[Mesa-dev] [PATCH 1/2] freedreno: Avoid pasting TGSI_OPCODE_ tokens together.

Eric Anholt eric at anholt.net
Mon Nov 24 16:07:48 PST 2014

This made it harder to modify TGSI_OPCODE_ enums without breaking the driver.
 src/gallium/drivers/freedreno/ir3/ir3_compiler.c   | 172 ++++++++++-----------
 .../drivers/freedreno/ir3/ir3_compiler_old.c       |  74 ++++-----
 2 files changed, 123 insertions(+), 123 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/gallium/drivers/freedreno/ir3/ir3_compiler.c b/src/gallium/drivers/freedreno/ir3/ir3_compiler.c
index aaf362d..d01dec9 100644
--- a/src/gallium/drivers/freedreno/ir3/ir3_compiler.c
+++ b/src/gallium/drivers/freedreno/ir3/ir3_compiler.c
@@ -2508,92 +2508,92 @@ instr_cat4(const struct instr_translater *t,
 static const struct instr_translater translaters[TGSI_OPCODE_LAST] = {
 #define INSTR(n, f, ...) \
-	[TGSI_OPCODE_ ## n] = { .fxn = (f), .tgsi_opc = TGSI_OPCODE_ ## n, ##__VA_ARGS__ }
-	INSTR(MOV,          instr_cat1),
-	INSTR(RCP,          instr_cat4, .opc = OPC_RCP),
-	INSTR(RSQ,          instr_cat4, .opc = OPC_RSQ),
-	INSTR(SQRT,         instr_cat4, .opc = OPC_SQRT),
-	INSTR(MUL,          instr_cat2, .opc = OPC_MUL_F),
-	INSTR(ADD,          instr_cat2, .opc = OPC_ADD_F),
-	INSTR(SUB,          instr_cat2, .opc = OPC_ADD_F),
-	INSTR(MIN,          instr_cat2, .opc = OPC_MIN_F),
-	INSTR(MAX,          instr_cat2, .opc = OPC_MAX_F),
-	INSTR(UADD,         instr_cat2, .opc = OPC_ADD_U),
-	INSTR(IMIN,         instr_cat2, .opc = OPC_MIN_S),
-	INSTR(UMIN,         instr_cat2, .opc = OPC_MIN_U),
-	INSTR(IMAX,         instr_cat2, .opc = OPC_MAX_S),
-	INSTR(UMAX,         instr_cat2, .opc = OPC_MAX_U),
-	INSTR(AND,          instr_cat2, .opc = OPC_AND_B),
-	INSTR(OR,           instr_cat2, .opc = OPC_OR_B),
-	INSTR(NOT,          instr_cat2, .opc = OPC_NOT_B),
-	INSTR(XOR,          instr_cat2, .opc = OPC_XOR_B),
-	INSTR(UMUL,         trans_umul),
-	INSTR(UMAD,         trans_umul),
-	INSTR(UDIV,         trans_idiv),
-	INSTR(IDIV,         trans_idiv),
-	INSTR(MOD,          trans_idiv),
-	INSTR(UMOD,         trans_idiv),
-	INSTR(SHL,          instr_cat2, .opc = OPC_SHL_B),
-	INSTR(USHR,         instr_cat2, .opc = OPC_SHR_B),
-	INSTR(ISHR,         instr_cat2, .opc = OPC_ASHR_B),
-	INSTR(IABS,         instr_cat2, .opc = OPC_ABSNEG_S),
-	INSTR(INEG,         instr_cat2, .opc = OPC_ABSNEG_S),
-	INSTR(AND,          instr_cat2, .opc = OPC_AND_B),
-	INSTR(MAD,          instr_cat3, .opc = OPC_MAD_F32, .hopc = OPC_MAD_F16),
-	INSTR(TRUNC,        instr_cat2, .opc = OPC_TRUNC_F),
-	INSTR(CLAMP,        trans_clamp),
-	INSTR(FLR,          instr_cat2, .opc = OPC_FLOOR_F),
-	INSTR(ROUND,        instr_cat2, .opc = OPC_RNDNE_F),
-	INSTR(SSG,          instr_cat2, .opc = OPC_SIGN_F),
-	INSTR(CEIL,         instr_cat2, .opc = OPC_CEIL_F),
-	INSTR(ARL,          trans_arl),
-	INSTR(UARL,         trans_arl),
-	INSTR(EX2,          instr_cat4, .opc = OPC_EXP2),
-	INSTR(LG2,          instr_cat4, .opc = OPC_LOG2),
-	INSTR(ABS,          instr_cat2, .opc = OPC_ABSNEG_F),
-	INSTR(COS,          instr_cat4, .opc = OPC_COS),
-	INSTR(SIN,          instr_cat4, .opc = OPC_SIN),
-	INSTR(TEX,          trans_samp, .opc = OPC_SAM, .arg = TGSI_OPCODE_TEX),
-	INSTR(TXP,          trans_samp, .opc = OPC_SAM, .arg = TGSI_OPCODE_TXP),
-	INSTR(TXB,          trans_samp, .opc = OPC_SAMB, .arg = TGSI_OPCODE_TXB),
-	INSTR(TXB2,         trans_samp, .opc = OPC_SAMB, .arg = TGSI_OPCODE_TXB2),
-	INSTR(TXL,          trans_samp, .opc = OPC_SAML, .arg = TGSI_OPCODE_TXL),
-	INSTR(TXD,          trans_samp, .opc = OPC_SAMGQ, .arg = TGSI_OPCODE_TXD),
-	INSTR(TXF,          trans_samp, .opc = OPC_ISAML, .arg = TGSI_OPCODE_TXF),
-	INSTR(TXQ,          trans_txq),
-	INSTR(DDX,          trans_deriv, .opc = OPC_DSX),
-	INSTR(DDY,          trans_deriv, .opc = OPC_DSY),
-	INSTR(SGT,          trans_cmp),
-	INSTR(SLT,          trans_cmp),
-	INSTR(FSLT,         trans_cmp),
-	INSTR(SGE,          trans_cmp),
-	INSTR(FSGE,         trans_cmp),
-	INSTR(SLE,          trans_cmp),
-	INSTR(SNE,          trans_cmp),
-	INSTR(FSNE,         trans_cmp),
-	INSTR(SEQ,          trans_cmp),
-	INSTR(FSEQ,         trans_cmp),
-	INSTR(CMP,          trans_cmp),
-	INSTR(USNE,         trans_icmp, .opc = OPC_CMPS_U),
-	INSTR(USEQ,         trans_icmp, .opc = OPC_CMPS_U),
-	INSTR(ISGE,         trans_icmp, .opc = OPC_CMPS_S),
-	INSTR(USGE,         trans_icmp, .opc = OPC_CMPS_U),
-	INSTR(ISLT,         trans_icmp, .opc = OPC_CMPS_S),
-	INSTR(USLT,         trans_icmp, .opc = OPC_CMPS_U),
-	INSTR(UCMP,         trans_ucmp),
-	INSTR(ISSG,         trans_issg),
-	INSTR(IF,           trans_if,   .opc = OPC_CMPS_F),
-	INSTR(UIF,          trans_if,   .opc = OPC_CMPS_U),
-	INSTR(ELSE,         trans_else),
-	INSTR(ENDIF,        trans_endif),
-	INSTR(END,          instr_cat0, .opc = OPC_END),
-	INSTR(KILL,         trans_kill, .opc = OPC_KILL),
-	INSTR(KILL_IF,      trans_killif, .opc = OPC_KILL),
-	INSTR(I2F,          trans_cov),
-	INSTR(U2F,          trans_cov),
-	INSTR(F2I,          trans_cov),
-	INSTR(F2U,          trans_cov),
+	[n] = { .fxn = (f), .tgsi_opc = n, ##__VA_ARGS__ }
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_MOV,     instr_cat1),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_RCP,     instr_cat4, .opc = OPC_RCP),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_RSQ,     instr_cat4, .opc = OPC_RSQ),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_SQRT,    instr_cat4, .opc = OPC_SQRT),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_MUL,     instr_cat2, .opc = OPC_MUL_F),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_ADD,     instr_cat2, .opc = OPC_ADD_F),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_SUB,     instr_cat2, .opc = OPC_ADD_F),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_MIN,     instr_cat2, .opc = OPC_MIN_F),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_MAX,     instr_cat2, .opc = OPC_MAX_F),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_UADD,    instr_cat2, .opc = OPC_ADD_U),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_IMIN,    instr_cat2, .opc = OPC_MIN_S),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_UMIN,    instr_cat2, .opc = OPC_MIN_U),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_IMAX,    instr_cat2, .opc = OPC_MAX_S),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_UMAX,    instr_cat2, .opc = OPC_MAX_U),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_AND,     instr_cat2, .opc = OPC_AND_B),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_OR,      instr_cat2, .opc = OPC_OR_B),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_NOT,     instr_cat2, .opc = OPC_NOT_B),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_XOR,     instr_cat2, .opc = OPC_XOR_B),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_UMUL,    trans_umul),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_UMAD,    trans_umul),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_UDIV,    trans_idiv),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_IDIV,    trans_idiv),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_MOD,     trans_idiv),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_UMOD,    trans_idiv),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_SHL,     instr_cat2, .opc = OPC_SHL_B),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_USHR,    instr_cat2, .opc = OPC_SHR_B),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_ISHR,    instr_cat2, .opc = OPC_ASHR_B),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_IABS,    instr_cat2, .opc = OPC_ABSNEG_S),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_INEG,    instr_cat2, .opc = OPC_ABSNEG_S),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_AND,     instr_cat2, .opc = OPC_AND_B),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_MAD,     instr_cat3, .opc = OPC_MAD_F32, .hopc = OPC_MAD_F16),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_TRUNC,   instr_cat2, .opc = OPC_TRUNC_F),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_CLAMP,   trans_clamp),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_FLR,     instr_cat2, .opc = OPC_FLOOR_F),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_ROUND,   instr_cat2, .opc = OPC_RNDNE_F),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_SSG,     instr_cat2, .opc = OPC_SIGN_F),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_CEIL,    instr_cat2, .opc = OPC_CEIL_F),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_ARL,     trans_arl),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_UARL,    trans_arl),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_EX2,     instr_cat4, .opc = OPC_EXP2),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_LG2,     instr_cat4, .opc = OPC_LOG2),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_ABS,     instr_cat2, .opc = OPC_ABSNEG_F),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_COS,     instr_cat4, .opc = OPC_COS),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_SIN,     instr_cat4, .opc = OPC_SIN),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_TEX,     trans_samp, .opc = OPC_SAM, .arg = TGSI_OPCODE_TEX),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_TXP,     trans_samp, .opc = OPC_SAM, .arg = TGSI_OPCODE_TXP),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_TXB,     trans_samp, .opc = OPC_SAMB, .arg = TGSI_OPCODE_TXB),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_TXB2,    trans_samp, .opc = OPC_SAMB, .arg = TGSI_OPCODE_TXB2),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_TXL,     trans_samp, .opc = OPC_SAML, .arg = TGSI_OPCODE_TXL),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_TXD,     trans_samp, .opc = OPC_SAMGQ, .arg = TGSI_OPCODE_TXD),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_TXF,     trans_samp, .opc = OPC_ISAML, .arg = TGSI_OPCODE_TXF),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_TXQ,     trans_txq),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_DDX,     trans_deriv, .opc = OPC_DSX),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_DDY,     trans_deriv, .opc = OPC_DSY),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_SGT,     trans_cmp),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_SLT,     trans_cmp),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_FSLT,    trans_cmp),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_SGE,     trans_cmp),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_FSGE,    trans_cmp),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_SLE,     trans_cmp),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_SNE,     trans_cmp),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_FSNE,    trans_cmp),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_SEQ,     trans_cmp),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_FSEQ,    trans_cmp),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_CMP,     trans_cmp),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_USNE,    trans_icmp, .opc = OPC_CMPS_U),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_USEQ,    trans_icmp, .opc = OPC_CMPS_U),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_ISGE,    trans_icmp, .opc = OPC_CMPS_S),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_USGE,    trans_icmp, .opc = OPC_CMPS_U),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_ISLT,    trans_icmp, .opc = OPC_CMPS_S),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_USLT,    trans_icmp, .opc = OPC_CMPS_U),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_UCMP,    trans_ucmp),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_ISSG,    trans_issg),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_IF,      trans_if,   .opc = OPC_CMPS_F),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_UIF,     trans_if,   .opc = OPC_CMPS_U),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_ELSE,    trans_else),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_ENDIF,   trans_endif),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_END,     instr_cat0, .opc = OPC_END),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_KILL,    trans_kill, .opc = OPC_KILL),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_KILL_IF, trans_killif, .opc = OPC_KILL),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_I2F,     trans_cov),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_U2F,     trans_cov),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_F2I,     trans_cov),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_F2U,     trans_cov),
 static ir3_semantic
diff --git a/src/gallium/drivers/freedreno/ir3/ir3_compiler_old.c b/src/gallium/drivers/freedreno/ir3/ir3_compiler_old.c
index 3353156..9238b3c 100644
--- a/src/gallium/drivers/freedreno/ir3/ir3_compiler_old.c
+++ b/src/gallium/drivers/freedreno/ir3/ir3_compiler_old.c
@@ -1265,43 +1265,43 @@ instr_cat4(const struct instr_translater *t,
 static const struct instr_translater translaters[TGSI_OPCODE_LAST] = {
 #define INSTR(n, f, ...) \
-	[TGSI_OPCODE_ ## n] = { .fxn = (f), .tgsi_opc = TGSI_OPCODE_ ## n, ##__VA_ARGS__ }
-	INSTR(MOV,          instr_cat1),
-	INSTR(RCP,          instr_cat4, .opc = OPC_RCP),
-	INSTR(RSQ,          instr_cat4, .opc = OPC_RSQ),
-	INSTR(SQRT,         instr_cat4, .opc = OPC_SQRT),
-	INSTR(MUL,          instr_cat2, .opc = OPC_MUL_F),
-	INSTR(ADD,          instr_cat2, .opc = OPC_ADD_F),
-	INSTR(SUB,          instr_cat2, .opc = OPC_ADD_F),
-	INSTR(MIN,          instr_cat2, .opc = OPC_MIN_F),
-	INSTR(MAX,          instr_cat2, .opc = OPC_MAX_F),
-	INSTR(MAD,          instr_cat3, .opc = OPC_MAD_F32, .hopc = OPC_MAD_F16),
-	INSTR(TRUNC,        instr_cat2, .opc = OPC_TRUNC_F),
-	INSTR(CLAMP,        trans_clamp),
-	INSTR(FLR,          instr_cat2, .opc = OPC_FLOOR_F),
-	INSTR(ROUND,        instr_cat2, .opc = OPC_RNDNE_F),
-	INSTR(SSG,          instr_cat2, .opc = OPC_SIGN_F),
-	INSTR(ARL,          trans_arl),
-	INSTR(EX2,          instr_cat4, .opc = OPC_EXP2),
-	INSTR(LG2,          instr_cat4, .opc = OPC_LOG2),
-	INSTR(ABS,          instr_cat2, .opc = OPC_ABSNEG_F),
-	INSTR(COS,          instr_cat4, .opc = OPC_COS),
-	INSTR(SIN,          instr_cat4, .opc = OPC_SIN),
-	INSTR(TEX,          trans_samp, .opc = OPC_SAM, .arg = TGSI_OPCODE_TEX),
-	INSTR(TXP,          trans_samp, .opc = OPC_SAM, .arg = TGSI_OPCODE_TXP),
-	INSTR(SGT,          trans_cmp),
-	INSTR(SLT,          trans_cmp),
-	INSTR(SGE,          trans_cmp),
-	INSTR(SLE,          trans_cmp),
-	INSTR(SNE,          trans_cmp),
-	INSTR(SEQ,          trans_cmp),
-	INSTR(CMP,          trans_cmp),
-	INSTR(IF,           trans_if),
-	INSTR(ELSE,         trans_else),
-	INSTR(ENDIF,        trans_endif),
-	INSTR(END,          instr_cat0, .opc = OPC_END),
-	INSTR(KILL,         instr_cat0, .opc = OPC_KILL),
+	[n] = { .fxn = (f), .tgsi_opc = n, ##__VA_ARGS__ }
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_MOV,   instr_cat1),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_RCP,   instr_cat4, .opc = OPC_RCP),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_RSQ,   instr_cat4, .opc = OPC_RSQ),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_SQRT,  instr_cat4, .opc = OPC_SQRT),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_MUL,   instr_cat2, .opc = OPC_MUL_F),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_ADD,   instr_cat2, .opc = OPC_ADD_F),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_SUB,   instr_cat2, .opc = OPC_ADD_F),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_MIN,   instr_cat2, .opc = OPC_MIN_F),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_MAX,   instr_cat2, .opc = OPC_MAX_F),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_MAD,   instr_cat3, .opc = OPC_MAD_F32, .hopc = OPC_MAD_F16),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_TRUNC, instr_cat2, .opc = OPC_TRUNC_F),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_CLAMP, trans_clamp),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_FLR,   instr_cat2, .opc = OPC_FLOOR_F),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_ROUND, instr_cat2, .opc = OPC_RNDNE_F),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_SSG,   instr_cat2, .opc = OPC_SIGN_F),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_ARL,   trans_arl),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_EX2,   instr_cat4, .opc = OPC_EXP2),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_LG2,   instr_cat4, .opc = OPC_LOG2),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_ABS,   instr_cat2, .opc = OPC_ABSNEG_F),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_COS,   instr_cat4, .opc = OPC_COS),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_SIN,   instr_cat4, .opc = OPC_SIN),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_TEX,   trans_samp, .opc = OPC_SAM, .arg = TGSI_OPCODE_TEX),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_TXP,   trans_samp, .opc = OPC_SAM, .arg = TGSI_OPCODE_TXP),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_SGT,   trans_cmp),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_SLT,   trans_cmp),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_SGE,   trans_cmp),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_SLE,   trans_cmp),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_SNE,   trans_cmp),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_SEQ,   trans_cmp),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_CMP,   trans_cmp),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_IF,    trans_if),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_ELSE,  trans_else),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_ENDIF, trans_endif),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_END,   instr_cat0, .opc = OPC_END),
+	INSTR(TGSI_OPCODE_KILL,  instr_cat0, .opc = OPC_KILL),
 static ir3_semantic

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