[Mesa-dev] [PATCH 4/9] dispatch: Include GLES1-only functions in dispatch table.

Paul Berry stereotype441 at gmail.com
Tue Oct 30 10:42:57 PDT 2012

Previously dispatch table-related code was generated from gl_API.xml,
so it did not include slots for GLES1-only functions (such as those
taking fixed-point arguments).

This patch generates dispatch table-related code from
gl_and_es_API.xml, so that GLES1-only functions are included.  This
paves the way for future patches that will unify the GLES1 dispatch
table with the dispatch tables for the other APIs.

The following generated files are affected:
- glapi_x86.S
- glapi_x86-64.S
- glapi_sparc.S
- glprocs.h
- glapitemp.h
- glapitable.h
- glapi_gentable.c
- dispatch.h
- remap_helper.h

Since this change affects makefiles, a full rebuild is required.
 src/mapi/glapi/SConscript      |  6 +++---
 src/mapi/glapi/gen/Makefile.am | 18 +++++++++---------
 src/mapi/glapi/gen/SConscript  | 10 +++++-----
 3 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/mapi/glapi/SConscript b/src/mapi/glapi/SConscript
index c336c25..153374c 100644
--- a/src/mapi/glapi/SConscript
+++ b/src/mapi/glapi/SConscript
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ if env['gcc'] and env['platform'] not in ('cygwin', 'darwin', 'windows'):
             target = 'glapi_x86.S',
             script = GLAPI + 'gen/gl_x86_asm.py',
-            source = GLAPI + 'gen/gl_API.xml',
+            source = GLAPI + 'gen/gl_and_es_API.xml',
             command = python_cmd + ' $SCRIPT -f $SOURCE > $TARGET'
     elif env['machine'] == 'x86_64':
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ if env['gcc'] and env['platform'] not in ('cygwin', 'darwin', 'windows'):
             target = 'glapi_x86-64.S',
             script = GLAPI + 'gen/gl_x86-64_asm.py',
-            source = GLAPI + 'gen/gl_API.xml',
+            source = GLAPI + 'gen/gl_and_es_API.xml',
             command = python_cmd + ' $SCRIPT -f $SOURCE > $TARGET'
     elif env['machine'] == 'sparc':
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ if env['gcc'] and env['platform'] not in ('cygwin', 'darwin', 'windows'):
             target = 'glapi_sparc.S',
             script = GLAPI + 'gen/gl_SPARC_asm.py',
-            source = GLAPI + 'gen/gl_API.xml',
+            source = GLAPI + 'gen/gl_and_es_API.xml',
             command = python_cmd + ' $SCRIPT -f $SOURCE > $TARGET'
diff --git a/src/mapi/glapi/gen/Makefile.am b/src/mapi/glapi/gen/Makefile.am
index 40aaf51..24bdbaf 100644
--- a/src/mapi/glapi/gen/Makefile.am
+++ b/src/mapi/glapi/gen/Makefile.am
@@ -187,27 +187,27 @@ $(MESA_GLAPI_DIR)/glapi_mapi_tmp.h: $(MESA_MAPI_DIR)/mapi_abi.py $(COMMON_ES)
 		--printer glapi --mode lib $(srcdir)/gl_and_es_API.xml > $@
 $(MESA_GLAPI_DIR)/glprocs.h: gl_procs.py $(COMMON)
-	$(PYTHON_GEN) $< -f $(srcdir)/gl_API.xml > $@
+	$(PYTHON_GEN) $< -f $(srcdir)/gl_and_es_API.xml > $@
 $(MESA_GLAPI_DIR)/glapitemp.h: gl_apitemp.py $(COMMON)
-	$(PYTHON_GEN) $< -f $(srcdir)/gl_API.xml > $@
+	$(PYTHON_GEN) $< -f $(srcdir)/gl_and_es_API.xml > $@
 $(MESA_GLAPI_DIR)/glapitable.h: gl_table.py $(COMMON)
-	$(PYTHON_GEN) $< -f $(srcdir)/gl_API.xml > $@
+	$(PYTHON_GEN) $< -f $(srcdir)/gl_and_es_API.xml > $@
 $(MESA_GLAPI_DIR)/glapi_gentable.c: gl_gentable.py $(COMMON)
-	$(PYTHON_GEN) $< -f $(srcdir)/gl_API.xml > $@
+	$(PYTHON_GEN) $< -f $(srcdir)/gl_and_es_API.xml > $@
 $(MESA_GLAPI_DIR)/glapi_x86.S: gl_x86_asm.py $(COMMON)
-	$(PYTHON_GEN) $< -f $(srcdir)/gl_API.xml > $@
+	$(PYTHON_GEN) $< -f $(srcdir)/gl_and_es_API.xml > $@
 $(MESA_GLAPI_DIR)/glapi_x86-64.S: gl_x86-64_asm.py $(COMMON)
-	$(PYTHON_GEN) $< -f $(srcdir)/gl_API.xml > $@
+	$(PYTHON_GEN) $< -f $(srcdir)/gl_and_es_API.xml > $@
 $(MESA_GLAPI_DIR)/glapi_sparc.S: gl_SPARC_asm.py $(COMMON)
-	$(PYTHON_GEN) $< -f $(srcdir)/gl_API.xml > $@
+	$(PYTHON_GEN) $< -f $(srcdir)/gl_and_es_API.xml > $@
@@ -215,10 +215,10 @@ $(MESA_DIR)/main/enums.c: gl_enums.py $(COMMON_ES)
 	$(PYTHON_GEN) $< -f $(srcdir)/gl_and_es_API.xml > $@
 $(MESA_DIR)/main/dispatch.h: gl_table.py $(COMMON)
-	$(PYTHON_GEN) $< -f $(srcdir)/gl_API.xml -m remap_table > $@
+	$(PYTHON_GEN) $< -f $(srcdir)/gl_and_es_API.xml -m remap_table > $@
 $(MESA_DIR)/main/remap_helper.h: remap_helper.py $(COMMON)
-	$(PYTHON_GEN) $< -f $(srcdir)/gl_API.xml > $@
+	$(PYTHON_GEN) $< -f $(srcdir)/gl_and_es_API.xml > $@
diff --git a/src/mapi/glapi/gen/SConscript b/src/mapi/glapi/gen/SConscript
index e8bb227..353d021 100644
--- a/src/mapi/glapi/gen/SConscript
+++ b/src/mapi/glapi/gen/SConscript
@@ -14,35 +14,35 @@ glapi_headers = []
 glapi_headers += env.CodeGenerate(
     target = '#src/mesa/main/dispatch.h',
     script = GLAPI + 'gen/gl_table.py',
-    source = GLAPI + 'gen/gl_API.xml',
+    source = GLAPI + 'gen/gl_and_es_API.xml',
     command = python_cmd + ' $SCRIPT -m remap_table -f $SOURCE > $TARGET',
 glapi_headers += env.CodeGenerate(
     target = '#src/mapi/glapi/glapitable.h',
     script = GLAPI + 'gen/gl_table.py',
-    source = GLAPI + 'gen/gl_API.xml',
+    source = GLAPI + 'gen/gl_and_es_API.xml',
     command = python_cmd + ' $SCRIPT -f $SOURCE > $TARGET'
 glapi_headers += env.CodeGenerate(
     target = '#src/mapi/glapi/glapitemp.h',
     script = GLAPI + 'gen/gl_apitemp.py',
-    source = GLAPI + 'gen/gl_API.xml',
+    source = GLAPI + 'gen/gl_and_es_API.xml',
     command = python_cmd + ' $SCRIPT -f $SOURCE > $TARGET'
 glapi_headers += env.CodeGenerate(
     target = '#src/mapi/glapi/glprocs.h',
     script = GLAPI + 'gen/gl_procs.py',
-    source = GLAPI + 'gen/gl_API.xml',
+    source = GLAPI + 'gen/gl_and_es_API.xml',
     command = python_cmd + ' $SCRIPT -f $SOURCE > $TARGET'
 glapi_headers += env.CodeGenerate(
     target = '#src/mesa/main/remap_helper.h',
     script = GLAPI + 'gen/remap_helper.py',
-    source = GLAPI + 'gen/gl_API.xml',
+    source = GLAPI + 'gen/gl_and_es_API.xml',
     command = python_cmd + ' $SCRIPT -f $SOURCE > $TARGET'

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