[Mesa-dev] [PATCH 5/5] _mesa_create_exec_table: GLES3 fixes.

Matt Turner mattst88 at gmail.com
Mon Oct 22 11:36:15 PDT 2012

On Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 9:35 AM, Paul Berry <stereotype441 at gmail.com> wrote:
> This patch sets up the dispatch table for the following GLES3
> functions when a GLES3 context is in use:
> - BeginQuery
> - BeginTransformFeedback
> - BindSampler
> - BindTransformFeedback
> - BlitFramebuffer
> - ClearBufferfi
> - ClearBufferfv
> - ClearBufferiv
> - ClearBufferuiv
> - ClientWaitSync
> - CopyBufferSubData
> - DeleteQueries
> - DeleteSamplers
> - DeleteSync
> - DeleteTransformFeedbacks
> - EndQuery
> - EndTransformFeedback
> - FenceSync
> - FramebufferTextureLayer
> - GenQueries
> - GenSamplers
> - GenTransformFeedbacks
> - GetInteger64v
> - GetQueryObjectuiv
> - GetQueryiv
> - GetSamplerParameterfv
> - GetSamplerParameteriv
> - GetStringi
> - GetSynciv
> - GetTransformFeedbackVarying
> - GetVertexAttribIiv
> - GetVertexAttribIuiv
> - IsQuery
> - IsSampler
> - IsSync
> - IsTransformFeedback
> - PauseTransformFeedback
> - RenderbufferStorageMultisample
> - ResumeTransformFeedback
> - SamplerParameterf
> - SamplerParameterfv
> - SamplerParameteri
> - SamplerParameteriv
> - TransformFeedbackVaryings
> - VertexAttribIPointer
> - WaitSync
> And it avoids setting up the dispatch table for these non-GLES3
> functions:
> - ColorMaski
> - GetBooleani_v
> - Enablei
> - Disablei
> - IsEnabledi
> - ClearColorIiEXT
> - ClearColorIuiEXT
> - TextureStorage2DEXT
> - TextureStorage3DEXT
> Cc: Matt Turner <mattst88 at gmail.com>
> ---

Thanks for the patch. Varying bits of this were in the gles3 branch
and then I recreated other pieces locally.

My WIP gles3 dispatch sanity test says that we're still missing

- GetBufferParameteri64v
- VertexAttribDivisor

Additionally, we have the following extras in the dispatch table,
which I think shouldn't be there (???):

- GetActiveUniformName
- GetnUniformuivARB
- ReadnPixelsARB
- DrawArraysInstancedBaseInstance
- DrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance

I don't know if you want to fix these in a v2 patch, or I can look at
them after this patch.

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