[Mesa-dev] [PATCH 2/2] mesa/tests: Add ES3.0 dispatch table sanity test

Jordan Justen jljusten at gmail.com
Thu Oct 25 13:46:29 PDT 2012

Reviewed-by: Jordan Justen <jordan.l.justen at intel.com>

On Wed, Oct 24, 2012 at 2:38 PM, Matt Turner <mattst88 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Since ES3.0 is backward compatible with 2.0, we check that all the 2.0
> functions and additional 3.0 functions exist.
> ---
>  src/mesa/main/tests/dispatch_sanity.cpp |  149 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>  1 files changed, 149 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/src/mesa/main/tests/dispatch_sanity.cpp b/src/mesa/main/tests/dispatch_sanity.cpp
> index c50f40b..1195633 100644
> --- a/src/mesa/main/tests/dispatch_sanity.cpp
> +++ b/src/mesa/main/tests/dispatch_sanity.cpp
> @@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ struct function {
>  };
>  extern const struct function gles2_functions_possible[];
> +extern const struct function gles3_functions_possible[];
>  #if FEATURE_ES1
>  extern "C" _glapi_table *_mesa_create_exec_table_es1(void);
> @@ -170,6 +171,25 @@ TEST_F(DispatchSanity_test, GLES2)
>     validate_nops((_glapi_proc *) ctx.Exec);
>  }
> +TEST_F(DispatchSanity_test, GLES3)
> +{
> +   ctx.Version = 30;
> +   _mesa_initialize_context(&ctx,
> +                            API_OPENGLES2, //api,
> +                            &visual,
> +                            NULL, //&share_list,
> +                            &driver_functions);
> +
> +   _swrast_CreateContext(&ctx);
> +   _vbo_CreateContext(&ctx);
> +   _tnl_CreateContext(&ctx);
> +   _swsetup_CreateContext(&ctx);
> +
> +   validate_functions((_glapi_proc *) ctx.Exec, gles2_functions_possible);
> +   validate_functions((_glapi_proc *) ctx.Exec, gles3_functions_possible);
> +   validate_nops((_glapi_proc *) ctx.Exec);
> +}
> +
>  #if FEATURE_ES1
>  const struct function gles11_functions_possible[] = {
>     { "glActiveTexture", _gloffset_ActiveTextureARB },
> @@ -530,3 +550,132 @@ const struct function gles2_functions_possible[] = {
>     { "glViewport", _gloffset_Viewport },
>     { NULL, -1 }
>  };
> +
> +const struct function gles3_functions_possible[] = {
> +   { "glBeginQuery", -1 },
> +   { "glBeginTransformFeedback", -1 },
> +   { "glBindBufferBase", -1 },
> +   { "glBindBufferRange", -1 },
> +   { "glBindSampler", -1 },
> +   { "glBindTransformFeedback", -1 },
> +   // We check for the aliased -OES version in GLES 2
> +   // { "glBindVertexArray", -1 },
> +   { "glBlitFramebuffer", -1 },
> +   { "glClearBufferfi", -1 },
> +   { "glClearBufferfv", -1 },
> +   { "glClearBufferiv", -1 },
> +   { "glClearBufferuiv", -1 },
> +   { "glClientWaitSync", -1 },
> +   // We check for the aliased -OES version in GLES 2
> +   // { "glCompressedTexImage3D", -1 },
> +   // We check for the aliased -OES version in GLES 2
> +   // { "glCompressedTexSubImage3D", -1 },
> +   { "glCopyBufferSubData", -1 },
> +   // We check for the aliased -OES version in GLES 2
> +   // { "glCopyTexSubImage3D", -1 },
> +   { "glDeleteQueries", -1 },
> +   { "glDeleteSamplers", -1 },
> +   { "glDeleteSync", -1 },
> +   { "glDeleteTransformFeedbacks", -1 },
> +   // We check for the aliased -OES version in GLES 2
> +   // { "glDeleteVertexArrays", -1 },
> +   { "glDrawArraysInstanced", -1 },
> +   // We check for the aliased -NV version in GLES 2
> +   // { "glDrawBuffers", -1 },
> +   { "glDrawElementsInstanced", -1 },
> +   { "glDrawRangeElements", -1 },
> +   { "glEndQuery", -1 },
> +   { "glEndTransformFeedback", -1 },
> +   { "glFenceSync", -1 },
> +   // We check for the aliased -EXT version in GLES 2
> +   // { "glFlushMappedBufferRange", -1 },
> +   { "glFramebufferTextureLayer", -1 },
> +   { "glGenQueries", -1 },
> +   { "glGenSamplers", -1 },
> +   { "glGenTransformFeedbacks", -1 },
> +   // We check for the aliased -OES version in GLES 2
> +   // { "glGenVertexArrays", -1 },
> +   { "glGetActiveUniformBlockiv", -1 },
> +   { "glGetActiveUniformBlockName", -1 },
> +   { "glGetActiveUniformsiv", -1 },
> +   // We have an implementation (added Jan 1 2010, 1fbc7193) but never tested...
> +   // { "glGetBufferParameteri64v", -1 },
> +   // We check for the aliased -OES version in GLES 2
> +   // { "glGetBufferPointerv", -1 },
> +   { "glGetFragDataLocation", -1 },
> +   /// XXX: Missing implementation of glGetInteger64i_v
> +   // { "glGetInteger64i_v", -1 },
> +   { "glGetInteger64v", -1 },
> +   { "glGetIntegeri_v", -1 },
> +   // XXX: Missing implementation of ARB_internalformat_query
> +   // { "glGetInternalformativ", -1 },
> +   // XXX: Missing implementation of ARB_get_program_binary
> +   /// { "glGetProgramBinary", -1 },
> +   { "glGetQueryiv", -1 },
> +   { "glGetQueryObjectuiv", -1 },
> +   { "glGetSamplerParameterfv", -1 },
> +   { "glGetSamplerParameteriv", -1 },
> +   { "glGetStringi", -1 },
> +   { "glGetSynciv", -1 },
> +   { "glGetTransformFeedbackVarying", -1 },
> +   { "glGetUniformBlockIndex", -1 },
> +   { "glGetUniformIndices", -1 },
> +   { "glGetUniformuiv", -1 },
> +   { "glGetVertexAttribIiv", -1 },
> +   { "glGetVertexAttribIuiv", -1 },
> +   { "glInvalidateFramebuffer", -1 },
> +   { "glInvalidateSubFramebuffer", -1 },
> +   { "glIsQuery", -1 },
> +   { "glIsSampler", -1 },
> +   { "glIsSync", -1 },
> +   { "glIsTransformFeedback", -1 },
> +   // We check for the aliased -OES version in GLES 2
> +   // { "glIsVertexArray", -1 },
> +   // We check for the aliased -EXT version in GLES 2
> +   // { "glMapBufferRange", -1 },
> +   { "glPauseTransformFeedback", -1 },
> +   // XXX: Missing implementation of ARB_get_program_binary
> +   // { "glProgramBinary", -1 },
> +   // XXX: Missing implementation of ARB_get_program_binary
> +   // { "glProgramParameteri", -1 },
> +   // We check for the aliased -NV version in GLES 2
> +   // { "glReadBuffer", -1 },
> +   { "glRenderbufferStorageMultisample", -1 },
> +   { "glResumeTransformFeedback", -1 },
> +   { "glSamplerParameterf", -1 },
> +   { "glSamplerParameterfv", -1 },
> +   { "glSamplerParameteri", -1 },
> +   { "glSamplerParameteriv", -1 },
> +   // We check for the aliased -OES version in GLES 2
> +   // { "glTexImage3D", -1 },
> +   { "glTexStorage2D", -1 },
> +   { "glTexStorage3D", -1 },
> +   // We check for the aliased -OES version in GLES 2
> +   // { "glTexSubImage3D", -1 },
> +   { "glTransformFeedbackVaryings", -1 },
> +   { "glUniform1ui", -1 },
> +   { "glUniform1uiv", -1 },
> +   { "glUniform2ui", -1 },
> +   { "glUniform2uiv", -1 },
> +   { "glUniform3ui", -1 },
> +   { "glUniform3uiv", -1 },
> +   { "glUniform4ui", -1 },
> +   { "glUniform4uiv", -1 },
> +   { "glUniformBlockBinding", -1 },
> +   { "glUniformMatrix2x3fv", -1 },
> +   { "glUniformMatrix2x4fv", -1 },
> +   { "glUniformMatrix3x2fv", -1 },
> +   { "glUniformMatrix3x4fv", -1 },
> +   { "glUniformMatrix4x2fv", -1 },
> +   { "glUniformMatrix4x3fv", -1 },
> +   // We check for the aliased -OES version in GLES 2
> +   // { "glUnmapBuffer", -1 },
> +   { "glVertexAttribDivisor", -1 },
> +   { "glVertexAttribI4i", -1 },
> +   { "glVertexAttribI4iv", -1 },
> +   { "glVertexAttribI4ui", -1 },
> +   { "glVertexAttribI4uiv", -1 },
> +   { "glVertexAttribIPointer", -1 },
> +   { "glWaitSync", -1 },
> +   { NULL, -1 }
> +};
> --
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