[Mesa-dev] [PATCH v4 (part2) 03/59] i965/vec4: Import surface message builder functions.
Iago Toral Quiroga
itoral at igalia.com
Wed Aug 5 01:30:00 PDT 2015
From: Francisco Jerez <currojerez at riseup.net>
Implement helper functions that can be used to construct and send
untyped and typed surface read, write and atomic messages to the
shared dataport unit.
v2: Split from the FS implementation.
v3: Rewrite to avoid evil array_reg, emit_collect and emit_zip.
.../drivers/dri/i965/brw_vec4_surface_builder.cpp | 234 +++++++++++++++++++++
.../drivers/dri/i965/brw_vec4_surface_builder.h | 39 ++++
2 files changed, 273 insertions(+)
diff --git a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_vec4_surface_builder.cpp b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_vec4_surface_builder.cpp
index 5ba1c6d..43fb0fd 100644
--- a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_vec4_surface_builder.cpp
+++ b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_vec4_surface_builder.cpp
@@ -96,3 +96,237 @@ namespace {
+namespace brw {
+ namespace surface_access {
+ namespace {
+ using namespace array_utils;
+ /**
+ * Generate a send opcode for a surface message and return the
+ * result.
+ */
+ src_reg
+ emit_send(const vec4_builder &bld, enum opcode op,
+ const src_reg &header,
+ const src_reg &addr, unsigned addr_sz,
+ const src_reg &src, unsigned src_sz,
+ const src_reg &surface,
+ unsigned arg, unsigned ret_sz,
+ brw_predicate pred = BRW_PREDICATE_NONE)
+ {
+ /* Calculate the total number of components of the payload. */
+ const unsigned header_sz = (header.file == BAD_FILE ? 0 : 1);
+ const unsigned sz = header_sz + addr_sz + src_sz;
+ /* Construct the payload. */
+ const dst_reg payload = bld.vgrf(BRW_REGISTER_TYPE_UD, sz);
+ unsigned n = 0;
+ if (header_sz)
+ bld.exec_all().MOV(offset(payload, n++),
+ retype(header, BRW_REGISTER_TYPE_UD));
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < addr_sz; i++)
+ bld.MOV(offset(payload, n++),
+ offset(retype(addr, BRW_REGISTER_TYPE_UD), i));
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < src_sz; i++)
+ bld.MOV(offset(payload, n++),
+ offset(retype(src, BRW_REGISTER_TYPE_UD), i));
+ /* Reduce the dynamically uniform surface index to a single
+ * scalar.
+ */
+ const src_reg usurface = bld.emit_uniformize(surface);
+ /* Emit the message send instruction. */
+ const dst_reg dst = bld.vgrf(BRW_REGISTER_TYPE_UD, ret_sz);
+ vec4_instruction *inst =
+ bld.emit(op, dst, src_reg(payload), usurface, arg);
+ inst->mlen = sz;
+ inst->regs_written = ret_sz;
+ inst->header_size = header_sz;
+ inst->predicate = pred;
+ return src_reg(dst);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Emit an untyped surface read opcode. \p dims determines the number
+ * of components of the address and \p size the number of components of
+ * the returned value.
+ */
+ src_reg
+ emit_untyped_read(const vec4_builder &bld,
+ const src_reg &surface, const src_reg &addr,
+ unsigned dims, unsigned size,
+ brw_predicate pred)
+ {
+ return emit_send(bld, SHADER_OPCODE_UNTYPED_SURFACE_READ, src_reg(),
+ emit_insert(bld, addr, dims, true), 1,
+ src_reg(), 0,
+ surface, size, 1, pred);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Emit an untyped surface write opcode. \p dims determines the number
+ * of components of the address and \p size the number of components of
+ * the argument.
+ */
+ void
+ emit_untyped_write(const vec4_builder &bld, const src_reg &surface,
+ const src_reg &addr, const src_reg &src,
+ unsigned dims, unsigned size,
+ brw_predicate pred)
+ {
+ const bool has_simd4x2 = (bld.shader->devinfo->gen >= 8 ||
+ bld.shader->devinfo->is_haswell);
+ emit_send(bld, SHADER_OPCODE_UNTYPED_SURFACE_WRITE, src_reg(),
+ emit_insert(bld, addr, dims, has_simd4x2),
+ has_simd4x2 ? 1 : dims,
+ emit_insert(bld, src, size, has_simd4x2),
+ has_simd4x2 ? 1 : size,
+ surface, size, 0, pred);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Emit an untyped surface atomic opcode. \p dims determines the number
+ * of components of the address and \p rsize the number of components of
+ * the returned value (either zero or one).
+ */
+ src_reg
+ emit_untyped_atomic(const vec4_builder &bld,
+ const src_reg &surface, const src_reg &addr,
+ const src_reg &src0, const src_reg &src1,
+ unsigned dims, unsigned rsize, unsigned op,
+ brw_predicate pred)
+ {
+ const bool has_simd4x2 = (bld.shader->devinfo->gen >= 8 ||
+ bld.shader->devinfo->is_haswell);
+ /* Zip the components of both sources, they are represented as the X
+ * and Y components of the same vector.
+ */
+ const unsigned size = (src0.file != BAD_FILE) + (src1.file != BAD_FILE);
+ const dst_reg srcs = bld.vgrf(BRW_REGISTER_TYPE_UD);
+ if (size >= 1)
+ bld.MOV(writemask(srcs, WRITEMASK_X), src0);
+ if (size >= 2)
+ bld.MOV(writemask(srcs, WRITEMASK_Y), src1);
+ return emit_send(bld, SHADER_OPCODE_UNTYPED_ATOMIC, src_reg(),
+ emit_insert(bld, addr, dims, has_simd4x2),
+ has_simd4x2 ? 1 : dims,
+ emit_insert(bld, src_reg(srcs), size, has_simd4x2),
+ has_simd4x2 ? 1 : size,
+ surface, op, rsize, pred);
+ }
+ namespace {
+ /**
+ * Initialize the header present in typed surface messages.
+ */
+ src_reg
+ emit_typed_message_header(const vec4_builder &bld)
+ {
+ const vec4_builder ubld = bld.exec_all();
+ const dst_reg dst = bld.vgrf(BRW_REGISTER_TYPE_UD);
+ ubld.MOV(dst, src_reg(0));
+ if (bld.shader->devinfo->gen == 7 &&
+ !bld.shader->devinfo->is_haswell) {
+ /* The sample mask is used on IVB for the SIMD8 messages that
+ * have no SIMD4x2 variant. We only use the two X channels
+ * in that case, mask everything else out.
+ */
+ ubld.MOV(writemask(dst, WRITEMASK_W), src_reg(0x11));
+ }
+ return src_reg(dst);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Emit a typed surface read opcode. \p dims determines the number of
+ * components of the address and \p size the number of components of the
+ * returned value.
+ */
+ src_reg
+ emit_typed_read(const vec4_builder &bld, const src_reg &surface,
+ const src_reg &addr, unsigned dims, unsigned size)
+ {
+ const bool has_simd4x2 = (bld.shader->devinfo->gen >= 8 ||
+ bld.shader->devinfo->is_haswell);
+ const src_reg tmp =
+ emit_typed_message_header(bld),
+ emit_insert(bld, addr, dims, has_simd4x2),
+ has_simd4x2 ? 1 : dims,
+ src_reg(), 0,
+ surface, size,
+ has_simd4x2 ? 1 : size);
+ return emit_extract(bld, tmp, size, has_simd4x2);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Emit a typed surface write opcode. \p dims determines the number of
+ * components of the address and \p size the number of components of the
+ * argument.
+ */
+ void
+ emit_typed_write(const vec4_builder &bld, const src_reg &surface,
+ const src_reg &addr, const src_reg &src,
+ unsigned dims, unsigned size)
+ {
+ const bool has_simd4x2 = (bld.shader->devinfo->gen >= 8 ||
+ bld.shader->devinfo->is_haswell);
+ emit_typed_message_header(bld),
+ emit_insert(bld, addr, dims, has_simd4x2),
+ has_simd4x2 ? 1 : dims,
+ emit_insert(bld, src, size, has_simd4x2),
+ has_simd4x2 ? 1 : size,
+ surface, size, 0);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Emit a typed surface atomic opcode. \p dims determines the number of
+ * components of the address and \p rsize the number of components of
+ * the returned value (either zero or one).
+ */
+ src_reg
+ emit_typed_atomic(const vec4_builder &bld,
+ const src_reg &surface, const src_reg &addr,
+ const src_reg &src0, const src_reg &src1,
+ unsigned dims, unsigned rsize, unsigned op,
+ brw_predicate pred)
+ {
+ const bool has_simd4x2 = (bld.shader->devinfo->gen >= 8 ||
+ bld.shader->devinfo->is_haswell);
+ /* Zip the components of both sources, they are represented as the X
+ * and Y components of the same vector.
+ */
+ const unsigned size = (src0.file != BAD_FILE) + (src1.file != BAD_FILE);
+ const dst_reg srcs = bld.vgrf(BRW_REGISTER_TYPE_UD);
+ if (size >= 1)
+ bld.MOV(writemask(srcs, WRITEMASK_X), src0);
+ if (size >= 2)
+ bld.MOV(writemask(srcs, WRITEMASK_Y), src1);
+ return emit_send(bld, SHADER_OPCODE_TYPED_ATOMIC,
+ emit_typed_message_header(bld),
+ emit_insert(bld, addr, dims, has_simd4x2),
+ has_simd4x2 ? 1 : dims,
+ emit_insert(bld, src_reg(srcs), size, has_simd4x2),
+ has_simd4x2 ? 1 : size,
+ surface, op, rsize, pred);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_vec4_surface_builder.h b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_vec4_surface_builder.h
index 8a1a22e..6e61c0f 100644
--- a/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_vec4_surface_builder.h
+++ b/src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_vec4_surface_builder.h
@@ -27,4 +27,43 @@
#include "brw_vec4_builder.h"
+namespace brw {
+ namespace surface_access {
+ src_reg
+ emit_untyped_read(const vec4_builder &bld,
+ const src_reg &surface, const src_reg &addr,
+ unsigned dims, unsigned size,
+ brw_predicate pred = BRW_PREDICATE_NONE);
+ void
+ emit_untyped_write(const vec4_builder &bld, const src_reg &surface,
+ const src_reg &addr, const src_reg &src,
+ unsigned dims, unsigned size,
+ brw_predicate pred = BRW_PREDICATE_NONE);
+ src_reg
+ emit_untyped_atomic(const vec4_builder &bld,
+ const src_reg &surface, const src_reg &addr,
+ const src_reg &src0, const src_reg &src1,
+ unsigned dims, unsigned rsize, unsigned op,
+ brw_predicate pred = BRW_PREDICATE_NONE);
+ src_reg
+ emit_typed_read(const vec4_builder &bld, const src_reg &surface,
+ const src_reg &addr, unsigned dims, unsigned size);
+ void
+ emit_typed_write(const vec4_builder &bld, const src_reg &surface,
+ const src_reg &addr, const src_reg &src,
+ unsigned dims, unsigned size);
+ src_reg
+ emit_typed_atomic(const vec4_builder &bld, const src_reg &surface,
+ const src_reg &addr,
+ const src_reg &src0, const src_reg &src1,
+ unsigned dims, unsigned rsize, unsigned op,
+ brw_predicate pred = BRW_PREDICATE_NONE);
+ }
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