[Mesa-dev] [PATCH 5/5] clover: Enable cl_khr_fp64 for devices that support doubles

Francisco Jerez currojerez at riseup.net
Sat Jun 21 12:32:03 PDT 2014

Matt Arsenault <arsenm2 at gmail.com> writes:

> On Jun 21, 2014, at 9:37 AM, Francisco Jerez <currojerez at riseup.net> wrote:
>> Tom Stellard <thomas.stellard at amd.com> writes:
>>> -      buf.as_string() = "";
>>> +      // The trailing space is intentional. It is a spec-ism that there is a
>>> +      // trailing space at the end of the list of extensions.
>> Hm...  Really?  Where does the spec say that?
> I’m not really sure. I remember reporting a bug before about a trailing space in these outputs, and got the response that it is required by the spec, but never really finding where. I know it’s required for the versions (which also currently fails the conformance test with “A space must appear after the minor version! (returned: OpenCL C 1.1)”

That's because of the space-separated vendor-specific information that
CL_DEVICE_VERSION is supposed to include after the minor version, it
doesn't mean that the version string should necessarily be

I don't think that the trailing space is required in the extension
string, let's get rid of it unless you can find evidence from the spec
that it should be otherwise.


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