;
- /* Individual cases below can either:
- * - Assign "expr" a new ir_expression to evaluate (for basic opcodes)
- * - Fill "data" with appopriate constant data
- * - Return an ir_constant directly.
- */
- void *mem_ctx = ralloc_parent(this);
- ir_expression *expr = NULL;
+ ir_constant *result = NULL;
- ir_constant_data data;
- memset(&data, 0, sizeof(data));
+ /* Now run the builtin function until something non-constant
+ * happens or we get the result.
+ */
- const char *callee = this->function_name();
- if (strcmp(callee, "abs") == 0) {
- expr = new(mem_ctx) ir_expression(ir_unop_abs, type, op[0], NULL);
- } else if (strcmp(callee, "all") == 0) {
- assert(op[0]->type->is_boolean());
- for (unsigned c = 0; c < op[0]->type->components(); c++) {
- if (!op[0]->value.b[c])
- return new(mem_ctx) ir_constant(false);
- }
- return new(mem_ctx) ir_constant(true);
- } else if (strcmp(callee, "any") == 0) {
- assert(op[0]->type->is_boolean());
- for (unsigned c = 0; c < op[0]->type->components(); c++) {
- if (op[0]->value.b[c])
- return new(mem_ctx) ir_constant(true);
- }
- return new(mem_ctx) ir_constant(false);
- } else if (strcmp(callee, "acos") == 0) {
- assert(op[0]->type->is_float());
- for (unsigned c = 0; c < op[0]->type->components(); c++)
- data.f[c] = acosf(op[0]->value.f[c]);
- } else if (strcmp(callee, "acosh") == 0) {
- assert(op[0]->type->is_float());
- for (unsigned c = 0; c < op[0]->type->components(); c++)
- data.f[c] = acoshf(op[0]->value.f[c]);
- } else if (strcmp(callee, "asin") == 0) {
- assert(op[0]->type->is_float());
- for (unsigned c = 0; c < op[0]->type->components(); c++)
- data.f[c] = asinf(op[0]->value.f[c]);
- } else if (strcmp(callee, "asinh") == 0) {
- assert(op[0]->type->is_float());
- for (unsigned c = 0; c < op[0]->type->components(); c++)
- data.f[c] = asinhf(op[0]->value.f[c]);
- } else if (strcmp(callee, "atan") == 0) {
- assert(op[0]->type->is_float());
- if (num_parameters == 2) {
- assert(op[1]->type->is_float());
- for (unsigned c = 0; c < op[0]->type->components(); c++)
- data.f[c] = atan2f(op[0]->value.f[c], op[1]->value.f[c]);
- } else {
- for (unsigned c = 0; c < op[0]->type->components(); c++)
- data.f[c] = atanf(op[0]->value.f[c]);
+ foreach_list(n, &body) {
+ ir_instruction *inst = (ir_instruction *)n;
+ switch(inst->ir_type) {
+ /*
+ * (declare () type symbol)
+ *
+ * Create a default-valued constant of the correct type.
+ */
+ case ir_type_variable: {
+ ir_variable *var = inst->as_variable();
+ hash_table_insert(deref_hash, ir_constant::zero(this, var->type), var->name);
+ break;
- } else if (strcmp(callee, "atanh") == 0) {
- assert(op[0]->type->is_float());
- for (unsigned c = 0; c < op[0]->type->components(); c++)
- data.f[c] = atanhf(op[0]->value.f[c]);
- } else if (strcmp(callee, "dFdx") == 0 || strcmp(callee, "dFdy") == 0) {
- return ir_constant::zero(mem_ctx, type);
- } else if (strcmp(callee, "ceil") == 0) {
- expr = new(mem_ctx) ir_expression(ir_unop_ceil, type, op[0], NULL);
- } else if (strcmp(callee, "clamp") == 0) {
- assert(num_parameters == 3);
- unsigned c1_inc = op[1]->type->is_scalar() ? 0 : 1;
- unsigned c2_inc = op[2]->type->is_scalar() ? 0 : 1;
- for (unsigned c = 0, c1 = 0, c2 = 0;
- c < op[0]->type->components();
- c1 += c1_inc, c2 += c2_inc, c++) {
- switch (op[0]->type->base_type) {
- data.u[c] = CLAMP(op[0]->value.u[c], op[1]->value.u[c1],
- op[2]->value.u[c2]);
- break;
- data.i[c] = CLAMP(op[0]->value.i[c], op[1]->value.i[c1],
- op[2]->value.i[c2]);
- break;
- data.f[c] = CLAMP(op[0]->value.f[c], op[1]->value.f[c1],
- op[2]->value.f[c2]);
- break;
- default:
- assert(!"Should not get here.");
+ /*
+ * (assign [condition] (write-mask) (ref) (value))
+ *
+ * Do the assignement. Bail out if a condition is present.
+ */
+ case ir_type_assignment: {
+ ir_assignment *asg = inst->as_assignment();
+ if(asg->condition) {
+ result = NULL;
+ goto done;
- }
- } else if (strcmp(callee, "cos") == 0) {
- expr = new(mem_ctx) ir_expression(ir_unop_cos, type, op[0], NULL);
- } else if (strcmp(callee, "cosh") == 0) {
- assert(op[0]->type->is_float());
- for (unsigned c = 0; c < op[0]->type->components(); c++)
- data.f[c] = coshf(op[0]->value.f[c]);
- } else if (strcmp(callee, "cross") == 0) {
- assert(op[0]->type == glsl_type::vec3_type);
- assert(op[1]->type == glsl_type::vec3_type);
- data.f[0] = (op[0]->value.f[1] * op[1]->value.f[2] -
- op[1]->value.f[1] * op[0]->value.f[2]);
- data.f[1] = (op[0]->value.f[2] * op[1]->value.f[0] -
- op[1]->value.f[2] * op[0]->value.f[0]);
- data.f[2] = (op[0]->value.f[0] * op[1]->value.f[1] -
- op[1]->value.f[0] * op[0]->value.f[1]);
- } else if (strcmp(callee, "degrees") == 0) {
- assert(op[0]->type->is_float());
- for (unsigned c = 0; c < op[0]->type->components(); c++)
- data.f[c] = 180.0F / M_PI * op[0]->value.f[c];
- } else if (strcmp(callee, "distance") == 0) {
- assert(op[0]->type->is_float() && op[1]->type->is_float());
- float length_squared = 0.0;
- for (unsigned c = 0; c < op[0]->type->components(); c++) {
- float t = op[0]->value.f[c] - op[1]->value.f[c];
- length_squared += t * t;
- }
- return new(mem_ctx) ir_constant(sqrtf(length_squared));
- } else if (strcmp(callee, "dot") == 0) {
- return new(mem_ctx) ir_constant(dot(op[0], op[1]));
- } else if (strcmp(callee, "equal") == 0) {
- assert(op[0]->type->is_vector() && op[1] && op[1]->type->is_vector());
- for (unsigned c = 0; c < op[0]->type->components(); c++) {
- switch (op[0]->type->base_type) {
- data.b[c] = op[0]->value.u[c] == op[1]->value.u[c];
- break;
- data.b[c] = op[0]->value.i[c] == op[1]->value.i[c];
- break;
- data.b[c] = op[0]->value.f[c] == op[1]->value.f[c];
- break;
- data.b[c] = op[0]->value.b[c] == op[1]->value.b[c];
- break;
- default:
- assert(!"Should not get here.");
- }
- }
- } else if (strcmp(callee, "exp") == 0) {
- expr = new(mem_ctx) ir_expression(ir_unop_exp, type, op[0], NULL);
- } else if (strcmp(callee, "exp2") == 0) {
- expr = new(mem_ctx) ir_expression(ir_unop_exp2, type, op[0], NULL);
- } else if (strcmp(callee, "faceforward") == 0) {
- if (dot(op[2], op[1]) < 0)
- return op[0];
- for (unsigned c = 0; c < op[0]->type->components(); c++)
- data.f[c] = -op[0]->value.f[c];
- } else if (strcmp(callee, "floor") == 0) {
- expr = new(mem_ctx) ir_expression(ir_unop_floor, type, op[0], NULL);
- } else if (strcmp(callee, "fract") == 0) {
- expr = new(mem_ctx) ir_expression(ir_unop_fract, type, op[0], NULL);
- } else if (strcmp(callee, "fwidth") == 0) {
- return ir_constant::zero(mem_ctx, type);
- } else if (strcmp(callee, "greaterThan") == 0) {
- assert(op[0]->type->is_vector() && op[1] && op[1]->type->is_vector());
- for (unsigned c = 0; c < op[0]->type->components(); c++) {
- switch (op[0]->type->base_type) {
- data.b[c] = op[0]->value.u[c] > op[1]->value.u[c];
- break;
- data.b[c] = op[0]->value.i[c] > op[1]->value.i[c];
- break;
- data.b[c] = op[0]->value.f[c] > op[1]->value.f[c];
- break;
- default:
- assert(!"Should not get here.");
- }
- }
- } else if (strcmp(callee, "greaterThanEqual") == 0) {
- assert(op[0]->type->is_vector() && op[1] && op[1]->type->is_vector());
- for (unsigned c = 0; c < op[0]->type->components(); c++) {
- switch (op[0]->type->base_type) {
- data.b[c] = op[0]->value.u[c] >= op[1]->value.u[c];
- break;
- data.b[c] = op[0]->value.i[c] >= op[1]->value.i[c];
- break;
- data.b[c] = op[0]->value.f[c] >= op[1]->value.f[c];
- break;
- default:
- assert(!"Should not get here.");
- }
- }
- } else if (strcmp(callee, "inversesqrt") == 0) {
- expr = new(mem_ctx) ir_expression(ir_unop_rsq, type, op[0], NULL);
- } else if (strcmp(callee, "length") == 0) {
- return new(mem_ctx) ir_constant(sqrtf(dot(op[0], op[0])));
- } else if (strcmp(callee, "lessThan") == 0) {
- assert(op[0]->type->is_vector() && op[1] && op[1]->type->is_vector());
- for (unsigned c = 0; c < op[0]->type->components(); c++) {
- switch (op[0]->type->base_type) {
- data.b[c] = op[0]->value.u[c] < op[1]->value.u[c];
- break;
- data.b[c] = op[0]->value.i[c] < op[1]->value.i[c];
- break;
- data.b[c] = op[0]->value.f[c] < op[1]->value.f[c];
- break;
- default:
- assert(!"Should not get here.");
- }
- }
- } else if (strcmp(callee, "lessThanEqual") == 0) {
- assert(op[0]->type->is_vector() && op[1] && op[1]->type->is_vector());
- for (unsigned c = 0; c < op[0]->type->components(); c++) {
- switch (op[0]->type->base_type) {
- data.b[c] = op[0]->value.u[c] <= op[1]->value.u[c];
- break;
- data.b[c] = op[0]->value.i[c] <= op[1]->value.i[c];
- break;
- data.b[c] = op[0]->value.f[c] <= op[1]->value.f[c];
- break;
- default:
- assert(!"Should not get here.");
- }
- }
- } else if (strcmp(callee, "log") == 0) {
- expr = new(mem_ctx) ir_expression(ir_unop_log, type, op[0], NULL);
- } else if (strcmp(callee, "log2") == 0) {
- expr = new(mem_ctx) ir_expression(ir_unop_log2, type, op[0], NULL);
- } else if (strcmp(callee, "matrixCompMult") == 0) {
- assert(op[0]->type->is_float() && op[1]->type->is_float());
- for (unsigned c = 0; c < op[0]->type->components(); c++)
- data.f[c] = op[0]->value.f[c] * op[1]->value.f[c];
- } else if (strcmp(callee, "max") == 0) {
- expr = new(mem_ctx) ir_expression(ir_binop_max, type, op[0], op[1]);
- } else if (strcmp(callee, "min") == 0) {
- expr = new(mem_ctx) ir_expression(ir_binop_min, type, op[0], op[1]);
- } else if (strcmp(callee, "mix") == 0) {
- assert(op[0]->type->is_float() && op[1]->type->is_float());
- if (op[2]->type->is_float()) {
- unsigned c2_inc = op[2]->type->is_scalar() ? 0 : 1;
- unsigned components = op[0]->type->components();
- for (unsigned c = 0, c2 = 0; c < components; c2 += c2_inc, c++) {
- data.f[c] = op[0]->value.f[c] * (1 - op[2]->value.f[c2]) +
- op[1]->value.f[c] * op[2]->value.f[c2];
+ ir_constant *store = NULL;
+ int offset = 0;
+ asg->lhs->constant_referenced(deref_hash, store, offset);
+ if(!store) {
+ result = NULL;
+ goto done;
- } else {
- assert(op[2]->type->is_boolean());
- for (unsigned c = 0; c < op[0]->type->components(); c++)
- data.f[c] = op[op[2]->value.b[c] ? 1 : 0]->value.f[c];
- }
- } else if (strcmp(callee, "mod") == 0) {
- expr = new(mem_ctx) ir_expression(ir_binop_mod, type, op[0], op[1]);
- } else if (strcmp(callee, "normalize") == 0) {
- assert(op[0]->type->is_float());
- float length = sqrtf(dot(op[0], op[0]));
- if (length == 0)
- return ir_constant::zero(mem_ctx, type);
+ ir_constant *value = asg->rhs->constant_expression_value(deref_hash);
- for (unsigned c = 0; c < op[0]->type->components(); c++)
- data.f[c] = op[0]->value.f[c] / length;
- } else if (strcmp(callee, "not") == 0) {
- expr = new(mem_ctx) ir_expression(ir_unop_logic_not, type, op[0], NULL);
- } else if (strcmp(callee, "notEqual") == 0) {
- assert(op[0]->type->is_vector() && op[1] && op[1]->type->is_vector());
- for (unsigned c = 0; c < op[0]->type->components(); c++) {
- switch (op[0]->type->base_type) {
- data.b[c] = op[0]->value.u[c] != op[1]->value.u[c];
- break;
- data.b[c] = op[0]->value.i[c] != op[1]->value.i[c];
- break;
- data.b[c] = op[0]->value.f[c] != op[1]->value.f[c];
- break;
- data.b[c] = op[0]->value.b[c] != op[1]->value.b[c];
- break;
- default:
- assert(!"Should not get here.");
- }
- }
- } else if (strcmp(callee, "outerProduct") == 0) {
- assert(op[0]->type->is_vector() && op[1]->type->is_vector());
- const unsigned m = op[0]->type->vector_elements;
- const unsigned n = op[1]->type->vector_elements;
- for (unsigned j = 0; j < n; j++) {
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < m; i++) {
- data.f[i+m*j] = op[0]->value.f[i] * op[1]->value.f[j];
- }
- }
- } else if (strcmp(callee, "pow") == 0) {
- expr = new(mem_ctx) ir_expression(ir_binop_pow, type, op[0], op[1]);
- } else if (strcmp(callee, "radians") == 0) {
- assert(op[0]->type->is_float());
- for (unsigned c = 0; c < op[0]->type->components(); c++)
- data.f[c] = M_PI / 180.0F * op[0]->value.f[c];
- } else if (strcmp(callee, "reflect") == 0) {
- assert(op[0]->type->is_float());
- float dot_NI = dot(op[1], op[0]);
- for (unsigned c = 0; c < op[0]->type->components(); c++)
- data.f[c] = op[0]->value.f[c] - 2 * dot_NI * op[1]->value.f[c];
- } else if (strcmp(callee, "refract") == 0) {
- const float eta = op[2]->value.f[0];
- const float dot_NI = dot(op[1], op[0]);
- const float k = 1.0F - eta * eta * (1.0F - dot_NI * dot_NI);
- if (k < 0.0) {
- return ir_constant::zero(mem_ctx, type);
- } else {
- for (unsigned c = 0; c < type->components(); c++) {
- data.f[c] = eta * op[0]->value.f[c] - (eta * dot_NI + sqrtf(k))
- * op[1]->value.f[c];
- }
- }
- } else if (strcmp(callee, "round") == 0 ||
- strcmp(callee, "roundEven") == 0) {
- expr = new(mem_ctx) ir_expression(ir_unop_round_even, op[0]);
- } else if (strcmp(callee, "sign") == 0) {
- expr = new(mem_ctx) ir_expression(ir_unop_sign, type, op[0], NULL);
- } else if (strcmp(callee, "sin") == 0) {
- expr = new(mem_ctx) ir_expression(ir_unop_sin, type, op[0], NULL);
- } else if (strcmp(callee, "sinh") == 0) {
- assert(op[0]->type->is_float());
- for (unsigned c = 0; c < op[0]->type->components(); c++)
- data.f[c] = sinhf(op[0]->value.f[c]);
- } else if (strcmp(callee, "smoothstep") == 0) {
- assert(num_parameters == 3);
- assert(op[1]->type == op[0]->type);
- unsigned edge_inc = op[0]->type->is_scalar() ? 0 : 1;
- for (unsigned c = 0, e = 0; c < type->components(); e += edge_inc, c++) {
- const float edge0 = op[0]->value.f[e];
- const float edge1 = op[1]->value.f[e];
- if (edge0 == edge1) {
- data.f[c] = 0.0; /* Avoid a crash - results are undefined anyway */
- } else {
- const float numerator = op[2]->value.f[c] - edge0;
- const float denominator = edge1 - edge0;
- const float t = CLAMP(numerator/denominator, 0, 1);
- data.f[c] = t * t * (3 - 2 * t);
+ if(!value) {
+ result = NULL;
+ goto done;
+ store->copy_masked_offset(value, offset, asg->write_mask);
+ break;
- } else if (strcmp(callee, "sqrt") == 0) {
- expr = new(mem_ctx) ir_expression(ir_unop_sqrt, type, op[0], NULL);
- } else if (strcmp(callee, "step") == 0) {
- assert(op[0]->type->is_float() && op[1]->type->is_float());
- /* op[0] (edge) may be either a scalar or a vector */
- const unsigned c0_inc = op[0]->type->is_scalar() ? 0 : 1;
- for (unsigned c = 0, c0 = 0; c < type->components(); c0 += c0_inc, c++)
- data.f[c] = (op[1]->value.f[c] < op[0]->value.f[c0]) ? 0.0F : 1.0F;
- } else if (strcmp(callee, "tan") == 0) {
- assert(op[0]->type->is_float());
- for (unsigned c = 0; c < op[0]->type->components(); c++)
- data.f[c] = tanf(op[0]->value.f[c]);
- } else if (strcmp(callee, "tanh") == 0) {
- assert(op[0]->type->is_float());
- for (unsigned c = 0; c < op[0]->type->components(); c++)
- data.f[c] = tanhf(op[0]->value.f[c]);
- } else if (strcmp(callee, "transpose") == 0) {
- assert(op[0]->type->is_matrix());
- const unsigned n = op[0]->type->vector_elements;
- const unsigned m = op[0]->type->matrix_columns;
- for (unsigned j = 0; j < m; j++) {
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- data.f[m*i+j] += op[0]->value.f[i+n*j];
- }
+ /* (return (expression))
+ *
+ * End of the line, compute the result and exit.
+ */
+ case ir_type_return:
+ result = inst->as_return()->value->constant_expression_value(deref_hash);
+ goto done;
+ /* Every other expression type, we drop out. Maybe some
+ builtins will need jumps someday, but not yet. */
+ default:
+ goto done;
- } else if (strcmp(callee, "trunc") == 0) {
- expr = new(mem_ctx) ir_expression(ir_unop_trunc, op[0]);
- } else {
- /* Unsupported builtin - some are not allowed in constant expressions. */
- return NULL;
+ done:
- if (expr != NULL)
- return expr->constant_expression_value();
+ if(result)
+ result = result->clone(ralloc_parent(this), NULL);
- return new(mem_ctx) ir_constant(type, &data);
+ hash_table_dtor(deref_hash);
+ return result;
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