[Mesa-dev] [PATCH 2/7] mesa: Remove the extra enum strings and extra lookup table.

Eric Anholt eric at anholt.net
Fri Sep 20 18:52:20 PDT 2013

Now that there's no name -> enum direction, we can drop the extra strings,
and merge the offsets table and the reduced_enums table.

Between the previous commit and this one, Mesa core drops by 30k.
 src/mapi/glapi/gen/gl_enums.py | 61 ++++++++++++++----------------------------
 1 file changed, 20 insertions(+), 41 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/mapi/glapi/gen/gl_enums.py b/src/mapi/glapi/gen/gl_enums.py
index d8f1045..e1ab600 100644
--- a/src/mapi/glapi/gen/gl_enums.py
+++ b/src/mapi/glapi/gen/gl_enums.py
@@ -59,18 +59,18 @@ class PrintGlEnums(gl_XML.gl_print_base):
 typedef int (*cfunc)(const void *, const void *);
- * Compare a key enum value to an element in the \c all_enums array.
+ * Compare a key enum value to an element in the \c enum_string_table_offsets array.
  * \c bsearch always passes the key as the first parameter and the pointer
  * to the array element as the second parameter.  We can elimiate some
  * extra work by taking advantage of that fact.
  * \param a  Pointer to the desired enum name.
- * \param b  Pointer to an index into the \c all_enums array.
+ * \param b  Pointer into the \c enum_string_table_offsets array.
-static int compar_nr( const int *a, const unsigned *b )
+static int compar_nr( const int *a, enum_elt *b )
-   return a[0] - all_enums[*b].n;
+   return a[0] - b->n;
@@ -78,15 +78,13 @@ static char token_tmp[20];
 const char *_mesa_lookup_enum_by_nr( int nr )
-   unsigned * i;
+   enum_elt *elt = _mesa_bsearch(& nr, enum_string_table_offsets,
+                                 Elements(enum_string_table_offsets),
+                                 sizeof(enum_string_table_offsets[0]),
+                                 (cfunc) compar_nr);
-   i = (unsigned *) _mesa_bsearch(& nr, reduced_enums,
-                                  Elements(reduced_enums),
-                                  sizeof(reduced_enums[0]),
-                                  (cfunc) compar_nr);
-   if ( i != NULL ) {
-      return & enum_string_table[ all_enums[ *i ].offset ];
+   if (elt != NULL) {
+      return &enum_string_table[elt->offset];
    else {
       /* this is not re-entrant safe, no big deal here */
@@ -141,56 +139,37 @@ _mesa_lookup_prim_by_nr(GLuint nr)
         for api in api_list:
             self.process_enums( api )
-        keys = self.enum_table.keys()
-        keys.sort()
-        name_table = []
-        enum_table = {}
+        enum_table = []
-        for enum in keys:
+        for enum in sorted(self.enum_table.keys()):
             low_pri = 9
+            best_name = ''
             for [name, pri] in self.enum_table[ enum ]:
-                name_table.append( [name, enum] )
                 if pri < low_pri:
                     low_pri = pri
-                    enum_table[enum] = name
+                    best_name = name
-        name_table.sort()
+            enum_table.append((enum, best_name))
         string_offsets = {}
         i = 0;
         print 'LONGSTRING static const char enum_string_table[] = '
-        for [name, enum] in name_table:
+        for enum, name in enum_table:
             print '   "%s\\0"' % (name)
-            string_offsets[ name ] = i
+            string_offsets[ enum ] = i
             i += len(name) + 1
         print '   ;'
         print ''
-        print 'static const enum_elt all_enums[%u] =' % (len(name_table))
+        print 'static const enum_elt enum_string_table_offsets[%u] =' % (len(enum_table))
         print '{'
-        for [name, enum] in name_table:
-            print '   { %5u, 0x%08X }, /* %s */' % (string_offsets[name], enum, name)
+        for enum, name in enum_table:
+            print '   { %5u, 0x%08X }, /* %s */' % (string_offsets[enum], enum, name)
         print '};'
         print ''
-        print 'static const unsigned reduced_enums[%u] =' % (len(keys))
-        print '{'
-        for enum in keys:
-            name = enum_table[ enum ]
-            if [name, enum] not in name_table:
-                print '      /* Error! %s, 0x%04x */ 0,' % (name, enum)
-            else:
-                i = name_table.index( [name, enum] )
-                print '      %4u, /* %s */' % (i, name)
-        print '};'

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