[Mesa-dev] [PATCH 02/15] glsl: Do not allow undefining the built-in macros

Carl Worth cworth at cworth.org
Wed Jun 11 17:32:12 PDT 2014

Anuj Phogat <anuj.phogat at gmail.com> writes:
> Fixes piglit tests in spec/glsl-es-3.00/compile:
> undef-__FILE__.vert
> undef-GL_ES.vert
> undef-__LINE__.vert
> undef-__VERSION__.vert

I see the code that will fix __FILE__, __LINE__, and __VERSION__, but
not GL_ES. Should that line be dropped from the commit message?

> +		if (strcmp("__LINE__", $3) == 0
> +		    || strcmp("__FILE__", $3) == 0
> +		    || strcmp("__VERSION__", $3) == 0)
> +			glcpp_error(& @1, parser, "Built-in (pre-defined)"
> +				    " macro names can not be undefined.");
> +

In the future, we might think about looping a list of defined builtins,
(which might make it easier to support conditional things like I imagine
GL_ES is). But the above looks fine for now.

If the commit message is updated as appropriate based on my comment

Reviewed-by: Carl Worth <cworth at cworth.org>

But I don't want to see any changes to the pre-processor without
corresponding new tests added to glcpp/tests. I'm writing such tests for
each patch in your series, and I'll follow up here with them.



carl.d.worth at intel.com
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