[Mesa-dev] Mesa 9.0.3 release

Andreas Boll andreas.boll.dev at gmail.com
Thu Feb 21 08:17:55 PST 2013

Mesa 9.0.3 has been released.  Mesa 9.0.3 is a bug fix release which
fixes bugs found since the 9.0.2 release.

The tag in the GIT repository for Mesa 9.0.3 is 'mesa-9.0.3'.

Mesa 9.0.3 is available for download at


168384ac0101f4600a15edd3561acdc7  MesaLib-9.0.3.tar.gz
d7515cc5116c72ac63d735655bd63689  MesaLib-9.0.3.tar.bz2
a2e1c794572440fd0d839a7d7dfea00c  MesaLib-9.0.3.zip

I have verified building from the .tar.bz2 file by doing:

tar -xjf MesaLib-9.0.3.tar.bz2
cd Mesa-9.0.3
make -j2
make install

I have also verified that I pushed the tag.

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